last updated 8-Dec-2009 |
This page is for bridge topics that cannot conveniently be placed in the conventions or other sections. If the topic that you are interested in does not appear here, then check out: bridge conventions, bridge Abbreviations and terminology, bridge FAQS, No Trump bidding, basic bidding or basic conventions. |
If you can't find what you are looking for, then search the site or send me an e-mail. |
Acol - Standard American Differences. This links defines the differences between the Acol and Standard American bidding systems. |
The Law of Total Tricks. The 'LAW' gives an indication of when to bid and when to pass. It was made popular by the writings of Larry Cohen and Marty Bergen. |
'Eight ever - nine never' or Restricted Choice. This link states the situation when you have 9 cards in the suit missing just the queen and when you are missing the queen and jack. Do you play high and then finesse or play for the drop? |
NoTrump Bidding Problem Hands - a few selected hands that are tricky to bid after a NoTrump opening |
Blackwood or Gerber? Many players get confused about what 4NT and 4♣ mean in various sequences. This really is important and I suggest that you/your partner have a look at this and agree what you want to do. |
FAQs - Frequently asked questions, is a section well worth reading. It is mainly concerned with common bidding questions. |
Is It Forcing? This link gives a brief list of rebids, Reverses, Jump shifts, Jump rebids etc. in an uncontested auction and gives guidelines as to whether they are invitational, forcing or whatever. |
When RHO doubles. This links defines responder's actions when partner opens 1 of a suit and RHO doubles. |
When a take-out double gets redoubled. This link looks at what the doubler and his partner should do to rescue the situation after a take-out double has been redoubled. |
Responding with No trumps to partner's overcall. When partner overcalls at the one level then he may have as few as 7-8 points, so you have to be careful when responding in No Trumps. This link discusses the problem. |
Cue bids, game tries, splinters and 4th suit forcing are perhaps a bit overwhelming for beginners. They are often confused with each other, even by experienced players. For a fairly comprehensive explanation of what is what refer to the Game Tries, Cue bids, Splinters, 4th suit forcing and all that Jazz link. |
Defence against the opponent's opening 1NT. There is a multitude of choice and I certainly will not go into all the possibilities. Cappelleti is probably one of the most popular but Multi Landy is very similar and an improvement upon it. I prefer to play Multi Landy but there is a lot of sense in playing DONT in the 4th seat together with Multi Landy in the direct seat. Using this combination the player in the direct seat may wish to convert a DONT double from partner in the 4th seat (showing a single-suited hand) into penalties. Bear in mind that a penatly double in the 4th seat is rare because the doubler is under the NoTrump opener and may also get a poor lead from partner. |
Defence against the opponent's weak two. This is fairly standard these days, with double for take-out. This link defines all of the defender's options. |
Signals in Defence. A brief discussion of defensive signals, count, attitude etc. There are numerous schemes but in the Pattaya bridge club I encourage all non-regular partnerships to play Lavinthal (McKenny). As for attitude, about 50% play standard (HELD - High Encourage, Low Discourage) and 50% play upside-down attitude (low to encourage). My personal preference is the latter, which is more common in Europe than America but it's really up to individual partnerships. |
Two-over-one. This link briefly describes the differences between the 2/1 system and basic Standard American. |
1NT in the balancing seat. This link gives a guide to No Trump bidding in the pass-out seat. |
Doubling in the balancing seat. This link describes the difference between doubling a suit bid and doubling a 1NT opening in fourth (pass-out) seat. |
Playing Tricks. Playing trick calculations are useful in deciding whether to open with a pre-empt and in strong two auctions. Suppose you are playing strong twos (or Benjamin twos) and partner opens (or rebids) a strong 2♠. You hold ♠J87 ♥K7 ♦8543 ♣8543. Should you bid game or settle for a partscore? I.e. is this hand worth two playing tricks? You should bid game; if you think that playing in a partscore is correct, then check out 'the problem with playing tricks' in the link. |
Swiss bridge teams of 4 assignment card - download and print this assignment card for free, courtesy of the Pattaya bridge club. |
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Pattaya Bridge Club - www.pattayabridge.com |