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Mon 11th 1st N-S Bob Short & Terry 66% 2nd Bill & Mike 57%
1st E-W = Dave & Per-Ake
= Sims & Trond 54%
Wed 13th 1st Bob P & Ken 59% 2nd Alan & Dave 56%
Fri 15th 1st Bob P & Ken 62% 2nd Frode & Sims 61%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ 42 ♠ KQJ6
♥ 8532 ♥ J9 With Hand B (a) Partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♥, what do you do?
♥ K632 ♥ J642 With Hand D partner opens 1♠. (a) What do you respond.
♣ K107632 ♣ Q652
Hand E Hand F With Hand E it’s love all. Partner opens 2♠ (weak) and
overcalls 3♣. What do you do?
♠ 7654 ♠ 9872
♥ 72 ♥ - With Hand F everybody is vulnerable. LHO opens 1♣, partner
♦ 42 ♦
109753 overcalls
1♠ and
♣ A8654 ♣ AK87
Hand G Hand H With Hand G LHO opens 1♥ and partner overcalls 1♠. What do
you do?
♠ J98762 ♠ AK
♣ A7 ♣ Q1054
Hand J Hand K With Hand J LHO opens 1♦ and this is passed round to you.
What do you do?
♠ J82 ♠ J8653
♥ AK763 ♥ Q764 (a) Do you open Hand K in 2nd seat?
♦ J10 ♦ 4 (b) Suppose you open 1♠, LHO overcalls 1NT and partner bids
All of the hands in the news-sheets
are from actual club play. If you want to know the precise results for any
particular deal then they are on the club website. For Monday and Friday boards
there is also the Deep Finesse analysis of makeable contracts.
The Unassuming Cue Bid keeps you low Board 4 from Monday 11th
Dealer: ♠ A109753 Table A
Both vul ♦ 4 1♣ 1♠ (1) pass (2) 3♠ (3)
♣ K75 all pass
♠ 8 N ♠ 42 Table B
♥ AK64 W E ♥ 8532 West North East(A) South(B)
♠ KQJ6
♥ J9
♦ KJ1075
♣ 94
A two-level overcall promises an opening hand Board 1 from Monday 11th
Dealer: ♠ Q76
Love all ♦ AQ9 - 1♥ 2♣ (1) pass (2)
♣ J8 pass dbl (3) pass 2♦ (4)
dbl (5) all pass
♠ A1094 N ♠
♥ J75 W E ♥ K632
♠ J853
♥ 4
♦ J10653
♣ Q54
Pre-empt to the limit at once – part 1 Board 9 from Monday 11th
Dealer: ♠ KQ9832
Love all ♦ QJ73 - 2♠ (1) 3♣ (2) 4♠ (3)
♣ K pass (4) pass pass
♠ 10 N ♠ AJ
♥ KQ1053 W E ♥ AJ96
♠ 7654
♥ 72
♦ 42
♣ A8654
Pre-empt to the limit at once – part 2 Board 2 from Monday 11th
Dealer: ♠ 4 Table A
N-S vul ♦ Q8654 - - pass (1) 1♥
♣ KJ543 1♠ pass pass (2) 3♣ (3)
pass 4♣ 4♠ (4) 5♣
♠ AKQ103 N ♠ J98762 pass pass 5♠ dbl
♥ 1054 W E ♥
♠ 5 West North East(G) South
♥ AQJ987 - - 2♠ (1) 3♥ (5)
♦ AJ 4♠ (6) pass pass pass (7)
♣ Q1092
Table B: (1) This East chose a weak 2♠ opener – reasonable.
(5) And South has two reasonable options. Double or 3♥. I prefer to show this good 6-card suit.
(6) This West knew all about raising partner’s pre-empt to the limit.
(7) And South decided to pass. He is in a bit of a spot as West could well have a strong hand, but I would try 5♣ and apologise to partner if I go for 800.
Pre-empt to the limit at once – part 3 Board 10 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠ 10
Both vul ♦ AKQ8 - - pass 1♣
♣ 1092 1♠ 2♥ 4♠ (1) dbl (2)
all pass
♠ AQJ654 N ♠ 9872
♥ 10965 W E ♥ -
♠ K3
♥ AK72
♦ J62
♣ QJ54
(1) What did you bid with this East hand F in this week’s quiz? You are vulnerable, but the “expectation” (The Law) is just one down if partner has only 5 ♠’s. But you expect the opponents to make 4♥ so bid 4♠ now and put them on a guess. One or two down doubled will be a good score against their vulnerable game, and who knows, 4♠ may even make!
(2) Apparently three out of five N-S’s doubled. I would never double with ♥AKxx in partner’s 5+ card suit – it may well not even make a trick; and the ♠K could well be waste paper. 5♥ or pass are the reasonable options with 4NT (assuming that partner takes it as natural) being a reasonable gamble (making on a ♠ lead).
What is a 2♠ opening in 4th seat Board 11 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠ Q8
Love all ♦ Q4 - - - pass
♣ K9874 pass pass 1♠ (1) pass
2♣ (2) pass 3♠ (3) pass
♠ 3 N ♠ AKJ9652 pass (4)
♥ J642 W E ♥ A9
♠ 1074
♥ KQ3
♦ J10862
♣ J10
A Note on 1430
The 7NT mentioned above was apparently a mix-up about 1430. 1430 is a variation of Roman Keycard Blackwood whereby the first two responses to the 4NT ask are reversed.
I.e. 5♣ = 1/4 and 5♦ = 0/3. But this is only applicable to the 4NT responses and the responses to 5NT (king ask) are as normal (5♣ = 0 etc). However, there are just three kings left and most experienced players no not reply with a count. There are options but one good method is to simply bid the suit of your cheapest king (a bid of 5 of the trump suit denying a king).
Don’t bid your hand twice Board 27 from Friday 15th
If you double an opponent’s 1NT opening (showing about 15-18 pts) and partner pulls it, then he is weak with a long suit. Do not bid again.
Dealer: ♠ QJ64
Love all ♦ AKQ8 - - - pass
2♦ (3) pass 2♥ (4) pass
♠ 982 N ♠ AK 3♦ (5) pass pass (6) pass (7)
♥ 75 W E ♥ AK1095
♠ 10753
♥ QJ6
♦ 4
♣ J8763
A bid when
Dealer: ♠ AKQ10
Both vul ♦ KQ2 - - - pass
♣ J4 1♠ (1) 1NT (2) 2♦ (3) pass
2♥ (4) dbl 2♠ pass
♠ J8653 N ♠ 942 pass dbl all pass
♥ Q764 W E ♥ 53
♠ 7
♥ K82
♦ 763
♣ Q107653
(1) Did you open this West hand K(a) in this week’s quiz? I would pass, it would be a more reasonable opener if those ♣ honours were in the major suits.
(2) Showing 15-18. With this actual 20 count one should double and then bid 2NT if partner does not respond in ♥’s.
(3) East decided to show his weak hand with a 2♦ bid. This is a weak bid which opener is expected to pass. 2♠ is the more obvious bid.
(4) What did you bid with this West hand K(b) in this week’s quiz? Presumably West did not realise that 2♦ was weak and decided to bid again with this sub-minimal opener.
- If you open and LHO overcalls 1NT, then any bid by partner is weak and should normally be passed.
If partner opens and
Open 1NT with a balanced 15-17 Board 15 from Friday 15th
There are a few reasons why you should do this. Most importantly you tell partner exactly what you have and avoid any rebid problems, but another off-shoot is that the strong hand usually ends up as declarer. This latter point was very important on this deal
Dealer: ♠ 75 Table A
N-S vul ♦ K9732 - - - pass
♣ A1087 1♦ (1) pass 1♠ pass
2♠ (2) pass pass (3) pass
♠ AJ8 N ♠ Q10964
♥ Q876 W E ♥ A3 Table B
♠ K32 1NT (1) pass 2♥ pass
♥ J10542 2♠ pass 3NT (4) pass
♦ 4 4♠ (5) all pass
♣ 9654
Table B: (1) Most Wests opened the obvious 1NT.
(5) Showing game values and 5 ♠’s.
(6) With good 3 card support it’s usually best to play in the 5-3 fit.
Balancing Board 12 from Friday 15th
There have been complete books written on bidding in the pass-out seat (indeed, the Pattaya Bridge Club library has a couple if you want to borrow one). Anyway, it is generally best to balance with 7+ points if you do not have length/strength in the suit opened.
Dealer: ♠ AK7 Table A
N-S vul ♦ 873 1♦ pass (1) pass pass (2)
♣ AK82
Expert Table
♠ Q1053 N ♠ 964 West North East South(J)
♥ QJ W E ♥ 1054 1♦ pass pass 1♥ (2)
♠ J82
♥ AK763
♦ J10
♣ J73
‘Expert (2) With a good 5 card major, South chooses the obvious 1♥ overcall.
Table’ (3) Our experts know all about balancing and when partner balances one should ‘deduct a king’ for your response. With a flat hand and just three poor ♥’s, 2♥ is quite sufficient with this hand.
And what happened? 1♦ went just one down for a good score to E-W. N-S should make 9 tricks in ♥’s.
- You should balance in 4th seat with about 7+ points; with 10 and an excellent suit it is very clear.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Dbl. Promising 4 ♥’s and 6+ pts. Don’t worry about “bidding” an
eight-high suit – never deny a 4-card major. 2♣ is a very inferior alternative for this reason. If you feel that 2♣ is a better bid than showing the ♥ suit, then do not play 5-card majors.
Hand B: (a) 3♠. Or maybe 2♦ followed by 4♠ next go. Opposite
an opener this hand is easily worth an invitation and probably worth game.
(b) 2♣.
An Unassuming Cue Bid. Opposite an opener this hand may well be worth game, but
opposite an overcall even 3♠ may be too high.
This is where the Unassuming Cue Bid comes in – it shows about 11-12 points in
support of partner (or more) and enables you to stop low if partner has
overcalled on a miserable 7 points or so.
Hand C: 3♣
(weak). If you do not play weak jump overcalls then you should pass – this hand
is not strong enough for a 2♣ overcall which
promises about opening values.
Hand D: (a) 2♣ (or 2♦).
You need 5 ♥’s to bid 2♥ and 2NT denies a 4 card ♥
(b) 3NT, with 4♠ as a reasonable alternative. You must bid, especially as partner’s 3♠ bid is forcing playing Standard American.
Hand E: 4♠.
Obey ‘The Law’ and pre-empt to the limit. One or two down doubled should be
fine and it may even make.
Hand F: 4♠.
Obey ‘The Law’ and pre-empt to the limit. You ‘expect’ one down but that’s fine
with a ♥ void as 4♠
may possibly make and if it goes more than 1 down the opponents can surely make
Hand G: 4♠. Obey
‘The Law’ and bid to the limit. With 5 ♠’s
it’s not suitable for a 2♥ Unassuming Cue Bid
as that allows the opposition to compete cheaply and maybe find a sound
sacrifice over your later 4♠ bid..
Hand H: (a) Dbl,
showing 15-18 points. It’s too good for a 2♥ bid (whatever you play that as).
(b) Pass. Partner has a weak hand with long ♦’s. You need another ♥ to bid 2♥.
Hand J: 1♥.
Seems obvious I know, but one player did pass on the assumption that partner was
weak and that opener had a big hand. This is incorrect reasoning as partner
could easily have up to 14 or 15 points but no suitable bid. It is your duty to
‘protect’ him by bidding, even if you had as little as 7 points.
Hand K: (a) Pass.
It would be a reasonable opening in 3rd seat. In 1st or 2nd
seat I would open a hand like this only if those ♣ honours were in the major suits.
(b) Pass. After LHO has overcalled 1NT a non-jump
bid by partner is weak and to play.