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Mon 30th 1st N-S Oli & Wolfgang 61% 2nd Phil & Tomas = Gene & Mike G 54%
1st E-W John & Kenneth 60% 2nd Dave & Per-Ake 56%
Wed 1st 1st N-S Lewis & Terry 57% 2nd Phil & Tomas 55%
1st E-W Derek & Gerard 61% 2nd Dave & Kenneth 60%
Fri 3rd 1st N-S Eddie & Royd 59% 2nd Alan & Lewis 56%
1st E-W Paul Scully & Terry 62% 2nd Paul Kelly & Dave 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ KJ42 ♠ K9764
♦ J943 ♦ KJ83 Partner bids 2♠, what do
you bid now?
♣ 4 ♣ Q5
Hand C Hand D With Hand
C RHO opens 1♣, what do you do?
♠ 7 ♠ Q987653 With Hand D it is
unfavourable vulnerability and
♥ A1092 ♥ K (a) what do you bid?
♠ - ♠ 532
♥ A10543 ♥ AK1095 With Hand F LHO
opens 1NT and
♦ K10985 ♦ 62 do you do?
♣ K42 ♣ K102
Hand G Hand H With Hand
G partner opens 1♥ and
you do?
♠ K9742 ♠ J852
♥ 9 ♥ KQ103 With Hand H you open 1♣ and LHO overcalls 1♦ passed to you.
1 Dave Cutler 1861.5
2 Bob Pelletier 1795.8
3 Michael Guin 1759.1
4 Bill Noe 1747.5
6 Kenneth Johansson 1739.9
There once was a member named
who thought he was never wrong.
He was a noisy dude
and so incredibly rude
that the result is that he is long gone.
His reverse was four-four
and I’d told him before
that reversing shows strength
and as for the length
the first bid should always be
Dealer: ♠ KJ42
E-W vul ♦ J943 - - - 1♣
♣ 4 1♠ (1) 1NT (2) pass 2NT (3)
3♠ (4) dbl (5) all pass
♠ Q987653 N ♠ 10
♥ K W E ♥ 10842
♠ A
♥ AJ76
♦ K652
Dealer: ♠ AKJ4
N-S vul ♦ 3 - 1♣ pass (1) 1NT
♣ Q854 2♠ (2) dbl (3) pass (4) pass
♠ Q9652 N ♠ 7
♥ Q8 W E ♥ A1092
♠ 1083
♥ J63
♦ KQ6
♣ A932
(1) What did you bid with this East hand C in this week’s quiz? A 1♦ overcall looks fine to me, but then there would be no tale to tell.
(2) This is very dangerous; at the two level with a miserable suit. Even at favourable vulnerability it’s very dangerous as a double by LHO is for penalties (sequence J).
(3) North had no problem applying the axe.
(4) E-W have a ♦ fit but it would be foolhardy to try to rescue partner with no known better spot. There really would have been no problem had East overcalled 1♦ initially at (1).
Dealer: ♠ K7
E-W vul ♦ AQ864 - - pass pass
♣ K6 2♥ (1) pass (2) 2♠ (3) pass
pass dbl (4) 3♠ (5) pass
♠ AJ863 N ♠ Q102 pass 3NT (6) pass pass (7)
♥ A3 W E ♥ K9 pass
♠ 954
♥ J10742
♦ K102
♣ 84
(1) This was some form of multi bid; showing a weak hand with ♠’s and a minor or else some sort of strong hand I believe. It looks a bit strong for a ‘weak’ bid to me; I would open 1♠.
(2) North decided to wait and see. A double now might confuse partner.
(3) Saying that East is quite happy to play in 2♠ if West has the weak hand type.
(4) So it’s confirmed that West has a weak hand with ♠’s and so North made a perhaps ambitious take-out double.
(5) Upping the ante.
(6) Both East and West appeared to be bidding with weak hands so North assumed that his partner had something, so he chose to bid 3NT.
(7) Partner has doubled an effective 2♠ bid for take-out and with 5 ♥’s South should obviously bid 4♥. But he was “confused” by West opening 2♥, despite the fact that it was very clearly explained to him that West had a weak hand with 5 ♠’s and a minor suit.
Dealer: ♠ Q52
Love all ♦ AQ65 - - - pass
♣ K642 1NT pass pass 2♣ (1)
pass 2♠ all
♠ K10 N ♠ 8763
♥ AQ2 W E ♥ 10976
♠ AJ94 And what happened? 2♠ made exactly for an
♥ KJ84 absolute top to N-S as most E-W’s scored
♣ Q
Dealer: ♠ 10
N-S vul ♦ A9854 - - - pass
♣ AK865 1♠ 2NT (1) pass 3NT (2)
all pass
♠ AJ8764 N ♠ 93
♥ AK103 W E ♥ QJ742 (1) A trifle strong for the unusual NoTrump, but
♠ KQ42 (2) Apparently having no idea what 2NT meant.
♥ 65
♦ K732 And what happened? For some strange reason
♣ revealed
the bad split there. So declarer ran the
Dealer: ♠ J76 Table A
N-S vul ♦ J643 - - 1♠ dbl (1)
♣ AJ5 2♠ (2) dbl (3) pass pass (4)
♠ A10984 N ♠ KQ532
♥ Q2 W E ♥ J96 ‘Expert’ Table
♠ - 3♠ (5) 4♥ (6) pass pass
♥ A10543 4♠ (7) pass pass 5♥
♦ K10985 all pass
Dealer: ♠ Q108 Table A
E-W vul ♦ 4 - - pass pass
♣ J8763 1NT (1) pass 2♥ pass (2)
2♠ pass 3NT (3) all pass
♠ AJ N ♠ K9764
♥ Q6 W E ♥ J2 ‘Expert’ Table
♠ 532 1NT (1) pass 2♥ dbl (2)
♥ AK1095 pass (4) pass 3♦ (5) pass
♦ 62 4♣ (6) pass 4♠ (7) all pass
Dealer: ♠ 1042 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ J109 1♠ pass (1) 1NT pass
♣ KQ863 pass 2♣ (2) pass pass
dbl pass pass 2♥ (3)
♠ 8763 N ♠ K95 dbl all pass
♥ A103 W E ♥ QJ87
♠ AQJ (2) But now, with both opponents limited,
♥ 9652 a protective bid is acceptable.
♦ Q7652 (3) If South had paused to think he would realise
♣10 that North cannot have more than 3 ♥’s as he
would have doubled instead of bidding 2♣.
Dealer: ♠ J West North East South
N-S vul ♦ KJ10875 4♠ 5♥ 5♠ (1) pass
♣ Q2 pass dbl all
♠ AK3 N ♠ 10876542
♥ Q5 W E ♥ AJ
♠ Q9 poor suit and two defensive tricks
♥ K9876
♦ Q4
Dealer: ♠ 6 Table A
Love all ♦ QJ3 pass pass 1♥ 1♠
♣ KQ865 1NT (1) all pass
♠ K9742 N ♠ J10 ‘Expert’ Table
♥ 9 W E ♥ AKJ54 West(G) North East South
♠ AQ853 pass 2♣ (3) pass (4) pass
♥ Q83 dbl (3) all pass
♦ 10875
Dealer: ♠ AQ107
Both vul ♦ KQ965 - - - pass
♣ 74 1♣ 1♦ pass (1) pass
dbl (2) 1♠ dbl (3) 2♦ (4)
♠ J852 N ♠ 643 2♥ (5) 3♦ (6) dbl (7) all pass
♥ KQ103 W E ♥ AJ7
♠ K9
♥ 9854
♦ 743
Hand A: 1NT or double (negative). Unfortunately you cannot show both your 4 card ♥ suit and your great ♠ stops. I prefer 1NT but I won’t argue with double. Another reasonable option is to pass and go for the penalty when partner re-opens with a double; but I would prefer more points and/or another ♠.