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Mon 27th 1st N-S Jan & Royd 67% 2nd Alan & Lewis 65%
1st E-W Derek & Gerard 57% 2nd Bjorn & Knud 56%
Wed 29th 1st N-S Alan & Lewis 60% 2nd Derek & Gerard 55%
1st E-W Kenneth & Phil 56% 2nd Jan & Royd 56%
Fri 1st 1st N-S = Dave & Mike G = Alan & Lewis 57%
1st E-W Lard G & Gunnar 65% 2nd
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
you do?
♠ 9862 ♠ AK9
♦ AK93 ♦ KQ83 (b) Suppose you pass and partner bids 1NT in the
balancing seat,
♣ 75 ♣ 642 What do you bid now?
Hand C Hand D (a) What do you do as opener with Hand C?
(b) and what do you plan to rebid if you decide to open?
♠ KQJ106 ♠ A
♣ 74 ♣ K103
Hand E Hand F With
Hand E LHO opens 1♥ and this is passed round to you.
What do you bid?
♠ 632 ♠ KJ54
♥ KQJ ♥ 10 With Hand F you open 1♣ and LHO overcalls 3♦. Partner
♣ AK87 ♣ KQJ62 do you bid?
Bidding Sequences Quiz
We currently have 8 people qualified for contention (30 results above 53%) in the Gold Cup:
1 Dave Cutler 1865.6
2 Bob Pelletier 1795.8
3 Bob Short 1784.3
5 Michael Guin 1760.9
6 Alan Purdy 1749.9
7 Bill Noe 1747.5
8 Kenneth Johansson 1746.7
The top standings for the Silver Plate (best 10) and Bronze medal (best 5) are as follows. For clarity I have removed Dave, Bob P and Bob S who are currently in the top 3 positions of the Gold Cup.
Silver Plate Bronze Medal
4 Clive Bell 637.8 2 Clive Bell 334.3
6 Alan Purdy 628.6 6
7 Lewis Berg 627.1 7 Ruth Ibler 327.2
8 Hans Bijvoet 624.2 8 Jim Wallington 327.1
9 Derek
& Gerard 623.7 9 Alan Purdy 325.8
10 Jan v Koss 617.2 10 Hans
Bijvoet 325.1
Basic 2/1
A couple of our more experienced players have finally decided to take the very sensible step of learning 2/1, so I have written a couple of pages on it. It is intended for anybody with a good understanding of Standard American to pick up the basics of 2/1. Copies are in the conventions folder and I will doubtless improve upon it when I get feedback/questions.
I will put it up
on the internet when it’s finalised and after I have had some comments.
A double of a 1NT opening is penalties… Board
17 from Monday 27th
Dealer: ♠ 9862 Table A
Love all ♦ AK93 - pass 1NT dbl (1)
♣ 75 pass (2) 2♦ (3) pass 2♠ (4)
all pass
♠ 103 N ♠ K5
♥ 863 W E ♥ AK104 Table B
♠ AQJ74 pass (2) 2♣ (5) pass pass (6)
♥ QJ7
♦ QJ
Balancing with 1NT – Part 1 Board 25 from Monday 27th
Dealer: ♠ Q105
E-W vul ♦ A92 - 1♥ pass (1) pass
♣ K9 1NT (2) pass 3NT (3) all
♠ 632 N ♠ AK9
♥ KQJ W E ♥ 765
♠ J874
♥ 83
♦ J105
with 1NT – Part 2 Board 25 from Monday 27th
Dealer: ♠ KQ4
N-S vul ♦ A65 - - 1♦ pass
♣ A107 pass dbl (1) pass 1♠ (2)
pass 1NT (3) pass 2NT (4)
♠ Q863 N ♠ A86 pass pass (5) all pass
♥ J107 W E ♥ Q54
♠ J973
♥ A92
♦ J73
♣ K54
(1) What would you bid with this North hand? Double is correct as the hand is far too good for a balancing 1NT in most player’s style.
(2) With a totally flat hand it’s not quite worth a jump.
(3) This is fine.
(4) But here we have the problem. Not many non-steady partnerships have agreed the range for a 1NT rebid in the balancing seat having doubled. South assumed it was around 14-17.
(5) But North thought that he was minimal for his bidding, and with a totally flat hand and no agreement about the strength I think he’s probably right.
And what happened?
North made 10 tricks for a near top as only one pair bid the 3NT game.
Who was to blame for not bidding game? With no
agreement about the exact point range I think that South should have bid 3NT
rather than 2NT at (4).
The bottom lines.
- Regular partnerships should agree the ranges for balancing NoTrump bids.
- Since the 1NT bid in the balancing seat needs to include a fairly low point count (say 10 or 11) there really is not much room to be that precise. One possibility is: -
No Trump bids in the balancing seat
1NT 10-13
dbl followed by 1NT 14-17
dbl followed by 2NT 18-19
2NT 20-23
This assumes that partner has made a minimum response at the one-level. If partner makes a non-jump response at the two level then it’s even more problematic! Note that a pre-emptive Unusual 2NT is not needed in the balancing seat and so the 2NT overcall can be used to help to fill in the large point spread. It really is not a good idea to have a four point spread for any No Trump bid, but there really is no alternative unless you want to use Crowhurst.
In No Trumps, play on your longest suit Board 11 from Monday 27th
Dealer: ♠ AK3 - - - pass
Love all ♦ AK4
♣ 654 There’s
nothing to the bidding, so onto the
play. You get the obvious ♠ lead and win the
♠ Q94 N ♠ J8765 2nd round. Which suit do you attack?
♥ Q82 W E ♥ AJ74 ♣’s is totally obvious.
♠ 102 and made just 5 tricks.
With 12 points opposite a double – do something Board 2 from Monday 27th
N-S vul ♦ AQ2 2♥ (2) pass pass (3) dbl (4)
♣ Q52 2NT (5) pass 3♣ pass (6)
pass pass (7)
♠ A7642 N ♠ Q3
♠ KJ8 (4) South has only 3 ♠’s but I think that
- Don’t be pushed around just because the opponent’s play strange muti two bids – simply listen to their explanations.
Be wary of raising a minor past 3NT Board 3 from Wednesday 27th
E-W vul ♦ 94 pass (2) 1♥ pass (3) 3♣ (4)
♣ Q642 pass 4♣ (5) pass 4NT (6)
pass 5♣ (7) pass pass (8)
♠ QJ643 N ♠ K10972 pass
♥ 83 W E ♥ J97
♠ A
5-6 in the majors is a great hand! Board 7 from Wednesday 27th
Both vul ♦ Q854 2♦ 2♥ (2) 3♣ (3) 4♥ (4)
♣ J8 5♣ (5) pass pass 5♥ (6)
pass pass dbl all pass
♠ 872 N ♠ A pass
♥ 6 W E ♥ K98
♠ KQJ106
Bid 3NT or the 4-card major? Board 15 from Friday 27th
Both vul ♦ AQ109863 1♣ 3♦ (1) dbl (2) pass
♣ 5 3NT (3) all
♠ KJ54 N ♠ A98
♥ 10 W E ♥ K853
♠ 10763
Hand A: Pass. Partner’s double is for penalties (15-18) and you expect to set 1NT. Any bid by you would be weak (less than 5 points and a 5+ card suit).
Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers