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Mon 30th 1st Bengt &
Janne 73% 2nd Albert & Dennis 65%
Wed 2nd 1st Sonja & Roar 60% 2nd Dave & Jan 56%
Fri 4th 1st Bengt & Janne 61% 2nd Bob & Ivy 60%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner
opens 1♣, what do you bid?
A104 ♠ A9876 With
Hand B LHO opens 1♦ and
♥ K54 ♥ K43 (a) What do you do?
♦ Q43 ♦ A82 (b) Suppose you pass, LHO passes and partner
doubles, what
♣ QJ53 ♣ 1064 do you bid now?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 1♠, what do you respond?
♠ 92 ♠ 5432 With Hand D RHO opens 1♦. (a) What do you do?
♥ AK6 ♥
Q92 (b) Suppose you pass, LHO bids 2♦ and this
is passed
♦ AJ104 ♦ A5 round
to you, what do you do now?
♣ 10852 ♣
Hand E Hand F With Hand E partner
opens 1♠, what do you respond?
♠ 2 ♠
♥ A1053 ♥ 43 With
Hand F partner opens 1♥, (a) what do you
♣ QJ43 ♣ J975
Hand G Hand H With Hand G partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♠. Partner raises
to 2♠, what do you bid?
♠ Q432 ♠ AJ74
♥ 93 ♥ AK2 With Hand H RHO opens 1♣, (a) What do you bid.
♣ Q763 ♣
A8 bid now?
Hand J Hand K With Hand J you open
1♣, LHO overcalls a weak 2♠ and partner
doubles (negative). What do you bid.
♠ 4 ♠ AJ94
Q975 ♥
J982 With
Hand K partner opens 3♣ and
♦ K ♦ A972 do
you do?
AQJ8652 ♣
Bidding Sequences Quiz All of these sequences occurred this
Dealer: ♠ A104 West North East South
West ♥
AJ105 pass 1NT pass 2♣
E-W vul ♦ A10 pass 2♥ pass 4♥
K972 all
♠ KQ65
N ♠ J92 There’s
nothing to the bidding, with everyone in 4♥.
♥ 632
W E ♥ Q8 But how do you
play the hand on a ♣ lead?
873 with East it is certainly best
to play a ♥ to the ♥K
♥ K974 and then
finesse West for the ♥Q. So North led the
♦ 5 ♥5 to the ♥K
and took the finesse that lost.
Dealer: ♠ 4 West North(J) East South
West ♥
Q975 pass 1♣ 2♠ (1)
N-S vul ♦ K pass (3) 3♣ (4) pass 3♥ (5)
AQJ8652 pass 4♥ (6) pass pass (7)
♠ J102
N ♠ KQ9875 .
♥ J4 W E ♥ 103
♥ AK862
♦ A84
Dealer: ♠ KQ107 Table A
South ♥
K West
North East South
Both vul ♦ KQ97 - - - pass (1)
Q832 2♥ (2)
pass (4) pass pass (5)
♠ 52
N ♠ 4
♥ A1076532
W E ♥ QJ94 Table B
AJ9863 pass (6) 4♠ (7) pass (8) pass
♥ 8 pass
♦ J108642
Dealer: ♠ 5432 Table A
South ♥
Q92 West
North(D) East South(B)
Both vul ♦ A5 - - - pass
A965 1♦ pass (1) 2♦ (2) pass (3)
pass pass (4)
♠ QJ
N ♠ K10
♥ AJ105
W E ♥ 876 Table
A9876 1♦ pass (1) 1NT (2) pass (3)
♥ K43 pass pass (4)
♦ A82
Dealer: ♠ KQJ5 West North East South
North ♥
Q732 pass 1NT pass 2NT
E-W vul ♦ A62 pass 3NT all
There’s nothing to the bidding, with everyone
♠ 107
N ♠ 9862 3NT
except that one South did pass 1NT.
♥ 98 W E ♥ AK64
A43 taken the losing ♦ finesse and emerge happily
♥ J105 with 9 t
♦ QJ854 At the table
where I was kibitzing North won the
Dealer: ♠ AJ74 West North(H) East South
West ♥
AK2 1♣
Both vul ♦ KQ109 pass 2NT (2) pass pass (3)
A8 pass
♠ K82
N ♠ 1095
♥ J10
W E ♥ 7653 (1) What did you bid with this North hand H(a) in
Q63 then bid No Trumps when you
have a hand that
♥ Q984 is too
strong for a 1NT overcall (15-18).
♦ 43 (2) What did you bid with this North hand H(b) in
Dealer: ♠ 3 West
North East(C) South
Love all ♦ Q52 3♠ (2) pass 3NT (3) pass
AJ93 4♠ (4) all
♠ AQ8765 N ♠ 92 (1) What did you bid with this East hand C in this
week's quiz,
♥ 8 W E ♥ AK6 and what was your answer to
KJ104 (2) With
nice shape and a presumed 2 ♠’s opposite
♦ 73 (3) With his super-max East bid game.
Dealer: ♠ AJ94 Table
N-S vul ♦ A972 - pass pass 3♣ (1)
♠ AQ8765 N ♠ 2
Table B
♥ 8 W E ♥ A1053 West North East(E) South
107 4♠ (6) all pass
♦ 86 ‘Expert’ Table
Dealer: ♠ 109 1♥ pass 2NT (1) pass
Both vul ♦ J954
A83 Table B
West North East(F) South
♠ 74
N ♠ AK63 1♥ pass 1♠ (1) pass
♥ KQ765
W E ♥ 43 1NT pass 2NT (3) pass
QJ852 ‘Expert’
♦ A82 1♥ pass 1♠ (1) pass
North South You
reach a reasonable 6♣ by North on the this deal, with
♠ 9 ♠
A104 no
opposition bidding, and East leads the ♥10.
♥ AQ ♥ K54 You win with the ♥Q, play the ♠A and ruff
a ♠, cash the ♥A
♦ A987 ♦ Q43 and draw trumps ending in south, East having the doubleton.
North South Neither
opponent has thrown a ♦. That leaves these N-S
♠ - ♠
- cards
remaining with the lead with North; how do you
♥ - ♥ - play the ♦ suit now?
♦ A98 ♦ Q43
Dealer: ♠ 9 Table A
North ♥ AQ West North East South(A)
Love all ♦ A987 - 1♣ pass 2NT (1)
♠ Q86532 N ♠
♥ J76
W E ♥ 109832 ‘Expert’ Table
A104 pass 3♠ (4) pass 4♠ (5)
♥ K54 pass 6♣ (6) all pass
♦ Q43
♦ A98 ♦ Q43 Tip:
When there is a critical holding which
is in the closed
A10 ♣ J5 hand
(North), do not assume perfect defence.
Dealer: ♠ 10876 West
North East South
E-W vul ♦ K8
J1032 3♠ (4) pass 4♠ (5) all
♠ A43
N ♠ KQJ92 (1) With two nice suits I would open this 11
♥ KQ109
W E ♥ J7 (2) South correctly opened this shapely 11 count.
5 (5) Maximum.
♦ Q74 And what happened? 4♠ is where you want to be. One E-W
Dealer: ♠ J98 West
North East(G) South
Both vul ♦ J863 2♠ pass 3♠ (1) pass
1094 4♠ (2) all
♠ A765
N ♠ Q432 (1) What did you bid with this East hand G in this
♥ QJ87
W E ♥ 93 week’s quiz? With poor trumps and three
K10 pass
with his minimum.
♦ K742 And what happened? 4♠ went two down. At two tables E-W
West East You
reach a reasonable 6NT by West on the this deal, with
♠ A72 ♠
K54 no
opposition bidding, and North leads the ♠Q.
♥ A5 ♥ J32 How
do you make 12 t
♦ KJ5 ♦ AQ7
Dealer: ♠ QJ1093 West North East South
West ♥ KQ7 1NT pass 4♣ (1) pass
E-W vul ♦ 1064 4♠ (2) pass 6NT pass
♠ A72
N ♠
♥ A5
W E ♥ J32 You arrive in
a reasonable 6NT and receive the
86 to
come from a squeeze.
♥ 109864 Apparently,
according to Dave’s book, the best
♦ 9832 line is to
win the opening lead with the ♠A in hand
♣ 96 and run
the ♦’s and then the ♣’s. That leaves this
♠ J10 When the ♣10 is led North is squeezed and has to
♥ KQ7 throw the ♥7, dummy
pitches the ♠5. West then leads
♦ - the ♥A and the ♥5 which North wins and
♠ 72
N ♠
K5 Terry’s
♥ A5
W E ♥ J32 This may or
may not be the best line, I am no
♦ 9 One pair stopped in
3NT + 2. Two pairs went
♠ J the ♠5 from dummy. The ♦’s were then run and
♥ KQ this was
the three card ending.
♦ West
led the ♦J and North was in trouble.
♠ 7
N ♠
- assumed
from declarer’s play of a ♥ at t
♥ A W E ♥ J3 that
West had another ♥ and so he discarded his
- The
bottom lines: -
♥ 98 - Never give up. If you don’t know what you
♦ 9 doing,
like this declarer, then rectify the count
When there
is a critical holding which is in the closed hand, do not assume perfect defense.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers