Club News Sheet – No. 193        15th July 2006


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Mon 10th    1st      Chuck & Dennis             59%                 2nd =  Marten & Kenneth           54%

2nd =  Bob P & Dave                 54%

Wed 12th    1st =   Paul Scully & Gene         57%                

1st =   Dave & Kenneth            57%

Fri    14th    1st      Jo & Marten                   59%                 2nd    Chuck & Ron Z                  57%


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1NT and RHO overcalls 2, what

do you bid?

4                   A632           

QJ86            K105            With Hand B you open 1, LHO doubles and partner redoubles.

AJ5               K92              RHO then bids 1, what do you bid?

KJ532          A109


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C RHO opens 1, what do you bid?


KQ1085       KJ42            With Hand D partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 1.

A943            6                   What do you do when it is: -

Q73              A87              (a) Unfavourable vulnerability (you red, them green)?

6                  KJ982          (b)  Favourable vulnerability (you green, them red)?

(c)  Equal vulnerability?

Hand E            Hand F           

What do you open with Hand E; 1st seat both vulnerable?

Q                  4                  

J10865432   A                  With Hand F partner opens 1 and you respond 2. Partner then

A876            KQJ987        bids 2, what do you bid?

-                   AK1094


Hand G           Hand H           With Hand G partner opens 1NT, you transfer and partner

bids 2. What do you do now?

A10              105                            

J8532           AJ10976      With Hand H partner opens 1. (a) What do you bid?

K87              A7                (b) Suppose you choose 2 and partner then bids 3, what now?

752              753


Hand J            Hand K           With Hand J LHO opens 3 and partner doubles. What do you do?


98                 K97432        With Hand K you open 1. What is your rebid if:       

K742            K2                (a)  partner bids 2?

K62              KQ               (b)  partner bids 1NT?

9873            AQJ


There were a lot of interesting bidding mix-ups this week and so the bidding sequence quiz is larger than usual and on the next page.

Bidding Sequences Quiz


L      1     dbl   redbl  1        What is 1NT?


M    1     dbl   redbl  1        What is pass? Is it forcing?


N     1NT   2    dbl                 What is dbl?

O     1NT   2    3                  What is the 3 cuebid?

P      1      2   dbl                 The dble is negative, does it promise both majors?

Q     1     1    dbl                 The dble is negative, does it promise both majors?


There is no interference in the following sequences: -

R     1NT - 2 - 2 - 2                     What is 2? Is it forcing?

S      1 - 2 - 3 - 3                         Is 3 forcing?

T      1 - 2 - 3                                Is 3 forcing?

U     1 - 2 - 2 - 4                        What is 4?

V     1 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 4                 What is 4?

W    1 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 4NT      What is 4NT?

X     1 - 2 - 2 - 4NT                      What is 4NT?

Y      1 - 2 - 2 - 3                        What is 3?

Z      1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3NT - 4     What is 4?

@    1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3NT - 5     What is 5?


Bjorn’s play problem


Bjorn e-mailed me this problem. How do you safely play to make the contract on the 5 lead?


Dealer:             Q109654                                   

South               K2                                              West          North         East          South

                        Q                                                -                 -                 -               1

J982                                           pass           4              all pass


-                        N             J2                        

Q743              W    E          AJ5                     

J1042                  S              A98765               

K10653                             Q4                      





An ‘impossible’ bid                                              Board 30 from Monday 10th


 What was you answer to sequence L in this week’s quiz? There are just two ‘normal’ bids for opener. Pass (and wait to see if partner can penalise the bid) or double (penalties). With a very shapely hand where you would not want to defend then you can bid a suit. The only bid that is ‘impossible’ is 1NT – to show a flat 12-14. With a flat 12-14 pass and give partner a chance to double them if he wishes; this pass is forcing.


Dealer:             J97                                             Table A

East                  72                                               West          North         East(B)     South(C)

Love all            10864                                         -                 -                 1   (1)    dbl   (2)

                        Q874                                         rdbl  (3)      1    (4)      1NT (5)    pass

3NT           all pass

4                        N             A632                   

QJ86              W    E          K105                    Table B

AJ5                     S              K92                      West(A)     North         East          South

KJ532                                A109                    -                 -                 1NT (1)    2    (6)

                        KQ1085                                     dbl   (7)      all pass





Table A:     (1)  I guess that most would open 1.

(2)   What did you bid with this South hand C in this week’s quiz? I prefer 1 here as I would not want to play in a possible 4-3 fit if there is a 5-3 fit. To double and then bid 1 after a 1 response from partner shows a much bigger hand.

(3)   Showing 10+ points and often a mis-fit for partner. With just a singleton a (forcing) 1 bid is an alternative.

(4)   North does not have to bid here, and I would only bid with a 5 card suit.

(5)   What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? As I explained at the top of this page 1NT is totally illogical and pass is correct.

Table B:     (1)  This East, with two tens and two nines decided to upgrade to 1NT despite the 4333 shape. I think it’s OK.

(6)   Natural. Playing Multi Landy then 2(promising 9 cards in the majors) is the bid.

(7)   What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? Double here is penalties and I won’t say what I think of double as I’m trying to tone it down. The best bid is 3, game forcing Stayman with 4 or 5 in mind.


And what happened? At Table A, if N-S had played in 1 doubled then E-W would have got 500 for a clear top. As it was they made 3NT +1 for an average. At Table B 2 was just one down for a complete top to N-S.

The bottom lines: -

-         When you open, LHO doubles, partner redoubles and RHO bids, NEVER bid No Trump.

-         In this scenario you usually either pass (forcing) or double (penalties).

-         If you have an extremely shapely hand and cannot stand the thought of defending then you can bid a new suit or repeat a 6-carder.

-         When partner opens 1NT and RHO overcalls, then dbl is penalties and promises a good holding in the overcalled suit. A singleton 4 is not a good holding.

-         A cue bid in this scenario is (game forcing) Stayman. Playing Lebensohl it also denies a stop.


The three level is too high                                   Board 20 from Monday 10th


 The bidding shot up to the three level, with 2 players bidding way too high, on this deal: -


Dealer:             KJ4                           

West                K976                                          West          North         East          South

Both vul            K1063                                        1             dbl             3   (1)    dbl   (2)

                        64                                              pass           3    (3)      all pass

A65                   N             9872                    

1083               W    E          Q52                     

A94                    S              Q5                       

AJ109                                K532                  






(1)   The obvious bid here is 1. What do you think of this 3 bid? Now I have been criticised recently for excessive use of ‘silly’, ‘ridiculous’ and ‘absurd’ and so I have had to resort to the dictionary. How about ‘preposterous’? A 3 bid here should be weak with at least 5 ’s and no 4 card major. I guess preposterous is fine.

Incidentally, East later tried to justify his pre…  bid by saying that he had points to spare. That just compounds the felony, but no names.

(2)   And what can I say about this? Preposterous? This double is for take-out (a Responsive Double). With a totally flat 9 count (the Q is worthless) forcing partner to bid at the 3-level in probably a 4-3 fit is simply pre…...

(3)   North assumed that South was 4-4 in the majors and asking North to choose.


And what happened? 3 was two down for a clear bottom. 3 would have been two down for a clear top to N-S.

The bottom lines: -

-     If partner opens and RHO doubles, then a raise to the 3-level is pre-emptive.

-     You need 5 ’s to pre-emptively raise partner’s 1 opening to 3♣.

-     Don’t be bullied into the three level if you do not have the values.

-     Never deny a 4-card major, even 9872; there is no reason why opener could not have had 4 ’s.


An 8 card suit, so open 4?                                 Board 4 from Monday 10th



Dealer:             J86                                             Table A

West                9                                                 West(E)     North         East          South

Both vul            QJ93                                           4    (1)      pass           6    (2)    dbl   (3)

                        KJ1092                                      all pass


Q                       N             AK973                 Table B

J10865432     W    E          7                           West(E)     North         East          South

A876                  S              K105                    3    (1)      pass           4    (4)    dbl (5)

-                                         AQ74                   all pass







Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this West hand E in this week’s quiz? In first seat and vulnerable any pre-empt needs to be up to strength. Although it contains an 8 card suit the hand is nowhere near good enough for 4 (unless you play Namyats when I would indeed open 4).

(2)  This is the problem with not playing Namyats – a 4 opening could be anything from a bit better that this actual garbage to a very good hand where 6 is lay-down.

(3)   6 is not lay-down.

Table B:     (1)  This West (Dave) is wise to the fact that a vulnerable pre-empt in 1st seat should be a decent hand and 3 is just right.

(4)   And East has an easy raise to 4.

(5)   Quite why South doubled I don’t know. I can only see 3 tricks but then this South undoubtedly plays the cards better than me.


And what happened? The obvious 10 tricks were made at every table. At the third table there was also a 4 opening but East wisely checked on keycards first and so stopped in 5 doubled.

The bottom lines: -

-     Vulnerable pre-empts need to be up to strength.

-     1st seat pre-empts need to be up to strength.

-     If you want to open at the 4-level with 8 rags, then play Namyats so that you do not get propelled into impossible 5-level contracts or slams.

-     Culbertson’s rule of three for pre-empts applies at equal vulnerability, and so a 4 opener should have 7 playing tricks. Not many people adhere to this ‘rule’ these days, but this West hand is just 6 playing tricks. To me it’s not the ‘rule’ that is significant, but the lack of honours in the trump suit. Put the useless Q in with the ’s and have a singleton small and 4 is much more attractive; but it’s still best to also play Namyats.


It’s not forcing                                                      Board 3 from Monday 10th


 What was your answer to sequence S:  1 - 2 - 3 - 3   in this week’s quiz? It is not forcing, simply showing about 11 points and 3 ’s.


Dealer:             432                                             Table A

South               AQJ6                                         West          North         East          South

E-W vul           AKQ4                                        -                 -                 -               1

                        K4                                             pass           2    (1)      pass         3

pass           3    (2)      pass         pass (3)

106                    N             Q85                      pass

10954             W    E          32                        

82                       S              J63                        Semi-Expert’ Table

AJ1075                              Q8632                 West          North         East          South

                        AKJ97                                        -                 -                 -               1

K87                                            pass           2    (1)      pass         3

                        10975                                         pass           3    (2)      pass         3    (4)

                        9                                                pass           4   (5)      pass         6    (6)

all pass



Table A:     (1)  This is easily the best bid – there is no rush to support ’s with such miserable support and there may well be a good slam in a red suit.

(2)   North meant this as forcing – unfortunately it is not. It simply shows an invitational hand with 3 ’s.

(3)   And with a minimum South passes, although I would no longer consider this hand minimum with a double fit and a presumably useful void.

‘Semi-:             Our experts are having a day off today and the substitutes do not play 2/1 

 Expert’            (the hand is trivial playing 2/1)

 Table         (2)  So playing Standard we bid 2 here – forcing. This bid is obviously correct.

But it is actually a cue bid – showing the A in support of ’s.

(4)   A cue bid – the A

(5)   A cue bid, could be 1st or 2nd round control.

(6)   South could check on key cards but chose to simply bid the slam.


And what happened? The cards lie nicely and 6 of anything makes. One pair did bid 6NT but somehow managed to go down. The best (only reasonable) line of play is to finesse the Q and with ample entries to the North hand I cannot see why 6NT went down.

The bottom lines: -

-         Don’t make an invitational bid with a forcing hand.

-         This hand is a doddle playing 2/1 as 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 is very descriptive and game forcing/slam seeking with either ’s or ’s as the final denomination.

-         Experienced 2/1 players will play DRKCB (Double, or two-suited Roman Keycard Blackwood) after such an auction.

Slam missing two aces                                         Board 7 from Wednesday 12th


 Everybody messed this one up; three pairs bid slam with two aces off the top and the only pair to avoid the doomed slam was when one player passed Blackwood! Table A is typical of the mix-up between ordinary and Roman Keycard Blackwood: -


Dealer:             AQ986                                       Table A

South               1072                                           West          North         East(F)     South

Both vul            A4                                              -                 -                 -               pass

                        763                                            1              pass           2            pass

2              pass           4   (1)    pass

K10752             N             4                           4    (2)      pass           4NT (3)    pass

KQ98             W    E          A                          5    (4)      pass           6            pass

6                         S              KQJ987                pass           dbl             all pass

QJ8                                    AK1094              

                        J3                                               ‘Expert’ Table

J6543                                         West          North         East(F)     South

10532                                         -                 -                 -               pass

                        52                                              1              pass           2            pass

2              pass           3   (1)    pass  

3NT (5)      pass           5   (6)    pass

5    (7)      pass           5NT (8)    all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand F in this week’s quiz? 4 here is normally played as a splinter (singleton or void) agreeing ’s. It does not promise 1st round control as West said when asked.

(2)   A cue bid. It is dangerous to cue bid a 2nd round control (with no 1st round control) as partner may well assume that it is the A. And I would not entertain it in this case as a singleton in partner’s first bid suit is not usually an asset. I would simply bid 4, denying any 1st round controls.

(3)   East presumably meant this as normal Blackwood? West thought that it was RKCB for ’s (as would I).

(4)   One key card (the K).

(5)   East assumed that the ace/keycard was the A (as would I) and bid the slam.

‘Expert’      (1)  This is the best bid, 4th suit forcing. 4NT is no good here as that is RKCB for ’s

 Table         (5)  With a stop West bids 3NT of course.

(6)   4 would be natural here, looking for a slam. So a jump to 5 is Gerber.

(7)   Zero aces.     (8) Sign off (6 would be a king ask).


And what happened? Three pairs bid slam, all down one. The bottom lines: -

-         Know what bids are Blackwood, RKCB, Gerber, splinters etc.

-         Be sure you know understand sequences U to @ in this week’s bidding quiz.

-         If partner’s last bid was 3NT then 4 is natural (forcing) and 5 is Gerber.

-         A splinter is one above the forcing bid, and so if a bid would be 4th suit forcing then that bid one level higher is a splinter. If you really want to show the 4th suit naturally then you have to bid the 4th suit and then bid it again; but there rarely is any point as the 4th suit is unlikely to be the best strain.

-         Note that it is important for West to be declarer in a high NoTrump contract. If East has bid No Trump first then any NoTrump contract above 4NT would have been doubled by North, demanding a lead (dummy’s first bid suit).

Go for the penalty?                                              Board 15 from Friday 14th


 What were your answers to Hand D in this week’s quiz? Here is the deal: -


Dealer:             KJ42                                          Table A

South               6                                                 West          North(D)    East          South

N-S vul            A87                                            -                 -                 -               1

                        KJ982                                        1              pass (1)      pass         pass (2)


Q10973             N             5                           Table B

KJ3                W    E          Q984                    West          North(D)    East          South

KJ9                     S              106543                 -                 -                 -               1

75                                      1064                    1              3NT (1)      all pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? At any other vulnerability I think that pass (and pass partner’s automatic double) is fine. But vulnerable against not I think it’s best to go for the vulnerable game.

(2) Unfortunately South apparently did not understand negative double theory – a problem with virtually every member of this club. Double is ‘automatic’ here.

Table B:     (1)  This was the bidding at the other two tables. At this vulnerability that’s what I bid.


And what happened? 1 went 3 down, the computer says that it could go four down. So it appears that even at this vulnerability going for the penalty (800 if partner understands negative doubles) would have worked. 3NT made +1 at the other two tables for +630.

The bottom lines: -

-         There are very few exceptions to not re-opening with a double and this South hand is certainly not one of them.

-         If your partner does not understand negative double theory (seems like 99% of the club to me, as Eddie is apparently the only other member does), then simply bid NoTrump?

-         Vulnerability counts. Be more inclined to go for the penalty at favourable vulnerability and more inclined to go for the game at unfavourable vulnerability.

-         Don’t listen to people who say that 1-level doubles cannot be profitable. At unfavourable vulnerability I would certainly go for the penalty with this North hand; and at equal vulnerability I would certainly think about it!

-         With a mis-fit for partner it is often best to defend.






I mentioned Muiderberg last week. It is a weak opening of 2/ which promises 5 cards in the major bid and also a 4 card minor, usually played in conjunction with the Multi 2. It is common in Holland but not elsewhere. Since Jo and Marten are now here I have decided to write up the convention so that everybody knows what they are doing! And I believe that there are a couple of other players thinking of playing it. It’s on the web and there are copies in the convention folder.


Worth an invitation?                                            Board 16 from Friday 14th


 When partner opens 1NT then you generally invite with 8-9 points. Did you invite with Hand G in this week’s quiz? : -


Dealer:             A10                                           

West                J8532                                         West          North(G)    East          South

E-W vul           K87                                            pass           pass           pass         1NT

                        752                                            pass           2              pass         2

pass           pass(1)

K764                 N             J32                      

-                     W    E          KQ1064         (1)  What did you bid with this North hand G in

J1092                  S              Q65                      this week’s quiz? 8 points is normally

KJ1064                              98                        enough for an invitation (so 2NT) but these ’s

                        Q985                                          are so anaemic that I would (did) pass.


A43                                            This hand is simply not worth an invitation.



And what happened? Two pairs managed to stop in 2 and the bad break meant it went two down. The other pair reached the dizzy height of 3NT which should also go two down.

The bottom lines: -

-         Points belong in long suits. An 8 count with a five card major headed by the jack is not worth an invitation – especially if you play super-accepts.



Don’t pass partner’s take-out double of a pre-empt            Board 8 from Friday 14th


Only pass the double with an excellent holding in the trump suit. ‘No points’ is absolutely no excuse for passing: -


Dealer:             542                                            

West                Q                                                West(J)      North         East          South

Love all            QJ109873                                   pass           3              dbl   (1)    pass

                        65                                              pass   (2)    pass


98                      N             KQJ106         (1)  I prefer this double to a 3 overcall

K742              W    E          AJ103            (2)  What did you bid with this West hand J

K62                    S              5                           in this week’s quiz? I do not usually put

9873                                  K104                   anything this trivial in the quiz,

                        A73                                            but two players passed on Friday!

9865                                           3 is totally obvious, promising nothing

A4                                              more than 0-8 points and 3 ’s. Pass is …!



And what happened? Two 570’s for 3doubled +1. 3 makes for E-W.

The bottom lines: -

-         Do not pass partner’s take-out double without exceptional trump length. Passing with a 4 card suit in this example is simply ridiculous (oops, I meant to find another suitable word).

Don’t pass partner’s forcing bid just because you have overbid        Board 9 from Friday 14th


Sequence T:  1 - 2 - 3 is game forcing in Standard American.


Dealer:             K97432                                     

North               K2                                              West          North(K)    East          South(H)

E-W vul           KQ                                             -                 1              pass         2    (1)

                        AQJ                                           pass           3    (2)      pass         pass (3)


QJ6                   N             A8                       

853                 W    E          Q4                       

J654                    S              109832                

962                                    K1084                






(1)   What did you bid with this South hand H(a) in this week’s quiz? Now you need a good 10+ points for a new-suit two level response but I think that this hand is worth it. The suit has great intermediates and 10x in partner’s suit may be handy. I much prefer 2 to 1NT.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand K(a) in this week’s quiz? 3 is fine, after a two level response this is game forcing. But if South had responded 1NT (so question K(b) in the quiz)  then the best bid for North would have been 3 as 3 would not be forcing after a 1NT response.

(3)   And what was your answer to question H(b)? Partner’s bid is game forcing after your two-level response. You cannot pass and I would bid 4 to emphasise the good suit; 4 is equally good, maybe better.


And what happened? Two people actually passed at (3). At one table the opponents sportingly informed him (a beginner) that the bid was forcing and he bid 4I believe. At my table I was not so kind as on the previous board (previous page) my bidding partner had gifted then 570. Everybody made 10 tricks in 4, nobody played in ’s.

The bottom lines: -

-     Do not pass partner’s game forcing bid just because you have already possibly overbid.

Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers


L      1     dbl   redbl  1        What is 1NT? It’s an ‘impossible bid’. Partner’s redouble is very

1NT                                 often out to get the opponents and so you simply pass if you cannot double (penalties).

M    1     dbl   redbl  1        What is pass? Is it forcing? Pass simply says that you cannot

pass                                 double 1 for penalties and it is 100% forcing.

N     1NT   2    dbl                 What is dbl? Penalties – with good ’s, not a singleton!

O     1NT   2    3                  What is the 3 cuebid? Game forcing Stayman. Playing Lebensohl it also denies a stop (slow shows).

P      1      2   dbl                 The dble is negative, does it promise both majors? No. It shows values and no five card major but usually a 4 card major, maybe two.

Q     1     1    dbl                 The dble is negative, does it promise both majors? Yes. With just one 4 card major you simply bid it.


There is no interference in the following sequences: -

R     1NT - 2 - 2 - 2                     2 here is up to partnership agreement. Playing 4-way transfers it shows an invitational hand with 4 ’s. Playing traditional methods some play it as a hand with 5 ’s but not quite strong enough to transfer and then invite. Either way the bid is not forcing.

S      1 - 2 - 3 - 3                         Is 3 forcing? No, it’s invitational with 3 ’s.

T      1 - 2 - 3                                Is 3 forcing? Yes, after a 2-level response playing a strong NT. It is only invitational if you play Acol.

U     1 - 2 - 2 - 4                        What is 4? A splinter showing shortage and agreeing ’s. It is not showing first round control.

V     1 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 4                 What is 4? A cue bid showing 1st round control.

W    1 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 4NT      What is 4NT? RKCB with ’s as trumps.

X     1 - 2 - 2 - 4NT                      What is 4NT? RKCB with ’s as trumps.

Y      1 - 2 - 2 - 3                        What is 3? 4th suit forcing.

Z      1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3NT - 4     What is 4? Showing a natural suit looking for slam. It is not Gerber which is always a jump after 3NT.

@    1 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3NT - 5     What is 5? Gerber!

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     3. The cue bid of the opponent’s suit is generally played as game forcing Stayman. Playing Lebensohl this 3 bid also denies a stop. With a stop and 4 ’s Lebensohl players go through the 2NT - 3 - 3 route (slow shows). Double (penalties) is a poor bid with just a singleton small trump.

Hand B:      Pass. 1NT is an ‘impossible’ bid. With a flat 12-14 you pass (forcing) and leave it up to partner, he is the captain.

Hand C:     1. Bid 1 and if you get the opportunity you can bid 2 later if you wish. Double is a poor bid as you may well miss a 5-3 fit when partner responds 1. To double and then remove partner’s 1 bid to 1 would show a much stronger hand.

Hand D:     (a)  3NT. Go for the vulnerable game rather than the non-vul penalty.

(b)   Pass. Go for the vulnerably penalty by passing partner automatic double.

(c)    3NT or pass. At equal vulnerability I think it’s very close. I would probably go for the penalty and hope to set them 3 tricks.

Hand E:      3. Nowhere near good enough for a vulnerable 4. If, and only if, you play Namyats then 4 would be fine. If you do not play Namyats (why not?) then 4 is totally undisciplined and simply leaves partner guessing when he has a good hand.

Hand F:      3, 4th suit forcing. 4 would be a splinter agreeing ’s and 4NT would be RKCB for ’s. If you do not play RKCB then it’s simple and a 4NT Blackwood bid is fine.

Hand G:     Pass. With this pathetic suit the hand is not worth an invitation (2NT).

Hand H      (a)  2. With this great suit, good intermediates and a reasonable 10x in partner’s suit I think it’s worth a two level response but I would not argue if you ‘went by the book’ and responded 1NT.

(b)  4. Even though you stretched last time you cannot pass partner’s game forcing bid. This suit is pretty much self-sufficient and so I would rebid it, but I won’t argue with 4.

Hand J:       3. Obvious I know, but two out of three players passed on Friday!

Hand K:     (a)  3. This is forcing after a two-level response. 3 is a reasonable alternative.

(b)  3. This time 3 would not be forcing and so you have to ‘dig up’ a forcing bid.


Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers are on the previous page.


Bjorn’s Play Problem Answer

Dealer:             Q109654                                   

South               K2                                              West          North         East          South

                        Q                                                -                 -                 -               1

J982                                           pass           4              all pass

-                        N             J2                         Duck the opening lead which East wins.

Q743              W    E          AJ5                      Win the presumed return, draw trumps

J1042                  S              A98765                and then lead the 3 up to the Q. East

K10653                             Q4                       wins the A and the contract is now secure.

AK873                                       If he leads a then your K becomes good.

10986                                         If he had a to lead then you ruff and then

K3                                              discard a on the K. And if he leads a you

A7                                              can discard a losing on the K.

Note that it is essential to duck the opening lead as otherwise when East gets in with the A he will lead a to partner’s K and then a through dummy spells doom. The contract is secure as long as East has the A and you duck the opening lead.