Mon 14th 1st Jeremy &
Wed 16th 1st Bengt &
Fri 18th 1st Bengt & Frode = Dave & Ivy 58%
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Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♠, what do you bid?
♠ 1084 ♠ 9632
♥ AK864 ♥ K105 With Hand B you open 1♣
and LHO overcalls 1♦. Partner
♣ 76 ♣ AKJ95
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 2♠ (weak), what do you bid?
♠ KJ10 ♠ KQJ62
♥ A1085 ♥
Q32 With Hand D it’s unfavourable vulnerability and teams. You
♦ K76 ♦ 3 open
1♠, LHO doubles, partner bids 4♠ and
♣ AJ8 ♣ K532 What do you do?
Hand E Hand F With Hand
E partner opens 1♣ and
do you bid?
♠ AKJ8 ♠ 85
♥ 9843 ♥ KQ64 With Hand F
LHO opens 2♠ and partner doubles, what do you bid?
Q ♣ 9543
Hand G Hand H With Hand
G you open 1♣, LHO overcalls 1♠ and partner
doubles (negative, promising 4+ ♥’s and 8+ points). You choose
♠ KQ2 ♠ 642 to
rebid 1NT and partner bids 2♥, what do you do?
♥ K6 ♥ K852
A98762 ♣ 83 passed round to
you, what do you do?
Hand J Hand K With Hand
J it’s unfavourable vulnerability at teams. Partner
opens 1♦
♠ AK983 ♠ J75
♥ Q7 ♥ QJ842 With Hand K partner opens 1♣ and
KJ976 ♣ K (b) Suppose you choose double and partner bids 1NT,
what do you do?
Bidding Sequence Quiz
L 1♣ pass 1♦ Does the 1♦ bid deny a 4-card
M 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
1NT Does
the 1NT bid deny a 4-card major?
N 1♣ 1♠
1NT pass 2♥ Is the 2♥ bid weak, invitational or forcing?
P 1♣ pass 1♦ 1♠ 1♦ is standard (may
well also have a major suit).
Q 1♣ pass 1♦ 1♠ 1♦ is standard (may
well also have a major suit).
pass pass
Underbid/Overbid Board 20 from Friday 11th
Dealer: ♠ AQ6432 West(F) North East(C) South
West ♥
2 pass 2♠
Both vul ♦ 983 3♥ (2) pass 3NT (3) pass
(1) What did you bid with this East hand C in
♠ 85
N ♠ KJ10 this week’s quiz? Should you look for a 4-4 ♥
♥ KQ64 W E ♥ A1085 fit or
should you show your ♠ stops with 2NT?
this week’s quiz? This is basic beginners stuff
♥ J973 with 10 points opposite a double you have
And what happened? It appears that neither East
nor West had any idea what they were doing but they stumbled into the best
contract anyway, with West’s underbidding more than compensated by East’s
The bottom lines: -
Don’t bid when a pre-empt has done its job Board 21 from Monday 14th
Dealer: ♠ KQJ62 Table A
North ♥
Q32 West North(D) East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ 3 - 1♠
K532 5♦ (3) 5♠ (4)
♠ -
N ♠ 1084 Table B
♥ 1075 W E ♥ AK864 West North(D) East(A) South
♥ J9
And what happened? 5♦ doubled went two down for 500 away. 4♠ was one down.
The bottom lines: -
Members contact details
I keep a list of contact information for bridge
club members and regular players on the website. The list is protected by a
password which I changed last week when I stupidly gave the password to an
unsuitable ex-member. If you would like your details added to the list or would
like to know the new password, then please contact me.
Missing the 4-4 major suit fit - part 1 Board 14 from Friday 11th
E-W missed the 4-4 ♠ fit at Table A, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ 1075 Table A
East ♥
QJ76 West(E) North East(B) South
Love all ♦ J65 - - 1♣ 1♦
1084 1♥ (1) pass 2♥ (2) pass
pass (3) pass
♠ AKJ8
N ♠ 9632
♥ 9843 W E ♥ K105 Table B
♥ A2 4♠ all pass
And what happened? 2♥ made exactly for a complete bottom. 4♠ made +1 twice and 3NT made +2.
The bottom lines: -
Missing the 4-4 major suit fit - part 2 Board 1 from Friday 11th
N-S missed the 4-4 ♥ fit at Table A, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ KJ85 Table A
North ♥
AQJ4 West North East South
Love all ♦ 86 - 1♣ (1) pass 1♦ (2)
A105 pass 1NT (3) all
♠ Q64
N ♠ A1032 Table B
♥ 76 W E ♥ 985 West North East South
all pass
♥ K1032
And what happened? 1NT made +5 for a bottom as
everybody else was in 4♥ making or making
+1. The
bottom lines: -
The automatic re-opening double Board 9 from Wednesday 16th
Dealer: ♠ -
North ♥
AJ643 West(J) North East(H) South
E-W vul ♦ J10963 - pass 1♦ 1♠ (1)
Q42 pass (2) pass pass (3) pass
♠ AK983 N ♠ 642 (1) With good
intermediates this is a very clear
♥ Q7 W E ♥ K852 overcall, especially at this vulnerability
QJ1075 it
may be tempting to punt 3NT, but game is by
♥ 109 no means certain as this ♠ suit may well yield
And what happened? 1♠ should have gone three down but West
mis-defended badly and it went just one down for just 50 to E-W. So a good
board for N-S? No! At the other table South failed to
overcall and E-W played in 4♠ going one down. As
I said, game is by no means clear for E-W because of the bad breaks.
The bottom lines: -
If partner doesn’t like 1NT – he won’t like 2NT! Board 20 from Wednesday 16th
Dealer: ♠ A10963
West ♥
75 West(G) North East(K) South
Both vul ♦ AQ94 1♣ 1♠
Q3 1NT (2) pass 2♥ (3) pass
2NT (4) all
♠ KQ2
N ♠ J75
♥ K6 W E ♥ QJ842 (1) What did you bid with this East hand K(a) in
double is absolutely correct.
♥ A1093 (2) With good ♠’s this is probably better than 2♣.
And what happened? 2NT went two down for a
fully deserved 200 away. At the other table E-W played in the sensible 2♥ which went only one down. West ‘did a Chuck’
and tried to blame East, saying that East should have
bid 2♥ on the first round. This is total rubbish
unless you have agreed to play negative free bids.
The bottom lines: -
North South You are South, declarer in 3NT
after West has opened 1♥.
♠ QJ43 ♠ K102 West leads the ♥K which you duck and he continues with the ♥Q
♥ J4 ♥
A763 which you also duck. You win the 3rd ♥
upon which East discards
♦ AQ753 ♦ J10 a small ♠. What do you discard from dummy and what is your
♣ 32 ♣ AKQ5 plan?
Dave’s Column answer Board 12
from Wednesday 16th
Dealer: ♠ QJ43 West North East South
West ♥ J4 1♥ pass (1) pass 1NT (2)
N-S vul ♦ AQ753 pass 2♥ (3) pass 2NT (4)
♣ 32 pass 3NT all
♠ A8 N ♠ 9765 (1) This is a bit light
for the 2♦ overcall that
♥ KQ1095 W
E ♥ 85 I note that one player made.
♠ K102 (3) Stayman
(so showing 4 ♠’s), and playing
♥ A763 Lebensohl denying a ♥ stop.
♦ J10 (4) Not 4 ♠’s
and confirming a ♥ stop.
♣ AKQ5
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? The
board was played twice in a teams match. At both tables the contract was 3NT
and South led the ♦J first on both occasions and at both tables West ducked this and also the ♦10 continuation. At one table declarer did not overtake and so went one
down. At the 2nd table declarer overtook the 2nd ♦ and made the contract.
Dealer: ♠ AKQ1032 This is not a deal from Dave’s book but was dealt
North ♥ A6 by the
computer for the Friday 11th April session.
N-S vul ♦ A8 6♦ is makeable but that is not the point.
♣ A54 Most pairs were in 4♠ by North and the
says that North can make
5♠ or 5NT on any lead.
♠ J64 N ♠ 985
♥ QJ10843
W E ♥ 75 impossible to
make 5♠ on a ♣
lead without
K92 What
do you think?
♦ QJ109542 Is
there a line (with perfect defence) such that
62 North
can make 11 t
saying that the computer is frequently wrong?
2nd Column answer Board
21 from Friday 11th April
Dealer: ♠ AKQ1032 West North East South
North ♥ A6 - 2♣ (1) pass 2♦
N-S vul ♦ A8 pass 2♠ (2) pass 3♦
♣ A54 pass 3♠ (3) pass 4♠
all pass
♠ J64 N ♠ 985
♥ QJ10843
W E ♥ 75 (1) This is one t
♠ 7 (2) Game forcing playing Standard American.
♥ K92 (3) Still game forcing.
♦ QJ109542
So can North make 11
There are two very
reasonable lines of play.
1. You can try ruffing the 3rd round of ♣’s but this fails as
West over-ruffs and leads a ♦. North thus loses a ♠, a ♦ and a ♣.
2. You can try the ♦ finesse. Draw
trumps, over to the ♥K and lead the ♦Q. Unfortunately
this also fails as the finesse is wrong and so North loses a ♦ and two ♣’s.
So has
Dave believes me
when I say that the Deep Finesse program is never wrong (when put on the full
analysis and best lead modes that I use) and he picked up
♠ - This is the 4-card ending with the lead in the
♥ A South
hand (having just won with the ♥K).
♦ A8 Declarer
plays a ♥ to the ♥A
but what does
♣ 5 East discard?
Declarer gets the
rest if he discards a ♦ so he
♠ - N ♠ - throws
a ♣. North then plays his ♣5 to end-play
♥ QJ W E ♥ - East. West is irrelevant.
♠ -
♦ QJ10
The bottom lines: -
- The computer is never wrong!
Bidding Sequence Answers L 1♣ pass 1♦ and …
M 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
Yes, I know that I asked these questions in news-sheet 281, but more
information has come to light. Apparently
4-card major) and M (if possibly by-passing a 4-card major) and also the
sequences 1♣ - 1♥ and 1♣ - 1♠ (if possibly denying a 4 or 5 card ♦ suit) all need to be alerted. OK
N 1♣ 1♠
1NT pass 2♥ The 2♥ bid is weak,
showing a hand not good enough to bid 2♥ directly.
P 1♣ pass 1♦ 1♠ Traditionally the double is ‘penalties’ – showing a ♠ suit.
Q 1♣ pass 1♦ 1♠ This is an ‘Action Double’. It is not penalties but says
pass pass