Mon 10th 1st Tomas/Bob P 66% 2nd Clive/Dave 61%
Wed 12th 1st Chuck/Paul Kelly 63% 2nd Ian/Terry 59%
Fri 14th 1st Dave/Jim(Can) 65% 2nd =Hans/Paul Kelly 54%
=Arne/Oystein 54%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ AKQ8 ♠ AQ742
♠ AK2 ♠ AJ763
♦ 852 ♦ AJ54 bid 2♦ and partner bids 2♠. What do you do now?
♠ AQ102 ♠ KJ85
♥ J542 ♥ AQ54 With Hand F you open 1♣ and partner responds 1♠, what do
Hand G Hand H What do
you open with Hand G?
♠ AK ♠ J3 With Hand H partner what do you do if
♥ KQ964 ♥ J107 (a) Partner opens 2NT?
♦ A ♦ J10854 (b) Partner opens 1♥?
♣ KJ976 ♣ Q53
Hand J Hand K With Hand
J RHO opens 1♠, what do you do?
♠ J4 ♠ KQ65
♥ K10875 ♥ 10 With Hand K everybody is vulnerable. Partner opens 1♥ and
♦ Q752 ♦ 94
Hand L Hand M What do
you open with Hand L?
♠ A10 ♠ KJ1094
♥ A875 ♥ 9743 With Hand M LHO opens 1♣ and
partner overcalls 1♥.
♠ Q432 (a) What do you lead?
♥ 9762 (b) What do you lead if partner makes a long pause and eventually passes?
A 1NT opener? – part 1 North hand 1 from Monday 10th
♠ AKQ8 What did you open with Hand A in this weeks quiz? 1NT is correct.
♦ 84 poor score. He said that he opened 1♣ because he thought that he had read
♣ J83 somewhere in the news-sheets that the doubleton should be Qx or better.
Actually, that is a mis-quote. What I have often said is that I will rarely open 1NT with a hand containing a 5 card major if the doubleton is not Qx or better.
A 1NT opener? – part 2 North hand 1 from Monday 10th
♠ AK2 That brings us on to this hand. What did you open with Hand C in this weeks
♦ 852 he had this hand and opened 1NT. He then received some stick from others at
♣ K9 the table because they thought that one should not open 1NT with a 5 card major. I would always open this hand with 1NT. Another top club player said that he would open 1♥ but that 1NT is a perfectly acceptable alternative.
I see it the other way round, I would open 1NT but 1♥ is perfectly acceptable (but don’t ask me what your rebid is).
Open 1NT with a 5 card major? - setting the record straight
The next two pages are an extract from the comprehensive NT bidding book on the web: -
1.1 Opening 1NT with a 5 Card Major?
Most players accept opening 1NT with a balanced hand and a 5 card minor. However, one of the main considerations to be considered when opening 1NT is if you allow a 5 card major. Opinion is divided on this subject; some never open 1NT with a 5 card major, some will allow a weak suit such as J7543, while others will allow virtually any 5 card major suit. Which philosophy shall we adopt? All three probably have equal merit, but we shall adopt the last (providing the hand is balanced, i.e. the doubleton is Ax, Kx or Qx and the major is not top-heavy) for a number of reasons: -
1- If you open 1♥/♠, then you will usually never be able to play in possibly the best contract of 1NT if you play a Forcing NT.
2- It is usually best to limit your hand as soon a possible, especially if relatively flat.
3- Once you open 1NT you never have a rebid problem. The hand is off your chest.
4- 1NT (and most other contracts) will be played from the strong hand. And a 1NT opening hand is the hand that is most likely to have tenaces that need protecting.
5- The defenders do not have it so easy defending against a 1NT contract as they do not know if declarer has a 5 card major or not.
6- Even if a 5-3 major suit exists, if partner is minimal 1NT is at a lower level.
7- If the hand belongs to the opponents, they are less likely to compete over a strong NT opening.
8- There is also the negative inference, that a major suit opening within our 1NT range is a good suit and/or unbalanced.
♦ K7 ♦ AK7 ♦ A7 ♦ J7 ♦ K73
♣ Q93 ♣ Q3 ♣ J93 ♣ Q93 ♣ K3
Hand 1: Open 1NT
Hand 2: Open 1NT
Hand 3: Open 1♥, the ♥’s are top-heavy
Hand 4: Open 1♥, the doubleton is not good enough.
Hand 5: Open 1NT, the short suits are just good enough and the tenaces may need protecting.
Dealer: ♠ J752 should be balanced (in shape and high card
West. ♥ 10985 distribution). Tenaces such as AQx, Kx, Qx
Love all ♦ 97 should encourage one to open 1NT and the
♣ A63 lack of such tenaces should be discouraging.
Consider this hand from a 2003 international
♠ KQ1043 N ♠ A6 competition. What do you open as West?
♥ AK6 W E ♥ J43 At the first table, West chose 1♠ and eventually
♦ J43 S ♦ A10862 ended up in 3NT by East.
♣ 108 ♣ K97 This received a ♣ lead by south and the contract
♠ 98 was made. I am ashamed to say that the English
♥ Q72 West opened a weak 1NT, and after the ♥10
♦ KQ5 opening lead from North, the final 3NT contract
♣ QJ542 stood no chance. Was West unlucky? Indeed he
was! If this book had been published before this event, he would have known that absolutely everything about the West hand is wrong for an opening 1NT. The points are concentrated in two suits, the doubleton is weak, the ♦’s are also very weak and the hand contains absolutely no tenaces; if NT is the best contract (as in this case), then the hand has to be played by East.
Let’s have a slightly more memorable example of an unsuitable 1NT
opening. This time the hand is from the 1998
The N-S pair were playing a strong NT.
♣ 97654 dbl pass pass pass
♥ 108 W E ♥ AQJ973 (1) 15-17
♠ AKQ54 by the §A and then 6 © tricks took the
♥ 654 remainder. 7 down in a 1 level contract!
♦ J43 Perhaps rather a graphic example, but the
♣ KQ South hand really is unsuitable for 1NT.
OK, let’s get on to some equally amusing
stuff from our club: -
Ian shows his stuff Board
27 from Wednesday 12th
If you have looked at our web site recently you may have noticed that I have added a few light-hearted pages. The page ‘Bridge Jargon’ has an the following entry for Roman Keycard Blackwood: -
- ‘An ingenious convention that allows you to get to a grand slam off the ace of trumps’.
True perhaps, but Ian can do far better – prompting partner to bid a grand missing two aces!
Dealer: ♠ -
Love all ♦ KJ984 - - - 1♣ (1)
♣ 97 pass 1♥ (2) 3♠ (3) 4♥
pass (4) 4NT (5) pass 5♦ (6)
♠ Q9862 N ♠ AKJ1043 6♠ (7) 7♥ (8) dbl (9) all pass
♥ 92 W E ♥ -
♠ 75
♥ KJ1086
♦ -
Dealer: ♠ Q432
N-S vul ♦ Q2 1NT pass pass pass (1)
♣ 852
♠ AK5 N ♠ J107 (1) After a long pause.
♥ J53 W E ♥ A10
♠ 986
♥ KQ84
♦ AKJ63
♣ Q
What was you answer to this week’s lead problem from the North hand N? A card from a major suit is ‘obvious’. I would lead the ♠2 but any ♥ or ♠ seems reasonable.
This North found the ♦Q lead? Why? His reasoning was that he knew his partner had points (since East passed then partner must have 13+ points). Quite why that indicates the ♦Q lead I don’t know and don’t want to go into it.
Anyway, the point is a follows. South has made a long pause and finally produced a pass. He was clearly thinking of bidding. So either he has a long suit which he was considering bidding or he has 15+ points and was thinking of a double. So North knows this after the pause and the ♦Q lead becomes fairly attractive.
Now onto my ruling. As it happens E-W make exactly 8 tricks on any lead and so there was no damage done. However, if South had had 6 ♦’s and the ♦Q lead set the contract I most certainly would have adjusted the score to the most likely outcome on a non-♦ lead.
The bottom lines: -
- If you pause for a long time and then pass you are passing unauthorised information to partner.
- Sometimes this is unavoidable, but partner IS NOT ALLOWED to take advantage of this.
- In this particular case the ♦Q lead was not obvious without partner’s pause. Whether North (as he maintains) would have led the ♦Q anyway IS NOT RELEVANT. If your partner pauses and passes then you have to play it straight down the middle and play ‘normally’. And that means play like most people would had there been no pause.
More bottom lines: -
- I direct the club. It is a friendly club, we do not play for master points nor money and I make the rulings. There is no appeals committee (we do not want a repeat of the Jan fiasco).
- I do not include myself in the club championships and try to make fair and unbiased decisions.
- I am not perfect but I do know more about the rules than most.
- I do not appreciate snide remarks and innuendos about my decisions.
- It is clearly written in the club’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy rules (reproduced in news sheet 178) that ‘disputing or arguing with a director’s ruling’ is UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR.
- To his credit, the main perpetrator did later apologise for his behaviour, so no problem.
Dealer: ♠ 103
Love all ♦ A43 - 1♣ (1) 1♥ 1♠
♣ AK108 pass 1NT pass pass (2)
♠ J985 N ♠ K6
♥ K W E ♥ A107532
♠ AQ742
♥ 84
♦ KJ6
Dealer: ♠ Q8
N-S vul ♦ K98 - - - 1♠
♣ A9862 pass 1NT pass 2♦
pass 2♠ (1) pass pass(2)
♠ 1052 N ♠ K94
♥ KQJ109 W E ♥ 73
♠ AJ763
♥ A82
♦ AJ54
Incidentally, it is an established fact in competitions worldwide that the director is called about problems resulting from hesitations more than for any other reason. Revokes and leads out of turn are very distant 2nd and 3rd.
A splinter
or reverse? Board 22 from Monday 10th
Dealer: ♠ Q6 Table A
E-W vul ♦ AJ85 - - 1♣ pass
♣ AQJ83 1♠ pass 2♥ (1) pass
2♠ pass 4♠ (2) pass
♠ A109432 N ♠ KJ85 pass (3) pass
♥ J96 W E ♥ AQ54
♠ 7 - - 1♣ pass
♥ K1087 1♠ pass 3♦ (1) pass
♦ K10432 4♠ (4) pass pass pass
And what happened?
- Most people reached 4♠ by various routes.
- Don’t abuse the reverse – a reverse promises more cards in the first bid suit.
- With game going values, 4 card support for partner, and shortage; splinter!
With a good
holding in
Dealer: ♠ 9643
Both vul ♦ K85 - - 1♠ dbl (1)
♣ J9842 2♦ (2) pass 2♥ pass
3NT all pass
♠ - N ♠ KJ875
♥ A76 W E ♥ KQ1098
♠ AQ102
♥ J542
♦ Q9
And what happened?
- North led a ♥ (partner must have that suit for his double) and E-W made 3NT +1 for a good score.
- I later asked South what he would have done if LHO had redoubled and North bid 2♣? He said that he would have bid 2♥. Even non-vul that would have cost 1100 since the computer says that E-W can make 4♥.
- Be wary of biding with
length and strength in
- A take-out double should be short in the suit bid.
- A take-out double with 4 good cards in the suit opened is just about ridiculous.
- If partner opens,
- With 15 points and a void in partner’s suit thump the redouble card on the table (only joking; Thorlief, Jeff and Alex don’t play here any more).
Open 2NT
with a singleton? Board 11 from Monday 10th
Dealer: ♠ J3 Table A
Love all ♦ J10854 - - - 2NT (1)
♣ Q53 pass 3NT (2) all pass
♠ 10852 N ♠ Q9764 Table B
♥ 832 W E ♥ A5 West North(H) East South(G)
♠ AK
♥ KQ964 Table C
♦ A West North(H) East South(G)
And what happened?
- 1♥ made 11 tricks, 3NT was one down, 3 pairs reached 4♥ making or making +1.
- Don’t open 2NT with a doubleton and a singleton.
- This North hand is easily worth a 2♥ response to 1♥.
criticism that makes your life hell… are we
talking abut your mother-in-law or your bridge partner?”
2320 really
is too much to concede Board 26 from Monday
Dealer: ♠ 1082
E-W vul ♦ 10 - - 1♠ dbl (1)
♣ QJ653 redbl pass (2) pass pass (3)
♠ A95 N ♠ KQ763
♥ AQ9 W E ♥ 6
♠ J4
♥ K10875
♦ Q752
And what happened?
- 2320 is more than the 650 or so that most E-W’s got on the board.
- After 1♠ dbl redbl pass pass ? the opponents have you
outgunned, so bid your best suit.
A perfect
penalty pass? Board 20 from Friday 14th
Dealer: ♠ 92 Table A
Both vul ♦ 6532 pass pass 1♦ (1) 1♠ (2)
♣ 97 pass (3) pass dbl (4) pass
2♣ (5) pass 2NT (6) pass
♠ KQ65 N ♠ A10 3NT all pass
♥ 10 W E ♥ A875
♠ J8743 pass pass 1♦ (1) 1♠ (2)
♥ KJ9 pass (3) pass dbl (4) pass
♦ KJ pass (5) pass
And what happened?
- 3NT made +2 on a ♠ lead (declarer has to win the first trick with the ♠A to preserve an entry to dummy) but this is not as good as setting 1♠ doubled by 4 tricks (1100).
I suggested to my partner at Table A that he could have passed 1♠ doubled and that his 2♣ bid was weak. At this juncture North (who I won’t bother to name but continually gives incorrect advise) said that my double was ‘negative’, showing 4 ♥’s. Now I won’t say that I have never heard such drivel in my life because I have on many occasions (from the same person); it is simply what I expect from somebody who has no comprehension of negative doubles whatsoever but acts as if he were an expert and continually offers unsolicited erroneous advise. Anyway, what was your answer to bidding sequence R this week? Dbl is simply ‘automatic’ showing a normal opener just in case partner has a penalty hand (as in this case).
The bottom lines: -
Support with
support Board 6 from Friday 14th
N-S got way too high here, who’s fault?
Dealer: ♠ KJ1094
E-W vul ♦ AK10 - - 1♣ 1♥ (1)
♣ 9 pass (2) 1♠ (3) pass 1NT (4)
pass (5) 4♥ (6) pass (7) pass
♠ Q72 N ♠ A865 pass (8)
♥ K102 W E ♥ A
♠ 3
♥ QJ865
♦ 96
And what happened?
- 4♥ went 3 down for a bottom to N-S so it did not matter that West passed throughout.
- Unless you agree to the contrary, a change of suit over partner’s overcall is not forcing.
- With 4 card support for partner’s overcall – support!
- A direct raise to 3♥ by North is best played as pre-emptive…
... and with a sound raise to 3♥, cue bid the opener’s suit.
- Note that this treatment (the cue bid to show a sound raise to 3 of partner’s overcall) really is needed as the overcall may be anywhere between 7 and 16 points and if at the lower end (as in this case) even 3♥ may be too high. This cue bid scheme enables you to stop at 2♥.
- A 1NT bid after partner has changed suit after your overcall does not show a big hand, simply a stop in opener’s suit and a dislike for partner’s suit.
Hand A: 1NT.
Hand B: Pause: There is no obvious answer! 2NT,
3NT, 2♥ (checking that partner’s ♥ stop(s) are sound and 2♣/♦
(if you play Checkback or NMF) are all very
reasonable and my answer would depend upon who I was playing with. 2♠ and pass are out.
Hand C: 1NT. I personally would
open 1NT but 1♥ is perfectly acceptable (don’t ask me what your rebid is).
Hand D: Pass. I don’t think that it’s quite good
enough for a game try but I would not argue if you did make an effort.
Hand E: Pass. With strength in
Hand F: 3♦. A game forcing splinter agreeing ♠’s
and showing ♦ shortage.
This hand is a moose once partner bids ♠’s.
Hand G: 1♥.
I don’t like 2NT with two 5 card suits and 1♥ is unlikely to be passed out. And if it is then 2NT will not make!
Hand H: (a) 3NT.
If you play Puppet Stayman then 3♣
is a possibility but 3NT seems best anyway opposite a ‘proper’ 2NT opening.
(b) 2♥.
This hand is easily worth a 2♥ response.
Hand J: 2♥.
Double is silly as when partner responds 2♣
you are fixed. When you have a 5 card major it’s usually best to bid it.
Hand K: Pass. You are playing negative doubles, so
pass and await partner’s ‘automatic’ re-opening double
and pass that. You may miss a vulnerable game but if you can make game then you
will surely get 800+ for the penalty.
Hand L: 1NT or 1♦(with a 2NT rebid in mind). I personally consider this hand too strong
for a 1NT opening and would (did) choose the latter
Hand M: 2♣. A cue bid showing a limit (3♥)
raise or better. A direct 3♥
bid here is best played as pre-emptive. 2♥
is not enough (and also pre-emptive) and 1♠ is
non-forcing and thus ridiculous.
(a) ♠2
♠2 It
would be unethical to lead an unorthodox ♦Q after partner’s
pause. I agree that with just 4 points you know that partner has points and so
it is reasonable to try to find his suit, but the ♦Q lead after partner
has paused is simply over the top.