Club News Sheet – No. 240        10th June 2007

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Mon 4th      1st  Jan & Tonni                        67%           2nd    Lis & Finn                                58%

Wed 6th      1st Jan & Tonni                        67%           2nd    Bill Peters & Robbie                           53%

Fri  8th        1st  Jan & Janne                        77%           2nd    Frode & Robbie                       57%  


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A RHO opens a Multi 2, what do you bid?


J3                 Q973

A9854          J98               With Hand B partner opens 2NT, (a) what do you bid? 

A982            106               (b) Suppose you bid 3 and partner responds 3, what now?

K10             K1086        


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C you open 1 and partner bids 1NT, what do you bid?  


AKJ9632      AK82

A987            AK103         (a)  What do you open with hand D?

A                  95                 (b)  Suppose you open 2NT, partner bids 3 Stayman and you

6                  AQ9                   bid 3. Partner then bids 3NT, what now?


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E partner opens 1 in 4th seat and RHO overcalls 1.

What do you bid?

Q1054          K

102               KQJ632       (a)  What do you open with Hand F?

AQ9865       103               (b)  Suppose you choose a weak 2 and partner bids 2, what

3                  9862                  do you do now?


Hand G           Hand H           With Hand G partner opens 1. (a) what do you bid?

(b) Suppose you choose 1NT and partner bids 3, what now?

7                   32               

K3                A9               With Hand H you open 1 in 4th seat and LHO overcalls 1.

Q1092          K10             What do you do when (a) partner bids 2, or (b) partner bids 1?

QJ10975      AKJ10752


Hand J            Hand K           With Hand J partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 1.

(a) What do you bid?

1064             K97              (b) Suppose you choose a negative double, LHO bids 3 and

Q963            KQ106               partner bids 4, what do you bid now?

K42              K1085

Q75             K6               With Hand K it’s favourable vulnerability and RHO opens 1

in 3rd seat, (a) what do you bid? Suppose you choose to pass,

                                                LHO bids 1 and this is passed to you, (b) what do you bid now?        

Bidding Sequences Quiz            All of these sequences occurred this week


L      1      1      dbl     3          double is negative (showing 4 ’s), what is 3 - weak or invitational

M    1      dbl     pass   pass       double is take-out and advancer’s pass is penalties. What

        redbl                                    is redouble?

N     pass   pass   1      2         Opener passed the 2 bid as his partner was a passed hand,

        2      pass   pass   dbl                                   what is the double - take-out or penalties?              

P      1      pass   1NT   pass       3 is strong, but is it forcing?


Q     1     1      dbl                   The double is negative, it promises 4 ’s but does it promise 4 ’s?

R     1     1      dbl     3          The double is negative, is 4 forcing?


S      1     pass   2                    Is 2 weak or strong?

T      2      pass   2                    2 is weak, is 2 a weak correction, invitational or forcing?



The Club Championships


Well done Jan who achieved the triple this week, I believe it’s the first this year. That, together with this year’s highest score of 77% which he got playing with Janne, has propelled him into 2nd position in the silver and bronze competitions and he will be in a strong position in the gold when he gets 4 more scores above 53%.

I have put up a list of past winners of the Triple Crown on the web (results page). Let me know of any omissions, I believe that Dave has won it two or three times but it was only recorded in the news-sheets on one occasion? Incidentally, there’s no prize for it. It’s like a hole in one at golf, the winner is expected to buy a round of drinks, OK Jan?


Gold Cup = Best 30                 Silver plate = Best 10      Bronze medal = Best 5


1810.5  Janne Roos                  666.8  Janne Roos                    350.4  Janne Roos

1731.2  Dave Cutler                 647.2  Jan v Koss                    340.2  Jan v Koss

                                                634.5  Lars Gustaffson             336.2  Bengt Malmgren

                                                630.9  Paul Savelkral                332.9  Paul Savelkral

                                                627.1  Gunnar Barthel              325.6  Gunnar Barthel




Yet another Multi Mix-up                                   Board 6 from Wednesday 6th


Two weeks ago there was a defence to the Multi 2 diamonds that went tragically wrong. That prompted me to write up a defense to the Multi two diamonds and it’s on the web and in the conventions folder. Unfortunately West at Table A chose to ignore my advice and went for 800.


Dealer:             AQ1098                                     Table A

East                  -                                                 West(A)     North         East            South(F)

E-W vul           KQJ74                                        -                 -                 pass           2  (1)

                        AQ7                                           2      (2)    dbl   (3)      all pass


J3                      N             76542                   Table B

A9854            W    E          107                       West(A)     North         East            South(F)

A982                  S              65                         -                 -                 pass           pass (1)

K10                                   J543                     1             dbl   (4)      pass           pass

                        K                                                redbl (5)     1    (6)      all pass


103                                             Table C

                        9862                                          West(A)     North         East          South(F)

-                 -                 pass         2    (1)

pass           2              pass         pass (7)


Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this South Hand F(a) in this week’s quiz? This South chose Multi 2 (so a weak 2).

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? Overcalling the Multi 2 on the first round is very dangerous and if you’ve read the defence to the multi 2 (in the conventions folder or on the web) you will see that pass is clear.

(3)   With this big hand North does not mind who’s got what.

Table B:     (1)  This South decided not to open. With a good 6 card major I would never pass and this looks like a classic 2 to me.

(4)   This double is fine – the hand is too strong for a 1 overcall.

(5)   Meant as SOS. Sequence M is indeed SOS but that’s with a minor. When you open a 5 card major it’s not at all clear that it’s SOS.

(6)   So North thought that 1 by West was making.

Table C:     (1)  Finally an ordinary 2 opener in answer to question F(a).

(7)  What did you bid with this South hand F(b) in this week’s quiz? Partner’s 2 bid is forcing and promises a good suit. With reasonable (in context) support for ’s you should bid 3 - showing support (the K is good enough). Apparently South did not realize that 2 (sequence T) is forcing.   


And what happened? At Table A West went for 800. At Table B 1 somehow went one down. At Table C 2 made 12 tricks. The bottom Lines: -

-         The defence to the Multi 2 is in the conventions folder. It clearly says ‘there is no point in bidding a suit that RHO has 6 cards in!’.

-         It’s also on the web (conventions > section 3 > defense to the Multi two diamonds )

-         A new suit over partner’s weak two is strong and forcing (RONF).

-         Do not pass with 9 points and an excellent 6 card major.



A poor double – part 1                                         Board 21 from Wednesday 6th


A recurring theme – it seems that people do not like to bid their hand. The next two boards are examples of poor doubles when there is a very clear alternative. Here is a case where a No Trump bid was called for.


Dealer:             AJ864                                        

North               J54                                             West(K)     North         East            South

N-S vul            J2                                                -                 pass           pass           1

                        852                                            pass (1)      1              pass           pass (2)

dbl   (3)      pass           2             pass

K97                   N             Q52                      2NT (4)      pass           3NT (5)      pass

KQ106           W    E          972                       pass           pass           dbl   (6)      all pass

K1085                S              74                        

K6                                     AJ973                 






(1)   What did you bid with this West hand K(a) in this week’s quiz? With two tens and good intermediates (and favourable vulnerability) I would overcall 1NT. If it’s not quite up to your standard for a 1NT overcall then pass is clearly correct. Double is a poor bid as you will doubtless get an unwelcome 2 response.

(2)   A 1NT rebid seems clear to me, the fact that partner is a passed hand is irrelevant.

(3)   What did you bid with this West hand K(b) in this week’s quiz? If, in your style, it was not good enough for 1NT last go then 1NT is the obvious bid now in the balancing seat. This double is poor for the same reason as given at (1).

(4)   West gets no sympathy from me – he had two chances to bid NoTrumps at the one level and blew them both; and he now decides to pull the inevitable 2 response to 2NT.

(5)   East should probably pass, but he has my sympathy – partner has bid 2NT all by himself; somebody is lying about their points, but who?

(6)   The opponents have a maximum of about 21 points unless my partner’s 3rd seat opening was very light, so I’ll double them and find out.


And what happened? 3NT doubled went for 1100. At other tables the deal was played in sensible contracts of 1NT by West or 2 by South.

The bottom Lines: -

-         If a 1NT overcall describes your hand, then bid 1NT.

-         Note that a 1NT overcall (as with a 1NT opening) does not deny a 4 card major.

-         Don’t double with a doubleton in an unbid suit unless very strong.

-         To double and then bid 2NT shows a very strong hand.


A poor double – part 2                                         Board 24 from Wednesday 6th


And this time East chose a poor double and his great 6 card major never got a mention.


Dealer:             82                                               Table A

West                KJ98754                                    West          North         East            South

E-W vul           8                                                 pass           3              dbl     (1)    4

                        J43                                             pass           pass           pass   (2)


K104                 N             AQJ953                Table B

63                   W    E          -                           West          North         East            South

J9642                  S              75                         pass           3              4      (1)    4NT   (3)

A86                                    K10752               pass           5    (4)      dbl             5

                        76                                               pass   (5)    pass           pass   (6)





Table A:     (1)  This is a very poor double; with an excellent 6 card suit I would bid 3. The hand is not quite right for a leaping Michaels 4 as that shows only 5 ’s (and 5 or 6 ’s).

(2)  Selling out to 4 cannot be right.

Table B:     (1)  This East decided his hand was worth 4.

(3)   Quite why South wants to ask for keycards is a bit of a mystery. The pre-emptive 3 opener cannot possibly cover four of the five losers; perhaps he wanted to create an illusion of strength so that the subsequent 5 bid does not get doubled? I guess that that’s a good bid at most clubs but psyching is not allowed at our club. Anyway, I don’t believe that this South intended anything devious; but don’t do it again!

(4)   1 keycard

(5)   I guess that West can double – partner has shown a strong hand.

(6)   East presumably thought that South had all of West’s points?


And what happened? 4 was one down and 5 was 2 down. At the other table East played peacefully in 4 making exactly.

The bottom Lines: -

-         Don’t double with a 6 card suit unless you intend to bid it later.

-         Despite similar articles week after week, why do people continue to double instead of bidding their hand?



Leading Quiz


KQ9852             You are on lead against 3NT, I’m not sure of the bidding but it could

92                       well have been a weak 1NT on your right which LHO raised to 3NT.

103                     Which do you lead? 


Leading Quiz Answer Board 17 from Wednesday 6th


Dealer:             J63                                       This was the complete layout, I’m afraid that

North               Q103                                    I don’t have the bidding but two pairs out of

Love all            AK975                                 three reached 3NT with no stop.

Q9                                       Which should East lead?

Clearly the trusted 4th highest, longest and strongest

A10                   N             KQ9852         works best, and E-W take the first 7 tricks to

J8765             W    E          92                   set the contract by 3. And what happened at the

J84                      S              103                 Pattaya bridge Club? At one table East led the K

1065                                  AJ3                and West played the10. East woodenly

                        74                                         continued with the Q and declarer had 10 tricks.

AK4                                     At the 2nd table West overtook the K lead and

Q62                                      returned the 10 which North correctly ducked.

                        K8742                                 West did not know to switch to a and a lead meant North has 8 tricks in the red suits and went just one down.

One East who led the K maintains that it’s a good lead as he has the A as an entry. Perhaps, but I think there are more combinations where leading a honour costs. I would lead the K from KQ10xxx but not from KQxxxx.


A weak jump shift                                                Board 4 from Wednesday 6th


What was your answer to sequence S in this week’s quiz?


Dealer:             8542                                          

West                A92                                            West          North         East            South

both vul            KQ108                                       1             pass           2      (1)    pass

                        J5                                               2NT   (2)    all pass


AJ7                    N             86                   (1)  East plays weak jump shifts, so this was 2-6

J                     W    E          K87654                points with a 6 card suit.

A763                  S              54                   (2)  West plays strong jump shifts and so 2 is

KQ832                              1094                    100% game forcing. 2NT by West is the best

                        KQ93                                         bid in that scenario.


J92                      And what happened? 2NT went down four for a bottom.



The bottom lines: -

-         You have to agree whether you play weak or strong jump shifts. Strong jump shifts are ‘standard’ and weak jump shifts need alerting. Experienced player’s preferences differ: for example Chuck plays strong jump shifts but Lewis plays weak ones.

-         However, more and more players are converting to weak jump shifts and so if you’re not sure what partner plays then it’s best not to make a jump shift at all!

-         I was asked (by this West) to write up something on weak jump shifts: -

Weak Jump Shifts are already described on the website -

(conventions > Section 1 > Weak Jump shifts) 

and I have now added a page on comparing weak and strong jump shifts -

(conventions > Section 3 > Jump shifts – weak or strong?).

Don’t pass partner’s forcing bids – part 1          Board 13 from Wednesday 6th


Dealer:             8                                                 West(G)     North         East(C)      South

North               J104                                           -                 pass (1)      1              pass

both vul            KJ8763                                       1NT (2)      pass           3    (3)      pass

A42                                            pass (4)


7                        N             AKJ9632        (1)  It’s a 2 opener if you play a weak 2.

K3                 W    E          A987              (2)  What did you bid with this West hand G(a) in

Q1092                S              A                          this week’s quiz? 1NT is correct – the hand is

QJ10975                            6                          not strong enough for 2

                        Q1054                                  (3)  What did you bid with this East hand C in

Q652                                          in this week’s quiz? 3 is best; 4 is too

54                                               unilateral – partner may have 0 ’s and 5 ’s!

K83                   (4)  What did you bid with this East hand G(b) in this week’s quiz? You cannot pass, the 3bid is absolutely forcing. I would bid 3NT but 4 is an alternative.

And what happened?

The other two tables were in the sensible 4 contract. The 4-2 fit does not play well.


Don’t pass partner’s forcing bids – part 2          Board 21 from Wednesday 6th


Dealer:             1064                                           West          North(J)     East            South

North               Q963                                          -                 pass           pass           1

N-S vul            K42                                            1              dbl   (1)      3    (2)      4  (3)

Q75                                           pass           pass (4)      pass


AQ875              N             KJ932            (1)  What did you bid with this North hand J(a) in

A1085            W    E          K74                      this week’s quiz? This negative double

Q96                    S              1083                     promises 4 ’s and 6 points and is correct.

10                                      82                  (2)  Pre-emptive.

                        -                                           (3)  I consider this to be a reverse and thus forcing

J2                                               If you play that the negative double promises

AJ75                                           the two unbid suits (a very poor treatment)

AKJ9643                                   then the bid is not forcing and South would have bid 5.

(4)   What did you bid with this North hand J(b) in this week’s quiz? Obviously this N-S play the sensible variation of negative doubles (only promising 4 ’s at (1)) and so South’s 4 bid is a reverse and forcing. North must bid 5.


      And what happened?

-         4 made exactly, at the other two tables they played in 5 making or 4 + 1.


The bottom lines (for both of the above deals):

-     Don’t pass partner’s forcing bids.

A Note About Negative Doubles


Consider this sequence: -              1     1      dbl       pass    



Is 2 a strong reverse or a weakish bid?


The answer is that it depends upon how you play your negative doubles. If the negative double only promises the unbid major and says nothing about the unbid minor then 2 is a strong reverse. If you play that a negative double promises both unbid suits (I don’t recommend this) then 2 is simply a weak bid supporting partner.


Never deny a 4 card major                                  Board 21 from Monday 4th


There were errors in both the bidding and play on this board: -


Dealer:             J54                                             Table A

North               Q2                                              West(B)     North         East(D)      South

N-S vul            QJ43                                           -                 pass           2NT   (1)    pass

                        7432                                          3NT (2)      all pass


Q973                 N             AK82                   Table B

J98                 W    E          AK103                 West(B)     North         East(D)      South

106                     S              95                         -                 pass           2NT   (1)    pass

K1086                               AQ9                     3   (2)      pass           3              pass

                        106                                             3NT (3)      pass           4      (4)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this East hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? 2NT is clearly correct – don’t worry about small doubletons – that is assuming that partner knows about Stayman.

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? 3, Stayman is a must – always look for the 4-4 fit, especially with a weak doubleton.

Table B:     (2)  Most West’s correctly responded with Stayman.

(3)   What did you bid with this West hand B(b) in this week’s quiz? You have game values and so should bid the 3NT game. 4 is incorrect as partner may well not have a suit. 3 is wrong as that’s a weak hand with 4 ’s and 5 ’s.

(4)   What did you bid with this East hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? This 4 bid is correct. Partner’s 3 has promised a 4 card major and his 3NT bid shows game values and denies 4 ’s. Therefore he has 4 ’s and you should bid 4.


And what happened? 3NT made when E-W blocked the suit but E-W still got a top. Three pairs were in the obvious 4 +1 to share the top and one East played in 4 which scored badly as there is no overtrick.

The bottom Lines: -

-         Never deny a 4 card major.

-         The 4-4 fit usually gets an extra trick.

-         Unless you play a sophisticated system, Stayman always promises a 4-card major.

The 3NT rebid                                                            Board 24 from Wednesday 6th


Two out of three missed the comfortable 3NT on this board.


Dealer:             32                                               Table A

East                  A9                                              West          North(H)    East            South(E)

Love all            K10                                            -                 -                 pass           pass

                        AKJ10752                                 pass           1             1              2    (1)

pass           3   (2)      pass           pass (3)

K74                   N             AJ98                    

Q743              W    E          KJ865                  Table B

743                     S              J2                          West          North(H)    East            South(E)

Q86                                   94                        -                 -                 pass           pass

                        Q1054                                        pass           1             1              1    (1)

102                                             pass           3NT (4)      all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand E in this week’s quiz? This 2 bid is incorrect for two reasons (a) the hand does not have sufficient values for a two level bid, and (b) it denies 4 ’s. Note that this bid does indeed deny 4 ’s (even if you intend to reverse into ’s next go) because there may not be a next go. You are a passed hand and partner may elect to pass 2. The best bid here is a negative double – to show exactly 4 ’s.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand H(a) in this week’s quiz? I would simply bid 3NT, but then I’m a simple soul. The alternative is 3 - provided that partner knows that it’s forcing.

(3)   South has already overbid his hand and decided to pass. North’s jump to 3 is forcing over a two level response.

Table B:     (1)  This South decided to bid 1. I guess that’s OK if you don’t guarantee 5 ’s for the bid.

(4)  What did you bid with this North hand H(b) in this week’s quiz? This time 3 would not be forcing and I would certainly bid 3NT.


And what happened? The board was played 3 times, with 3NT(+2), 3(+4) and 4(+2). The bottom Lines: -

-         If 3NT is an option – then bid it.

-         3NT +2 scores more than 3, even if 3 makes all 13 tricks.

-         You need 11 points to respond with a new suit at the two level.

-         Never deny a 4 card major.

-         The 3NT rebid over a 1-level response shows a good hand with a good long minor.

-         The 3NT rebid over a 2-level response shows either a good hand with a good long minor or a balanced 18-19 points.


Another Note About Negative Doubles


This is again up to partnership agreement, but most play that 1  1  dbl  shows exactly 4 ’s and that  1  1  1  shows 5 or more ’s. A less good treatment (in my opinion) is that 1 shows 4+ ’s and that dbl shows 4 ’s and 4 ’s.

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    Pass. If you think that 2 is best, then read up on ‘the defence to the Multi 2’ in the conventions folder or on the web. In that document I clearly state to only overcall 2 ‘with a very good 5, preferably 6 card suit. There is no point in bidding a suit that RHO had 6 cards in!’ A9854 is not a ‘very good’ suit.

Hand B:    (a)  3, Stayman.

(b)  3NT. Partner knows that you have 4 ’s. 3 is wrong as that’s a weak bid with 5 ’s.

Hand C:    3, forcing. 3 is poor because it’s not forcing and denies 4 ’s. 4 is poor because partner may have zero ’s and 5 or even 6 ’s. So bid 3 now and then bid 4 if partner does not support ’s.

Hand D:    (a)  2NT, don’t worry about the small doubleton.

(b)  4. Partner bid Stayman and so has a 4 card major. It’s not ’s so it must be ’s.

Hand E:    Double, negative and showing exactly 4 ’s. If you do not play negative doubles in this way then bid 1. You cannot bid 2 as you do not have the values.

Hand F:     (a)  2, a weak 2 looks clear to me. It’s a point shy for a rule of 20 1 opening and the singleton K is a poor card. I would not dream of passing.

(b)  3. Partner’s 2 is forcing with a very good suit. He is asking you to bid a feature (ace or king) if you have support. This super-maximum with the K is sufficient to co-operate with a 3 bid. Pass is out of the question - 2 is 100% forcing. 3 would show a weak hand and deny the K.

Hand G:    (a)  1NT. Not enough values for a 2 response.

(b)  3NT, or 4 if you prefer. The one bid that you cannot make is pass, 3 is forcing.

Hand H:    (a)  3NT or 3. 3 is forcing after a two level response and may be best.

(b)  3NT, showing a good hand with good long ’s and a stop.

Hand J:     (a)  dble. Negative and promising 4 ’s and 6+ points.

(b)  5. Partner’s 4 bid is a reverse and forcing.

Hand K:    (a)  1NT or pass. With these good intermediates and two tens I prefer 1NT, but pass is a reasonable alternative. Double is a poor bid as you will be fixed over a likely 2 response.

(b)  1NT. If the hand was not quite good enough for 1NT last go, then it’s a perfect bid now in the balancing seat. Double is poor for the reason given above.


Bidding Sequence Answers


L      1      1      dbl     3          3 is weak. With a good hand advancer should bid 2.

M    1      dbl     pass   pass       redouble here is SOS, asking partner to rescue you.


N     pass   pass   1      2         Double is take-out, with 5+ ’s and 4 ’s. The opponents have

        2      pass   pass   dbl         effectively agreed ’s and doubler is sitting under the bidder.

P      1      pass   1NT   pass       3 is 100% forcing. No exceptions, even for Dutchmen.


Q     1     1      dbl                   It’s best to play it as only promising 4 ’s and nothing about ’s.

R     1     1      dbl     3          This depends upon your answer to Q. If the negative double shows

        4                                        4 ’s then the bid is invitational, if not then it’s a forcing reverse.

S      1     pass   2                    This is up to you. Strong is best for non experienced pairs.

T      2      pass   2                    2 is strong and 100% forcing.