Club News Sheet – No. 218        7th Jan 2007

                    1st E-W    Lars & Gunnar                 64%       2nd    Bob & Mike                   56%

Wed 3rd        1st N-S     Douwe & Jacques            56%       2nd    Paul Scully & gene          54%

                    1st E-W    = Ase Bjornstad & Ole                   =      Britta & Terry                 58%      

Fri 5th           1st N-S     Jo & Terry                       59%       2nd    Phil & Tomas                 57%


to news-sheet main page to Pattaya Bridge home page

Mon 1st       1st N-S     Bjorn & Knud                  60%       2nd    Dave & Kenneth            55%

                    1st E-W    Gun & Lennart                 63%       2nd    Lars & Gunnar               54%


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1NT and RHO doubles. What do

you do?

5432             8                                          

10                 Q1052          With Hand B partner opens 1. (a) What do you do?

754               A98              (b) Suppose you bid 1NT and partner bids 3, what now?

109876        109873


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C partner opens 1, what do you bid?


97                 K               

AJ87            932               With Hand D partner opens 1. (a) What do you bid?

K832            K76              (b)  Suppose you choose 2 and partner bids 3, what now?   

AK4             A106543


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E you open 1 and partner responds 1NT, what

do you bid?

AKQ73        K84                     

K                  Q986            With Hand F it’s love all. Partner opens 1 and RHO doubles.

J64                Q965            You choose to redouble (showing 9+ points). LHO bids 2 and

AQ65           AK               this is passed round to you. What do you do?


Bidding Sequences Quiz


G     1      pass   1NT   pass       Is 3 invitational, highly invitational, forcing or game forcing?


H     1      pass   1NT   pass       Is 3 invitational, highly invitational, forcing or game forcing?


J      1      pass   2     pass       Is 3 invitational, highly invitational, forcing or game forcing?


K     1      pass   3NT             How many points is 3NT? And how many ’s and how many ’s?

L      1NT   dbl     2               What is 2? Weak or stronger, natural or conventional?


The new location


People seem fairly happy with the new location – at least we are not being blatantly ripped off like we were at the Mercure, Pattaya. We have a contract with the Tropicana until the end of March, but what happens in the low season is not clear yet. So monitor the web-site in case we are on the move again in a couple of months!

Just one in the grand                                           Board 14 from Wednesday 3rd 


With 13 tricks fairly easy, only two pairs bid a slam with these E-W cards.


Dealer:             KQ10432                                   Table A

East                  QJ1054                                      West          North         East          South

Love all            8                                                 -                 -                 1   (1)    pass

                        7                                                1NT (2)      2    (3)      3   (4)    3    (5)

4   (6)      pass           4NT (7)    pass

A5                     N             -                           5    (8)      pass           7   (9)    all pass

A93                W    E          K62                     

K1094                S              AQ72                  ‘Expert’ Table

9653                                  AKQJ104            West          North         East          South

                        J9876                                         -                 -                 2   (1)    pass

87                                               2    (10)    2    (11)    4   (12)  4   

J653                                           4NT (13)    pass           6   (14)  pass      

82                                              7   (15)    all pass              


Table A:     (1) This pair play Precision and so 1 shows 16+ points.

(2)   And in this variation of Precision 1NT says 8-11 points with no 4-card major I believe.

(3)   Any ‘cue bid’ of ’s or ’s would be natural and so North does not have a way of showing both majors unless you have agreed a scheme like Truscott after a 1NT response to 1. With no such agreement, bidding 2 with the intention of showing the ’s later if possible is very sensible.

(4)   The sequence is game forcing. 4, showing a solid suit may be preferable.

(5)   I would bid 4 (The Law).

(6)   Agreeing trumps. As I said in last week’s news-sheet, you should only raise partner’s 3/ to 4/ if you have serious slam ambitions.

(7)   RKCB is not a good bid with a void, but this was a first time partnership and Exclusion Blackwood (5) is a bit high anyway.

(8)   Two key cards without the Q.

(9)   East lucked out when partner had both of the missing aces. His only ‘problem’ was whether to bid 7 or 7NT. He ‘chickened out’.

‘Experts’    (1)  This East hand is 9 playing tricks and just about worth a traditional strong 2.

                (10)  Waiting (game forcing).

(11)  And North has the same problem about not having agreed any sort of convention for showing two suited hands over after a 2 opening.

(12)  This jump, in a game forcing situation, shows a completely solid suit.

(13)  With three important cards West decided to take control with RKCB.

(14)  This jump shows 1 or 3 keycards with a useful void.

(15)  As long as partner does not open 2 on 15 counts as one ex-partner of mine continually did, West can be pretty sure that the grand is there. He knows that partner can discard a possible red suit loser on the A.


And what happened? 7 was bid just once and made. Just one other pair bid a slam, 6, but they made only 12 tricks. I don’t know the bidding at their table but if North has shown length in ’s then East should play South for a possible Jxxx and play the AQ first as declarer did at Table A. Other results were varied. And I mean that; 5, 5*, 5*, 4NT and 5NT.

The bottom lines: -  top of next page.

-         Keep your 2 opener’s up to strength point-wise, I like a minimum of around 18 points.

-         The Truscott defence to a strong artificial 1 (or 2) is easy to remember. A suit bid shows that suit and the next suit up; dbl shows the suit bid and the non-touching suit and NoTrump shows the other two suits (non-touching not last bid).

-         There are various treatments for showing a void in response to (Roman Keycard) Blackwood. I outline the only one with any merit below.

-         And be sure that if you do adopt this treatment, that the void is a useful one that partner can work out (it should be the opponent’s suit if they have bid).


Responding to RKC Blackwood with a useful void.


The responses (with a void) to 4NT are as follows: -


      5NT                 = 0 or 2 key cards + a useful void.

      6*                    = 1 or 3 key cards + a void in * suit if * is lower ranking than trumps.

6 ‘trumps’        = 1 or 3 key cards + a void in a higher ranking suit.


Truscott defence to a strong 1 opening.


Over RHO’s strong 1 opening: -  And over RHO’s 1 response to a 1 opening: -


dbl    =   ’s and ’s                                        dbl   =  ’s and ’s

1     =   ’s and ’s                                         1    =  ’s and ’s

1     =   ’s and ’s                                        1    =  ’s and ’s

1     =   ’s and ’s                                        1NT =  ’s and ’s

1NT  =   ’s and ’s                                         2   =  ’s and ’s

2    =   ’s and ’s                                        1    =  ’s and ’s


Truscott defence to a strong 2 opening.


You can use the same as above but one level higher.


It’s forcing in Standard American – part 1         Board 2 from Friday 5th  


I noted a couple of absolutely forcing bids being passed on Friday.


Dealer:             AKQ73                                      Table A

East                  K                                                West          North(E)    East          South(B)

E-W vul           J64                                              -                 -                 pass         pass

                        AQ65                                         pass           1              pass         1NT (1)

pass           3   (2)      pass         pass (3)

10962                N             J54                       pass  

987                 W    E          AJ643                 

KQ52                 S              1073                    Table B

K4                                     J2                         West          North(E)    East          South(B)

                        8                                                 -                 -                 pass         pass

Q1052                                        pass           1              pass         1NT (1)

A98                                           pass           3   (2)      pass         3NT (3)

109873                                      all pass                        


Table A:     (1) What did you bid with this South hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? A singleton in partner’s suit is bad, but the hand is well worth a response and 1NT is correct. I note that one player did pass for a near bottom.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand E in this week’s quiz? 3 is fairly obvious and it is game forcing in Standard American.

(3)   But South did not agree that it was forcing. What did you bid with this South hand B(b) in this week’s quiz? Even if it was not 100% forcing (it is in Standard American) this South hand is now huge after partner has shown ’s; 10987x in a suit that partner has bid is worth way more than zero ‘points’! 3 would imply a 5 or 6 card suit; 3NT is easily the best bid, with 4 or 5 being less attractive alternatives. Pass is not an option.

Table B      (3)  The rest of the South’s (4 out of 6) got it right and bid 3NT.


And what happened? 3NT made exactly, +1 or +2. 3made +1 but scored a clear bottom.

The bottom lines:

-         Don’t pass partner’s forcing bids (sequence G is game forcing).

-         10987x in a suit that partner has bid is huge.


It’s forcing in Standard American – part 2         Board 25 from Friday 5th  



Dealer:             J6                                               Table A

North               K6                                              West          North         East(D)    South

E-W vul           J843                                            -                 pass           pass (1)    pass

                        QJ987                                        1              pass           2   (2)    2    (3)

3    (4)      pass           pass (5)    pass

AQ109732        N             K                         

A107              W    E          932                       Table B

AQ                     S              K76                     West          North         East(D)    South

2                                        A106543              -                 pass           pass (1)    pass      

                        854                                             1            pass           2   (2)    pass (3)

QJ854                                        3    (6)      pass           4    (7)    all pass




Table A:     (1) I guess that 1 or 3 are options, but especially at this vulnerability pass is easily the best opening bid.

(2)   What did you bid with this East hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? Assuming that you do not play Drury then either 2 or 1NT are both reasonable (playing Drury you have to bid 1NT).

(3)   Even at favourable vulnerability I would never dream of bidding in the sandwich seat with this junk, especially at the two level!

(4)   Forcing after a two level response whether there was a 2 overcall or not.

(5)   What did you bid with this East hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? Even though you are minimum for your two-level response and have a singleton in partner’s suit you cannot pass a forcing bid. The K is a good card and 4 is best, with 3NT a poor alternative.

Table B:     (6)  Forcing after a two-level response (sequence J).

                  (7)  All E-W pairs except Table A reached 4 easily enough.


And what happened? Everybody made 11 or 12 tricks.

The bottom lines: -

-         Don’t pass partner’s forcing bids (sequence J is game forcing).

-         If you play Drury then you cannot bid a natural 2over 1/having passed.


Rescue partner’s 1NT doubled with shape        Board 27 from Friday 5th  



Dealer:             J108                                           Table A

South               AKQJ9                                      West          North         East(A)    South

Love all            A63                                            -                 -                 -               pass

                        J5                                               1NT           dbl             pass (1)    pass (2)

pass (3)

A96                   N             5432                    

876                 W    E          10                         Table B

KQJ                    S              754                      West          North         East(A)    South

AQ42                                 109876                -                 -                 -               pass      

                        KQ7                                           1NT         dbl             2   (1)    pass (4)

5432                                           pass           2    (5)      pass         3    (6)

10982                                        pass           4    (7)      all pass



Table A:     (1) What did you bid with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? 1NT doubled will be a disaster so you should run as at table B.

(2)   Partner’s double is for penalties and South is pleased to oblige.

(3)   With a totally flat hand West has no reason to run.

Table B:     (1)  2 is the answer, without any other agreement 2 is natural and weak here. Another sensible treatment is that if responder passes then opener always re-opens with a redouble and then responder would run to 2. Either way you need to have 2 as a natural weak bid available in one sequence or the other.

(4)   South cannot double 2 for penalties and so passes.

(5)   And North cannot double ’s, so 2 here shows a suit and 15-18 points.

(6)   With the K probably poorly placed pass may be more prudent.

(7)   And with absolutely no tenaces sitting over the NoTrump bidder pass by North may be more prudent.


And what happened? 1NT doubled went for 500 at two tables. 4 went minus two and there were the usual spurious results including 5 doubled going for just 300.

The bottom lines: -

-         With shape, rescue partner’s 1NT doubled; points are irrelevant.

-         Do not double the opponents for penalties with just two trumps.

-     Note the power of shape and a fit. E-W can make 9 tricks in ’s with just 16 combined points.

Do not double the opponents for penalties with just two trumps.         

                                                                                                                  Board 1 from Friday 5th  

Dealer:             63                                              

North               4                                                 West(F)     North         East          South

Love all            K742                                          -                 pass           1            dbl   (1)

                        QJ8642                                      redbl    (2)  2             pass (3)    pass

dbl   (4)      all pass

K84                   N             QJ7                     

Q986              W    E          K1032            (1)  With a four card and five card major I generally

Q965                  S              AJ1083                prefer to overcall. But with a void and

AK                                     3                          definitely playable in 3 suits I agree with double.

                        A10952                                (2)  9+ points and often a mis-fit for partner.

AJ75                                    (3)  Forcing; unable to double for penalties.

-                                            (4)  What did you bid with this West hand F in

10975                                        this week’s quiz? I would never double (penalties)   with just 2 trumps (even AK). 3NT or 3 are the good  alternatives.  


And what happened? 2* made +2 for a complete top to N-S. 3NT +1 was the top score for two E-W pairs. The bottom lines: -

-         Do not double the opponents for penalties with just two trumps.

-         Note the power of shape and a fit. N-S make 10 tricks in ’s with just 15 combined points.


The 3NT response to 1/                                  Board 23 from Friday 5th  


It looks like both East and West misunderstood the 3NT bid on this deal.


Dealer:             QJ6                                            West          North         East(C)    South

South               KQ106                                       -                 -                 -               pass

Both vul            106                                             1              pass           3NT (1)    pass

                        Q973                                         4    (2)      all pass


AK432              N             97                   (1)  What did you bid with this East hand C in

4                     W    E          AJ87                    this week’s quiz? 3NT does show 13-15

AJ7                     S              K832                   and usually a doubleton but it is a poor bid

J1085                                 AK4                     when holding 4 ’s. 2 is correct.

                        1085                                     (2)  Obviously West should pass, but he was    

9532                                           apparently unsure what 3NT meant.




And what happened? Two pairs bid 4 and scored average. The top spot was 3NT +2 twice. The bottom lines: -

-         The jump to 3NT over partner’s 1/ opening is 13-15 points with shortage in the major opened (one or two cards) and denies 4 cards in the other major.

-         It does not invite opener to bid again unless he is looking for slam.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2. This is natural and weak and will be much better than 1NT doubled.

Hand B:    (a)  1NT. Even though you have a singleton in partner’s suit, the hand is far too good to pass.

(b)   3NT. Partner’s 3 is game forcing. 3 would show a 5+ card suit and 4 goes past 3NT.

Hand C:    2. 2 is incorrect as that promises 5 ’s. 3NT does show 13-15 points with poor ’s but it’s a poor bid when holding 4 ’s.

Hand D:    (a)  1NT or 2. It probably depends upon your style.

(b)  4. After you decided to respond at the two-level a jump by partner is forcing. 3NT is reasonable but pass most certainly is not.

Hand E:    3, natural and game forcing.

Hand F:     3 or 3NT, either is fine. What is not fine is double – it is penalties and you will not get rich as partner’s failure to double denies ’s.




Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers


G     1      pass   1NT   pass       3 is game forcing.


H     1      pass   1NT   pass       3 is invitational.


J      1      pass   2     pass       The 3 jump rebid is game forcing after a two level response

3                                        playing Standard American. In Acol it’s highly invitational.

K     1      pass   3NT                 3NT is 13-15. It denies 4 ’s and generally has one or two ’s.

L      1NT   dbl     2                   Standard is that 2 is natural and weak.