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Mon 10th 1st Anne Marie & Olaf 61% 2nd Sean B &
Wed 12th 1st Kenneth & Ursula 63% 2nd Dave & Ivy 62%
Fri 14th N-S 1st Par Ol-Mars & Hans V 58% 2nd Frode & Robbie 57%
E-W 1st Arnt & Terje 63% 2nd Gene & Terry 53%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ KJ6 ♠ 43
A96 ♥
A1063 With
Hand B partner opens 1♣ and
♦ AQ876 ♦ KQJ what
do you do?
A9 ♣ 10652
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♣, what do you do?
♠ A1065 ♠ A972
KQ ♥ A52 With Hand D you
open 1NT and partner bids 2NT,
♦ A53 ♦ K76 what do you bid?
10942 ♣ KQ3
Hand E Hand F With Hand E partner opens 1NT, what do you bid?
♠ A97 ♠ A9432
♥ 542 ♥ QJ8 (a) What do you open with Hand F?
♦ J104 ♦ AKJ (b) Suppose you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♣, what now?
♣ K874 ♣ 86
Bidding Sequence Quiz
G 1♠ - 2♣ - 3NT How strong is 3NT?
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1855.6 Lewis Berg 1848.9 Dave Cutler 1846.1 Jan v Koss 1833.4 1816.8 Janne Roos 1806.4 Lars Gu 1770.0 Bob Pelletier 1748.7 Ivy Schlageter 1747.1 Wolfgang Foitik 1731.7 |
670.5 Lewis Berg 666.8 Janne Roos 655.4 Dave Cutler 655.2 Jan v Koss 647.8 Lars Gu 644.1 Bengt Malmgren 645.3 631.8 Derek & Gerard 627.1 Gunnar Barthel 624.3 Bob Pelletier |
350.4 Janne Roos 346.0 Lewis Berg 343.2 Bengt Malmgren 341.1 Jan v Koss 336.7 335.2 Dave Cutler 333.1 Terje Lie 332.5 Lars Gustafsson 331.8 Derek & Gerard 325.6 Gunnar Barthel |
A poor take-out double Board 2
from Friday 7th Nov
Dealer: ♠ A1065 West North(C) East South
East ♥
KQ - - pass pass
N-S vul ♦ A53 1♣
10942 pass pass
♠ K3
N ♠ Q972 (1) What did you bid with this North hand C in
♥ 72 W E ♥ A963 this
week’s quiz? This North does not read
J84 bid. ♣10942 is not short
and pass is obvious.
♥ J10854 (2) My 2nd favorite bid.
Unless very strong, a take-out double should be short
in the suit bid and playable in the other three suits.
Do not double with flat hands, especially when
vulnerable against not, and even more especially against an opponent who knows
what the double and redouble cards are meant for.
Bridge Cryptogram Each letter denotes a specific letter in the alphabet.
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Stuck for a bid? Board 9 from Monday 3rd Dec
Dealer: ♠ 43 Table A
North ♥
A1063 West North(B) East South
E-W vul ♦ KQJ - pass pass 1♣
10652 1NT 2♣ (1) all
♠ AQ2
N ♠ 10876 “Expert” Table
♥ J54 W E ♥ 98 West North(B) East South
♥ KQ72
That 4333 shape yet again (twice) Board 13 from Friday 12th Dec
Dealer: ♠ K65 Table A
North ♥
K93 West North(E) East South(D)
Both vul ♦ Q93 - pass pass 1NT
10874 pass 2NT (1) pass 3NT (2)
♠ 1083
N ♠ QJ4 Table B
♥ QJ863 W E ♥ 107 West North(E) East South
♥ A52
Kibitzer’s comment
I happened to be
kibitzing Mike Guin when he was North at Table B. Somebody at the table asked
him why he did not raise to 2NT with 8 points. Mike said that he “had read
‘somewhere’, or that ‘somebody’ had told him, to deduct a point for the 4333
shape”. He is spot on of course but has a bad memory about the source of this
priceless piece of good bidding knowledge.
This hand is very
satisfying for me – it appears that the message about the garbage 4333 shape
has got through to most people who read the news-sheets. Perhaps it’s
subliminal if they can’t remember the source? Or perhaps I’ve said it so often
that it’s now just automatic?
Qui Culpa? Board
10 from Monday 3rd Dec
N-S missed a comfortable 3NT at Table A, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ KJ6 Table A
East ♥
A96 West North(A) East South(D)
both vul ♦ AQ876 - - pass pass
A9 pass 1NT (1) pass pass (2)
pass (3)
♠ Q10842 N ♠ 53
♥ KQJ8 W E ♥ 1073 Table B
A97 pass 1♦ (1) pass 1NT
♥ 542 pass 2NT (4) pass 3NT (5)
North South You are North, playing in 6♠ and East leads the ♦K, plan the play.
♠ AKQ62 ♠ J43
♥ A72 ♥
♦ 3 ♦ A985
♣ AK83 ♣
Dave’s Column
answer Board
17 from Wednesday 12th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ62 West North East South
North ♥ A72 - 2♣ (1) pass 2♦ (2)
Love all ♦ 3 pass 2♠ pass 3♠ (3)
♣ AK83 pass 4NT pass 5♦ (4)
pass 5NT pass 6♦
♠ 1087 N ♠ 95 pass 6♠ all
♥ QJ64
W E ♥ 1095
♠ J43 (3) Forcing
K83 (4) One keycard
♦ A985
East leads the ♦K, how do you play
in 6♠ by North?
You win with dummy’s
♦A and play the ♠A,K, pleased to see the 3-2 break. If clubs
break 3-3 all will be well, but they never do in Dave’s column. You can give
yourself an extra chance by playing on ♣’s before you draw
the last trump. You should play the ♣’s in a special way
to avoid having one of your honours ruffed should West hold a doubleton ♣. You cash the ♣A, cross to the ♣Q and lead a third
round towards your ♣K.
West has no answer
to this. If he ruffs then your ♣K will survive. You
can use it to discard a ♥ from dummy and eventually ruff a ♥ for the 12th
And what happened?
Two pairs ended up
in a rather silly 6NT and both went down. Three pairs bid 6♠ and one made it but
I don’t know play. The bottom lines: -
Lead up to an honour if LHO is likely to be ruffing –
he will only ruff a loser if he ruffs in front of Hx.
West East You are East, playing in 7♠ and South leads the
♠ 10762 ♠ AKQJ3 What
card do you play at t
♥ A75 ♥ KQ63
Dave’s 2ND
Column answer Board
18 from Wednesday 12th
Dealer: ♠ 9854 West North East South
East ♥ 104 - - 2♣ (1) pass
N-S vul ♦ 109853 2♦ pass 2♠ pass
♣ 94 4NT (2) pass 5♣ (3) pass
5NT (4) pass 6♦ pass
♠ 10762 N ♠ AKQJ3 6♠ (5) pass 7♠ (6) all pass
♥ A75
W E ♥ KQ63
♠ - (3) presumably 3 keycards
J982 (4) Asks for kings (and promises all keycards present)
♦ KQJ7 (5) West chickened out with just a king missing
J8752 (6) But East had a singleton and bid the grand.
Dealer: ♠ A9432 West North(F) East South
West ♥ QJ8 pass 1♠ (1) pass 2♣
both vul ♦ AKJ pass 3NT (2) pass 6NT (3)
♣ 86 all pass
♠ K N ♠ Q108765 (1) What did you open with this North hand F(a)
♥ 96542
W E ♥ 73 in this
week’s quiz? With a very weak doubleton
♠ J (2) What did you bid with this North hand F(b) in
AK10 this
week’s quiz? Now, as is often the case
AQ743 within your 1NT range, North is in difficulties. North has no really
satisfactory rebid and I would bid 2♦.
This North simply ‘bid what he could make’.
(3) South
assumed that North hand 18-19, as would I.