Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 267

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                   16th Dec 2007

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 10th              1st    Anne Marie & Olaf         61%       2nd    Sean B & Paul K                  59%

Wed 12th             1st    Kenneth & Ursula           63%       2nd    Dave & Ivy                          62%

Fri    14th  N-S     1st    Par Ol-Mars & Hans V  58%       2nd    Frode & Robbie                   57%

                 E-W    1st    Arnt & Terje                  63%       2nd    Gene & Terry                       53%


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           What do you open with Hand A?


KJ6              43

A96              A1063          With Hand B partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 1NT (15-17),

AQ876         KQJ              what do you do?

A9                10652         


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C RHO opens 1, what do you do?


A1065          A972

KQ               A52              With Hand D you open 1NT and partner bids 2NT,

A53              K76              what do you bid?

10942          KQ3


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E partner opens 1NT, what do you bid?


A97              A9432

542               QJ8              (a)  What do you open with Hand F?

J104             AKJ              (b)  Suppose you open 1 and partner bids 2, what now?

K874           86




Bidding Sequence Quiz


G     1 - 2 - 3NT                 How strong is 3NT?

The Club Championships


The close championship (Gold Cup) race took another dramatic turn this week with Dave overtaking Jan in 2nd place. So Jan has now dropped from 1st to 3rd in the space of two weeks and countered by playing with a professional on Friday, but he failed to get a qualifying result.



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5













1855.6 Lewis Berg

1848.9 Dave Cutler

1846.1 Jan v Koss

1833.4 Paul Savelkral

1816.8 Janne Roos

1806.4 Lars Gustaffson

1770.0 Bob Pelletier

1748.7 Ivy Schlageter

1747.1 Wolfgang Foitik

1731.7 Sally Watson



670.5 Lewis Berg

666.8 Janne Roos

655.4 Dave Cutler

655.2 Jan v Koss

647.8 Lars Gustaffson

644.1 Bengt Malmgren

645.3 Paul Savelkral

631.8 Derek & Gerard

627.1 Gunnar Barthel

624.3 Bob Pelletier



350.4 Janne Roos

346.0 Lewis Berg

343.2 Bengt Malmgren

341.1 Jan v Koss

336.7 Paul Savelkral

335.2 Dave Cutler

333.1 Terje Lie

332.5 Lars Gustafsson

331.8 Derek & Gerard

325.6 Gunnar Barthel




A poor take-out double                                        Board 2 from Friday 7th Nov

This article, and the next two, are left over from last week as the news-sheet was full.

Dealer:             A1065                                        West          North(C)    East            South

East                  KQ                                             -                 -                 pass           pass

N-S vul            A53                                            1             dbl   (1)      redbl  (2)    1

                        10942                                        pass           pass           dbl     (3)    all pass


K3                     N             Q972              (1)  What did you bid with this North hand C in

72                  W    E          A963                    this week’s quiz? This North does not read

K1086              S              Q74                     the news-sheets and so is unaware that a

AQ765                               K9                      take-out double should be short in the suit

                        J84                                             bid. 10942 is not short and pass is obvious.

J10854                                 (2)  My 2nd favorite bid.

J92                                        (3)  My favorite bid



And what happened? 1 doubled went one down, so 200 and a near top to E-W

The bottom lines: -

-         Unless very strong, a take-out double should be short in the suit bid and playable in the other three suits.

-         Do not double with flat hands, especially when vulnerable against not, and even more especially against an opponent who knows what the double and redouble cards are meant for.


Bridge Cryptogram                            Each letter denotes a specific letter in the alphabet.










































































































































































































































Stuck for a bid?                                                    Board 9 from Monday 3rd Dec


Dealer:             43                                               Table A

North               A1063                                        West          North(B)    East            South

E-W vul           KQJ                                            -                 pass           pass           1

                        10652                                        1NT           2   (1)      all pass      


AQ2                  N             10876                   “Expert” Table 

J54                W    E          98                         West          North(B)    East            South

A104                S              97532                  -                 pass           pass           1

A983                                  QJ                       1NT           dbl   (1)      pass (2)      all pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? You cannot show the ’s as 2 would be a weak hand with 5+ ’s, this North thought that he was stuck and settled for 2.

“Expert”     (1)  Our expert knows the answer – with a good 10 points opposite an opener,

 Table:              apply the (vulnerable) axe! E-W will not make 1NT.

(2)   East could try 2, but with the useful QJ it is probably best to sit it out.


And what happened? 2 by South went -1 for a poor score. At another table South made 9 tricks in NoTrumps so I guess that a double would have worked very well.

The bottom lines: -

-         If partner opens and RHO overcalls 1NT, then double (penalties) shows the balance of power.


That 4333 shape yet again (twice)                      Board 13 from Friday 12th Dec


Dealer:             K65                                            Table A

North               K93                                            West          North(E)    East            South(D)

Both vul            Q93                                            -                 pass           pass           1NT

                        10874                                        pass           2NT (1)      pass           3NT   (2)


1083                  N             QJ4                      Table B

QJ863           W    E          107                       West          North(E)    East            South

A84                  S              J1052                   -                 pass           pass           1NT

84                                      AJ96                   pass           pass (1)      pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand E in this week’s quiz? Any regular reader of the news-sheets will know to devalue 4333 type shape hands and pass.

(2)  What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? Any regular reader of the news-sheets will know to devalue 4333 type shape hands and pass.

Table B:     (1)  This North reads (and digests) the news-sheets.


And what happened? Just two pairs bid as table B and stopped in 1NT making +1. Two more pairs bid to 2NT (I assume that only one of the pair reads the news-sheets) and made exactly. Two pairs overbid to 3NT and went on or two down. I had a look at the pair numbers who overbid to 3NT  - one pair were newcomers; the other play a weak no-trump and obviously have not yet translated the new-sheets into Irish.

The bottom lines: -

-         Deduct a point for the totally flat 4333 type shape.

-         Playing Acol the bidding should go 1 - 1NT - pass.

-         Whatever system you pay, a flat 16 is nowhere near enough to raise a 1NT response to 2NT, this comes up fairly frequently when playing Acol and experienced players should know it.

-         I believe that our intrepid Acol pair actually bid 1 - 2 - 3NT; thus both overbidding – North’s obvious response is 1NT but if he chooses the obscure 2 then South should bid just 2NT.


Kibitzer’s comment

I happened to be kibitzing Mike Guin when he was North at Table B. Somebody at the table asked him why he did not raise to 2NT with 8 points. Mike said that he “had read ‘somewhere’, or that ‘somebody’ had told him, to deduct a point for the 4333 shape”. He is spot on of course but has a bad memory about the source of this priceless piece of good bidding knowledge.

This hand is very satisfying for me – it appears that the message about the garbage 4333 shape has got through to most people who read the news-sheets. Perhaps it’s subliminal if they can’t remember the source? Or perhaps I’ve said it so often that it’s now just automatic?
Qui Culpa?                                                           Board 10 from Monday 3rd Dec


N-S missed a comfortable 3NT at Table A, who would you blame?


Dealer:             KJ6                                            Table A

East                  A96                                            West          North(A)    East            South(D)

both vul            AQ876                                       -                 -                 pass           pass

                        A9                                              pass           1NT (1)      pass           pass   (2)

pass (3)

Q10842             N             53                        

KQJ8            W    E          1073                     Table B     

3                       S              K952                   West          North(A)    East            South

J62                                     Q1053                 -                 -                 pass           pass

                        A97                                            pass           1    (1)      pass           1NT

542                                             pass           2NT (4)      pass           3NT   (5)

J104                                            all pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? With 18 points and a decent 5 card suit, this hand is too good for 1NT.

(2)   What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? Eight points is normally enough for a 2NT invitation, but with this flat 3334 shape (knock off a point) pass is certainly best.

(3)   West could well compete here (2, Multi-Landy, to show the majors) but pass worked out very well.

Table B:     (1)  Most North’s correctly opened 1.

(4)   Showing around 17-18 points,

(5)   And South has an easy accept.


And what happened? Most N-S’s were in 3NT making +1.

The bottom lines: -

-         Do not open 1NT with a good 18 points.

-         Deduct a point for the totally flat 4333 type shape.






Dave’s Column         Here is this week’s Dave input involving the best play for the contract.


North               South               You are North, playing in 6 and East leads the K, plan the play.

AKQ62        J43

A72              K83

3                   A985

AK83           Q74




Dave’s Column answer                      Board 17 from Wednesday 12th    



Dealer:             AKQ62                                      West          North         East            South

North               A72                                            -                 2   (1)      pass           2  (2)

Love all            3                                                 pass           2              pass           3  (3)

                        AK83                                         pass           4NT           pass           5  (4)

pass           5NT           pass           6

1087                   N             95                         pass           6              all pass

QJ64              W    E          1095                   

10762               S              KQJ4              (1)  9 playing tricks, so it’s worth a 2 opening.           

92                                      J1065             (2)  waiting       

                        J43                                       (3)  Forcing      

K83                                      (4)  One keycard




East leads the K, how do you play in 6by North?

You win with dummy’s A and play the A,K, pleased to see the 3-2 break. If clubs break 3-3 all will be well, but they never do in Dave’s column. You can give yourself an extra chance by playing on ’s before you draw the last trump. You should play the ’s in a special way to avoid having one of your honours ruffed should West hold a doubleton . You cash the A, cross to the Q and lead a third round towards your K.

West has no answer to this. If he ruffs then your K will survive. You can use it to discard a from dummy and eventually ruff a for the 12th trick. If instead West declines to ruff you will win the 3rd round of ’s with the K and ruff a with the J. You can then return to your hand with the A and draw the last trump; thus making 12 tricks with just one loser.


And what happened?

Two pairs ended up in a rather silly 6NT and both went down. Three pairs bid 6 and one made it but I don’t know play. The bottom lines: -

-         Lead up to an honour if LHO is likely to be ruffing – he will only ruff a loser if he ruffs in front of Hx.



Dave’s 2nd Column Here is Dave’s 2nd input involving the best play for the contract.


West                East                  You are East, playing in 7 and South leads the K.

10762           AKQJ3         What card do you play at trick two? – the contract depends on it.

A75              KQ63                                               

A64              2                

Q63             AK10

Dave’s 2ND Column answer             Board 18 from Wednesday 12th   



Dealer:             9854                                           West          North         East            South

East                  104                                             -                 -                 2   (1)      pass    

N-S vul            109853                                       2              pass           2              pass    

                        94                                              4NT (2)      pass           5   (3)      pass                

5NT (4)      pass           6              pass    

10762                 N             AKQJ3                 6    (5)      pass           7    (6)      all pass

A75                W    E          KQ63                          

A64                   S              2                     (1) 9 playing tricks, do worth a 2 opening.

Q63                                   AK10             (2)  I would bid 3 (forcing) and let partner be captain.

                        -                                           (3)  presumably 3 keycards        

J982                                     (4)  Asks for kings (and promises all keycards present)

KQJ7                                    (5)  West chickened out with just a king missing

J8752                                   (6)  But East had a singleton and bid the grand.


You get the K lead which you win with dummy’s A – what now?

All will be well unless trumps are 4-0 because you will be able to draw trumps and ruff your 4th loser in dummy, if need be. What will happen if trumps are 4-0? I may seem that you need the defender with long trumps to hold at least 3 ’s. But look at the hand from dummy’s point of view; the only losers are two small ’s. Ruff them in hand and there are 13 tricks.

 And what happened?

Four pairs bid the slam and three made it. So is the standard of play at Pattaya bridge club now really that good? No! Only Ivy found the dummy reversal. The other two declarers drew trumps but then look at that South hand! – He is (pseudo) squeezed in three suits and both defenders threw a . The only time that the defence got it right was when declarer hastily claimed and then South saw declarer’s hand and held his ’s.

The bottom lines: -

-         With good trumps in both hands, look for the dummy reversal.


Bid what you can make?                                                        Board 14 from Friday 14th   


What was your answer to bidding sequence G this week? I have been over this in previous news-sheets and expert opinion is divided. Unless you agree something different, the jump to 3NT promises the standard 18-19 points.


Dealer:             A9432                                        West          North(F)    East            South

West                QJ8                                            pass           1    (1)      pass           2

both vul            AKJ                                            pass           3NT (2)      pass           6NT     (3)

                        86                                              all pass      


K                        N             Q108765        (1)  What did you open with this North hand F(a)         

96542             W    E          73                         in this week’s quiz? With a very weak doubleton  

752                    S              1064                     it’s sometimes best to open 1, but I would like

KJ95                                  102                      a better suit. I prefer 1NT  with this hand.

                        J                                           (2)  What did you bid with this North hand F(b) in

AK10                                        this week’s quiz? Now, as is often the case

Q983                                          when you fail to open 1NT with a balanced hand

AQ743                                       within your 1NT range, North is in difficulties. North has no really satisfactory rebid and I would bid 2.

This North simply ‘bid what he could make’.

(3)  South assumed that North hand 18-19, as would I.

The bottom lines: -

-     A jump rebid in NoTrumps is 18-19; you can agree something different after a two level response but 18-19 is standard.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     1. The hand is too good for 1NT.

Hand B:    Double, penalties – they will not make 1NT.

Hand C:    Pass. The hand is totally unsuitable for a take-out double.

Hand D:    Pass. Knock off a point for the 4333 type shape and it’s not worth an invite.

Hand E:    Pass. Knock off a point for the 4333 type shape and it’s not worth an invite.

Hand F:     (a)  1NT or 2? I have no problem with opening 1NT with a 5-card major but the very weak doubleton is ominous. However, the suit is also rather anemic (certainly not re-biddable) and there may be a rebid problem if you open 1. So I slightly prefer 1NT.

(b)  2. Here we see the problem with not opening 1NT. 2 would imply a much better or longer suit, 2NT is 12-14 and 3NT is 18-19. The only sensible bid is to show these values.



Bidding Sequence Answers


G     1 - 2 - 3NT       3NT here is a jump and is 18-19.