Mon 31st 1st Ivy & Hans V 69% 2nd Esko & Frode 58%
Wed 2nd 1st Ivy & Terry 62% 2nd Jan & Ursula 59%
Fri 4th 1st Jean-Charles &
Mike 57% 2nd Jan &
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Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens a weak 1NT (12-14), what do you do?
♠ 108 ♠ KJ4
♥ K104 ♥ Q762 With Hand B partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
♣ KJ974 ♣
Bidding Sequence Quiz
C 1♥ pass 1NT pass
2NT How many points is the raise to 2NT?
D 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
1NT pass 2♥ Is 2♥ weak or forcing?
E 1♥ pass 2♦ pass
3♣ pass 3♥ Is 3♥ weak or forcing?
Doubling a Weak No Trump Board 27 from
Monday 31st
Dealer: ♠ KQ4 West North East(A) South
South ♥
A82 - - - pass
Love all ♦ K765 pass 1NT (1)
♠ J92
N ♠ 108 (1) Weak, 12-14
♥ Q96 W E ♥ K104 (2) What did you bid with
this East hand A in
A7653 (3) In the belief that partner had 15+ points.
♥ J753
♦ 10 And what happened? 2♠
doubled made exactly for a clear top to N-S.
♣ KJ2 The
bottom lines: -
- There are lots of green pass cards in the
bidding boxes – use one of them if
4-4 is better than 5-3 Board 11 from Friday 4th
Dealer: ♠ KJ4 Table A
South ♥
Q762 West North(B) East South
Love all ♦ J74 - - - 1♠
AK9 pass 4NT (1) pass 5♠ (2)
pass 6♠ all pass
♠ 9
N ♠ 8765
♥ A104 W E ♥ 9 Table
AQ1032 pass 2♣ (1) pass 2♥
♥ KJ853 pass 4NT (3) pass 5♣ (4)
And what happened? 6♥ is cold but a ♠ contract should make just 11 t
6♠= and 4♠+2
The bottom lines: -
North South You are South, declarer in 3NT,
plan the play on the ♦3 lead.
♠ AQ95 ♠ KJ
♥ J8 ♥
♦ J865 ♦ AK92
♣ 973 ♣
Dave’s Column
answer Board 27 from Wednesday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ AQ95 West North East South
South ♥ J8 - - - 2NT
Love all ♦ J865 pass 3♣ pass 3♥
♣ 973 pass 3NT all
♠ 743 N ♠ 10862 West leads the ♦3 against your 3NT contract.
♥ 973
W E ♥ KQ106
♠ KJ which
card do you win with?
♦ AK92
♣ AQ8 .
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Everybody
was in 3NT but just one out of five made it exactly. (+1
twice and -1 twice).
The bottom lines: -
West East You are East, declarer in 6♦ and South leads the
♠ 865 ♠ A4 Trumps
are 2-2, plan the play
♥ A532 ♥ KJ10
QJ ♣ AK3
2nd Column answer Board
26 from Wednesday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ KQ32 West North East South
East ♥ 864 - - 1♦ pass
Both vul ♦ J4 1♥ pass 2NT 4♦
♣ 10765 pass pass 6♦ all pass
♠ 865 N ♠ A4 This is the bidding from Dave’s book. It was
♥ A532
W E ♥ KJ10 not duplicated
at the Pattaya bridge club where
♠ J1097 Anyway,
you are in 6♦ and trumps are 2-2,
Q97 plan the play
♦ 32
You have a certain ♠ loser and a
possible ♥ loser. If you finesse ♥’s and it loses, the
opponents will cash their ♠ t
Hands that have
losers in two suits, one of which is inevitable (♠’s here) and one of
which is not (♥’s here) lend themselves to strip and throw-in plays.
The t
The play here is to
win the opening lead, draw trumps and play three round of ♣’s discarding a ♠ from table. This
discard of a ♠ is the key play of the hand. It now evens out the ♠ holding between
your hand and dummy. You now give up a ♠ and get the rest
regardless of who wins.
The bottom lines: - Look
out for endplays when you have a certain loser and a two-way finesse.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge Club? Nobody was in 6♦. Results were
3NT+2, 3NT+3, 4♥+3, 6NT +1 and 7♦=.
comment. Note that Kantar says that there is a ‘certain’ ♠ loser – that is not
true if you guess the ♥ finesse correctly (as Ian did in 7♦! and also the
declarer in 6NT+1).
C 1♥ pass 1NT pass
is about17-18, remember that partner may have only 6
D 1♣ pass 1♠ pass 2♥ is a weak bid promising 5 ♠’s and 4 ♥’s and partner is
1NT pass 2♥ expected to pass or correct unless he has exceptionally good ♥’s
E 1♥ pass 2♦ pass
3♣ pass 3♥ 3♥ here should be played as forcing.