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Mon 10th N-S 1st Hans V & Jean-Charles 58% 2nd Claudia & Tony 57%
E-W 1st Ken &
Wed 12th N-S 1st Ann B & Ivy 61% 2nd Bob P & Lars G 60%
E-W 1st Hans V & Lars B 68% 2nd Mike
& Terry 55%
Fri 14th N-S 1st Mike & Ursula 58% 2nd Ken &
E-W 1st
Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you choose to open a ligh 3rd-in-hand 1♣. LHO
overcalls 1NT and partner doubles. What do you do?
♠ K764 ♠ KQ2
♥ K986 ♥ AQJ1065 With Hand B it’s unfavourable
vulnerability. You open 1♥ and
Hand C Hand D With Hand
C it’s favourable vulnerability.
what do you bid?
♠ 763 ♠ K1042
743 ♥ J987 With Hand D it’s favourable
vulnerability and you decide to
♦ A10832 ♦ 7 open 1♣. LHO overcalls 1NT (15-17) and
partner doubles.
then bids 2♥, what do you do?
Hand E Hand F With Hand E partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♥. Partner bids 1♠,
what do you bid now?
♠ K3 ♠ AJ3
AKQ872 ♥ 5 With Hand F partner opens 1♣ and
♦ Q963 ♦ KQJ942 what
do you do?
♣ 5 ♣ 862
Bidding Sequence Quiz
H 1♣ 1NT
J 1♣ pass 1♥ pass Is 3♥ invitational or forcing?
1♠ pass 3♥
K 1♥ pass 2♦ pass Is 3♥ invitational or forcing?
It’s not forcing Board 7 from Friday 14th
Dealer: ♠ K3 Table A
South ♥
AKQ872 West North(E) East South
Both vul ♦ Q963 - - - 1♣
5 pass 1♥ pass 1♠
pass 3♥ (1) pass 4♥ (2)
♠ Q65
N ♠ J742 all pass
♥ J653
W E ♥ 104
A1098 - - - 1♣
♥ 9 pass 1♥ pass 1♠
Who is to blame? Board 16 from Monday 10th
N-S missed a comfortable 4♥ here. South asked my opinion about this
hand, stating that North’s bidding was wrong (N-S were playing Acol). Who would
you blame?
Dealer: ♠ J54 West North East South
West ♥
1032 pass pass pass 1♥
E-W vul ♦ A10 pass 2♣ (1) pass 2♦ (2)
AJ1084 pass 2♥ (3) pass
♠ A1083
N ♠ Q9762 (1) South’s opening promises only 4 ♥’s in Acol
♥ 86 W E ♥ 974 and
so this is obviously correct.
K (3) I was asked what I would bid here and I
♥ AKQJ5 2♥. South thought that North should bid more.
Co-operate with partner – part 1 Board 19 from Monday 10th
Dealer: ♠ J6 West(D) North East South
West ♥
K4 1♣ 1NT (1)
N-S vul ♦ AK62 pass (3) pass 3♦ all pass
(1) A shade light at this
♠ K1042
N ♠ AQ3 (2) This says that E-W
have the majority of the
♥ J987
W E ♥ 105 points
and that East is looking to defend a
9875 this
week’s quiz? Partner says that he is
♥ AQ632 looking to penalize the opponents and with
Co-operate with Partner – part 2 Board 19 from Monday 10th
Dealer: ♠ 763 West(B) North(C) East South
South ♥
743 - - - pass
E-W vul ♦ A10832 1♥ 2♦ (1) pass (2) pass
Q4 2NT (3) pass 3NT
♠ KQ2
N ♠ J105 (1) What did you bid with
this North hand C in
♥ AQJ1065
W E ♥ K9 this
week’s quiz? Even though it’s favourable
A984 enough
for a weak jump overcall. Pass is clear.
♥ 82 (2) With game uncertain
and an excellent defensive
Co-operate with Partner – part 3 Board 6 from Wednesday
Dealer: ♠ Q95 West(A) North East(F) South
East ♥
AQ2 - - pass (1) pass
E-W vul ♦ A5 1♣ (2) 1NT (3)
KQ543 pass (5) pass
♠ K764
N ♠ AJ3 (1) 2♦
is a possibility I suppose, but E-W were
♥ K986 W E ♥ 5 playing
Benjamin. The hand does not
♠ 1082 (2) A reasonable enough opening in 3rd
♥ J10742 (3) Pretty obvious.
West East You are West, declarer
in 7♠ and North leads the ♣10,
♠ AKQ10973 ♠ J82 plan the play.
♥ 9 ♥ A7532
Dave’s Column
answer Board 20 from Wednesday 5th
Dealer: ♠ 64 West North East South
West ♥ QJ8 2♣ pass 2♥ pass
both vul ♦ Q1092 2♠ pass 3♠ pass
♣ 10987 4NT pass 5♦ pass
6NT pass 6♦ pass
♠ AKQ10973 N ♠ J82 7♠ all pass
♥ 9 W E ♥ A7532
♠ 5 Your only possible loser is in ♦’s, a suit which offers
♥ K1064 a finesse. Save finesses as last resort measures!
♦ 843 You have been blessed with a 5-card ♥ suit in dummy.
65432 You
have a singleton ♥ in your own hand leaving the
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club?
One pair bid 7♠ and made it (when North kindly led a ♦). 6NT made exactly and three pairs bid and
made 6♠ exactly. Looks like these all bid to the level
of their play. Two pairs bid just 4♠
making +2.
The bottom lines: -
North South You are North, declarer in 7♥ and East leads the ♣Q, plan
♠ 84 ♠ AK2 the play after you draw ♥AK and discover that West started with
♥ AKQ1053 ♥
64 ♥Jxxx.
♦ AJ3 ♦ KQ1062
♣ A2 ♣
2nd Column answer Board 17 from Wednesday 12th
Dealer: ♠ 84 West North East South
North ♥ AKQ1053 - 1♥ pass 2♦
Love all ♦ AJ3 pass 3♥ (1) pass 4NT
♣ A2 pass 5♦ (2) pass 5♠ (3)
pass 5NT (4) pass 7♥
♠ Q107 N ♠ J9653 all pass
♥ J987
W E ♥ 2
♠ AK2 (3) do you have the trump queen?
♥ 64 (4) Yes, but no outside king.
♦ KQ1062
K83 East leads the ♣Q, plan the play.
The only way to make
this contract is not to lose a t
In order to reduce
yourself to West’s size you must ruff twice in your own hand. Play the ♣K and ruff a ♣, cash the ♠A,K
and ruff a ♠. You remain with two trumps and three ♦’s and dummy has 5 ♦’s. West is known to
have two ♥’s and for your play to succeed he must have three ♦’s as well. Cash 3
rounds of ♦’s ending in dummy and when you lead the 4th
♦ West is fixed and cannot get a t
The bottom lines: -
- Reducing your trump holding to the same
length as your
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge Club? Nobody bid 7♥. 7NT was bid and made once with 6NT+1 twice. Don’t ask me how 13 t
H 1♣ 1NT
Pass for
a penalty double.
J 1♣ pass 1♥ pass 3♥ is invitational. If you want to bid a forcing 3♥, then bid
1♠ pass 3♥ 2♦ (4th suit) and then 3♥.
K 1♥ pass 2♦ pass This 3♥ bid is forcing as responder
has promised 10+ points.
3♥ Note that in Acol the bid id not forcing but invitational.