Responses to a 2 opening
  this page was last updated: 22-Sept-2006
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Responses to partner's 2 clubs opening

  2 negative or 2 waiting? What is 2NT? How much for a positive response? How good a suit? It's about time I covered this once and for all.  
  First of all, I'll put in my usual plug for Benjamin twos. My preferred system is both a strong 2 and 2 with responder always relaying (or ‘waiting' – with the next bid up). I have covered Benjamin twos elsewhere so now I'll go into the best scheme for responding to 2 if that is your only strong bid.  
  Now as I mentioned a few times in the news-sheets, responder bidding a natural 2NT (or 3NT!) is terrible – it takes up space, has the wrong man as declarer and makes finding minor suit fits very difficult.  
  The solution? 2NT is not natural! And the modern way of thinking is that you should only give a +ve if you have something very positive to say (i.e. a good suit).The ‘modern' scheme opposite a 2 opener is: -  
2 = Waiting. Could be a very good hand but one that does not qualify for one of the positive bids. This 2 waiting bid is game forcing because 2 is the negative.
2 = Negative. 5 points or less with no ace. This requirements for a positive vary according to partnership understanding. Typical is this, with say 8+ points in total: -
2 = A positive. 5+ card suit and two honours in the suit.
2NT = A positive. 5+ card suit and two honours in the suit.
3 = A positive. 5+ card suit and two honours in the suit.
3 = A positive. 5+ card suit and two honours in the suit.
  The above is fairly common practise in North America, but I am not totally happy with these positive responses and it seems to me that the 2 and 2NT responses should be reversed - then it becomes more likely that the strong hand becomes declarer. With a really strong hand you almost certainly want the opening lead to come up to you. You could also extend this treatment by inverting the 3 and 3 responses so that opener would also become declarer in an eventual contract..  
  Pattaya Bridge Club -
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