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Mon 12th 1st N-S Gene
& Jean-Charles 59% 2nd Hugh &
1st E-W Paul Sav.. & Ursula 62% 2nd
Wed 14th 1st N-S Mike & Jean-Charles 56% 2nd Bengt M.. and Gastone 54%
1st E-W Clive & Gerry 61% 2nd Jan v Koss & Royd 59%
Fri 16th 1st N-S Hugh &
1st E-W Clive & Gerry 65% 2nd Dave & Terry 62%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ 54 ♠ J6
♥ KJ1093 ♥ J87 With Hand B RHO opens 1♣
and this is passed round to partner
Bidding Sequences Quiz Loads of sequences, and they all occurred
this week
note My
mobile number is now 086 6089887
Dealer: ♠ 42 Table A
both vul ♦ J732 - pass pass (1) 3NT (2)
985 dbl pass (3) pass pass (4)
♠ K1093
N ♠ AJ8 Table
♥ KJ8
W E ♥ A954 West North East South
Q765 3♠ (8) pass 4♠ (9) all pass
♥ 106
♦ -
A nice unblock Board 1 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ
Love all ♦ QJ10984 - 1♦ 1♠ dbl (1)
K5 3♠ (2) 3NT (3) all
♠ 6542
N ♠ J10987
♥ Q105
W E ♥ A87
♥ J9432
♦ AK
(1) This is the best bid. It’s not really strong enough for a forcing 2♥ and I prefer the negative double. Pass will only cause problems when partner re-opens with double as 2♥ then shows a poor hand. This is similar to Hand A.
Good bid – obeying the Law.
The ♠’s are stopped.
- Unblocks come in all shapes and sizes.
Those Negative waves Board
13 from Wednesday 14th
Remember ‘Oddball’ saying “Don’t hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning” in the movie “Kelly’s Heroes”? – Donald Sutherland, Telly Savalas, Clint Eastwood. Great movie.
Anyway, I have occasionally (frequently
even by Chuck) been accused of only writing negative comments in the
news-sheets, so here is a hand that was well bid by Jan/Royd:
Dealer: ♠ A9875
Love all ♦ 10652 - - - 1♠ (1)
1093 pass 3♠ (2) dbl pass
3♥ (3) pass 4♥ all pass
♠ 42
N ♠ 63
♥ 8543
W E ♥ AKQ9
♥ J762
♦ 8
(1) A somewhat light opening, and if playing 4 card
majors I would open 1♥ if I decided to
open. Anyway, it worked as N-S found their fit immediately.
(2) ‘The Law’ says to raise
to 4♠, and that’s what I would do – but I suppose it’s
not so easy if you play 4 card majors?
(3) Should you bid the good 5 card ♦ suit or the 4 card major to the eight? When
partner doubles ♠’s he usually has ♥’s and I like this bid chosen by Royd. If partner does not like ♥’s then he must have a very big hand and you
can show the ♦’s next go.
- If partner opens 2NT and you have a 4 card major (and a few points) then bid 3♣ Stayman.
- If partner doubles ♠’s then he usually has ♥’s, so bid a 4 card ♥ suit in preference to a longer/stronger minor.
Lead Problem
♠ 952 West North East South
♦ 86542 2♣ (1) pass 2♦ (2) dbl (2) Relay
♣ AJ52 2♥ 3♦
You are North, on lead after partner has opened 1NT and doubled the 2♦ relay bid.
(a) What do you lead. (b) What is the worst possible lead that you can imagine?
Answers next page.
The worst lead I’ve ever seen? Board
22 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ 952
E-W vul ♦ 86542 - - pass 1NT
♣ AJ52 2♣ (1) pass 2♦ (2) dbl (3)
2♥ 3♦ 3♥ all pass
♠ K108
N ♠ A76
♥ AJ9854
W E ♥ Q32
♥ K107
♣ Q74
(1) Cappelletti, showing
a single suited hand.
(2) Relay
(3) Showing decent ♦’s and asking for a ♦ lead.
- Do not lead away from an ace against a suit contract.
- If partner has made a lead directing double – then lead that suit!
- The combination of ignoring the above two guidelines in one lead is mind-boggling.
Bidding out your shape Board 5 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ J8543 Table A
N-S vul ♦ 976 - pass 1NT pass
87 2♣ (1) pass 2♠ pass
3♦ (2) pass 4♠ (3) all
♠ 9
N ♠ AKQ2
♥ 10987
W E ♥ AJ6 ‘Expert’ Table
1076 2NT (1) pass 3♦ (4) pass
♥ K53 3♥ (5) pass 3NT all pass
♦ A83
- Experience partnerships should play 4-way transfers.
- Then with a 5+ card minor and a 4 card major you transfer into the minor and then bid the major.
- This treatment has a number of advantages as detailed in the No Trump bidding book.
- Just one of the problems with the ‘orthodox’ method of Stayman followed by the minor is that if opener responds 2♦ and responder bids his minor then opener does not know which major it is.
- Ambiguous splinters after 1NT are fully described in the No Trump bidding book.
- The best meaning for sequence N: 1NT - 2♣ - 2♠ - 3♦, is ASID (Advanced Stayman in Doubt). It confirms a 4-4 ♠ fit and asks opener to describe his hand further. It is fully defined in the No trump bidding book.
It’s nothing complicated – part 1 Board 2 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ KJ4
N-S vul ♦ K76 - - pass pass
KJ63 1♦ (1) pass (2) 1♥ pass
pass 1NT (3) pass 2♠ (4)
♠ AQ7
N ♠ 986 all
♥ 1053
W E ♥ K984
♦ Q984
(1) A 3rd seat disruptive opener – good bid as it turned out.
(2) North has nothing to say at the moment.
(3) And now it’s safe to come in with a natural 1NT in the pass-out seat.
But unfortunately South read something sinister into the bid – muttering
things about sandwich seats and Snapdragons.
- The sandwich seat is no longer the sandwich seat if both opponents have limited their hands.
- A balancing 1NT over a red suit generally denies four ♠’s.
It’s nothing complicated – part 2 Board 5 from Monday 12th
Dealer: ♠ Q832
N-S vul ♦ 862 - 1♣ pass pass
KQ5 dbl (1) pass 2NT (2) pass
3♥ (3) pass 3♠ (4) all
♠ A1054
N ♠ J6
♥ K93
W E ♥ J87
♥ 10654
♦ 1053
(1) I would bid 1NT – I play that as around 10-13 in the balancing seat.
(2) What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? Partner’s double is in the balancing seat and the ‘borrow a king’ philosophy applies. So deduct three points from this hand and you come up with the correct answer of 1NT.
(3) This shows a very strong ♥ hand, too good to simply overcall 1♥. I believe that West got confused.
(4) I believe that East thought that West was confused.
- When partner doubles then 2NT is natural and about 11-12 points and denying an unbid 4 card major.
- But when partner’s double is in the balancing seat then you need three more points, so bid 1NT with 11-12 and 2NT with 13-14.
- Be aware of balancing and the ‘borrow a king’ theory.
- I gave a scheme for bidding 1NT in the balancing seat in news-sheet 213 and it’s up on the web in the general bridge topics section.
Don’t double with flat hands Board 26 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ 109843
Both vul ♦ K86 - - 1NT (1) dbl (2)
1052 pass (3) 2♠ (4) pass 2NT (5)
dbl (6) all
♠ AK76
N ♠ Q52
♥ K109
W E ♥ AJ742
♥ Q53
♦ QJ542
- Don’t double with flat hands.
- Don’t double ‘to show an opening hand’.
- A double of 1NT should be 15-18 points. The strength of the opening 1NT is irrelevant.
- If partner doesn’t want to defend 1NT then he sure as hell does not want to be playing in 2NT (doubled).
- If you double 1NT showing 15-18 and partner bids, then he is very weak and does not want to defend 1NT doubled.
The automatic re-opening double Board 26 from Monday 12th
Dealer: ♠ J3
both vul ♦ AKQJ74 - - 1♣ 2♠ (1)
J1075 pass (2) pass dbl (3) pass
pass (4) pass
♠ 54
N ♠ A106
♥ KJ1093
W E ♥ A762
♥ Q54
♦ 106
Weak 2♦ or a Multi? … Board 18 from Friday 16th
Dealer: ♠ A642 Table A
N-S vul ♦ J1064 - - 1♣ 2♦ (1)
8764 …?
♠ J3
N ♠ K975 Table
♥ A85
W E ♥ Q104 West North East South
Q108 dbl (3) all
♥ J97632
♦ A8
But South could not resist the
temptation a 2nd time. This really is much worse than an initial
weak 2♥ overcall as the opponents have exchanged information and you are
much more likely to get doubled for penalties when
(3) West decided to go for the ‘magic 200 at pairs’ score.
- A Multi 2♦ over a 1♣ opening is quite playable I suppose, but it is not standard and most certainly would have to be agreed.
- If you decide not to make a weak jump overcall, don’t change your mind later and come in after the opponents have exchanged information.
Hand A: Dbl,
negative. Showing 4+ ♥’s and values to compete. A forcing 3♥ is an overbid and
pass and then 3♥ over partner’s automatic re-opening double shows a weaker hand.
Hand B: 1NT.
Partner’s double is in the balancing seat and could be as few as 8-9 points. He
has ‘borrowed a king’ from your hand and you should deduct three points from
your normal bid if it was a direct seat double.
Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers