This is a list of bridge clubs worldwide that have been kind enough to link to Pattaya bridge club. |
England |
Basingstoke bridge club |
Basingstoke, Hampshire |
Blundellsands bridge club |
Liverpool |
This web site offers free information for Bridge evenings in the U.K. and value for money European and Worldwide Bridge vacations. |
Scotland |
Dundee bridge club |
situated on the corner of Perth Road and Rockfield Street. |
India |
Bridge in India |
details of bridge clubs and events in India, plus lots of general information. |
Ireland |
Josephs bridge club |
situated in Carryduff, behind the Ivanhoe Hotel on Saintfield Road |
Australia |
Play Bridge |
The web site for the Cove Bridge Club, Bridge at Club Willoughby on Sydney's north shore, and Sydney Harbour cruises. |
Italy |
infobridge |
Italy |
United States of America |
Cortland Bridge Club |
The Cortland Bridge Club is a small contingent of avid bridge players with experience and skills ranging from neophyte to life long devotion to the game. We welcome both new players or experienced players passing through our area to join one of our weekly games. |
http://www.fg-a.com/flags.htm |