Mon 18th 1st Chris & Per-Ake 58% 2nd Bob & Eddie 57%
Wed 20th 1st Eddie & Jan 64% 2nd Bob & Terry 60%
Fri 22nd 1st Bob & Dave 58% 2nd Jan & Eddie 54%
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Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A it’s favourable
vulnerability. Partner opens 1♣
1072 ♠ 102
♥ QJ753 ♥ A10876 With Hand B it’s favourable
vulnerability. You open 1♥ and
♦ 62 ♦ AKJ10 LHO
overcalls 1♠. This is passed round to you, what do you do?
♣ K108 ♣ J4
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♠ K72 ♠ AQJ6 With Hand D you open 1♣ and LHO
overcalls 1♥. This is
♥ K1085 ♥ 9 passed round to you, what do
you do?
♣ - ♣
Hand E Hand F With Hand E RHO opens a Multi 2♦,
what do you bid?
J92 ♠ AKQ85 With
Hand F you open 2♣ and partner responds 2♦, waiting.
♥ 4 ♥ AKQ86 (a) What do you bid?
♦ AK542 ♦ AJ (c) Suppose you choose 2♠ and partner bids a natural 3♦,
♣ 10876 ♣ 5 what do
you bid now?
Hand G Hand H With Hand G you open 1♦ and partner bids 1♥, what now?
♠ AQ87 ♠
♥ OJ54 ♥ A10975 With Hand H you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♣. You bid 2♥
5 ♣ 4
Hand J Hand K With Hand J you are dealer at favourable
vulnerability, what
do you open?
♠ 43 ♠ AJ4
♦ KJ1098654 ♦ 1052 what
do you bid now?
♣ A ♣
Hand L Hand M What do you open with Hand L?
A107653 ♠ A72 With hand M: -
♥ AKQ10 ♥ 1074 (a)
Partner opens a weak 2♠ and
♦ A ♦ 842 (b)
Partner opens a Multi 2♦ and
1816.8 Janne Roos 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1771.0 Jan v Koss 650.5 Jan v Koss 340.2 Jan v Koss
1744.5 Dave Cutler 634.5 Lars Gu
627.1 Gunnar Barthel 325.6 Gunnar Barthel
Bidding Sequences Quiz All
of these sequences occurred this week
Dealer: ♠ AQJ3
E-W vul ♦ Q6 - 1♥
53 2♣ pass 2♦ (3) pass
3♣ (4) pass 3NT pass
♠ 5
N ♠ K72 4♣ (4) all pass
♥ Q763
W E ♥ K1085
♥ -
♦ 10942
Dealer: ♠ AQJ6 Table A
E-W vul ♦ AK105 pass 1♣ 1♥ 1NT (1)
Q943 pass pass pass (2)
♠ 53
N ♠ K984 Table
♥ 86 W E ♥ AK1042 West North(D) East South(A)
♥ QJ753
♦ 62
Dealer: ♠ 109543
Love all ♦ 42 - - pass (1) 1♥
732 1♠ pass (2) pass
♠ AKQ82 N ♠ - pass pass 3♦ (7) all pass
♥ 84 W E ♥ 1096
♦ AJ
Dealer: ♠ KQ75
E-W vul ♦ 7543 - - - 1♥
AK 1♠ pass (1) pass 2♦ (2)
pass 3NT (3) all
♠ AJ963
N ♠ 84
♥ 4 W E ♥ K953
♥ A10876
♦ AKJ10
West East You are East, playing in 6♥. You win the trump
lead and play a
♠ 4 ♠ AKQ85 ♣ to the ♣K
and ♣A. Back comes a trump, how do you continue?
♥ J102 ♥ AKQ86
Dealer: ♠ 93 West North East(F) South
East ♥
73 - - 2♣ pass
love all ♦ K107 2♦ (1) pass 2♠ (2) pass
A107643 3♦ pass 4♥ (3) pass
5♣ (4) pass 5♥ (5) pass
♠ 4
N ♠ AKQ85 pass (6) pass
♥ J102
W E ♥ AKQ86
J10762 ending up in Dave’s predestined
♥ 854 The board was played 4 times and the final
♦ 43 contracts
were 6♥-2, 5♥=,
4♥+2 and 6♠-1.
Dealer: ♠ Q5
N-S vul ♦ Q10 - - 2♦ (1)
AQ53 2♠ (3) 3NT (4) all
♠ A7
N ♠ K108643
♥ A8753
W E ♥ 102
♥ 4
♦ AK542
The disappearing trump t
How many trump t
Dealer: ♠ - West North East South
both vul ♦ AJ76 3♠ pass 4♠
K102 all
♠ Q754
N ♠ AK98 (1) With good honours in
both doubletons I
♥ A6
W E ♥ Q10 think
that a 1NT opening is fine
♠ J10632 alternative.
♥ J85 (3) Stayman. After an overcall, a cue bid of the
♦ 92 overcalled
suit is Stayman.
Dealer: ♠ - Declarer then exited with a ♥ to North’s ♥K, won
both vul ♦ J led to the ♦Q and ruffed a ♦.
- This was the 4 card ending and South stated that
he had two of the remaining t
♠ Q7
N ♠ K9 Normally
after somebody has made an incorrect claim,
♥ - W E ♥ - the
director should be called. The director was actually
J1063 He led a ♣ which he ruffed with the ♠K, South
♥ - underruffing perforce. A ♦ was led from dummy and
♦ - maybe
South was regretting his words and double?
Dealer: ♠ 9653 Table A
Both vul ♦ Q - - - pass
AK9832 1♦ pass (1) 1♥ pass
4♥ (2) pass pass (3) pass
♠ AQ87
N ♠ K42
♥ OJ54
W E ♥ AK763 Table B
J10 1♦ pass (1) 1♥ pass
♥ 98 4♣ (2) pass 4NT (4) pass
♦ 1098632 5♠ (5) pass 6♥ (6) pass
Dealer: ♠ AJ4 Table A
Love all ♦ 1052 - - - 1♠
AKJ86 pass 2♣ pass 2♥
pass 4NT (1) pass 5♣ (2)
♠ 1073
N ♠ 52 pass 6♠ all pass
♥ 8642
W E ♥ J3
KQ986 - - - 1♠
♥ A10975 pass 2♣ pass 2♥
♦ A8 pass 3♦ (1) pass 3♥ (3)
Dealer: ♠ QJ10986 Table A
Love all ♦ K10 - 2♠ pass 3♠ (1)
pass pass
♠ K
N ♠ 543
♥ J986
W E ♥ KQ2 Table B
♥ 1074 pass pass
♦ 842
Dealer: ♠ J109875
E-W vul ♦ 32 - - - 3♦ (1)
QJ5 3NT pass 4♥ 5♦ (2)
5♥ pass pass 6♦ (3)
♠ AK
N ♠ Q62
♥ A87
W E ♥ KQ10652
♥ 43
♦ KJ1098654
Dealer: ♠ KJ West North East South(L)
N-S vul ♦ 10742 all
(1) What did you open with this South hand L in
♠ 942
N ♠ Q8 this week’s quiz?
It’s far too good for 1♠ which
♥ 8762
W E ♥ 53 stands
a real chance of being passed out. This
♥ AKQ10 And what happened? Two out of four played in
♦ A the
ultra safe 1♠ making 12 t
Dealer: ♠ 865 1st attempt
E-W vul ♦ 975 - - 1♦ 3♦ (1)
K643 pass (2) …
♠ A942
N ♠ K 2nd
♥ KJ9653
W E ♥ 10872 West North East South
QJ1073 4♥ (4) all pass
♥ -
♦ 1086
Dealer: ♠ AJ3
N-S vul ♦ KJ10875 - 1♦ pass 1♠
pass (3) pass pass
♠ Q
N ♠ 109862
♥ 109862
W E ♥ AQ75
♥ J43
♦ Q2
Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers