The rule of 15
to conventions this page was last updated: 11-July-2006
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The Rule of Fifteen - fourth seat openings.

Hand A Hand B Hand C
K10 KJ1097 76
J108 76 KJ1097
A863 AQ76 AQ76
A1086 76 76
  We have the rule of 20 for 1st and 2nd seat openers. In 3rd seat anything goes. But what do you do in 4th seat?  
  Things are different here. Partner has passed, so you will not miss game if you pass dubious openers. Also, no need for light openers or pre-empts as you can simply pass out. If you have a doubtful opener, then the suit is all-important. If a part-score battle ensues then the side with 's will win. This is taken into account by the rule of 15 for 4th seat openers. You add your point count to the number of 's that you hold. If the total is 15 or more, then open.  
  Hand A qualifies for an opener in 1st – 3rd seat but not in 4th seat (12 pts + 2 's = 14).  
  Hand B does not qualify for a 1st or 2nd seat opener but is fine in4 th seat (10 pts + 5 's = 15).  
  Hand C is Hand B with the majors reversed. It is only worth an opener in 3 rd seat.  


The rule of 15 is also known as Pearson points or Cassino points.

  Pattaya Bridge Club -
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