Club News Sheet – No. 194        22nd July 2006


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                        Winners                                                            Runners-up


Mon 17th    1st Emil & Gene                                 63%       2nd    Bob P & Jo                        57%

Wed 19th    1st Douwe & Jacques                        65%       2nd    Bill & Mike                        62%

Fri    21st    1st              Bob P & Eddie                 57%       2nd    Bill & Mike                        55%


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A RHO opens 2, what do you bid?


2                   J

J63               KJ3              With Hand B you open 1 and LHO doubles. Partner

AK106         KJ952           jumps to 2, what do you do? 

KJ1042        AQ74


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C partner opens 2 (Muiderberg, weak with 5 ’s

and a 4 card minor). What do you bid?

72                 J7                              

J10953         J32               With Hand D LHO opens 2 and partner bids 2NT. RHO

A8                109843         bids 3 and this is passed round to partner who doubles.

KQ103        K32             What do you do?


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E LHO opens 2 (Muiderberg, weak with 5 ’s

and a 4 card minor) and this is passed round to you. What

K                  A3                do you bid?

AK86           AK75

J76432          AJ8               With hand F everybody is vulnerable. (a) what do you open?

J4                 AQ85           (b) Suppose you choose 2 and LHO bids 2 which partner doubles. What do you bid?

Bidding Sequences Quiz


G     2   2      dbl                 2 is strong, what is the dbl?

H     1    dbl     1                  What is the 1 bid - weakish or forcing?

J      1    dbl     2                 What is the 2 bid - weakish or forcing?

K     1    dbl     2                  What is the 2 jump - weakish or forcing?

L      2    2NT                         What is the 2NT overcall?

M    2    3NT                         What is the 3NT overcall?

N     2    dbl     3    pass       2 is weak, dble is take-out…

pass dbl                                   what is this 2nd dbl?

P      2    2NT   3    pass       2 is weak, 2NT is natural with decent stop(s)…

pass dbl                                   what is dbl?

A two level bid after RHO has doubled is weak        Board 7 from Monday 17th   


 What was you answer to questions J and K in this week’s sequence quiz? Whether a jump or not, a 2-level bid after RHO has doubled is always weak and pre-emptive: -


Dealer:             107654                                       West          North         East          South(B)

South               Q5                                              -                 -                 -               1

Both vul            843                                             dbl   (1)      2    (2)      pass         2NT (3)

J62                                             pass           pass           dbl   (4)    pass


AQ73                N             K92                         

A10986          W    E          742                      

107                     S              AQ6               (1)  I would prefer to bid 1 as you are fixed if

53                                      K1098                partner responds 2.

                        J                                           (2)  This is a weak pre-emptive bid.    

KJ3                                      (3)  What did you bid with this South hand B in

KJ952                                         this week’s quiz? You should pass. South

AQ74                                         thought that North’s bid was strong.

(4)  East knew that North’s bid was weak.

And what happened? 1100.

The bottom lines: -

-         When partner opens and RHO doubles then any 2-level bid (jump or not is) is weak.

-         It appears that this is not common knowledge in the club, so I have decided to write a page called ‘When RHO Doubles’. It’s now on the web (in the Basic Bidding section) and in the conventions folder. I decided to reproduce it later in this news-sheet.



Rudeness and behaviour at our club.


How many times to I have to say it? To date I have expelled more than ½ a dozen players because of bad manners, rudeness and general bad behaviour. Do people think that I am joking when I warn them? Emil was apparently very rude to a lady on Monday. I also heard from a 3rd party that he was continually rude/aggressive towards his partner; this is totally unacceptable.

I had a word with him (I have also done so in the past – to little effect it appears) and he will be suspended from the club if I get another complaint. Clear enough?

I also had problems with Hans Kaechelle. Much the same applies to him but he is a very poor player as well as being uncouth. He does not play bridge, but slams the cards down as if playing some German farmer’s game. I have now told him that he will not be guaranteed a game at the club unless he comes with a partner, and if I get another complaint he too will be suspended.

So here it is, with names: Emil Stranz and Hans Kaechelle will both be suspended/banned from the club if I hear another whisper of a complaint. Also, I will no longer guarantee a partner for either of them and will not ask anybody to play with either of them. Very few people wish to partner them and if they turn up alone they will probably not get a game.

Having already written the above, there was also a loud exchange between Chuck Paparigian and Bob Short on Friday. I do not know the details but any repeat performance and the culprit(s) will most certainly be suspended.

All four of the above named may consider themselves ‘on notice’. Any further problem whatsoever and they will be suspended from the club. Since there are 4 of them they could set up their own little foursome – wouldn’t that be fun?

Don’t make gestures or talk during the auction/play          Board 24 from Monday 17th


 This was totally typical Hans K ‘bridge’. I adjusted the score to give him a zero: -


Dealer:             85                                               Hans’ Table

South               AQ9742                                     West          North         East          South

E-W vul           4                                                 -                 -                 -               1

                        AKJ4                                         pass           2              pass         2NT (1)

pass           3             pass         3

92                      N             A763                    pass           4              pass         4NT (2)

K865              W    E          J10                       pass           pass (3)      pass

J83                      S              9762                    

Q762                                 1083              (1)  Normally showing 12-14, but Hans is a beginner

                        KQJ104                               (2)  Normally Blackwood. But at the same time as

3                                                 slapping the 4NT card on the table he loudly

                        AKQ105                                    muttered ‘meche’ – which was understood

                        95                                              to mean that he did not like ’s

(3) And so North passed.


I was (quite correctly) called over to the table and said to play the hand out and if E-W felt that they were harmed then I would look at the score and alter it if necessary.

And what happened? 4NT made exactly (for an exact average score) and I was asked if the score should be adjusted. My opinion was:

(a) South’s gesture and comment were completely illegal.

(b) Without them he would have got into the great 6NT contract that nobody bid.

(c) There is one loser and then 12 tricks off the top however you play the cards (obviously taking the finesse only if you get an unlikely initial lead).

(d) South has no idea how to play bridge and somehow managed the amazing feat of losing 3 tricks even when all of the (unnecessary) finesses work, I assumed he would ‘play’ the same in 6NT and so adjusted the score to 6NT-2.


And at other tables? Only one other pair looked for slam – but they reached 6 which is the only slam that does not make! That too went two down. 4 made just 10 tricks and the two players in 6NT made the obvious 12 tricks.


The bottom lines: -

-         The aim of the Pattaya bridge Club is to be a friendly bridge club. People who disobey the rules will be thrown out.

-         Fortunately I understand that a number of the rejects have got together and they occasionally have enough for a couple of tables of raucous bridge in the high season. I am quite happy to swell their numbers with other unruly players.

-         I should not need to say that you may not make comments like this during the bidding or play. I have repeatedly told Hans this (I have frequently played with him as few others will). I will not tell him again. Once more and he’s out.



When RHO doubles              


If your partner opens 1 of a suit and RHO doubles (take-out) then bidding is different from when there had been no double. The general scheme is: -




1© dbl pass  Pass could be as much as 8 or so points but nothing else to bid.


1© dbl  2©   A single raise. This is pre-emptive, often less that a raise without the double.


1© dbl  3    A jump raise. This is pre-emptive, often a distributional hand with say 6-8 pts.


1© dbl  4©   A double jump raise. This is most definitely pre-emptive. It could well be a load of rubbish with 4 or 5 card support (depending upon vulnerability).


1© dbl 1NT  This is constructive, about 7-9 points. If partner had opened a major and RHO doubled then this bid would usually suggest a stopper in the other major.


1¨ dbl  1ª   A new suit at the one level. This is generally played as 4+ cards and forcing; although some believe that it is passable (responder would generally double with 9+ points). Others play that it’s a 5+ card suit and weak. It’s up to you but forcing unless you agree to the contrary.


1© dbl  2§   A new suit at the two level. This is generally played as non-forcing (pre-emptive) and a six card suit.


1¨ dbl  2ª   A jump shift after a double. This is best played as pre-emptive, a six card suit and not much else. Higher bids are simply more pre-emptive.


1© dbl  2NT Truscott 2NT (or Jordan 2NT). This is conventional (redouble with a balanced 9+ points). It shows a sound raise to the three level of partner’s major.


1© dbl  3NT 3NT when partner opens a major. This can be played as conventional (because you redouble with a balanced 9+ points). The logical conventional meaning has to be a sound raise to the 4 level of partner’s major but you could do that by bidding 2NT and then raising to the four level. So you could play this as a decent hand with a stop in the other major but not enough to penalise them (say a hand with a good long minor and a stop in the other major).

1§ dbl  3NT 3NT when partner opens a minor. When partner has opened a minor it must be natural? This is up to your partnership and may depend upon vulnerability. Logically it would be a decent hand with a long minor suit and cover in both majors (but not good enough major suit holdings to go for the penalty with a redouble).


1© dbl  redbl      This is looking for carnage;  9+ points, some say 10+. It is very often a mis-fit for partner and aiming to penalise the opponents in their final resting place, hopefully the grave. After this start, any pass by opener or responder is forcing and any double is penalties – the opening side have shown the balance of power, usually a mis-fit, and should never let the opponents play in an undoubled contract. The aim is to penalise the opponents and any subsequent NoTrump bid by opener or responder is ‘impossible’.

How to find a specific king.                                 Board 10 from Wednesday 19th  


 Nobody found 7NT on this board, and only 2 pairs bid 6NT: -


Dealer:             AJ                                               Table A

East                  J                                                 West          North         East          South

Both vul            KQ82                                         -                 -                 pass         1

AQ10843                                   pass           2             pass         2

pass           4NT (1)      pass         5

KQ1093            N             8764                     pass           6    (2)      all pass    

Q964              W    E          108732                

64                       S              J5                          ‘Expert’ Table

J2                                       96                       West          North         East          South

                        52                                               -                 -                 pass         1

AK5                                           pass           2             pass         2   

A10973                                      pass           4NT (1)      pass         5

K75                                           pass           5NT (2)     pass         6   (3)

pass           7NT (4)      all pass


Table A:     (1)  Roman Keycard Blackwood for ’s.

(2)   With no way to discover if partner had the all-important K, this North decided to settle for the safe slam.

‘Expert’      (1)  This is our 2nd string expert pair. Most expert players do not play 4NT as

 Table               Blackwood when a minor suit is trumps. Two possible schemes are Kickback (so 4 when ’s are trumps) or 4-of-the- minor as RKCB.

(2)   5NT (or 5 if you play Kickback) asks for kings.

(3)   And the most popular expert approach is not to show the number of kings, but to show the suit of the cheapest king.

(4)   North can count. 6 ’s, 5 ’s and two aces = 13, if South has an additional king then that is irrelevant. Only locating the K was important.


And what happened? Two pairs bid 6NT+1, one pair decided to go for the lower scoring 6+1 and the other two tables stopped in game.

The bottom lines: -

-         I think it’s best to play cheapest king in response to a RKCB king ask.

-         But note that either scheme may get you uncomfortably high: if South does not have the K then 6NT may well not be making and 6 much safer.

-         If you want to avoid these (and other) problems which occur when any suit other that ’s are trumps, then read up on Kickback.

-         If that is a bit overwhelming, then play 4-of-the- minor as RKCB with a minor suit as trumps.


A lay-down 7NT                                                   Board 21 from Wednesday 19th  


 Bjorn sent me this play problem. I modified it slightly (by making the suit in the North hand solid from the jack downwards). How do you play in 7NT?


Dealer:             KQJ                                           Table A

North               AQ                                             West          North         East          South

N-S vul            J1097652                                    -                 1              pass         2

3                                                pass           2              pass         6   (1)

all pass

10732                N             98654                      

J1098             W    E          765432                 Table B

3                         S              84                         West          North         East          South

J654                                   -                          -                 1              pass         2

                        A                                                pass           2              pass         4NT (1)

K                                                pass           5              pass         7NT

AKQ                                          all pass



(1)   I have been asked to vary my vocabulary, ‘pathetic’ is the best word I can find for this bid. South later said that he did not know how to bid the hand. Table B’s auction seems pretty obvious to me.


Anyway, it’s not about the bidding, which is ‘trivial’ but about the play. How do you make 7NT? At one table South simply claimed and East asked him how he was going to play it. Whether he was always going to adopt the correct line or whether the question prompted him into thinking about a possible 4-0 break we will never know.

Anyway, after a few second thought he said play the A, discard the A on the Q, discard the AKQ on the KQJ, run the ’s and score the 13th trick with the A in hand. Well done.

And what happened at other tables? One other pair had the obvious auction but went one down when he did not spot the catch of the 4-0 break.

The bottom lines: -

-         Do you want me to put in a few more of these hands now and again?


Defence to weak two’s – part 1                           Board 13 from Wednesday 19th  


What was your answer to sequence L in this week’s quiz?


Dealer:             AJ86543                                    

North               95                                               West          North         East(A)    South

both vul            5                                                 -                 2    (1)      2NT (2)    dbl

863                                            pass           pass           3           3

all pass

1097                  N             2                              

K107              W    E          J63                      

Q832                  S              AK106                

Q95                                   KJ1042              






(1)   Being vulnerable, this North decided to open just 2.

(2)   What did you bid with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? I guess that dbl is reasonable, but I prefer to have 4 ’s for that bid although I would not argue if that’s what you chose. 3 seems very sensible to me. This East thought that 2NT was ‘the Unusual NoTrump’. It is not. 2NT here is 15-18+ with a stop(s). And apart from that, this hand is just another example of the UNT being the ‘most abused convention out there’ – the hand is not 5-5 and it is far too strong. So, three mistakes in just one bid, not bad for Ian.


And what happened? 3 made +1 and 4 was bid and made at two other tables. 4 should not make of course. East led the A and then found the excellent trump switch. Declarer won in dummy and led the A and another; West correctly went up with the Q and was all set to remove dummy’s last trump but East overtook it with the K! Declarer went up with the A on East’s lead, ruffed a and was then able to ruff a in dummy and make 10 tricks. East’s ‘reasoning’ was the he thought that West wanted a through – that is unsound thinking as if West has the K (as he almost certainly has) it will not go away.


The bottom lines: -

-         2NT over a weak two opening is natural and strong (15-18+ with a stop).

-         There is no such thing as a pre-empt over a pre-empt.

-         The UNT is the most abused convention out there, it is not a good 12 points and it is not 5-4 in the minors.

-         If you have embarked on a (correct) defence of removing dummy’s trumps – then do not overtake partner’s winner if you are now out of trumps!

-         Don’t change horses in mid stream.

Defence to weak two’s – part 2                           Board 22 from Wednesday 19th  


What was your answer to sequence P in this week’s quiz?


Dealer:             A8                                             

East                  A854                                          West          North         East          South(D)

E-W vul           A6                                              -                 -                 pass         pass

AQ974                                       2              2NT (1)      3            pass

pass           dbl   (2)      pass         4    (3)

K65432             N             Q109                    all pass

Q10                W    E          K976                   

J75                      S              KQ2                    

105                                    J86                     






(1)   Unlike the previous East, this North knew that 2NT was natural.

(2)   What was your answer to sequence P in this weeks quiz? This is penalties. North has advertised a strong hand with decent ’s, it seems to me that he is going for the vulnerable penalty rather than inviting partner to bid a new suit at the 4-level. If North wanted partner to bid he would have doubled at (1) rather than bid 2NT.

(3)   What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? Pass is correct, this South thought that the double was for take-out.


And what happened? 2 doubled would have been one down and that 200 would have been a clear top to N-S. 4 should go two down but the defenders messed it up and it made for a clear top to N-S anyway. Rather lucky.


The bottom lines: -

-         When you bid a natural NoTrump, then a subsequent double is for penalties.

-         Normally when the opponents bid and agree a suit then a double is take-out, but I believe that the sentence above has precedence.

-         So, as I see it, a No Trump overcall - showing a semi-balanced big hand with stop(s) followed by a double is definitely penalties.


Consider these two sequences N & P: -


N     2    dbl     3    pass       2 is weak, dble is take-out…

pass dbl                                   the 2nd double is also for take-out.

P      2    2NT   3    pass       2 is weak, 2NT is natural with decent stop(s)…

pass dbl                                   the double here, having bid NoTrump, is penalties.

Defence to weak two’s – part 3                           Board 19 from Friday 21st


The usual guidelines for defence against weak twos also apply to Muiderberg. But as I stated in my paper on the convention, opponents should often look for the penalty as it’s only a 5 card suit. That usually means that one should frequently double in the balancing seat: -


Dealer:             72                                              

South               J10953                                       West          North(C)    East(E)     South

E-W vul           A8                                              -                 -                 -               2    (1)

KQ103                                      pass (2)      pass (3)      pass (4)   


AJ1083              N             K                         

Q                    W    E          AK86                  

K1095                S              J76432                 

875                                    J4                       






(1)   Muiderberg; weak with 5 ’s and a 4/5 card minor. I guess it’s OK at this vulnerability.

(2)   West has to pass (dbl is take-out) and hope that partner bids a balancing double.

(3)   What did you bid with this North hand C in this week’s quiz? South criticised North, saying that he should bid 2NT (looking for the minor) and when the expected 3 comes back he can retreat into his 5-card suit. This is absolute nonsense in my opinion. When N-S are known to have the minority of the points it seems ridiculous to me to show all 4 suits (and so a mis-fit) and end up at the 3-level doubled. North’s pass of 2 is obviously correct.

(4)   What did you bid with this East hand E in this week’s quiz? Especially against the Muiderberg pre-empt (just a 5 card suit) double is clear as partner is very likely to have a stack and if he does bid 3 the you can retreat into 3. I would double here even with a lot less points than this.


And what happened? 2 went 5 down. At another table East did indeed double at (4) and they got a top for setting it just 3 tricks.


The bottom lines: -

-         When your partner opens 2/ Muiderberg and you have two card support for the major and a 4-card minor it is foolhardy to hope to find a minor suit fit. The odds are well against it and you are simply a level higher and inviting a double. In this example North’s pass at (3) was 100% correct.

-         I have written up Muiderberg as a couple of pairs play it. But if you do, then be prepared to sometimes go for a number against experienced opposition who know when to balance with a double.

-         When LHO pre-empts and this is passed round to you then you should double with shortage in the suit bid – partner probably has a stack. This is especially true if the opponent opens a Muiderberg 2/when the suit is just a 5-carder.

-         Normally a double is take-out and playable in the other 3 suits, but it’s usually best to forget about this criteria is partner is likely to have the penalty hand type.


I have written up an article on defence to weak twos. It’s on the web under ‘Basic Bidding’.
Go for the vulnerable penalty                             Board 26 from Friday 21st


What was your answer to sequence G ? – It is penalties, and with a big balance hand the 2 opener should usually pass it.



Dealer:             A3                                             

East                  AK75                                         West          North(F)    East          South

both vul            AJ8                                             -                 -                 pass (1)    pass

AQ85                                         pass           2   (2)      2    (3)    dbl   (4)

pass           3    (5)      pass         4   

9                        N             KQ10862             pass           5NT (6)      pass         6   (7)

J6                   W    E          1042                     pass           6              all pass

976543               S              Q2                       

8732                                  K6                     






(1)   Quite why East passed is a mystery. I believe that they were playing Muiderberg in which case it’s a clear Multi 2 opener (a weak 2 is included in the Multi).

(2)   What did you open with Hand F(a) in this week’s quiz? Four aces are very nice but I still think that 2NT is best, not quite worth 2.

(3)   This really defies logic. East failed to open with a pre-empt but comes in now, vulnerable, opposite a passed partner with an enormous hand on his right in a situation where a double by the next player would be for penalties. It’s asking for minus 800 or more.

(4)   Penalties

(5)   What did you do with this North hand F(b) in this week’s quiz? With a flat hand and excellent defensive tricks pass is clear. This North is a beginner and does not yet understand that an 800 penalty is better than bidding a game or a no-hope slam.

(6)   North is a beginner.

(7)   Presumably the most discouraging bid possible.


And what happened? 2 doubled would indeed have gone for 800 or more. 6 is hopeless of course but East mis-defended to let it make. Unfortunately results like this will only encourage North to make ridiculous slam attempts like this in the future.


The bottom lines: -

-         When your partner opens 2 and the next hand overcalls, then dbl is for penalties.

-         If you wish to pre-empt, then do so at your first turn – it is foolhardy to pass and then make a vulnerable ‘pre-empt’ when RHO has opened 2.

-         Of course a 2 overcall over a 2 opening has little pre-emptive effect anyway.

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     3. Double is reasonable but I would prefer four and/or better ’s. 2NT is not the Unusual No Trump but shows a bigger hand with a stop.

Hand B:      Pass. Partner’s jump is weak after a double, usually a six card suit.

Hand C:     Pass. If you ask for minors (with 2NT or 3, whatever you use) then the odds are that partner will bid 3 and then whatever you do you will end up playing in a 3-level doubled contract with a total mis-fit.

Hand D:     Pass. Partner’s double is penalties. If he wanted to hear a suit from you he would have doubled first time.

Hand E:      Double. This is similar to the ‘automatic double’ when playing negative doubles. Partner probably has a stack (especially as opener is known to have only a 5 card suit). With shortage I would double even with far less points.

Hand F:      (a) 2NT. I don’t think it’s quite good enough for 2.

(b)  Pass. Partner’s double is penalties and with a bid balanced hand you should simply go for the vulnerable penalty.


Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers


G     2   2      dbl                 2 is strong, dbl is penalties.

H     1    dbl     1                  What is the 1 bid - this is a bit of a trick question. 1 is usually weakish (redouble with 9+ points) but it is generally played as forcing. Some do play it as weak, 5 cards, and non-forcing.

J      1    dbl     2                 What is the 2 bid - weakish and non-forcing.

K     1    dbl     2                  What is the 2 jump - weakish and non-forcing.

L      2    2NT                         What is the 2NT overcall? Natural, strong, with a stop.

M    2    3NT                         What is the 3NT overcall? Natural, very strong, with a stop.

N     2    dbl     3    pass       2 is weak, dble is take-out…

pass dbl                                   the 2nd double is also for take-out.

P      2    2NT   3    pass       2 is weak, 2NT is natural with decent stop(s)…

pass dbl                                   the double here, having bid NoTrump, is penalties.