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Mon 15th 1st N-S Jan Roos & Per-Ake 64% 2nd Dave & Jo 61%
1st E-W Arne & Lars 70% 2nd Gunnar & Lars Gus.. 63%
Wed 17th 1st N-S Ivy & Gulia 57% 2nd Bob & Mike 57%
1st E-W Paul Sav..
& Dave 67% 2nd Lasse & Janne 64%
Fri 19th 1st
1st E-W Lars Gus.. &
Lars Br.. 63% 2nd
Gunvor & Margit 57%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♥, what do you bid.
♠ 532 ♠ AJ97 With Hand B RHO opens 1♥. (a) What do you bid?
♦ AK83 ♦ AQ107 (c) Suppose you double and partner bids 2♣; what now?
♠ 95 ♠ KJ6
♦ K85 ♦ AKQ and what are your intentions?
outside ace or king). What do you bid?
♠ AJ1084 ♠ J10985
♥ KJ109 ♥ 10843 With Hand F you are vul with non-vul opponents. Partner opens
Bidding Sequences Quiz
Don’t double with flat hands – part 1 Board 3 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠ AJ97 Table A
E-W Vul ♦ AQ107 - - - pass
♣ A7 1♥ dbl (1) 1NT (2) pass
pass 2♦ (3) pass (4) pass
♠ Q32 N ♠ K105 pass
♥ AK753 W E ♥ 108
♠ 864 - - - pass
♥ 942 1♥ dbl (1) pass (2) 2♣
♦ J4 pass 2NT (5) all pass
Don’t double with flat hands – part 2 Board 10 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠ AK986 Table A
both Vul ♦ 952 - - pass 1♥
♣ 3 dbl (1) redbl (2) pass (3) pass
pass (4)
♠ 532 N ♠ Q107
♥ Q6 W E ♥ 42 Table B
♠ J4 pass (1) 1♠ (5) pass 2♣
♥ KJ985 pass 4♥ (6) all pass
♦ J4
A classic
hold-up Board 17 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ862 North’s enthusiastic bidding paid off
Love all ♦ 7
♣ A52 West North East South
♠ J5 N ♠ 1074 - 1♠ pass (1) pass
♥ 63 W E ♥ AQ7 2♦ (2) 2♠ 3♦ pass
♦ QJ1043 S ♦ AK82 pass 3♠ 4♦ pass
♠ 93
♥ KJ984 (1) A clear pass if you read the previous two
♦ 965 pages.
A play problem (continued from last week)
Remember this problem from last week? You are in 6NT with plenty of entries in all of the other suits. How do you play the following suit for max one loser at pairs?
♦A87654 opposite ♦Q109
“Surely the best line on the hand
given the number of entries to either is to lead from the hand holding Axxxxx towards the QT9 and just covering any card
played by North. This will only lose to a singleton J in the South hand or if N
plays small from Kx which would be a hell of a good play to find at the table! – i.e. 1 deal (or a very unlikely 3 deal(s)). Your
line of playing the Q and running it would lose two tricks every time N held
KJx(x) – i.e. 3 hands. And if you ran the T it would also lose two tricks to
KJx(x) in the North hand for which there are the same 3 possible hands.
Of course my line gives up on making
all 13 tricks but that is so unlikely missing 4 cards including the K & J –
and incidentally it is impossible to make 13 tricks on the actual deal unless
there was a revoke or an incredibly stupid play by South who must surely make a
trick holding KJx when he can see QT9 in Dummy!!”
Multi Landy does it’s job Board 6 from Friday 19th
Dealer: ♠ KQ643
E-W Vul ♦ KJ92 - - pass pass
♣ 8 1NT 2♠ (1) dbl (2) 2NT (3)
pass (4) 3♦ pass (5) pass
♠ A72 N ♠ J10985 pass (6)
♥ AQ2 W E ♥ 10843
♠ -
♥ J75
♦ Q8653
- Play Multi Landy; it may or may not be the best defence to 1NT but if it’s what most people in this club play and it makes life easier for scratch partnerships.
- E-W can only make 8 trick in No Trumps on a ♦ lead; had East decided to bid 3NT at (2) as happened at a number of tables then West will make 3NT (plus a few) on a ♠ lead. That may well have been the best option at this vulnerability.
- Playing Lebensohl East would have to bid 2NT at (2) and then 3NT after partner’s forced 3♣ response – showing a ♠ stop.
Defence to Multi Landy Board 14 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠ K8754 Table A
both Vul ♦ J4 - - pass pass
♣ J3 1NT 2♣ (1) 3♣ (2) pass (3)
3♦ (4) pass 4♣ (5) pass
♠ AJ109 N ♠ - 5♣ all pass
♥ A8 W E ♥ QJ102
♠ Q632 - - pass pass
♥ 973 1NT 2♣ dbl (2) 2♠ (6)
♦ KQ53 dbl (7) pass 3NT (8)
It’s only worth an invite Board 30 from Friday 19th
Dealer: ♠ KJ6 Table A
Love all ♦ AKQ - - pass 2♠ (1)
♣ Q1043 pass 4♠ (2) all pass
♠ A7 N ♠ 108 Table B
♥ KJ985 W E ♥ Q106 West North(D) East South
♠ Q95432 pass pass (5) pass
♥ A4
♦ J
- 2NT over partner weak two is best played as Ogust – to find out precisely how strong opener is.
- Over a Multi 2♦ 2NT still asks but it’s not quite so accurate as there are only two responses for each major suit.
- Downgrade AKQ trippleton – points belong in long suits.
A 3NT opener? Board 30 from Friday 19th
Dealer: ♠ 95
E-W vul ♦ K85 - 3NT pass pass (2)
♣ AKQJ1086 pass
♠ - N ♠ KQ7632
♥ Q874 W E ♥ 6532
♠ AJ1084
♥ KJ109
♦ QJ104
- I think that 3NT is a horrendous opening by North. But then both the reigning club champion and the runner-up both chose 3NT. Just goes to show something, but I don’t know what. Perhaps I should retire and they should be writing the news-sheets?
Hand A: Pass. A double is playable in the other three suits, with the emphasis on any unbid majors. ♠532 is not a suit that I would like to emphasise.
Hand B: (a) 1NT. 15-18 with a ♥ stop.
I don’t know. That’s why I
would not double at (a).
Hand C: 2♣ (followed
by 3♣); acceptable alternatives are 1♣ or 2♣(followed by 2NT or 3NT) or 2♣(Benjamin)
or 2♦(Multi). I.e. virtually anything except a gambling
3NT which promises absolutely nothing (max a queen) outside the suit.
Hand D: Either 2NT, Ogust - and pass if partner shows a minimum; or simply pass. 4♠ is an overbid – the hand has nice trumps but AKQ in a 3 card suit is bad as is the 4333 shape.
Hand E: 4♣ or pass. Partner’s gambling 3NT promises absolutely no outside ace or king so there is no entry to his hand! But pass is a reasonable option as he may just have an entry with a useful queen or nine.
Hand F: 3NT.
(or 2NT followed by 3NT if you play Lebensohl). You know that LHO has at most
one ♠ and if you double he will look for the minor suit fit – and it is
quite likely that they have a decent fit in one of the minors. So do not
double, but bid 3NT and hope for the expected ♠ lead. An additional
factor is the vulnerability – you reckon to make 3NT (especially if you don’t
let them find their minor suit fit) and you will not get rich at this
vulnerability by doubling three of a minor when they have a fit there.
Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers