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Mon 18th N-S 1st Gerry & Per-Ake 60% 2nd Ken &
E-W 1st Hans V & Lars G 54% 2nd Agne & Britta 52%
Wed 20th N-S 1st Bob & Jo 62% 2nd Val & Terry 53%
E-W 1st Lars G &
Fri 22nd N-S 1st Ivy & Wolfgang 60% 2nd Britta Borg &
E-W 1st Dermont & Joron 61% 2nd = Hans V & Lars G 60%
2nd = Kees P &
Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you open 1♣ and partner bids 1♥, what
do you rebid?
♠ A654 ♠ QJ7
♥ KJ7 ♥ J85 With
Hand B LHO opens 1♦ and partner overcalls 1♠.
♣ KQ4 ♣ 109874
Hand C Hand D With Hand C you open 1♦, LHO bids 1♠, partner bids 2♣ and
♠ K4 ♠ K72
♥ AQ104 ♥ 9742 With Hand D
partner opens 1♦ and
♦ A1085 ♦ 3 do
you bid? Note, this is the hand that should have been
♣ 632 ♣ A10962 Hand D Last week.
Hand E Hand F With Hand
E partner opens 1♦ and
do you bid?
♠ 1083 ♠ J1085
K743 ♥ J62
♦ 32 ♦ 3 With Hand F
LHO opens 1♣ and partner doubles, what do
AKQJ ♣ KJ652 you do?
Hand G Hand H What do you open with Hand G?
♠ A964 ♠ A963
AKQ4 ♥
Q54 With Hand H partner opens 3♣, what do you bid?
10 ♣ -
Bidding Sequence Quiz
♠ K72 Hand D on the front page of last week’s news-sheet was incorrect (it was
♥ 9742 correct in the
inside pages of the news-sheet). This is the correct hand and
♦ 3 you
were asked what to do when partner opened 1♦ and
♣ A10962 2♣. The hand has been
put in again this week again as Hand D.
Never deny a 4-card major – part 1. Board 13 from Monday 18th
Here we go again, with East at Table A getting a poor score for ‘showing the points’ rather than showing the 4-card major.
Dealer: ♠ KQ7 Table A
North ♥
95 West North East(A) South
Both vul ♦ K752 - - 1♣ pass
J1082 1♥ pass 1NT (1) all
♠ 10982
N ♠ A654 Table B
♥ AQ106 W E ♥ KJ7 West North East(A) South
2♠ all pass
♥ 8432
Dealer: ♠ 1083 West North(E) East South
East ♥
K743 - - pass 1♦
Both vul ♦ 32 1♠ 2♣ (1) 2♠ 2NT (2)
AKQJ pass 3NT all
♠ A9652
N You are West, defending against 3NT. You choose to lead the
♥ 96 W E ♦K and partner plays the ♦9
(count, probably a doubleton).
♣ 5 Answer next page.
Never deny a 4-card major – part 2. Board 10
from Wednesday 20th
This time North at Table A is a beginner and did not know about
negative doubles. But the hand is interesting because of the play in the
inferior 3NT contract that was reached.
Dealer: ♠ 1083 Table A
East ♥
K743 West North(E) East South (C)
Both vul ♦ 32 - - pass 1♦
AKQJ 1♠ 2♣ (1) 2♠ 2NT (2)
pass 3NT all
♠ A9652
N ♠ QJ7
♥ 96 W E ♥ J85 Table B
♥ AQ104 pass 4♥ all pass
North South You are South, declarer in 4♠ on the ♥Q lead. Plan the
♠ J876 ♠ A543
♥ 4 ♥
♦ AKJ1098 ♦ Q4
♣ A3 ♣
Dave’s Column
answer Board 17 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠ J876 West North East South
North ♥ 4 - 1♦ pass 1♥
Love all ♦ AKJ1098 pass 1♠ pass 4♠
♣ A3 all
♠ 2 N ♠ KQ109 East
leads the ♥Q, how do you play?
♥ K75
W E ♥ QJ109
♠ A543 You
lose three ♠t
♦ Q4 Terry’s comment.
Is it really that simple? This is a pairs
KJ competition
and if the ♠’s break 3-2 (68%) then you will
make one less t
I did not play this
hand on Wednesday so Dave gave it to me as a play problem. I won the ♥A and led a low ♠ at t
The point of the
hand is that you should not play the ♠A at t
Dave’s book says
that you must avoid losing control. It states ‘On this hand there are two
ways of losing control. If you play ♠A and a ♠ then that’s clearly
Alternatively if you
duck a ♠, ruff the ♥ return and then play
the ♠A (my line) you are not much better off. When
you begin to play ♦’s East will ruff, draw your last trump and then
score two ♥ t
This last paragraph
is misleading (incorrect, even!). There are three errors; to start with “your
last trump” should read “dummy’s last trump”. Secondly, you have not lost
control – you have only run out of trumps in dummy. Thirdly, having discovered
the 4-1 ♠ break at t
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge Club? The
board was played 6 times and 4♠ was reached on 4
occasions; -3, -1 and contract. The bottom lines: -
West East You are East, declarer in 3NT. South leads the ♠7 and North
♠ 32 ♠ KJ9 plays
the ♠10, Plan the play.
♥ A942 ♥ K3
A10 ♣ K653
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 7 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠ 1064 West North East South
East ♥ Q1065 - - pass pass
N-S vul ♦ Q74 1♦ pass 3NT all
♣ Q97
South leads the ♠7 and North plays
the ♠10,
♠ 32 N ♠ KJ9 Plan the play
♥ A942
W E ♥ K3
♠ AQ875
♦ 6
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge Club?
The board was played 6 times but only one pair ended up in 3NT, making an overt
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠ 1087 West North East(H) South
West ♥
AKJ6 3♣ pass 3♦ (1) pass
Love all ♦ 6 3NT (2)
AK832 4♣
♠ QJ4
N ♠ A963 (1) What did you bid with this East hand H in
♥ 73 W E ♥ Q54 this week’s quiz?
This East has a totally
K52 pile of junk opposite a 3♣
opener, and to
♥ 10982 make a
forcing bid of 3♦ is sheer folly.
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Don’t pass partner’s take-out double Board 17 from Friday 22nd
Dealer: ♠ A964 West North East South(F)
North ♥
Q1075 - pass pass pass
Love all ♦ K1084 1♣
4 all
♠ K3
N ♠ Q72 (1) A shade light, but with the perfect shape and
♥A4 W E ♥ K983 two
tens I think it’s perfectly acceptable and
J1085 this
week’s quiz? I would need MUCH better
♥ J62 trumps
to even think about passing in this
♠ A964 What did you open with this hand G in this week’s quiz? It is 16 points
AKQ4 but
it is NOT balanced. The correct opening is 1♦. I will take this
♦ K872 opportunity
to remind players that a 1NT opening with a singleton