This is a list of bridge clubs associated with universities, colleges, schools and educational institutions worldwide that have been kind enough to link to the Pattaya bridge club or to our bridge conventions page. |
Great Britain |
Balliol College, Oxford, Bridge Club |
Balliol College Bridge Club, the only independent Bridge Club in the University, was founded in 2001 with the twin aims of providing a congenial haven for bridge players of all standards and of introducing beginners to the delights of the great game of bridge.
Players of all standardsare welcome, especially complete beginners. |
Bristol University Bridge Club |
Our Bridge club continues to attract a friendly and enthusiastic (though by no means entirely expert!) group of players. We would welcome more. If you have played before, even in the distant past, and would like to play again, do get in touch. We meet twice a month, on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the SCR Lounge, continuing through the summer period. |
Cambridge University Bridge Club |
The bridge club meets every Thursday of Full Term. We hold a light-hearted duplicate game and players of any standard are welcome - our current members range from beginners to international players. You can come along with or without a partner (we can always find someone to play with you). |
Christ's College, Cambridge, Bridge Club |
Christ's College Bridge Club is a friendly society which provides members of Christ's College, Cambridge with the opportunity to play or learn bridge and other card games in a social setting. Our players also represent the college in bridge tournaments. |
Durham University Bridge Club |
Winners of the British inter-university championship for the Portland Bowl, 2005-2006
champions of the Bridge League for Universities of the North East and Yorkshire, 2005-2006.
Durham University Bridge Club meets every Sunday evening in Howlands Farm Bar at 8pm. Everyone is welcome - including complete beginners. |
Edinburgh University Bridge Club |
We meet twice a week, throughout the year.
If you've never played bridge before that's OK, come along and learn. |
Queen's College, Cambridge, Bridge Club |
The club meets regularly on a Monday night and usually has two tables in play, with attendance boosted by a well-publicised squash. |
Trinity College, Cambridge, Bridge Club |
This is an extensive bridge site, with news, articles, conventions etc. |
Warwick University Bridge Club |
Warwick university bridge club is a student-run society catering for players of all abilities - even complete beginners. We run a weekly informal duplicate at 2pm on Sundays in the graduate bar, where experienced players are on hand for informal teaching. |
United States of America |
Austin College Bridge Club |
We have a two major focuses for Austin College Bridge, we desire to help encourage new player by offering opportunities to learn the game. We also want to encourage competition, by offering more local opportunities to play and by encouraging tournament play. |
California University Bridge Club |
At the University of California at Berkeley
bridge club we've been playing casual bridge at our meetings and generally play some duplicate if enough people show up. |
Caltec Bridge Club |
The Caltech Bridge Club meets Monday evenings at 7:30 in the Avery House dining hall. Beginners are welcome. |
Chicago University Bridge Club |
The University of Chicago bridge club is an official student organization. Our mission is to provide opportunities for members of the campus community to enjoy the game of bridge and we welcome anyone interested in the game. |
Cornell University Bridge Club |
Our bridge club meets three mornings and one afternoon every week.
The most competitive game is the Tuesday evening one; it also has the highest proportion of Cornell students (roughly half). |
Dartmouth College Bridge Club |
The Dartmouth Bridge Club is a student-run organization dedicated to promoting the game of bridge on our campus. Our goal is to provide the members of our community with opportunities to play bridge in both casual and competitive settings and resources for learning the game. |
Georgia University Bridge Club |
interested in playing Bridge. Brand-new players are very welcome and encouraged. The club is here to spread the game!
We meet 6pm Sundays at SLC, during the school year |
Harvey Mudd College Bridge Club |
The 5C Bridge Club meets on Saturdays at 2 pm in the South Dorm lounge. Whether or not you play, feel free to join us. We'll teach you. We also have lessons that run from time to time from the ACBL. |
Havard University Bridge Club |
We have a small but growing membership and welcome players of all skill levels to join us; every Thursday at 8pm we have a lesson and an informal duplicate bridge game in the Kirkland Dining Hall. |
Haverford College Bridge Club |
Bridge is a classic card game celebrated by mathematicians and old ladies alike. Not to mention being responsible for numerous college drop-outs. Come join us once a week to learn and play Bridge. |
Mitchigan University Bridge Club |
The University of Michigan Bridge Club is composed of both students and non-students who want to play bridge. Most of the bridge is duplicate or tournament bridge, but we have also been trying some casual bridge recently. |
Harrisonburg Duplicate
Bridge Club - Mitchigan |
We play bridge every Thursday evening from 7:00 p.m. until approximately 10:45 p.m. |
MIT Draper Lab Bridge Club |
The Draper Lab Bridge Club,
Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA, is a college based bridge club with games held at MIT. Games are Tuesday nights starting at 6:30 PM. The game is usually held in MIT's building 4. |
New Mexico University Bridge Club |
The UNM bridge club
meets Thursdays 6-8 pm at the Student Union Fiesta room.
Free beginning and intermediate bridge lessons taught by World Champion player Kitty Cooper |
Northwestern University Bridge Club |
The northwestern Bridge club meets every sunday. All levels are welcome, beginner through expert. Instruction will be provided for all who desire it. |
Palomar College Bridge Club |
Classes for beginners, intermediates and advenced players. |
Princetown University Bridge Club |
The home of the John Wayne cinventions
(not for the faint-hearted). |
Rice University Bridge Club |
As a group of bridge lovers here at Rice university, we enjoy very much playing bridge as well as studying and doing research. Yopu are welcome to join us. |
Stanford University Bridge Club |
The Stanford Bridge Club exists to introduce new players to the game of bridge and to support the game on campus and in the community. Our weekly duplicate games are informal and open to beginners and experts alike. |
Stetson University, Florida, Bridge Club |
The purpose of club bridge is to better educate the Stetson community on the elegant card game of bridge, while also providing a friendly, relaxed, and competitive atmosphere for game play.
Any faculty, student, or employee of Stetson University may join. Guests which are not one of the afore mentionedare also welcome. |
UCLA Bruin Bridge Club |
If you'd like to learn to play bridge, or looking for some people to play with, this is the place. |
Vanderbilt University - Nashville, Tenassee - Bridge Club |
The Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Bridge Center was opened by friends of duplicate bridge and named after the man credited with inventing contract bridge in the mid-1920s. The center, located in the heart of the Vanderbilt campus area, hosts 11 games weekly, including three specifically for new players. All sessions are open to members and non members alike. Day and evening bridge classes are also available. |
Yale College Bridge Club |
Mondays, 10 pm, social bridge! All are welcome, and we play a friendly game of bridge as long as we feel like it. We meet in the Davenport Dive (under the Dport dining hall). |
Singapore |
National University of Singapore |
Dr. Hui Kai Lung has a hobbies page with useful bridge links. |
Switzerland |
PSI Bridge Club |
The bridge club of the Paul Scherrer institute,
a multi-disciplinary research laboratory run by the Swiss federal government. |
Turkey |
Sabanci University Bridge Club |
Sabanci University (SU) is a private research institution located in Istanbul, Turkey.
To be a member of SU Bridge Club, being a student of Sabanci University is the first qualification. You are also expected to fill in the SU B.C. membership form and pay the membership fee. |
flags courtesy of http://fla.fg-a.com |