1st E-W Lars & Gunnar 64% 2nd Bob & Mike 56%
Wed 3rd 1st N-S Douwe & Jacques 56% 2nd Paul Scully & gene 54%
1st E-W = Ase Bjornstad & Ole = Britta & Terry 58%
Fri 5th 1st N-S Jo & Terry 59% 2nd Phil & Tomas 57%
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Mon 1st 1st N-S Bjorn & Knud 60% 2nd Dave & Kenneth 55%
1st E-W Gun & Lennart 63% 2nd
Lars & Gunnar 54%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ 5432 ♠ 8
♥ 10 ♥ Q1052 With Hand B partner opens 1♠. (a) What do you do?
♦ 754 ♦ A98 (b) Suppose you bid 1NT and partner bids 3♣, what now?
♠ 97 ♠
♥ AJ87 ♥ 932 With
Hand D partner opens 1♠. (a) What do you
♠ AKQ73 ♠ K84
♦ J64 ♦ Q965 You choose to redouble (showing 9+
points). LHO bids 2♣ and
♣ AQ65 ♣ AK this is passed
round to you. What do you do?
Bidding Sequences Quiz
Just one in the grand Board 14 from Wednesday 3rd
13 tricks fairly easy, only two pairs bid a slam with these E-W cards.
Dealer: ♠ KQ10432 Table A
Love all ♦ 8 - - 1♣ (1) pass
♣ 7 1NT (2) 2♠ (3) 3♣ (4) 3♠ (5)
4♣ (6) pass 4NT (7) pass
♠ A5 N ♠ - 5♥ (8) pass 7♣ (9) all pass
♥ A93 W E ♥ K62
♠ J9876 - - 2♣ (1) pass
♥ 87 2♦ (10) 2♠ (11) 4♣ (12) 4♠
♦ J653 4NT (13) pass 6♣ (14) pass
The responses (with a void) to 4NT are as follows: -
5NT = 0 or 2 key cards + a useful void.
It’s forcing in Standard American – part 1 Board 2 from Friday 5th
noted a couple of absolutely forcing bids being passed on Friday.
Dealer: ♠ AKQ73 Table A
E-W vul ♦ J64 - - pass pass
AQ65 pass 1♠ pass 1NT (1)
pass 3♣ (2) pass pass (3)
♠ 10962
N ♠ J54 pass
♥ 987
W E ♥ AJ643
♠ 8 - - pass pass
♥ Q1052 pass 1♠ pass 1NT (1)
♦ A98 pass 3♣ (2) pass 3NT (3)
It’s forcing in Standard American – part 2 Board 25 from Friday 5th
Dealer: ♠ J6 Table A
E-W vul ♦ J843 - pass pass (1) pass
QJ987 1♠ pass 2♣ (2) 2♥ (3)
3♠ (4) pass pass (5) pass
♠ AQ109732
N ♠ K
♥ A107
W E ♥ 932 Table
♠ 854 1♠ pass 2♣ (2) pass (3)
♥ QJ854 3♠ (6) pass 4♠ (7) all pass
♦ 10952
Rescue partner’s 1NT doubled with shape Board 27 from Friday 5th
Dealer: ♠ J108 Table A
Love all ♦ A63 - - - pass
J5 1NT dbl pass (1) pass (2)
pass (3)
♠ A96
N ♠ 5432
♥ 876
W E ♥ 10 Table
♠ KQ7 1NT dbl 2♣ (1) pass (4)
♥ 5432 pass 2♥ (5) pass 3♥ (6)
♦ 10982 pass 4♥ (7) all pass
Dealer: ♠ 63
Love all ♦ K742 - pass 1♦ dbl (1)
QJ8642 redbl (2) 2♣ pass (3) pass
dbl (4) all
♠ K84
N ♠ QJ7
♥ Q986
W E ♥ K1032 (1) With a four card and
five card major I generally
♠ A10952 (2) 9+ points and often a mis-fit for partner.
♥ AJ75 (3) Forcing; unable to double for penalties.
♦ - (4) What did you bid with this West hand F in
The 3NT response to 1♥/♠ Board 23 from Friday 5th
Dealer: ♠ QJ6 West North East(C) South
Both vul ♦ 106 1♠ pass 3NT (1) pass
Q973 4♠ (2) all
♠ AK432
N ♠ 97 (1) What did you bid with this East hand C in
♥ 4 W E ♥ AJ87 this
week’s quiz? 3NT does show 13-15
♠ 1085 (2) Obviously West should pass, but he was
♥ 9532 apparently unsure what 3NT meant.
♦ Q954
Hand A: 2♣. This is natural and weak and will be much better than 1NT doubled.
Hand B: (a) 1NT. Even though you have a singleton in
partner’s suit, the hand is far too good to pass.
(b) 3NT. Partner’s 3♣ is game forcing. 3♥ would show a 5+ card suit and 4♣ goes past 3NT.
Hand C: 2♦. 2♥ is
incorrect as that promises 5 ♥’s. 3NT does show 13-15 points with poor ♠’s but it’s a poor bid
when holding 4 ♥’s.
Hand D: (a) 1NT or 2♣. It probably depends
upon your style.
(b) 4♠. After you decided to respond at the two-level a jump by partner is forcing. 3NT is reasonable but pass most certainly is not.
Hand E: 3♣, natural and game forcing.
Hand F: 3♥ or 3NT, either is fine. What is not fine is double – it is penalties and you will not get rich as partner’s failure to double denies ♣’s.
Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers