♣ ♦ Club
News Sheet – No. 10 4/1/2003 ♥ ♠
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♠ K9432 ♠ A5 and West? Simplest is to set the ball rolling with a 2♥
♥ KJ10872 ♥ AQ65 transfer to ♥’s. If East simply accepts (bids 2♥) then West
♦ 3 ♦ 1075 does not know about the great fit. He can bid 2♠ (perhaps 3♠)
♦ A754 ♦ QJ92 say that totally flat hands lack trick making potential and
♣ K83 ♣ A95 should deduct 1 point. Anyway, my partner (Chuck)
opened 1♦ (as did most players). What do you bid with
the East hand? 2NT (11 pts) is (obvious)? I do not agree. Again, deduct 1 point for a totally flat hand and bid 1NT. If your partner is prone to open garbage like this then you simply cannot afford to bid 2NT with the East hand. What actually happened? Two pairs passed the hand out for a 2nd top. Everybody else was in 2NT (-1) except us (yes, I did indeed practice what I preach and I bid 1NT with the East hand – I guess Chuck (my partner) would say that I know the limitations of my declarer play? Perhaps I should say that I know the garbage he opens on?
♠ AQJ96 ♠ 109 The American style generally asks for sounder opening
♥ Q3 ♥ K964 bids. Chuck passed Hand A but opened Hand B with 1♣.
♦ J104 ♦ AJ4 Now if Chuck is correct, and he can find another player
♠ AJ3 1♦ 2♣ pass (1) 2♠ (2)
♦ K75 pass pass dbl 4♥