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Mon 19th 1st Jan & Phil 63% 2nd Bob P & Dave 61%
Wed 21st 1st Ian & Peter L 63% 2nd Bill & Mike 57%
Fri 23rd 1st Bob & Dave 63% 2nd = Ivy & Jan 60%
2nd = Bill & Mike 60%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ 943 ♠ K4
♥ A1064 ♥ AQJ73 With Hand B you open 1♣ and partner responds 1♥. What do
♦ AQ106 ♦ - you bid?
♠ KQJ10973 ♠ AQ53
♥ - ♥ KQJ95 With Hand D everybody is vulnerable. LHO opens 1♠ and
♦ Q109 ♦ 5 responds 2♦, what do you do?
♠ AQ2 ♠ 964
♥ Q94 ♥ Q9854 With Hand F everybody is vulnerable. Partner opens 1♥, what
♦ 92 ♦ KQ3 do you bid?
♣ AKQ94 ♣ 43
♠ 6 ♠ AKQ3 (a) What do you open with Hand H?
♥ Q1062 ♥ A8 (b) Suppose you choose 1♦ and partner responds 1♥, what
♦ K96 ♦ KQ9873 do you bid now?
♣ AK1074 ♣ Q
♠ A ♠ A
♥ K863 ♥ Q64 What do you open with Hand K?
♦ A653 ♦ AJ976
♣ KJ84 ♣ A943
Don’t bid Blackwood with a void Board 6 from Wednesday 21st
Dealer: ♠ AQ8 Table A
E-W vul ♦ KQ103 - - pass 1♣
♣ 63 pass 1♥ (1) pass 4NT (2)
pass 5♦ (3) pass 5♥ (4)
♠ 109753 N ♠ 962 all pass
♥ 102 W E ♥ K9
♠ K4 - - pass 1♣
♥ AQJ73 pass 1♥ (1) pass 5♦ (2)
♦ - pass 5♥ (5) pass 6♥ (6)
♣ AKQ1075 all pass
2/1 makes slam bidding a cinch Board 28 from Wednesday 21st
Dealer: ♠ QJ32 Table A
N-S vul ♦ J43 1♥ pass 2♦ (1) pass
♣ KJ10 2♥ pass 4♥ (2) pass
pass (3) pass
♠ AK10 N ♠ 95
♥ AQ10874 W E ♥ J65 Expert Table
♠ 8764 2♥ pass 3♥ (4) pass
♥ K 3♠ (5) pass 4♣ (5) pass
♦ 765 4NT (6) pass 5♥ (7) pass
♣ Q7652 6♥ (8) all pass
♠QJ8 ♥KJ5 ♦AK982 ♣43. The problem is that East needed to jump to 4♥ to show a good hand (3♥ is not forcing in standard) and there is no room for West to safely investigate slam.
- Playing standard, the sequence 1♥ - 2♦ - 2♥ - 3♥ is invitational, showing 3 card support.
- Playing standard, the sequence 1♥ - 2♦ - 2♥ - 4♥ is a sound raise. It may or may not be interested in slam.
A jump raise promises 4 card support Board 5 from Wednesday 21st
Dealer: ♠ AKQ105 Table A
N-S vul ♦ J97 - 1♠ pass 3♠ (1)
♣ J pass pass (2) pass
♠ 862 N ♠ J7 Expert Table
♥ KJ75 W E ♥ 8 West North East South(A)
♠ 943 all pass
♥ A1064
♦ AQ106
♣ Q6
(2) North had a look at his opponents and said ‘I’m not bidding game against you two’. Very wise as it turns out.
Namyats does not leave partner guessing Board 27 from Wednesday 21st
Dealer: ♠ 42
Love all ♦ A43 - - - 4♦ (1)
♣ QJ102 pass 4♥ (2) pass 4♠ (3)
pass 4NT pass 5♠ (4)
pass 6♠ all pass
♠ 6 N ♠ A85
♥ QJ6432 W E ♥ K87
♠ KQJ10973
♥ -
♦ Q109
♣ AK8
Double = playable in the unbid suits Board 23 from Wednesday 21st
Dealer: ♠ 4
Both vul ♦ KJ10962 - - - 1♠ (1)
♣ AQ9854 pass 2♦ (2) dbl (3) 2♥ (4)
3♣ (5) dbl (6) 3♥ (7) dbl (8)
♠ J102 N ♠ AQ53 all pass
♥ 1052 W E ♥ KQJ95
♠ K9876
♥ A8764
♦ Q43
♣ -
(1) Only 9 ‘points’ but I have no problem with (my partner) opening this hand. With 5-5 in the majors and a void this is a sound opener.
(2) I chose to bid the ♦’s first as I can then bid the ♣’s later if necessary.
(3) What did you bid with this East hand D in this week’s quiz? Since the opponents’ bidding so far has indicated 23+ points I think that pass is prudent. If you really want to bid (I would not) then bid 2♥. Double (showing ♥’s and ♣’s) is a terrible bid.
(4) South obviously assumed that East had a big ♣ hand and so bid his hand out. I concur.
(5) And I also agree with this bid. West has an excellent 9+ points with a fit for partner’s ♣’s. This 3♣ bid is totally correct, assuming partner has his bid.
(6) Penalties.
(8) Penalties.
Don’t ask unless you need to know Board 20 from Monday 19th
Dealer: ♠ J6
Both vul ♦ 98 1♥ pass 1♠ pass
♣ AQ8753 4♣ (1) pass 4NT (2) pass
5♣ (3) pass 5♥ (4) pass (5)
♠ AQ942 N ♠ K873 pass (6) pass
♥ KQJ765 W E ♥ A8
♠ 105
♥ 104
♦ Q1076432
♣ 106
- It is best to keep questions until the end of the auction as asking during the auction may tell the opponents that they have a mix-up.
- This is especially true up at the 4-level when you probably don’t want to bid whatever.
- This is one advantage of having bidding cards. At the end of the auction an opponent can ask for the bidding cards to remain on the table and ask about all of the bids. Easy.
- If you play RKCB then standard is 3014 and 1430 would have to be agreed. Playing 1430 may sometimes be better, it is marginal, and the only real solution is to play Kickback. It’s on the web but perhaps a bit advanced.
An ‘Impossible’ response? Board 25 from Monday 19th
Dealer: ♠ KJ63 Table A
E-W vul ♦ AK3 - 1♣ pass 1♠ (1)
♣ J642 pass 2♠ pass 3NT (2)
pass pass (3)
♠ 98 N ♠ 10754
♥ K762 W E ♥ AJ103 Table B
♠ AQ2 etc to 6NT
♥ Q94
♦ 92 Expert Table
♣ AKQ94 West North East South(E)
- 1♣ pass 2♣ (1)
pass 2♦ (4) pass 2♠ (5)
pass 3♣ (6) pass 5♣ (7)
all pass
(2) And now he simply bid 3NT, hoping that partner would not convert to 4♠.
(3) I would bid 4♠ because in my style North may have just 3 ♠’s for his initial support and the 4-4 ♠ fit should play better.
(5) And 2♠ shows a ♠ stop and denies a ♥ stop.
(6) North knows that the ♥’s are wide open and so signs off in 3♣.
(7) But South has a big hand. He knows that there are 2 ♥’s losers off the top but that should be all and so he bids the minor suit game.
- Playing Inverted Minors is the only way to sensibly bid these hands when you have game going values and support for partner’s minor (but no major to bid).
- The ‘standard’ approach when not playing Inverted Minors is to ‘dig up’ the other minor as that’s forcing and is not lying about a major suit holding. So a somewhat uncouth 1♦ at (1)!
- If you do not play inverted minors then it could go: -
1♣ - 1♦ - 1♠ - 2♥ (4th suit, game forcing) - 3♦ (no ♥ stop) - 5♣.
Splinter! Board 24 from Friday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ 104 Table A
Love all ♦ A1072 pass (1) 1♥ pass 2♣ (2)
♣ Q2 pass 2♦ pass 4♥ (3)
pass 4NT (4) pass 5♦
♠ A98753 N ♠ KQJ2 pass 5♥ (5) all pass
♥ 95 W E ♥ 84
♠ 6 pass 1♥ pass 3♠ (2)
♥ Q1062 pass 4♦ (6) pass 5♣ (7)
♦ K96 pass 6♥ (8) all pass
♣ AK1074
(3) A sound raise to 4♥. This is not shut-out and invites slam if opener has a good hand.
(4) It is not a good idea to bid Blackwood with a weak doubleton (two even)! Cue bidding really is a better approach (see expert table).
(5) North knows that South has just one black ace and so there could be two top losers in the other black suit and so he signed off.
- Playing splinters really is important.
- A splinter is usually followed by a cue bidding sequence (and then often by Blackwood). Often this is a far better approach than using Blackwood directly
- Bidding Blackwood with a weak suit is poor technique. With two weak suits it’s …?
Who underbid? Board 22 from Friday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ J52
E-W vul ♦ A52 - - pass pass
♣ K9763 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
1♠ (1) pass pass (2) pass
♠ AKQ4 N ♠ 9873
♥ A8 W E ♥ Q10972
♠ 106
♥ 6543
♦ J106
♣ J1085
(1) What did you bid with this West hand H(b) in this week’s quiz? 1♠ is nowhere near good enough (it’s not forcing). With a shapely 20 count a jump to 2♠ is called for. If partner has something like ♠J73 ♥109732 ♦A4 ♣642 then he will clearly pass and 5♦ is cold.
(2) What would you do with this East hand? 2♠ is best as partner may well have a decent 16 count or so and make game. And even if he does not have a big hand then 2♠ should be safe and it will prevent the opponents from coming in with their ♣’s.
- A jump, like 1♦ - 1♥ - 2♠ shows a big hand (18+) with 4 ♠’s and 5+ ♦’s.
- 1♦ - 1♥ - 1♠ is not forcing.
A guy walks into the local welfare office, marches straight up to
the counter and says, "Hi... You know, I just HATE drawing welfare. I'd
really rather have a job."
The social worker behind the counter says, "Your timing is
excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a
chauffeur and bodyguard for his beautiful nymphomania daughter. You'll have to
drive around in his Mercedes, but he'll supply all of your clothes.
Because of the long hours, meals will be provided. You'll be
expected to escort her on her overseas holiday trips. You will have to satisfy
her sexual urges. You'll be provided a two-bedroom apartment above the garage.
The starting salary is $200,000
a year."
The guy, wide-eyed, says,
"You're bullshittin' me!"
The social worker says,
"Yeah, well... You started it."
Worth a raise to 3♥? Board 5 from Friday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ Q87
N-S vul ♦ A5 - 1♥ pass 2♥ (1)
♣ A98 all pass
♠ KJ3 N ♠ A1052
♥ - W E ♥ K73 (1) What did you bid with this South hand F in
♠ 964 If necessary you may consider competing to
♥ Q9854 4♥ (10 combined trumps) but with no singleton
♦ KQ3 at this vulnerability I would simply raise to 2♥
♣ 43 and compete no higher than 3♥ later.
- Don’t incorrectly criticise partner; this South bid perfectly.
- The difference (between bidding 3♥ directly and bidding 2♥ followed by 3♥ if pushed) is that 3♥ promises 11-12 points and 2♥ followed by 3♥ shows 6-9 points but 4 ♥’s (or maybe 5 ♥’s if vul).
A jump raise (1♥ - 3♥) is
constructive (11-12) unless you play something like
Do not open 1NT with a singleton North
hands 4 & 25 from Friday
I witnessed the same North as the above deal open 1NT with both of these hands. He then explained that opening 1NT with a singleton ace is OK. It is not. Apart from the fact that it is very silly, you are not allowed to open 1NT with a singleton. So how should you bid these hands? : -
♠ A ♠ A Over 1♦ I bid 1♥, I raise 1♥ to 3♥ and over 1♠ I bid 1NT. Note
♥ K863 ♥ Q64 that a 1NT (12-14) rebid is fine as a singleton ace in partner’s
♦ A653 ♦ AJ976 suit should be downgraded. Over 1NT I pass or bid 2♣.
♣ KJ84 ♣ A943 Hand K is even easier. Open 1♦. Raise 1♥ to 2♥. Over 1♠ then either 1NT or 2♣ are fine (purists will say 2♣). Over 1NT bid 2♣.
♠ A But note that it is allowed to open 2NT with a singleton. I would not argue if
♥ KJ63 you chose to open this hand with 2NT.
♦ AQ53
♣ AQJ4
What is 4♣ after a transfer? Board 2 from Friday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ 4
N-S vul ♦ QJ985 - - 1NT pass
♣ A83 2♥ pass 3♠ (1) pass
♠ KJ8732 N ♠ AQ96 4♣ (2) pass 4♦ (3) pass
♥ Q86 W E ♥ A103 4♠ pass 4NT pass
♠ 105
♥ KJ5
♦ 76
♣ Q107542
(1) A super-accept. With a max and 4 ♠’s this is fine.
(2) I really don’t know what West was doing here. I believe that he thought that it was Gerber, but simply bidding 4♠ is the obvious bid. The 4♣ bid in this sequence is a cue bid.
(3) A cue bid, showing the ♦A.
(4) One key card (playing standard RKCB)
- I have written a leaflet on when 4♣ is ace-asking or a cue bid, it’s on the web and also in the conventions folder.
- Basically, 4♣ is Gerber only if partner’s last natural bid was 1NT or 2NT and no trump suit has been agreed. So: -
After 1NT - 2♥ - 2♠ - 4♣ is Gerber (2♠ was not a natural bid) - sequence Q
4NT is quantitative
After 1NT - 2♥ - 3♠ - 4♣ is a cue bid (♠’s are agreed as trumps) - sequence R
4NT is RKCB.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 2♦.
You plan to raise a minimal rebid by partner (2NT or 2♠) to 3♠,
showing an invitational hand with 3 ♠’s.
A direct 3♠ bid now is a poor bid because it denies 4 ♥’s and promises 4 ♠’s.
Hand B: 4♦. A splinter agreeing ♥’s
and showing ♦ shortage, with the
intention of cue bidding ♦’s again
(to show a void). 4NT is a very poor bid with a void as you do not know
if partner’s response includes the useless ♦A or not. But actually the very best bid, instead of a 4♦ splinter, is 5♦ - Exclusion Roman Keycard Blackwood, agreeing ♥’s and asking for keycards outside ♦’s.
Hand C: It depends upon your system. It’s too good
for 4♠, I don’t like 2♣ with just 15 HCPs, I don’t like 1♠
as it let’s the opponents in cheaply with their ♥’s. I don’t like a strong two (or a Benji two) for the same reason. So
there is no sensible opening? Of course there is, provided that you know about Namyats. Undoubtedly the best (only sensible) bid is a 4♦ Namyats – showing a
good 4♠ opener (about 8½ playing tricks).
Hand D: Pass. The opponents have advertised 23+
points and you are vulnerable. The only vaguely sensible bid is 2♥. Double is atrocious as partner will
undoubtedly bid ♣’s and then you are up at the 3 level and going for a number.
Hand E: 1♦. You
cannot bid 2♣ or 3♣
as that is not forcing. 3NT is an underbid as there may be slam and a red suit
may be wide open in any case, You cannot bid a major
because you may end up in a 4-3 fit with 3NT a far better contract. So the only
thing to do is lie in the other minor and wait to see what happens. If you play
inverted minors then it’s simple, a forcing 2♣.
Hand F: 2♥. The hand is not worth 3♥. Now some people seem to be confused here, at favourable vulnerability some may consider 4♥ and I would not argue too much, but a 3♥ bid is not pre-emptive. It shows 11-12 points
and this hand, although nice, is way short. So bid 2♥ to show your values and then compete to 3♥ later if necessary to show the extra length. I
would compete to just 3♥ when vulnerable.
Hand G: 3♠. A splinter agreeing ♥’s,
showing ♠ shortage and slam
Hand H: (a) 1♦. It’s not good enough for 2♣ and the totally unsuitable shape for 2NT.
(b) 2♠.
But now you have to show your strength. After partner has responded there is
game, so force with a jump to 2♠.
1♠ here is not forcing.
Hand J: 1♣.
Do not open 1NT with a singleton, even an ace.
Hand K: 1♦.
Do not open 1NT with a singleton, even an ace.