Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 266

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                   9th Dec 2007

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 3rd    N-S     1st    Lewis & Terje                65%       2nd    Dave & Ursula                     55%

                E-W     1st    Derek & Gerard             56%       2nd    Goran & Margit                    54%

Wed 5th    N-S     1st    Sean & Paul K               64%       2nd    Frode & Robbie                   57%

                E-W     1st    Lewis & Terje                67%       2nd    Lars & Lennart                     54%

Fri   7th     N-S     1st    Lennart & Paul S            62%       2nd    Par & Lotta                          61%

                E-W     1st    Hand V & Lars              63%       2nd    Lewis & Terry                      61%


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1NT, what do you bid?



QJ5              KJ5              With Hand B RHO :-

Q98              AK96           (a)  Opens a strong NoTrump, what do you bid?

KJ10            J1076            (b)  Opens a weak NoTrump, what do you bid?

AK82           Q4



Hand C           Hand D           What do you open with hand C?


K3                Q97643       

AKJ             Q53              With Hand D it unfavourable vulnerability. LHO opens 1NT

Q643            9                   and partner doubles, what do you do?        

Q975           A63



Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E you open 1NT and LHO overcalls 2. This is passed

round to you, what do you do?

AKJ              -                          

Q9                K10932        With Hand F LHO opens 1. (a) What do you bid?

A10643        1065             (b)  Suppose you choose a weak jump overcall of 2 and LHO

QJ2              KJ976                bids 4. This is passed to you, what do you do?



Bidding Sequence quiz          


G     1     1NT   2                What is 2 - weak or forcing?

H     1      pass   pass   1NT   How strong is 1NT?

J      1      pass   pass   1NT  

pass   3NT                       How strong is 3NT?

K     2      pass   3     pass   2 is weak, 3 is forcing for one round, 3 shows a non-minimum.

3      pass   3                Is 3 forcing?        

The Club Championships      

The championship race is very close and took a dramatic turn this week; Lewis had three results above 60% and leapt into top place in the Gold Cup. Lewis, however, has now returned to the USA and with 3 weeks to go it’s anybody’s championship with Jan and Dave very close behind. Mind you, both Dave and Jan need scores of above 57% to make an impression and that may be difficult as we now have a number of good players around; but a few results above 60% from either of them could be good enough. Time is running out!



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5













1855.6 Lewis Berg

1846.1 Jan v Koss

1845.0 Dave Cutler

1832.7 Paul Savelkral

1816.8 Janne Roos

1806.4 Lars Gustaffson

1770.0 Bob Pelletier

1748.7 Ivy Schlageter

1747.1 Wolfgang Foitik

1731.7 Sally Watson



670.5 Lewis Berg

666.8 Janne Roos

655.4 Dave Cutler

655.2 Jan v Koss

647.8 Lars Gustaffson

644.1 Bengt Malmgren

645.3 Paul Savelkral

631.8 Derek & Gerard

627.1 Gunnar Barthel

624.3 Bob Pelletier


350.4 Janne Roos

346.0 Lewis Berg

343.2 Bengt Malmgren

341.1 Jan v Koss

336.7 Paul Savelkral

335.2 Dave Cutler

333.1 Terje Lie

332.5 Lars Gustafsson

331.8 Derek & Gerard

325.6 Gunnar Barthel






Bridge Cryptogram                            Each letter denotes a specific letter in the alphabet.






































































































































































































































































A poor penalty double
                                          Board 9 from Monday 26th Nov

This article, and the next one, are left over from last week as the news-sheet was full.

Dealer:             A108                                          West(D)     North         East(B)       South

North               J104                                           -                 1NT (1)     dbl   (2)      pass

E-W vul           AK82                                         pass (3)      pass


(1)  Weak, 12-14.

Q97643             N             KJ5                (2)  What did you bid with this East hand B(b)

Q53               W    E          AK96                   in this week’s quiz? This hand is not good

9                        S              J1076                   enough for a double of 1NT (either weak

A63                                    Q4                      or strong), especially as it has no clear lead.

                        2                                                 Pass is called for

872                                       (3)  What did you bid with this West hand D

Q543                                          in this week’s quiz? Partner’s double should

KJ987                                        be the same strength as a strong NoTrump

opening and at this vulnerability West should

either make an effort (3) or possibly 4.


And what happened? East led the J and 1NT doubled made +2 – the only +ve score in the N-S column. Apparently West did not bid 3 or 4 at (2) because his partner had ‘told him off’ when he did so on an earlier occasion.

The bottom lines: -

-         When partner doubles 1NT you should generally leave it in with 6+ points. But with a shapely hand and 8+ points you can bid or try for game, especially if vulnerable against not.

-         A double of 1NT should be about 15-17 with a decent lead, this East hand does not qualify on either count.

-         The criteria for doubling a weak NoTrump is exactly the same as for a strong NoTrump – it is incorrect to think that you can double a weak NoTrump with less than the standard 15-17 points.


That dreaded 4333 type shape again                  Board 26 from Monday 26th Nov


Dealer:             QJ5                                            Table A

East                  Q98                                            West          North(A)    East            South(C)

both vul            KJ10                                           -                 -                 pass           1NT   (1)

                        AK82                                         pass           6NT (2)      pass           pass

dbl             all pass

A6                     N             1098742              

105432         W    E          76                         Table B

A852                 S              97                        West          North(A)    East            South(C)

J4                                       1063                   -                 -                 pass           1NT   (1)

                        K3                                             pass           4NT (2)      pass           pass   (3)

AKJ                                           pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this South hand C in this week’s quiz? I suspect that everybody opened with a strong NoTrump. But actually it’s very borderline – the shape is reasonable but both of the 4-card suits are very poor, AKJ does not pull its weight in a 3 card suit and the hand lacks intermediates. I would devalue and open 1.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand C in this week’s quiz? It’s a combined 31-33 points and slam will often be there; but 6NT is an overbid with this totally flat hand. 4, Gerber, would have worked.

Table B:     (2)  This 4NT bid is quantitative. I think it’s close between 3NT or trying with 4NT.

(3)   Obviously South declines with his ultra-minimum.


And what happened? No less than three pairs reached the giddy heights of 6NT doubled and 200 away. The bottom lines.

-         It’s obvious that many players do not understand hand evaluation: -

-         This South hand is a miserable 15 and not worth 15 points.

-         This North hand is a miserable 16 and not worth 16 points,

-         If two miserable hands bid on regardless then the result is misery.


When partner pauses and passes – part 1


This is a familiar topic, here we have the same person apparently taking advantage of partner’s pause three times in one week. The rules about hesitation are quite clear, if partner pauses and then passes then you have to have a very clear bid, otherwise you are barred from bidding.


West          North         East        South                   (1) after a very long pause

-                 pass           3          pass   (1)              (2) E-W called the director.

pass           dbl   (2)                                               


I’m afraid that I do not have the hand record, but North had a 0355 shape with about 10 points. I was called over. I explained to North that he could not bid even, if he had intended to, after partner’s long pause. The bid was very dubious and obviously not a bid that 75% of his peers would make - I showed the hand to Dave (without mentioning the pause) and Dave said pass. So it is VERY clear that the hand could not bid. I tried to explain these rules to North but apparently in vain – as he did the same thing twice more on Friday: -

When partner pauses and passes – part 2          Board 16 from Friday 7th Dec

Dealer:             -                                                 West          North(F)    East            South

West                K10932                                      1    (1)     2    (2)      4              pass (3)

E-W vul           1065                                           pass           pass (4)      dbl             all pass



972                    N             KQJ86543     (1)  I would never dream of opening this hand.

64                  W    E          875                 (2)  What did you bid with this     North hand F(a)

A9843               S              K                         in this week’s quiz? 2NT (unusual showing

AQ4                                   5                         ’s and ’s) looks right to me but I suspect

                        A10                                            that this pair had not discussed it. So North

AQJ                                           chose a weak 2 overcall.

QJ72                                    (3)  After a very long pause

10832                                  (4)  What did you bid with this North hand F(b) in

this week’s quiz? 5 is far from obvious and most certainly cannot be bid after partner’s pause.


And what happened? Unfortunately the director was not called (I only heard about it later). N-S got a good score and had I been called (or had it made and difference to any of the player’s championship standings) I would have re-set the contract to 4 by East making and warned North.


When partner pauses and passes – part 3          Board 16 from Friday 7th Dec

Dealer:             AKJ                                            West          North(E)    East            South

North               Q9                                              -                 1NT           2    (1)      pass (2)

Both vul            A10643                                      pass           2NT   (3)    all pass


                                                                        (1)  Apparently natural. 2/2 (whichever you

972                    N             Q10865                use to show both majors) is better.

J842              W    E          A1073            (2)  After a very long pause.

J2                       S              K5                  (3)  What did you bid with this     North hand E in         

10964                                K7                      this week’s quiz? This 2NT is totally

                        43                                               ridiculous and was obviously influenced by

K65                                            partner’s pause.




And what happened? North got a bottom anyway. Had I been called he would have been guaranteed a bottom whatever the outcome and again warned. The bottom lines: -

So here is the warning, in writing. You are not allowed to take advantage of partner’s long pause and pass, this deal is a blatant example. Anybody who repeatedly behaves like this will be penalized.     


Dave’s Column         Here is this week’s Dave input involving the best play for the contract.


West                East                  You are East, playing in 6NT after North has opened 2.

AK8             Q9                South leads the 6 and North plays the 10 (or the A).   

85                 KJ9              You need 5 tricks to make the contract but do not know

A86              KQJ              if a defender has Q95. How do you play the hand? 

AJ743          K10862      

Dave’s Column answer                              Board 25 from Wednesday 5th    



Dealer:             105                                             West          North         East            South

North               AQ10732                                   -                 2              2NT           pass

E-W vul           53                                               6NT           all pass


This is the bidding given in Dave’s book. At

AK8                   N             Q9                        our club almost everybody was in 3NT and

85                   W    E          KJ9                     so the problem is to make 3 overtricks.

A86                    S              KQJ                    

AJ743                                K10862               South leads the 6 and North plays the 10,

                        J76432                                      how do you plan to make 12 tricks?





If the suit breaks 2-1 there is no problem, so you have to plan your play to find out which defender holds three ’s if indeed one does. Since North is known to hold 6 ’s the odds are slightly in favor of South holding longer ’s and playing the K is the favorite and is what you should do if you were in 6, but you can do better than simply playing the percentages.

Playing in NoTrumps you do not need to play the suit straight away. The best strategy is to play on the other suits before making the final decision in ’s. So you cash 3 rounds of ’s and note that North started with just two ’s. Next you play 3 rounds of ’s. Although you have no reason to expect to receive such clear-cut information, North also shows out on the third round of ’s. You now have an almost certain count of the hand. North appears to be 2623, but even if he started with 7 ’s he still has at least two ’s, so you pay a towards dummy and collect twelve tricks.

And what happened?

Three players made 12 tricks. I know that one of them simply played a towards dummy immediately, I don’t know if the other two got a count of the hand or simply played the anti-percentage play.




Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input involving the best play for the contract.            


North               South               You are South, playing in 4 and West leads the K.

K102            AQJ65          How do you play the hand?

963               J87              

KQ2             A875           

A1042          3






Dave’s 2ND Column answer             Board 27 from Wednesday 5th   



Dealer:             K102                                          West          North         East            South

South               963                                             -                 -                 -                 1

love all              KQ2                                           pass           2             pass           2

                        A1042                                        pass           2      (1)    pass           4  (2)


983                     N             74                   (1)  Forcing playing 2/1

Q52                W    E          AK104           (2)  Showing a minimal hand (fast arrival)

103                     S              J964                    

KQJ85                               976                West leads the K, how do you play the hand after     

                        AQJ65                                  winning with the A?         





One possibility is to draw two rounds of trumps and then play three round of ’s. Here West would ruff and you go one down.

The correct play is a dummy reversal. Ruff a immediately, play the A and 10 of trumps, noting the 3-2 break, and ruff a 2nd . Go to dummy with the K and ruff a 3rd . Finally you return to dummy with the Q to draw the last trump. 10 tricks are made: 1 , 3 ruffs, 3 ’s and 3 ’s.


And what happened?

Only one declarer made it (along the lines given). At our table West led the 10! South tried the dummy reversal but was now unfortunately unable to return to the dummy after the 3rd ruff as West ruffed the . Dave reckons that the contract is unmakeable on a lead (or on a lead and a later switch to ’s).

The bottom lines: -

-     It looks like the books do not cater for the non-obvious opening lead, and not everybody at the Pattaya bridge club does ‘the obvious’. I guess that the author should have given North the 9 instead of the 2; South can enter dummy after taking the three ruffs by overtaking a last trump provided that he previously drew just one round of trumps.




Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     4NT (quantitative) or perhaps even just 3NT. The hand is totally flat and certainly not worth any more than a try for slam.

Hand B:    (a)  Pass. The hand is not good enough for a double, especially as it has no obviously decent lead.

(b)   Pass. You need the same strength hand to double a weak NoTrump as you do to double a strong one.

Hand C:    1. Now I know that I will me in a minority of one here and that everybody will open 1NT, but this hand is not worth it! The two 4-card suits are very weak, the hand has no tens or intermediates to speak of, and 8 points are concentrated in a three card suit. Just about everything is bad about this hand and it’s simply not worth 1NT.

Hand D:    Bid! It’s best to try for (or bid) game with this shapely hand at this vulnerability. If you pass then partner will doubtless find a poor lead. I would bid 3 as partner is not guaranteeing two ’s for his double but I would not argue if you chose 4.

Hand E:    Pass, obviously; you have said your hand. This is only in the quiz because of the antics of one individual who chose to bid 2NT after partner had made a long pause and passed.

Hand F:     (a)  2NT, unusual, showing the two lowest unbid suits and usually weak as here. If you do not play the UNT then I suppose that a weak 2 is reasonable.

(b)   Pass or 5? 5 is certainly very pushy but one thing is for certain – if partner made a long pause over the 4 bid (thus implying values) then you are obliged to pass.


Bidding Sequence Answers


G     1     1NT   2                2 is weak, with a good hand (8+) you double.

H     1      pass   pass   1NT   1NT in the balancing seat is about 10-13, or whatever you agree – it is certainly not the normal 15-17.

J      1      pass   pass   1NT  

pass   3NT                       3NT here should be around 14-15 points.

K     2      pass   3     pass   Two of our leading players disagree on this one. In my opinion

3      pass   3                3 is forcing, presumably with a doubleton and offering the choice of game contracts.