Mon 8th 1st Bob Short & Jan 69% 2nd Dave Cutler & Kenneth 66%
Wed 10th 1st Bill & Mike 63% 2nd Bob Short & Jan 59%
Fri 12th 1st Dave Cutler & Emil 57% 2nd Paul Scully & Gene 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ AKQJ1098 ♠ K1073
♦ A ♦ A7 do you bid?
♠ KQ5 ♠ 32
♥ A4 ♥ AK98 With Hand D you open 1♦ and partner responds with a strong
♦ KJ87 ♦ KQ10632 jump shift bid of 2♠. What do you bid?
♠ AJ754 ♠ A963
♥ 84 ♥ KJ1073
Dealer: ♠ AKQJ1098 Table A
N-S vul ♦ A - - pass 1♦
♣ Q5 pass 2♠ (1) pass 3♥ (2)
pass 4NT pass 5♦ (3)
♠ 76 N ♠ 54 pass 5♠ pass 6♠ (4)
♥ J3 W E ♥ Q642 all pass
♠ 32 West North(A) East South(D)
♥ AK98 - - pass 1♦
♦ KQ10632 pass 2♠ (1) pass 4♣ (2)
♣ 8 pass 4♦ (5) pass 4♥ (5)
pass 6♠ (6) all
Dealer: ♠ 6
E-W vul ♦ 986 - - pass (1) 1♠
♣ AK109 dbl (2) redbl (3) pass (4) pass
2♣ (5) dbl (6) pass (7) 2♥ (8)
♠ 5 N ♠ QJ10932 pass (9) 4♥ (10) all pass
♥ AJ2 W E ♥ 83
♠ AK874
♥ Q96
♦ A2
♣ 873
(1) A solid suit, but it’s a bit weak for a vulnerable 2♠ opener.
(2) It’s nice to have 4 ♥’s for a double of 1♠, but this hand has high card compensation.
(3) 9+ points and often a mis-fit. This bid shows the balance of power and is often looking to penalise the opponents.
(4) I would bid 2♦ here as you don’t want partner retreating into 2♥. Perhaps East thought that he would like to defend 1♠ redoubled, but West is always going to bid in this situation.
(5) Obvious.
(6) 100% penalties.
(7) Again, I would bid 2♦. West’s double should be playable in the other 3 suits.
(8) E-W were going for a number, but South decided to let them off the hook. He claims that he thought that the double was take-out.
(9) Phew.
(10) Accepting that the 800 on offer has gone, North assumes that 620 is there in 4♥.
And what happened? South managed to
go two down! Serves him right.
The bottom lines: -
- Redouble shows 9+ points and is often/usually looking for a penalty.
Dealer: ♠ 64
E-W vul ♦ 8762 - pass 1♦ 1♥
♣ 73 1♠ 3♥ (1) 4♦ (2) 4♥ (3)
pass (4) pass pass
♠ KJ109853 N ♠ A7
♥ K102 W E ♥ -
♠ Q2
♥ AQ974
♦ K54
♣ A98
(1) This is best played as weak and pre-emptive. With a sound raise to 3♥ it’s best to cuebid the opened suit (so 2♦ would show a sound raise to 3♥).
(2) And the pre-emptive bid did it’s job. East is in an awkward position and decided to rebid his good 6 card suit.
(3) I believe that South mistakenly thought that North had a good hand.
(4) And I suppose that West was turned off by partner bidding his void twice.
And what happened? It was the same South as last board, but this time he could afford to go 13 down (-650) and still get a top (in practice he went only 4 down). E-W have a comfortable 12 tricks in ♠’s, so 680 for bidding game.
The bottom lines: -
- When partner overcalls, it’s best to play jump support as weak.
Dealer: ♠ QJ964 Table A
Love all ♦ J108 - - - pass (1)
♣ 106 1♥ 1♠ (2) pass (3) 3♠ (4)
pass pass pass
♠ A82 N ♠ 5
♥ AK972 W E ♥ 6 Alternative Auction
♠ K1073 1♥ 1♠ (2) pass (3) 2♥ (4)
♥ 10854 pass 2♠ all pass
♦ A7
♣ A74
(1) With two 10’s in 4 card majors some may consider opening this hand.
(2) This North considered that his 10’s and intermediates were worth a 1 level overcall.
(3) A negative double would be perfect here.
(4) What did you bid with this South hand B in this week’s quiz? This hand has the values to raise an opening bid to 3♠, but a 1-level overcall does not promise an opening hand (just 8+) and that’s why it’s unwise to jump here. The best scheme is to cuebid 2♥ to show a sound raise to 3♠ and invite game if partner has a decent overcall.
And what happened? 3♠ was one down but scored an average.
But if you look at the ‘alternative bidding’ you see the beauty of playing jumps as weak (previous deal) and cuebidding to show a sound 3-level raise. The thing is that if the overcall was weak then you stay at the two level!
The bottom lines: -
- When partner overcalls, it’s best to play jump support as weak.
- And cuebid to show a sound raise to the three level (say +-11 points).
Cheney walks into the Oval Office and sees The President whooping and hollering. "What's the matter, Mr. President?" The Vice
President inquired.
at all, boss. I just done finished a jigsaw puzzle in record time!" The
President beamed.
long did it take you?"
the box said '3 to 5 Years' but I did it in a month!"
Dealer: ♠ J842
Love all ♦ A10942 - - 1♣ 1NT (1)
♣ 84 2♥ (2) pass pass (3) pass
♠ A963 N ♠ 107
♥ KJ1073 W E ♥ Q852
♠ KQ5
♥ A4
♦ KJ87
♣ Q765
(1) What did you bid with this South hand C in this week’s quiz? A balanced 15-18 with good ♣’s and so 1NT is absolutely correct, double is a terrible bid with length in the suit opened and no 4 card major.
(2) What did you bid with this West hand F in this week’s quiz? Double (penalties) is reasonable, but bidding this decent ♥ suit may well be best. Note that 2♥ here is a weak bid (double is the only strong bid) and this hand is on the upper limit.
(3) East knew that 2♥ was a weak bid and so passed. Of course he would be prepared to compete to 3♥ if necessary, but it was not.
And what happened? 2♥ made +2 for a decent score to E-W.
At the end of the hand North (Grumpy) criticised
(a) his partner; saying that he preferred double instead of 1NT at (1) and
(b) West; saying that he did not have the values for a 2♥ bid at (2). My reaction: -
The bottom lines: -
- If you have no idea what you are talking about it’s best to keep quiet?
- I currently keep most things anonymous, but keep it up and I see no reason why names should not appear?
- Continual criticism of partner, whether correct or not, is unpleasant for visitors to your table. If you wish to discuss things, them jot them down and have a discussion after the session, this is especially easy on Mondays and Fridays when we have hand printouts. And by all means ask my advice, I will always make time after any session to answer any queries and if they are interesting I’ll put them in the news sheet. Or you can always send me an e-mail with your questions.
Dealer: ♠ 86 Table A
Both vul ♦ 6543 - pass 1♦ pass
♣ 52 1♠ pass 1NT (1) pass
3♦ (2) all pass
♠ AJ754 N ♠ K102
♥ 84 W E ♥ J2 Table B
♠ Q93 1♠ pass 1NT (1) pass
♥ A1075 3♣ (2) pass 3♠ (3) pass
♦ 2 4♠ (4) all pass
♣ J10973
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 2♠. A strong jump shift; showing a self sufficient suit and game
Hand B: 2♥. A cuebid of opener’s suit, showing a
sound raise to 3♠ if partner has a
good overcall.
Hand C: 1NT. Balanced 15-18 with decent ♣’s. Pass is the only other reasonable
alternative. Double is a terrible bid with length in the suit opened and no
4-card major.
Hand D: 4♣. A splinter showing ♣
shortage. Partner has set trumps with a solid suit and doubleton support
is quite sufficient.
Hand E: 3♣.
I call this ‘digging up a minor’. The ‘problem’ is that neither 3♦ nor 3♠
are forcing and 3NT is a gamble with nothing in ♥’s. The 3♣ here is simply a bid to find out if partner
has 3 card ♠ support (or ♥’s stopped). If partner is on the ball he will
never raise such a bid to 4♣.
Hand F: 2♥.
Note that this does not show the normal 10+ points for a two level response but
is a weak, non forcing, bid. This hand is actually on
the upper limit for the bid and a stronger hand should double. I would not
argue if you chose to double here.