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Mon 22nd 1st Bob & Werner 62% 2nd Hans & Lars 61%
Wed 24th 1st Jean & Lars 70% 2nd Jan & Royd 60%
Fri 26th 1st Lars & Jean-Charles 59% 2nd Derek & Gerard 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A LHO opens 1♣ and partner doubles.
(a) What do you bid?
♠ 872 ♠ A2 (b) Suppose you choose 1♥ and partner bids 2♥, what now?
K853 ♥ AJ4
♦ K54 ♦ J652 With Hand B you open 1♣ and partner responds 1♥,
A83 ♣ Q932 1♠, what do you do?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 1♣ and you respond 1♥. LHO bids
1♠ and partner bids 1NT, what do you bid?
♠ J86 ♠
♥ 7652 ♥ AJ109 With Hand D RHO opens 1♣
and you double. Partner responds
♣ A106 ♣ Q
Bidding Sequence quiz
1841.3 Jan v Koss 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1822.1 Dave Cutler 655.2 Jan v Koss 343.2 Bengt Malmgren
Janne Roos 646.0 Lars Gu
1768.4 Bob Pelletier 644.2 Dave Cutler 332.9
Phil Lovell 644.1 Bengt Malmgren 332.0 Lewis Berg
Responding to partner’s double Board 4 from Friday 19th
Dealer: ♠ 872 Table A
West ♥
K853 West North(A) East South(D)
both vul ♦ K54 - - 1♣
A83 pass (1) 1♥ (2) pass 2♥ (3)
pass pass (4) pass
♠ 10543
N ♠ AQ
♥ Q6 W E ♥ 742 Table
KJ96 pass (1) 2♥ (2) pass 4♥ (5)
♥ AJ109 all pass
North South You are North, playing in 6♠ after East has
opened with a weak
♠ AQJ53 ♠ K82 2♥. How do you play on the ♥Q lead?
♥ AK76 ♥
♦ A8 ♦ K763
♣ AK ♣
Dave’s Column
answer Board
18 from Wednesday 24th
Dealer: ♠ AQJ53 East opens with a weak 2♥ and subsequently
East ♥ AK76
leads the ♥Q against your 6♠ contract by North?
Love all ♦ A8
♣ AK You win the opening lead with the ♥K and must
somehow dispose of one of
North’s ♥ losers.
♠ 10976
N ♠ 4 That won’t be possible if you draw trumps straight
♥ 4 W E ♥ QJ10952 away
because you need to ruff at least one ♥
♠ K82 still
be in a position to over-ruff dummy when you
83 ruff
one of the remaining ♥ losers with the ♠8.
♦ K763
12 points opposite an opener Board 16 from Wednesday
Dealer: ♠ 753 Table A
West ♥
K1083 West(B) North East(C) South
E-W vul ♦ Q109 1♣ pass 1♥ 1♠
754 1NT (1) pass (2) 3NT(3) all pass
♠ A2
N ♠ J86 Table B
♥ AJ4 W E ♥ 7652 West(B) North East South
KQ1094 2♥ (6) pass pass (7) all pass
♥ Q9
A amusing end-play Board 7 from Wednesday 24th
South thought that this deal was very amusing, and asked me to write it up.
Dealer: ♠ K987
South ♥
A762 West North East South
both vul ♦ 62 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
A65 2♠ (1) pass pass
pass 3♥ pass pass
♠ AQ3
N ♠ 10652
♥ Q543 W E ♥ J8
have a weak doubleton. With this hand I
♥ K109 that
1NT is clear.
♠ - E-W were heading for a poor score playing in 2♠
A with
a 4-3 fit, but South rescued them, leaving
♦ North
to play in a 4-3 fit at the three-level doubled,
A65 with the
trumps splitting 4-2! So what happened?
East led the ♠10, to the ♠J and ♠A. West returned
♠ N ♠ - a
low ♠ which North won with the ♠K. North then
♥ Q W E ♥ - ruffed a ♠, noting the drop of
the ♠Q.
- North
then led a ♦ which East won with the ♦A.
♥ - East
returned a ♦ and declarer won with dummy’s
♣ J974 the
♥5 and over-ruffed. That left this
North knew that
there was a trump out and also the ♦Q, but he played for
the only distribution that could bring home the doubled contract. He drew the remaining
trump and led a ♣ towards dummy, playing the ♣9, and West was