Club News Sheet – No. 153         8th Oct 2005  


Mon   3rd    1st        Bob Short/Phil          62%           2nd    David/Kenneth     56%

Wed   5th    1st        Dave/Hans               63%           2nd    Phil/Tomas 62%

Fri      7th    1st        Bob Short                65%           2nd    Phil = Jan             55%


The police raid.


For those not in the know, the Pattaya Bridge Club (established for more than ten years!)  was raided by Pattaya’s ‘finest’ on Friday 30th Sept. Despite the fact that playing Bridge (not for money) is totally legal in Thailand, the police decided to suspend (so finish) the game and hang around intimidating people for 2 hours.

I went along to the police station on Tuesday 4th , giving them copies of all of our legal papers etc, and have been ‘assured?’ that we will not be raided again and that there is no future problem. I tried to find out who ‘ratted’ on us and was met by a rue smile. It looks like it was probably a Thai in the vicinity – hoping to get a kickback from a successful raid.





Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated


Hand A            Hand B            (a) what do you open with Hand A?

                                                (b) suppose you choose 1 and partner bids 1NT, what do you

-                   AKQ8          rebid?                    

KQ7             A2                What do you open with Hand B (or what do you rebid if you

AQJ973        AQ5             choose to open 2 and partner responds 2?

AK95           AK95


Hand C            Hand D            With Hand C RHO opens 1, what do you do?


6                   K102

108               94                 With hand D partner opens 1 and you respond 1NT. Partner

A10942        K54              then bids 3, what do you do?

KQ942        107632











Don’t Bid Blackwood with a weak doubleton                       Board 26  from Monday 3rd


Two out of 5 pairs got too high (5) on this deal from Monday: -


Dealer:             J10872                                      

East                  102                                             West          North         East            South

Both vul            62                                               -                 -                 1              pass

                        AQ108                                       2      (1)    pass           2    (2)      pass

                                                                              3      (3)    pass           3NT (4)      pass

5                        N             KQ96                   4NT   (5)    pass           5              pass

KQ54             W    E          A9876                  pass   (6)

KQJ873              S              A4                       

J2                                       95                       






(1)  Certainly a reasonable way to start bidding this awkward hand.

(2)  I believe that this pair play that this reverse does not show extra values after a two level response.

(3)  And they obviously play this as forcing.

(4)  I guess that East has said his hand. With two weak ’s I would bid 4 here.

(5)  Blackwood (or RKCB with ’s agreed)

(6)  Hope we’re not too high.  


And what happened? Two pairs bid to 5 and both lost the obvious 3 tricks. Now West has a good hand opposite partner’s 1 opening, so how should the bidding go so that East can show his slam intentions but not actually bid above 4? There are a few options: -


a)      West could try a Jacoby 2NT at (1). But I don’t like it with this type of hand, Jacoby is more suited to a flattish hand as it asks partner to describe his hand.

b)      West could splinter, so 3 at (1) to agree ’s and show shortage. With a ‘wasted’ KQ East would then sign off in 4 and West should accept this.

c)      The bidding could proceed as it did up to (3) but with East bidding 4 at (4) – a cue bid showing the A but denying the A. With two weak ’s West should probably then give up on slam and bid 4. If East had more than a minimum or the K he could bid on as East has certainly made a slam try here. But with this minimum and two weak ’s East should pass 4.


The bottom lines: -

-         Don’t launch into Blackwood with a wide-open suit that partner has shown nothing in.

-         Play splinters

-         A splinter is usually followed by a cue bidding sequence and you can discover any missing aces.

-         Looking for slam is a dodgy business if you yourself have no aces and partner has promised nothing more than a minimum opener.



A dubious double?                                                Board 17  from Wednesday 5th 


What would you do at (5) below?



Dealer:             10976                                        

East                  KJ8                                            West          North         East            South

Love all            A102                                          -                 pass           1             pass   (1)

                        1086                                          1              pass           1    (2)      pass

                                                                              1NT (3)      pass           pass           2      (4)

Q2                     N             AJ53                     pass           pass           pass (5)

1063               W    E          AQ97                  

K843                  S              9                          

QJ42                                  K973                  






(1)   I see no reason not to overcall 1 here.

(2)   Obviously correct; never deny a 4-card major and bid them up the line.

(3)   Fine. I think that 1NT is better than 2 here as partner may have only 3(2?) ’s.

(4)   Now South knows that partner has some points; he wanted to stick his oar in but LHO had already bid ’s. Nobody had bid ’s and he assumed that partner hand them. Obviously pass is a much more prudent option.

(5)   Now what should East do? He is pretty much maximum for his bidding do far, South presumably does not have 5 ’s (he did not overcall immediately), partner probably has two ’s (if not 3). 1NT was probably going to make comfortably and at pairs scoring I would double. Setting 2 by two tricks is not enough at this vulnerability if 1NT makes the likely +1.


And what happened? Luckily 2 went 3 down so E-W got a reasonable score anyway; a double would have given them a clear top.

The bottom lines: -

-         I shall make no further comment about South’s bid!

If the opponents have taken you out of what was probably going to be a good score, then consider doubling them – especially at pairs scoring.
A Cold Slam played in a partscore (4 times)!
Board 22  from Wednesday 5th


Nobody even found game on this deal from Wednesday: -


Dealer:             K102                                          Table A

East                  94                                               West          North(D)    East            South(A)

E-W vul           K54                                            -                 -                 pass (1)      1  (2)

                        107632                                      pass           1NT           pass           3 (3)

                                                                              pass           pass (4)      pass

A853                 N             QJ9764               

AJ106            W    E          8532                     Table B

1082                   S              6                           West          North(D)    East            South(A)

84                                      QJ                        -                 -                 pass (1)      1  (2)

                        -                                                  pass           1NT           pass           3 (3)

                        KQ7                                           pass           pass   (5)


                        AK95                                         Table C

                                                                              West          North(D)    East            South(A)

‘Expert Table’                                                        -                 -                 pass (1)      1 (2)

West      North(D)      East          South(A)              pass           1NT           pass           3  (6)

-             -                   pass   (1)  1    (2)                pass           pass   (7)    pass

pass       1NT             pass         3   (3)               

pass       4     (12)    pass         etc.                       Table D

                                                                              West          North(D)    East            South(A)

                                                                              -                 -                 2    (1)      dbl (8)

                                                                              pass           3   (9)      pass           3  (10)

                                                                              pass           pass (11)


Table A      (1)  Every player but one passed this hand – that’s probably about the only positive thing I can say about the bidding on this deal! 2 is a very poor pre-empt as it’s vulnerable, the QJ are ‘worthless’ and, most importantly, it has a 4 card suit.

(2)   What did you open with this South hand A(a) in this week’s quiz? Some may prefer 2 (or 2 if you play Benjamin) but that usually does no work well with two-suiters- especially minors. I’ll go into this in more detail next page. With a void you can be certain that a 1 opening will not be passed out and then a jump to 3 by you is game forcing.

(3)   Perfect. Absolutely (game) forcing in Standard American. I do not know what system this pair play.

(4)   Even if 3 was not forcing in their system (?), this hand is superb opposite partner’s advertised two-suiter. The K is golden and with 5 ’s North must obviously bid again. 4 seems ‘obvious’. See ‘Expert’ table.

Table B      (3)  This South chose to jump rebid his ’s. This shows a strong hand but unfortunately it is not forcing.

                  (5)  So North passed (reasonable)

Table C      (2)  This South chose to open 1 and then jump in ’s. This is wrong as it shows more ’s than ’s.

(6)  This is ‘obviously’ forcing

(7)   but North chose to pass.

Table D      (1)  An off-beat (I’m trying to be polite) 2 opener.

(8)   Fine, far too strong for anything but double.

(9)   Correct

(10)   This shows a good hand (too good to overcall). South considered that it was forcing. Unfortunately it is not, the only forcing bid is 3.

(11)   South has shown a very good hand and North has promises about 0-8 points with his simple 3 bid. With 6 points more than minimum, I would bid 4 and then 5 or 6 would be reached.

‘Expert’      (1)  I much prefer a 1 opening to a strong artificial bid. If you open with a strong

Table                   artificial 2/ bid and then bid 3 you are too high to comfortably find the

best spot – a 4 bid shows the shape but you’ve gone past 3NT. There really is no problem with opening 1 and then rebidding a (game forcing ) 3.

                  (12)  North supports and off they go to 5 or 6.


And what happened? Obviously I would like to award every N-S pair a zero, but unfortunately the rules don’t allow for that. In a large tournament then obviously everybody would get a poor score, but here the N-S at Table A got a complete top for playing in 3 making 13 tricks.

The bottom lines: -

-         A ‘high reverse’, such as 1 - 1NT - 3, or 1 - 2 - 3 is game forcing in Standard American (and every other system that I am vaguely acquainted with).

-         A jump rebid, such as 1 - 1NT - 3, or 1 - 1 - 3 is invitational and not forcing.

-         Be wary of opening 2 (or 2 playing Benjamin) with strong two-suiters unless it is going to be easy to show both suits (below the level of 3NT).

-         Even if you are enlightened enough to Benjamin (or something similar) with two artificial strong opening bids, do not assume that a 1-level opening is limited to around 17 or 18) points – it is not! The high reverse is still game forcing even if you play a strong two or Benjamin system.



Looking for 3NT?


-         At (12) at out expert table, North has another option – he can explore 3NT. A possibility is that he could bid 3 to ask partner to bid 3Nt with a stop (or he could bid 3 to show a stop and ask partner to bid 3NT with a stop). Obviously there really is no significant advantage in playing it one way or the other – you simply have to agree!  


The 3NT opener (or 2 - 2 - 3NT) – part 1      Board 25  from Wednesday 5th


There were 3 balanced 26 point hands on Wednesday, I’ll mention just two of them (in the 3rd there was no major suit fit and everybody found a sensible 3NT).


Dealer:             7                                                 Table A

North               J10973                                       West(B)     North         East            South

E-W vul           K1082                                        -                 pass           pass           pass

                        1083                                          2             pass           2              pass

                                                                              3NT           pass           pass           pass

AKQ8               N             J652                    

A2                  W    E          Q4                        Table B

AQ5                   S              J7643                    West(B)     North         East            South

AK95                                 J6                         -                 pass           pass           pass

                        10943                                         3NT           pass           pass           pass


                        9                                                 ‘Expert Table’ 

                        Q742                                         West(B)     North         East            South

                                                                              -                 pass           pass           pass

                                                                              2      (1)    pass           2    (2)      pass

                                                                              2NT   (3)    pass           3   (4)      pass

                                                                              3              pass           4              all pass


Table A and B are absolutely typical Standard American auctions, with no hope of ever finding the correct contract (4). Even with an adverse 4-1 trump break 4 should make comfortably. For this deal our experts have to come from the UK as Standard American or 2/1 or whatever players who do not play Benjamin twos have no hope.


‘Expert’      (1)  Absolutely game forcing playing Benjamin. And also promising at least 20

Table                        points. With a great hand but less than 20 points then open 2 playing Benji.

(2)   Playing Benjamin twos I believe that it’s best to always relay (so 2 over 2 and 2 over 2) – find out what opener’s hand type is.

(3)   And here we get to the point – the is no need for the space-consuming 3NT bid. 2NT here is a balanced 25+ and game forcing …

(4)   and that leave room for partner to bid Stayman, transfer or whatever.


And what happened? All 4 tables played in 3NT which should fail on the obvious lead but two declarers did scramble home. Anyone who found 4 (nobody did) would have got a complete top.

Now I did overhear somebody suggest that at Table A or B then East should bid 4 Stayman and ‘sign-off’ in 4NT if there is no fit. I wandered away as I did not wish to get involved in nonsense like this (how do you investigate slam?). Anyway, the real solution stands out a mile – play Benjamin.


There were 2 good examples of the Unusual NoTrump (UNT) on Friday. That’s quite unusual - ‘usual’ at our club is for people to bid the UNT with completely unsuitable hands. So, just for a change, here are two good examples: -


The Unusual NT (UNT) – part 1                         Board 5 from Friday 7th 



Dealer:             Q9874                                       

North               AJ732                                        West(C)     North         East            South

N-S vul            K                                                -                 pass   (1)    pass           1

                        106                                            2NT   (2)    4              5     (3)    pass

                                                                              pass           5              pass   (4)    pass

6                        N             -                           pass

108                 W    E          Q9654                 

A10942              S              J876                     

KQ942                              AJ53                         






(1) A marginal opener; the singleton K is poor and pass looks right to me.

(2)  What did you bid with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? 2NT is the UNT and this is an excellent example.

(3)  with a known double fit, 5 is fine.

(4)  E-W have pushed them up, excellent


And what happened? 5 went one down at two tables. At the third table East pushed on to 6 and that went down (doubled).

The bottom lines: -

-     The UNT promises 5-5 in the two lowest unbid suits. 


The Unusual NT (UNT) – part 2                         Board 16 from Friday 7th 



Dealer:             2                                                

West                J10962                                       West          North         East            South

E-W vul           Q8654                                        1             2NT   (1)    3              pass

                        A4                                              4              pass           pass           5     (2)

                                                                              pass           pass   (3)    dbl             pass

QJ7                   N             A108653              pass           5      (4)    dbl             pass   (5)

AQ53             W    E          7                           pass           pass

J32                      S              A97                     

K98                                   QJ10                   






(1)   Another reasonable 3NT bid. Not that 2NT shows the lowest two unbid suits (even if the opposition are playing a ‘short club’ as a 1 opening is 4+ cards more often than not. So this 2NT showed the red suits.

(2)   South incorrectly assumed that the UNT was ’s and ’s.

(3)   No need to correct if it’s not doubled.

(4)   Thus reinforcing that it’s the red suits. Redouble is an alternative.

(5)   Confused.


And what happened? 4 should make and 5 should be a good save. 5 was not, nor was the 5redoubled at another table when there was the same misunderstanding, North decided upon an SOS redouble at (4) and South again did not realise that North had the red suits.

The bottom lines: -

-     The UNT shows 5-5 in the two lowest unbid suits. If 1 is opened, then 2NT by the next players shows ’s and ’s. This is true even if the opponents play a ‘short ’.

The 3NT opener (or 2 - 2 - 3NT) – part 1      Board 25 from Wednesday 5th


There were 3 balanced 26 point hands on Wednesday, I’ll mention just two of them (in the 3rd there was no major suit fit and everybody found a sensible 3NT).


Dealer:             7                                                 Table A

North               J10973                                       West(B)     North         East            South

E-W vul           K1082                                        -                 pass           pass           pass

                        1083                                          2             pass           2              pass

                                                                              3NT   pass         pass     pass

AKQ8               N             J652                    

A2                  W    E          Q4                        Table B

AQ5                   S              J7643                    West(B)     North         East            South

AK95                                 J6                         -                 pass           pass           pass

                        10943                                         3NT           pass           pass           pass


                        9                                                 ‘Expert Table’ 

                        Q742                                         West(B)     North         East            South

                                                                              -                 pass           pass           pass

                                                                              2      (1)    pass           2    (2)      pass

                                                                              2NT   (3)    pass           3   (4)      pass

                                                                              3              pass           4              all pass


Table A and B are absolutely typical Standard American auctions, with no hope of ever finding the correct contract (4). Even with an adverse 4-1 trump break 4 should make comfortably. For this deal our experts have to come from the UK as Standard American or 2/1 or whatever players who do not play Benjamin twos have no hope.


‘Expert’      (1)  Absolutely game forcing playing Benjamin. And also promising at least 20 Table                        points. With a great hand but less than 20 points then open 2 playing Benji.

(5)   Playing Benjamin twos I believe that it’s best to always relay (so 2 over 2 and 2 over ) – find out what opener’s hand type is.


The 3NT opener (or 2 - 2 - 3NT) – part 2      Board 28 from Wednesday 5th



Dealer:             Q832                                         

West                1053                                           West          North         East            South

N-S vul            106                                             2    (1)      pass           pass           dbl

                        10432                                        pass           2              pass           4NT

                                                                              pass           5             pass           5

6                        N             10754                   all pass

KQJ84           W    E          762                      

8754                   S              QJ9                      

976                                    A85                     






I only know the bidding at this table, and 5 made. I’m sure that not everybody would open 2 at (1). Two tables languished in No Trump and one table correctly got to the more comfortable 4.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     (a)  1. With a void this is very unlikely to get passed out. I do not like to open 2 with two-suiters as you frequently have no room to show your hand.

(b)   3. Having opened 1, a jump to 3 now is game forcing. 3 is not such a

      good bid as it’s not forcing and partner may pass.

Hand B:      Ugh! There is no sensible answer to this question playing Standard American! Playing Standard American you open 3NT (or else open 2 followed by 3NT). Both are completely unsatisfactory of course, as if partner has rubbish with a 4 card major he has no idea if he should pass or risk Stayman. And he has the same problem with a 5 card major (transfer or not?). The only sensible option is to play Benjamin twos.

Hand C:     2NT. The UNT, showing the two lowest unbid suits.

Hand D:     4. Partner’s 3 bid is game forcing so show your excellent support. This hand has grown enormously after partner’s bid and slam could well be there. There is also a reasonable alternative, and that is to look for 3NT by bidding a major suit. 3 or 3 cannot be natural (you bid 1NT to start with) and must be looking for 3NT. It’s up to you if it shows or denies a stop; something to discuss.