♣ ♦ Club News Sheet – No. 19 7/3/2003 ♥ ♠
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winners Mike/Ole 58% winners Mike/Peter-M 67%
2nd Per/Tomas 55% 2nd Per/Tomas 60%
Same winners and runner-ups, except that Ole has gone home.
Your 2nd bid having transferred
Many people play transfers to majors over 1NT by partner, but what do you do
after partner has completed the transfer? The following is a general guideline, where invitational is 11/12 points when playing a weak NT and 8/9 points when playing a strong NT. Game forcing is 13+ playing a weak NT and 10 + playing a strong NT.
Having transferred, your 2nd bid is: -
Pass 5 card suit or longer, insufficient values for an invitation.
2NT 5 card suit, invitational values; opener may pass, sign off in 3 of the major or bid game (3NT or 4 of the major).
3 of the major 6+ card suit, invitational values; opener normally passes or bids 4 of
the major.
3NT 5 card suit, game forcing values; opener may pass or bid 4 of the major.
4 of the major 6+ card suit, game forcing values; opener should pass (unless also playing Texas transfers, in which case the bid is mildly slam interest).
a new suit at least 5-4 shape, game forcing.
On Monday I was asked to comment on the following auction. It was board 27.
completed the transfer and then East bid 4♥. Both players
♠ AJ6 ♠ Q73 thought that their partner had misbid the hand and I was
♦ AQJ987 ♦ 2 partner had mis-bid the hand). First of all, the opening bid.
♣ J92 ♣ AK87 I am simply repeating myself when I say do not open 1NT
with a singleton. It is a psyche and is not appreciated in this
club where we have a number of beginners and people trying to improve their game. This hand should simply open with 1♦ and rebid 3♦. Apart from being totally the wrong shape, the hand is far too strong for a strong 1NT. Now what about East’s bidding? You simply have to refer to the guidelines above about responding to transfers to see that this is totally incorrect. This pair are two of our leading players and really should know better than to bid like this. It sets a bad example. Quite how 2 other pairs finished in a lousy 6♥ baffles me, perhaps they have been taking lessons from our two stars here? The biding should go 1♦ - 1♥ - 3♦ - 3NT - pass; or 1♦ - 1♥ - 3♦ - 3♥ - 3NT - pass. East has a very powerful hand but, in view of the mis-fit, should settle for 3NT.
or 6♥? Answer at the bottom of this page.
♦ AK64 Not for the first time, I disagree with Hans on this one. As I stated last
♣ AKJ97 week, I prefer a double of 1♠ to virtually guarantee 4 ♥’s. A 2♣ overcall
is quite adequate on this hand. If you have a ♥ game, then partner will
reply 2♥ to a 2♣ overcall. I would hate to suggest ♥’s as trumps (by doubling 1♠) with such an anaemic ♥ suit. Finally, I would definitely prefer a six card ♣ suit for the double followed by a bid at the 3 level, I do not consider this hand good enough. Hans’ opinion is that you may miss a ♥ game if you don’t double. To each their own. I am not adverse to Moysian (4-3) fits but I do not go out of my way to reach them, and I would definitely prefer a suit better than J42.
The Power of the 4-4 fit – Answer
I guess you spotted the trap question? The answer is that 6♠ is the correct contract. A good 4-4 fit is often better than even a 5-4 fit. The reason is that you get an extra trick with a ruff (whichever hand you take it in). There is only a problem if you get an unlucky 4-1 or 5-0 ♠ split, but there are still good chances with the bad 4-1 split: - draw two rounds of trumps, discovering the bad break, and then play ♣A and another ♣. If the opponents do not ruff a ♥ then you are home. Ruff a ♣ and draw trumps. You make 4 trumps, one ruff, 5 ♥’s, one ♣ and one ♦. Total 12. Note that if you discover a 4-1 split after drawing two rounds of trumps, you cannot afford to draw another round – the ♣K may be with the outstanding trump and he will pull your remaining trumps, leaving you a trick short. With the expected 3-2 trump split there is no problem, simply draw all the trumps before going for your ruff. With a ♦ lead the play is slightly different. You then need the 3-2 trump split as you have to pitch the losing ♦ before the opponents get in with ♣K. So pull trumps and run the ♥’s, pitching the losing ♦ on the 5th ♥. Note that this is impossible if ♥’s are trumps (you have no trump left!).
W N E S This double by South is RESPONSIVE, and asks
1♦ dbl 2♦ dbl North to pick the suit.
W N E S This double by West is a SUPPORT DOUBLE and
1♦ pass 1♠ 2♣ shows 3 card support for partner. Many people play
dbl a penalty double here – i.e. South stole your rebid.
Up to you if you play support doubles.
W N E S This
double by South is a COMPETITIVE
1♦ 1♠ 2♦ dbl DOUBLE and asks partner to choose between the
other two suits.
W N E S This
double by East is a COOPERATIVE
1¨ 1ª 2¨ 2ª DOUBLE and gives partner the choice of passing
pass pass dbl for penalties or bidding on. Since East has limited
values, it cannot be strictly penalties.
W N E S This double by West is a game try, a MAXIMAL
1♠ 2♥ 2♠ 3♥ OVERCALL DOUBLE. There is no room left for
dbl any other game try, 3♠ would just be competitive.
W N E S This double by East is NEGATIVE, in theory it
1♦ 1♠ dbl shows the other 2 suits. In practice, it generally
promises 4 cards in any unbid major(s) and may
not have the other minor. See news-sheets 9 & 10.
W N E S If East fails to bid or double the overcall and South
1♦ 1♠ pass pass passes, then West should normally re-open with a
dbl pass ? double so that East can pass for penalties.
Of course, if East cannot make a penalty pass, any other bid by him is weak.
The only exceptions when opener is allowed another bid but double are: -
(1) when opener has a very shapely/weak opener and cannot stand to defend the doubled contract, in which case he either rebids his suit or bids another suit.
(2) when opener has a very shapely very strong hand (a near 2♣ opener). A jump rebid.
(3) a weak hand with 3 or 4 of the overcaller’s suit. With length in overcaller’s suit it is less likely that partner has a penalty pass and some partnerships allow opener to pass under these circumstances.
W N E S This double by East is penalties. Presumably he was
1♦ 1♥ pass 2♥ happy to have passed a re-opening double by West.
pass pass dbl This is just an extra 2 or 3 hundred. It is a notable
exception to the rule about opponents bidding and
agreeing a suit. Negative doubles really are fun. Incidentally, I had this exact sequence a few years ago playing with an excellent Australian partner (remember Carol?). She bid 3♣ over my double, contending that my double was for take-out. Absolute nonsense, if I had a hand that could bid for take out over 2♥ I certainly would not have passed over 1♥ (a negative double?). Bridge is quite often simply a matter of logic.
A double of opponents after they have found a fit is usually for take out.
A double of any bid after anyone at the table has bid no trumps naturally is usually for penalties.
1♥ pass 1NT dbl out of ♥’s. But be wary, you need a good hand as
partner has passed, East has shown values and West is unlimited.
W N E S This double by South is for penalties. In reality it is
1♦ 1♠ 2♠ 4♠ unlikely that South can set 5♦. It is, in fact, a
4NT pass 5♦ dbl STRIPED-TAIL APE DOUBLE. The theory is
that if you feel the opponents have a sure slam, they
may settle for a doubled game that scores less even with an overtrick. If you hear a re-double, you run like a striped–tail ape to 5♠ and opponents may double you there instead of bidding their certain slam (again good for you). Am I serious or not? Double Dutch?
♠ KQ32 ♠ A75 1NT (1) 2♣ (2) (1) 15-17
♥ QJ7 ♥ AK85 2♠ (3) 4NT (4) (2) Stayman
♣ A2 ♣ Q93 (4) invitational
♠ 52 South hand 17 from Friday. Partner opens 1♠, what do you bid? You
♥ A975 cannot bid 2♥ as that promises a 5 card suit, so 1NT (6-9) or 2NT(11-12)?
♦ AJ9 I sincerely hope that nobody out there would consider 2♣? It really is a
♣ J742 lousy bid but I’m sure that it would be the choice of a couple of people?
With 10 points you have to evaluate to see if it is worth 2NT or just 1NT.
Two aces are a plus feature, but with poor support for partner’s suit, poor intermediates and a very bad shape after partner’s 1♠, the hand is only worth 1NT. You need a really good 10 points for 2NT. What happened? At our table, South bid 2NT, North bid Blackwood and ended in a hopeless 6♠.