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Mon 19th 1st N-S Ivy & Terry 63% 2nd Frere & Jean-Charles 62%
Wed 21st 1st
N-S Ivy
& Wolfgang 67% 2nd Hugh &
1st E-W Jan & Royd 65% 2nd
John & Kenneth 58%
Fri 23rd 1st
1st E-W Asbjorn & Wolfgang 61% 2nd Gerry & Tony 54%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
♠ 2 ♠ A73
♦ 843 ♦ AKQ764
♠ J ♠ KJ964
♦ Q62 ♦ 9 bids
2♦. What do you bid?
♠ A7532 ♠ A842
♦ 53 ♦ J863 do you bid?
♠ QJ96 ♠ 8
♦ K ♦ KQJ7 do
you do?
Hand J Hand K What do you open with Hand J?
♠ J ♠ AQ986
♥ AK876543 ♥ Q10953 A very tricky one here. With Hand K partner opens
♣ Q ♣ 2 do you bid?
Hand L Hand M With Hand L partner
opens 1NT and
♠ 9 ♠ AK87
♦ J965 ♦ K107 (a) What do you do?
Bidding Sequences Quiz All of these sequences occurred this
Dealer: ♠ 2
N-S vul ♦ 843 pass pass 1♦ 1♠
A752 pass (1) 2♥ (2) pass 2♠ (3)
dbl (4) all
♠ KJ974
N ♠ 5
♥ J43
W E ♥ A965
♥ Q
♦ A2
Dealer: ♠ 62
both vul ♦ 107654 - pass 1NT (1) 2♠ (2)
J974 4♥ (3) pass (4) pass 4♠ (5)
dbl (6) pass (7) pass all pass
♠ J54
N ♠ Q87
♥ Q98632
W E ♥ AK5
♥ 107
♦ Q9
Dealer: ♠ 9763 Table A
both vul ♦ Q10972 - - 1NT (1) 2♥ (2)
42 2♠ (3) pass 3♠ (4) pass
4♠ all pass
♠ A842
N ♠ K105
♥ 53 W E ♥ KQJ9 Table B
QJ 1♠ (3) pass 2♠ (4) 3♣ (5)
♥ A8742 dbl 3♥ dbl all pass
♦ K
Dealer: ♠ 9
E-W vul ♦ J965 - - - 1NT
965 2♠ (1) 3♦ (2) 3♠ 3NT (3)
pass pass dbl all pass
♠ A108752 N ♠ QJ64
♥ K107
W E ♥ A
♥ Q942
♦ AK102
Dealer: ♠ - ‘Expert’ Table
N-S vul ♦ Q10984 1NT (1) 2NT (2) 3♦ (3) pass
AJ9854 3♥ pass 4♥ all pass
♠ 1072
N ♠ AQ986
♥ AKJ6
W E ♥ Q10953
♥ 72
♦ J2
Regular partnerships really should have their defence to 1NT sorted out, here we have a 5th cock-up this week alone. I recommend Multi Landy.
Dealer: ♠ Q8754
E-W vul ♦ AK54 pass pass (1) 1NT (2) 2♣ (3)
9 pass 2♠ all pass
♠ 2
N ♠ KJ103
♥ J1084
W E ♥ K976
♥ A2
♦ 73
- If your partner has given an incorrect explanation of your bid then you should inform the opponents when the bidding has finished and before the opening lead if you are dummy or declarer. If you are defending you can say nothing until play is finished.
- The strict rules are different if the explanation is correct but the bid not. But at this club the above is also true if you have made an incorrect bid and partner has given the correct explanation, i.e. inform the opponents if you are the declaring side.
- N-S should be in game with these N-S cards but the evil ♠ situation makes 4♠ poor contract – unlucky for those that bid it and went down.
- With the nice ♣ suit I
think that 3NT is the best contract for N-S to bid. The bidding could have
gone: 1♠ - 2♣ - 2♦ - 2♥ (4th suit) - 2NT - 3NT; with East silent.
Dealer: ♠ A73 Table A
both vul ♦ AKQ764 1♠ 3♦ (1) pass pass
Q4 4♥ (2) all
♠ KQJ1086 N ♠ 54 Table B
♥ KQ742
W E ♥ 1085 West North(B) East South
♥ J96
♦ J5
Dealer: ♠ J Table A
Love all ♦ Q62 - 1♥ dbl (1) redbl (2)
KJ108 pass (3) 2♣ (4) pass 4NT (5)
pass 5♥ all pass
♠ 6532
N ♠ Q1094
♥ 64 W E ♥ Q10 Table
♥ K872
♦ K107
Dealer: ♠ QJ96 Table A
E-W vul ♦ K - - - 1♦
AK1094 pass 1♠ (1) pass 2♠
pass 4♠ all pass
♠ 107
N ♠ 542
♥ QJ64
W E ♥ A97 Table
AK83 pass 2♣ (1) pass 2NT (2)
♥ 852 pass 3♠ (3) pass 4♠ (4)
♦ AJ72 pass pass (5) pass
North has a strong hand and South a mere 4 points, so who should have pushed on to 4♠?
Dealer: ♠ A7532
N-S vul ♦ 53 - - pass pass
A5 1♦ 1♠ (1) 2♦ (2) 2♠ (3)
3♦ pass (4) pass pass (5)
♠ Q10
N ♠ 8
♥ A10
W E ♥ 98753
♥ 65
♦ 9
Regular partnerships and experienced players really should know about DOPI and ROPI.
Dealer: ♠ 4
Love all ♦ KQJ543 1♠ 2♥ (1) dbl (2) pass
3 3♦ dbl 3♠ pass
4NT (3) dbl 5♣ (4) pass
♠ AKQJ5 N ♠ 10932 5♠ (5) dbl (6) pass (7) pass
♥ 6 W E ♥ A983 pass (8) pass
♥ 1042
♦ 7
The beauty of 2/1 is that there is no need to leap about!
Dealer: ♠ 843
E-W vul ♦ AKJ10 - pass 1♥ (1) pass
5432 2♣ (2) pass 4♥ (3) pass
4♠ (4) pass pass (5) pass
♠ A962
N ♠ J pass
♥ - W E ♥ AK876543
♥ 1092
♦ 9643
Bidding Sequences Quiz answers
Hand A: Pass.
A 2♥ bid over partner’s overcall would be constructive. I would not
want to encourage partner with this ill-fitting heap – indeed,
Hand B: You cannot overcall 3♦ as most play that as weak, so you should double and then bid ♦’s over partner’s response. Double and bid a suit shows a strong single suited hand. That is the accepted way of bidding a good hand, but with a ♠ stop and a (hopefully) running minor I actually overcalled 3NT with the hand – I think that’s better than the above approach.
Hand C: Pass. A 2♣ bid here shows a very weak shapely hand with little defensive values. This hand is not that bad nor shapely enough.
Hand D: 4♠, The LAW – especially with a singleton in their suit. Points Smoints.
Hand E: 1♠. When 5-4 (or 4-5) in the majors it’s best to bid the 5 card major rather than double – and you will have problems if you double and partner bids the other minor. A Michaels cue bid (2♦) shows 5-4 in the majors is a possibility but this hand is far too good for that bid in my style (and not good enough for Michaels followed by a bid which I play as very strong).
Hand F: 3♥. The cue bid of the opponent’s suit is game forcing Stayman, so in this case showing exactly 4 ♠’s and game forcing. If you play Lebensohl then it’s the same bid and the direct 3♥ cue bid is again game forcing Stayman but denying a ♥ stop.
Hand G: I
would bid 2♣ if playing with an established experienced player,
and then reverse into ♠’s next go. This shows a game forcing hand with 5 ♣’s and 4 ♠’s – spot
on, and essential if there is a tight slam. You can ‘deny’ a 4-card major if
you are strong enough to bid it later. With an unfamiliar partner I would (did)
bid 1♠.
Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers are on the previous page.