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Mon 18th 1st N-S Bill & Mike 61% 2nd Bob Short & Frode 56%
Wed 20th 1st N-S Bill & Mike 59% 2nd Henrik & Johannes 56%
Fri 22nd 1st N-S Bob P & Ken 57% 2nd
1st E-W Bob S & Emil 56% 2nd
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ K74 ♠ KJ64 With Hand B, (a) partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
♥ A85 ♥ QJ10 rebids 1NT, what do you do?
♠ A104 ♠ 106 With Hand D (a) partner opens a weak 2♠, what do you bid?
♥ 2 ♥ AQJ7 (b) If you play the multi 2♦, partner opens 2♦; what do you bid?
♠ AK987 ♠ A8 With Hand F you decide to open 2♣ and the uninterrupted
♦ 8762 ♦ KQ3 What do
you bid at your 4th turn?
On Wednesday one pair arrived 5 minutes late.
As it happened we were a player short and so Dave kindly decided to not play
himself and let the late arrivals have a game. On Friday the same
pair arrived over 5 minutes late again!!! This time we were well into the first
board with a “perfect” movement of exactly 6 tables with no sit-out. Despite
protestations from Henrik that I should change the
movement, I absolutely refused to do so. Now Henrik
may or may not be “international” standard, it matters not at this club.
Behavior and manners are No. 1.
I will take this opportunity to make club
policy very clear. We start at 13.00 prompt. If a pair (or
individual) turn(s) up 5 minutes late then they will be allowed to play only
if we have a sit-out (or if it is convenient). Dave or I will most certainly not
change the movement to accommodate late arrivals unless they have a legitimate
excuse. As far as we are concerned, Henrik (and a few
other habitual late arrivals – another one of whom happens also to be
Norwegian) will never have a good enough excuse for us. Henrik should feel lucky that he has been allowed back into
the club; but he should be aware that any problems then he’s out for good (ask
Chuck). Bad manners (continually arriving late is just one example) simply will
not be tolerated.
It’s that 4333 type shape again – part 1 Board 3 from Monday 18th
Dealer: ♠ J63
E-W vul ♦ K1094 - - - pass
♣ A1082 1NT (1) pass 2♥ dbl
2♠ pass 3NT (2) pass
♠ K74 N ♠ A10982 4♠ all pass
♥ A85 W E ♥ K42
♠ Q5
♥ QJ1097
♦ 832
♣ K65
It’s that 4333 type shape again – part 2 Board 23 from Monday 18th
Dealer: ♠ 87 Table A
Both vul ♦ 102 - - - pass
♣ AJ965 1♦ (1) pass 1♠ pass
1NT pass 2NT (2) all pass
♠ 1095 N ♠ KJ64
♥ A87 W E ♥ QJ10 Table B
♠ AQ32 pass (1) pass pass (3)
♥ 542
♦ QJ7
♣ 1083
Worth a limit raise or game? Board 13 from Monday 18th
Dealer: ♠ K42 Table A
Both vul ♦ J107 - 1♥ pass 3♥ (1)
♣ J pass pass (2) pass
♠ 95 N ♠ Q8763 Table B
♥ K W E ♥ 986 West North East South
♠ AJ10 pass 4♥ (5) all pass
♥ 1075
♦ AK852 ‘Expert Table’
♣ 106 West North East South
- 1♥ pass 1NT (1)
pass 2♥ (6) pass 4♥ (7)
- Upgrade a hand with AQJxxx in a major when partner supports.
You can differentiate between 3
and 4 card support for partner’s opening 1♥/♠ by raising
directly to 3 with 4 card support and going via a minor with just 3 cards.
This is done even more
efficiently in 2/1 by using the Forcing NoTrump.
Don’t bid again having pre-empted Board 27 from Monday 18th
Dealer: ♠ 753
Love all ♦ AQ953 - - - 2♥
♣ A7 pass pass (1) 2♠ (2) 3♥ (3)
pass (4) pass 4♣ (5) pass
♠ Q62 N ♠ AK984 4♠ (6) dbl (7) pass pass
♥ 1076 W E ♥ A 5♣ (8) dbl all pass
♠ J10
♥ KQ9543
♦ 10876
♣ K
(1) I would bid 3♥, but then I always raise partner’s pre-empt with 3 card support.
(2) A bit pathetic. This hand is enormous and either double or 3♥ or 3♠ may be better.
(3) Let’s just repeat the scriptures one more time – do not bid again having pre-empted. Exactly what South imagined this 3♥ bid would do (apart from allowing East to make up for his previous pathetic effort) baffles me.
(4) Looks like a raise to 3♠ to me. Whether he would have bid 3♠ had South passed we will never know.
(5) East was very happy at being allowed another bite at the cherry and showed his enormous two-suiter.
(6) West finally realise that he had great support for partner.
(7) I have no idea why North thought that he could defeat 4♠.
(8) I like to keep the language tame, so I shan’t say what I really think of this bid.
- I can’t remember who it was, but one famous bridge personality stated “there are only 3 game contracts in Bridge – 3NT, 4♥ and 4♠.”
Simply put, it is much easier
to make 9 or 10 tricks that 11.
To remove a known 5(+)-3 fit 4♠ contract
into a possible 4-4 fit 5♣ contract is suicidal.
Especially when partner has bid
strongly and you have Qxx of his 5+ card major.
If there happen to be 4 losers
in 4♠ then you will probably have exactly the same losers in 5♣. As is the
case here, except that there are only 3 losers!
What to do, opposite a weak two? Board 5 from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠ 82 Table A
N-S vul ♦ 8643 - pass 2♠ pass
♣ A1076 2NT (1) pass 3♦ (2) pass
3♠ (3) all pass
♠ 106 N ♠ AQ7543
♥ AQJ7 W E ♥ 1062 Table B
♠ KJ9 pass (1) pass
♥ 954
♦ K102
♣ KJ95
- 15 points with a doubleton in partner’s suit is not worth an effort over a weak two opening.
- You are much more likely to go down at the 3 or 4-level than make a thin game.
Maybe I am a poet
after all: -
Pattaya Bridge Club’s director is
Who some people love to detest
But when put to the test
He plays with such zest
That some call him, “simply the best”.
What to do, opposite a weak three? Board 24 from Friday 22nd
Dealer: ♠ 3 Table A
Love all ♦ A5 pass 3♥ (1) pass pass (2)
♣ 1084 pass
♠ K9765 N ♠ QJ82 Table B
♥ Q5 W E ♥ K83 West North East South(C)
♠ A104
♥ 2
♦ KQJ32
♣ KJ63
Table B: (2) But when partner opens at the three level he generally has a seven card suit so I would not argue if you chose to bid game. But not 3NT! If you bid, then bid 4♥ - you will have entry problems to partner’s long ♥’s if you play in 3NT and there may well be just one ♠ stop.
- It is rarely correct to bid 3NT when partner has opened a weak 3♥/♠.
With a good hand and a
singleton in his suit, raise him to 4♥/♠ rather than bid 3NT.
This actual South hand is very
marginal and pass would normally work out best; there are numerous 3♥ openers
that you can construct where there is a loser in each suit.
Bid both suits when 5-4 Board 7 from Friday 22nd
Dealer: ♠ AK987 Table A
Love all ♦ 8762 - - - pass
♣ A85 pass 1♠ pass 1NT
pass pass (1) pass
♠ J106 N ♠ Q532
♥ Q986 W E ♥ A742 Table B
♠ 4 pass 1♠ pass 1NT
♥ K1053 pass 2♦ (1) pass (2) pass (3)
♦ K1093 pass
♣ QJ72
Table B: (1) … but the odds favour bidding the 2nd suit. You may find a fit there or otherwise a 5-2 ♠ fit usually plays well.
(2) Double is worth considering as both opponents have limited their hands.
(3) South is delighted that the 4-4 ♦ fit has been located. It would be a big mistake for South to bid 2♥ here as North cannot have 4 ♥’s.
- With 5-4 shape (the 5-carder higher ranking) then bid both suits if partner responds 1NT.
Don’t bid you hand 3 times. Board 9 from Friday 22nd
Dealer: ♠ A8 Table A
E-W vul ♦ KQ3 - 2♣ pass 2♦
♣ A8 pass 2♥ pass 2♠
pass 3♥ pass 3♠
♠ 974 N ♠ K3 pass 4♥ (1) all pass
♥ Q63 W E ♥ 854
♠ QJ10653 - 2♣ pass 2♦
♥ 2 pass 2♥ pass 2♠
♦ 109 pass 3♥ pass 3♠
♣ Q952 pass 3NT (1) all pass
Table B: (1) I was North here and chose 3NT (I have already made it very clear that I have good ♥’s). This bid is better than 4♥, but I feel that 4♠ would have been a much better bid.
- ♠A8 is great support when partner has a six-carder.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 1♦.
This hand is not worth 1NT because of the totally flat 4333 type shape. So open
1♦ with a view to rebidding 1NT (12-14) opposite
a 1♥/♠
Hand B: (a) Pass.
2NT here is 11-12 but this miserable 4333 hand is only worth 10.
(b) Pass. In 4th seat the “rule of 15”
applies (points + ♠ length) but knock off a point for the totally
flat 4333 type shape and it’s a pass. I would only open this heap in 3rd
Hand C: Pass or 4♥. Everything is a lottery after a pre-empt and
you may have game if partner is top of the range. One thing is sure, however;
do not bid 3NT. If you decide to bid game then bid 4♥ as otherwise you will have entry problems
and/or the opponents may have a load of ♠
Hand D: (a) Pass.
This hand is not worth an effort over a weak 2♠.
(b) 2♠. Showing a hand worth 3♥ or more opposite a weak two in ♥’s but only prepared to play in 2♠ opposite a weak 2♠ opener.
Hand E: 2♦.
With 5-4 it usually turns out best to bid both suits.
Hand F: 4♠.
Partner presumably has a 6 card ♠
suit and there will probably be no communication with dummy if you bid 4♥. 3NT is a poor 2nd choice but
better than 4♥ in my opinion.