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Mon 3rd N-S 1st Kenneth & Peter 58% 2nd Bob Short & Gerry 57%
E-W 1st Kees & Linda Lyen 56% 2nd Marten & Phil 54%
Wed 5th 1st Chuck & Clive 60% 2nd Dave & Phil 59%
Fri 7th 1st Bill & Mike 57% 2nd Gerry & Tony 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ QJ ♠ 1096532 With Hand B partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
♥ AQJ75 ♥ - jumps to 3♣, game forcing. What do you bid?
♠ KQ10842 ♠ 106 With Hand D
partner opens 1NT (15-17) and
♥ J1064 ♥ A10 Multi Landy, Showing an (undisclosed) single suited hand.
♠ 76 ♠ AKQ7
♥ 107 ♥ KJ93 With Hand F you open 1♦ and Partner responds 1♥, what
♦ AK832 ♦ K1096 do you bid?
KJxxxx is not 4 points when partner bids the suit! Board 24 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠ A Table A
Love all ♦ AKQJ6 pass (1) 1♦ pass 1♠
♣ A1084 pass 3♣ pass 5♣ (2)
pass pass (3) pass
♠ QJ N ♠ K874
♥ AQJ75 W E ♥ K9642 ‘Expert’ Table
♠ 1096532 pass 3♣ pass 4♥ (2)
♥ - pass 4♠ (4) pass 5♥ (5)
♦ 5 pass 7♣ all pass
♣ KJ7632
A Mini-Splinter Board 6 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠ A976
E-W vul ♦ KJ1094 - - 1♥ pass
♣ J8 3♦ (1) pass 3♠ (2) pass
4♣ (3) pass 4♦ (4) pass
♠ KQ10842 N ♠ - 4♠ (5) dbl (6) 4NT (7) pass
♥ J1064 W E ♥ K9732 5♣ (8) dbl (9) 6♥ (10) pass
♠ J53
♥ 85
♦ 87532
♣ 653
(1) What did you bid with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? With 4 card ♥ support there is little point in bidding ♠’s and I think that a 4♦ splinter is probably best (although some may like a better quality ♥ suit). This pair apparently play mini splinters and so 3♦ was a splinter in their system.
(2) A cue bid, showing 1st round ♠ control.
(3) A cue bid, showing 1st round ♣ control.
(4) A cue bid, showing 1st round ♦ control.
(5) A cue bid, showing 2nd round ♠ control.
(6) I’ve no idea why North doubled.
(7) RKCB (1430). I’m not so keen on bidding Blackwood with a void, but East knows that West has the ♣A.
(8) 1 key card playing 1430
(9) I’ve no idea why North doubled.
(10) Redouble is possible, but 6♥ scores more than 5♣ redoubled+1 (I looked it up).
(11) I’ve no idea why North doubled.
A Weak jump shift Board 1 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠ Q2
Love all ♦ Q95 - 1♦ pass 2♠ (1)
♣ AQ94 pass (2) pass pass (3)
♠ A75 N ♠ 109
♥ K8 W E ♥ A762
♠ KJ8643
♥ 543
♦ 7
♣ J52
(1) A weak jump shift, showing a hand with 6 ♠’s and 0-5 points. The purpose of this treatment is pre-emptive, to make it difficult for the next player.
(2) And it worked. This West was reluctant to come in at the 3-level.
(3) East should probably balance here with a double.
The weak jump shift is less
effective if
Passed out Board 15 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠ K9743 This board was passed out at 4 of the 7 tables
N-S vul ♦ 10642 have opened?
♣ A32
West North East South
♠ 52 N ♠ J6 - - - pass (1)
♥ A1084 W E ♥ J92 pass pass (2) pass
♠ AQ108 conforms with the rule of 20 and I would
♥ Q7653 certainly open 1♥ as it contains both majors.
♦ J53 (2) In 3rd seat it is acceptable to open light and I
♣ Q would open 1♠; especially if you play Drury.
And what happened? Those who bid played in 2♠ or 3♠, making 9 or 10 tricks.
The most abused convention out there Board 22 from Monday 3rd
Dealer: ♠ Q2
E-W vul ♦ 1096 - - 1♠ 2NT (1)
♣ 108543 pass 3♣ 3♠ pass
pass 4♣ 4♠ pass (2)
♠ J10 N ♠ AK98543 pass 5♣ (3) all pass
♥ K96543 W E ♥ Q8
♠ 76
♥ 107
♦ AK832
♣ AKJ9
(1) What did you bid with this South hand E in this week’s quiz? A 2♦ overcall is fine, with the intention of bidding 3♣ later is possible. 2NT (the UNT) is a very poor bid with this hand. It is far too good for a pre-emptive 2NT bid (which should be weak and 5-5 in the minors) and it is nowhere near good enough for the very strong type (which I play as game forcing)
(2) Perhaps South should double here – to show more defence that his pre-empt suggested.
(3) North believed South and so made the unnecessary sacrifice.
Intermediates Count Board 22 from Friday 7th
Dealer: ♠ KQ8 Table A
E-W vul ♦ A74 - - pass pass
♣ A 1NT (1) 2♦ (2) 2NT (3) all pass
♠ AJ9 N ♠ 106 ‘Expert’ Table
♥ K92 W E ♥ A10 West North East(D) South
♠ 75432 pass pass (5) 2NT (6) pass
♥ 43 3♣ pass 3NT (7) all pass
♦ 3
♣ J986
A Comedy of Errors Board 11 from Friday 7th
Dealer: ♠ 1096
Love all ♦ 52 - - - 1♦
♣ A76 pass 1♥ 2♦ (1) 2♠ (2)
pass 3♥ pass 4♣ (3)
♠ 542 N ♠ J83 pass pass (4) dbl (5) 4♥ (6)
♥ 54 W E ♥ 62 all pass
♠ AKQ7
♥ KJ93
♦ K1096
♣ 9
(1) To be fair, East is a beginner. He knew that he needed 11 points and a 5 card suit to overcall at the two level, I guess I omitted to teach him that you do not overcall in the suit that LHO has opened (and promised at least 4 cards in – N-S play a short ♣).
(2) South asked the meaning of 2♦, and was told ‘natural’. Obviously he should simply double and take the 800 on offer for an easy total top. However, he chose to bid on as if there had been no intervention.
So that brings me to question F. What would you bid with this South hand F if there had been no overcall? The correct bid is 4♣ - a splinter agreeing ♥’s and showing a ♣ singleton or void. This would then have led to the comfortable 6♥ contract. Showing the ♠ suit here, although it is game forcing, simply confuses the issue.
South meant this a splinter
showing a ♣ singleton. That would have been the case last go but it is not now.
I would take it as a cue bid showing 1st round ♣ control and
agreeing ♥’s, probably with just 2 card ♥ support. Since the ♦A is
presumably with
(4) North was confused, He had the ♣A and he was also totally baffled by his partner’s failure to double 2♦. Since he had no idea what was going on he passed.
(5) Obviously 4♣ would have been a totally ridiculous contract, and East presumably felt sorry for N-S and so doubled them.
(6) Phew!
And what happened? N-S scored a joint top in 4♥ +3 when East decided not to take his ♦A when declarer led up towards the ♦K in dummy. Nobody bid 6♥.
The bottom lines: -
- Don’t overcall in a suit that LHO has promised 4 cards in.
- Don’t double the opponents in a ridiculous contract when they have a good spot (slam even!) in another suit.
Don’t double the opponents when
- A splinter is ALWAYS a jump and is usually a singleton. If it’s a void then the splinter bidder cue bids it later.
- A non-jump when a suit has been (sort of) agreed is a cue bid and shows 1st round control, either a void or more commonly the ace.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Pass is obviously fine. But I won’t argue
if you chose 2♥, with a decent ♥ suit and an outside 4-carder the weak 2♥ is acceptable.
Hand B: 4♥. A splinter agreeing ♣’s
and showing ♥ shortage (singleton
or void). 4♣ is reasonable if you both know that it is
forcing and slam seeking (slow arrival). 5♥,
Exclusion Roman Keycard Blackwood (thus showing the ♥ void at once) is also possible but with few
high card points I prefer the slowly slowly approach
of the 4♥ splinter (and cue bid ♥’s to show a void if partner cues in ♦’s or ♠’
next). If you/partner are unsure about a 4♥
splinter here then you could simply bid 6♣;
5♣ is plain pathetic.
Hand C: 4♦. A splinter agreeing ♥’s
and showing ♦ shortage (singleton
or void). This is probably better than 1♠ as you have a known 5-4 ♥
fit and that’s the strain that you want to play in.
Hand D: (a) 3NT.
Lacking more sophisticated methods (Lebensohl) 3NT is
the value bid. This hand, with these glorious intermediates, is far too good
for a feeble 2NT.
(b) Pass (or double). Playing Lebensohl you can
wait to find out which long suit
Hand E: 2♦,
and bid 3♣ later if the opportunity arises. The hand is
totally unsuitable for a double with just 2 ♥’s. Do NOT attempt to show both suits with 2NT (The Unusual NoTrump,
UNT) as this hand is far too strong. If you play that the UNT is weak or very
strong if you bid again (a common practice that I approve of) then this hand is
nowhere near good enough for the strong type.
Hand F: 4♣. A splinter agreeing ♥’s
and showing ♣ shortage (singleton
or void). There is absolutely no reason to introduce this ♠ suit as you have a known 4-4 or better ♥ fit.