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Mon 28th 1st Jeremy &
Wed 30th 1st Jean & Bob 61% 2nd Gene & Terry 58%
Fri 2nd 1st Dave & sally 62% 2nd Bob &
Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A LHO opens 1NT and
♠ A9854 ♠ J98 With Hand B it’s both vulnerable. (a) What do you open?
109 ♥ AQ8 (b) Suppose
you open 1♣. LHO bids 1♦, partner bids 1♥ and
♦ 3 ♦ 1053
♣ Q10963 ♣ AJ64
Hand C Hand D With Hand C you choose to open 1NT - I think that that’s better
than the reasonable alternative of 1♦. Anyway, LHO overcalls 2♥
KJ ♠
Q7 and
partner doubles (penalties of course). What do you do?
♥ 95 ♥ A
♣ K653 ♣ KQ1083 (b) Suppose that you accidentally bid 2♣ and partner bids 2♥
What do you bid now?
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 1NT pass 2♣
F 1NT 2♥
G 1♥ pass 2♣ pass Is 3♦ forcing, and how many ♣’s/♦’s does responder have?
2♥ pass 3♦
H 1♥ pass 2♣ pass What is the 4♦ bid?
2♥ pass 4♦
Going past 3NT Board 1 from Monday 28th
Dealer: ♠ A98 Table A
North ♥
Q97654 West North East South(D)
Love all ♦ J3 - 1♥ (1) pass 2♣ (2)
A2 pass 2♥ pass 4♦ (3)
pass 4♥ (4) all
♠ 10653
N ♠ J1042
♥ J3 W E ♥ K1082 Sensible Table
pass 2♥ pass 3♣ (5)
♥ A pass 3NT (6) all
And what happened? Two pairs reached the
sensible 3NT and made or made +2. Two pairs bid 4♥ which stands no chance and both deservedly went -1.
The bottom lines: -
Bid 5-5’s from the top down.
Devalue a hand with a singleton in partner’s suit.
An unnecessary jump (such as one above a forcing
reverse) is a splinter.
Do not criticize partner for your own mistakes – South
actually blamed North, saying that he should not have
Too high and no fit Board 20 from Monday 28th
Here we have the same problem as a couple of articles last week – ignoring
the Law Of Total T
Dealer: ♠ Q2 West(B) North East South
West ♥
K109 1♣ (1) 1♦ 1♥ 1♠
both vul ♦ KQ642 2♥ (2) all pass
(1) What
did you open with this West hand B(a)
♠ J98 N ♠ 763 in this week’s quiz? It’s 12 points but is
♠ AK1054 in this week’s quiz? Apparently West did not
♥ 754 want to bid 1NT with no stopper in either
♣ Q863 left
2♥ (I disagree). This 2♥ bid is totally undisciplined, it’s likely a
Moysian fit and this hand has no ruffing values. Pass, to show a weak opening,
is very clear.
And what happened? 2♥ went -2 for 200 away and a clear bottom.
The bottom lines: -
Moysian fits usually only play well if you have
shortage in the three trump hand.
It may not surprise you to learn that this West, who
bid his heap that does not conform to the rule of 20 twice, is the same person
as South in the previous deal and he again tried to blame partner for playing
it badly.
The rule of 20 (for opening bids in 1st or
2nd seat) is written up on the website:
Conventions > Section 1 > Rule of 20.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the best play for the contract.
North South You are North, declarer in 3NT,
East leads the ♠2.
♠ AK5 ♠ 643 West plays the ♠J and you win with the ♠K.
♥ QJ98 ♥
32 You continue with three round of ♦’s and West wins the 3rd round,
♦ KQ4 ♦ J1065 East having followed once and then
discarded two ♥’s.
following. How do you play the ♣’s and why?
Column answer Board 21
from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ AK5 West North East South
North ♥ QJ98 - 2NT pass 3NT
N-S vul ♦ KQ4 all pass
♣ AQ3
♠ J97 N ♠ Q1082 You are North, declarer in 3NT, East leads the ♠2.
♥ K107
W E ♥ A654 West plays the ♠J and you win with the ♠K.
♠ 643 discarded two ♥’s. West continues with the ♠9
♥ 32 which
you duck but win the 3rd ♠,
all following.
♦ J1065 How do you
play the ♣’s and why?
♣ K1075
West East You are West, declarer in 4♠ and North leads the
♣Q, you cover
♠ KQJ6 ♠ A542 and
South wins with the ♣A. South returns the
♣3 to North’s
♥ 6 ♥ A109543 ♣10. At t
95 ♣ K4
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 20 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ 10873 West North East South
West ♥ 2 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
both vul ♦ J965 1♠ pass 4♠ all pass
♣ QJ108
♠ KQJ6 N ♠ A542 You are West,
declarer in 4♠ and North leads the ♣Q,
♥ 6 W E ♥ A109543 you cover and South wins with the ♣A. South returns
♦ AK8743 S ♦ 2 the ♣3
to North’s ♣10. At t
♠ 9
KQJ87 The play of hands that both long
suits and shore suits on both sides
♦ Q10 as well as a 4-4 trump fit are
dependent upon the strength of the side
♣ A7632 suits
as well as the strength of the trump suit.
With high trumps on both sides think crossruff.
When one hand (West here) has a trump holding a great deal stronger than his
partner, it’s usually right to ruff in the weaker hand, retaining the stronger
for pulling trumps later.
Win the ♥A
and play ♦A and ruff a ♦ low. Back to the ♠K and ruff a 2nd
♦ with the ♠A.
The ♦’s are now good. Re-enter the West hand with a
trump. If both opponents follow, draw the last trump and claim. If someone
shows out, play a 3rd high trump and run the good ♦’s; the opponents can take no more than one
trump t
Dealer: ♠ QJ73 This is not a deal from Dave’s book but was dealt
East ♥ 6 by
the computer for the Friday 25th April session.
Love all ♦ Q54 The computer says that East can make 7♥ on
♣ QJ864 any (i.e.best) defence.
♠ A104 N ♠ 62 made
on a ♠ lead.
♥ AJ
W E ♥ KQ109753 Obviously
on any other lead declarer simply
842 the trumps do not split 2-2.
♦ J6 So is there a line (with perfect defence)
9753 that East
can make 13 t
in saying that the computer is frequently wrong?
What do you think?
Dave’s 3rd
Column answer Board
14 from Friday 25th April
Dealer: ♠ QJ73 So how can East make 7♥ on a ♠ lead?
East ♥ 6 Obviously you win the ♠A,
but what now?
Love all ♦ Q54 Dave found the answer - to squeeze North!
♣ QJ864
♠ A104 N ♠ 62
♥ AJ
W E ♥ KQ109753
♦ J6
You draw 5 rounds of trumps, throwing 2 ♠’s and 1 ♦ from
dummy and that leaves this 7-card end position.
♠ - You now lead another ♥ and throw the ♦10 from
♥ - dummy. What does North discard?
♦ Q54
♣ QJ86
(a) If North discards a ♦ then you cash the ♦AK and
♠ - N ♠ 6 the
♣AK and ruff a ♣ for the two good ♦’s in hand.
♥ - W E ♥ 75 (b) If North discards a ♣ then declarer leads the ♣AK
♥ -
♦ J6
The bottom lines: -
- The computer is never wrong!
7 You hold this hand.
♥ J632 Partner doubles and
♣ KJ7
Trust Partner – part 1 Board 20 from Friday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ A9854 West North(A) East South
South ♥
109 - - 1NT pass
Love all ♦ 3 2♣ (1)
Q10963 2NT pass pass (3) pass
♠ J1063
N ♠ KQ2 (1) This hand is worth an
effort, 2♣ is Stayman.
♥ 854
W E ♥ AKQ7 (2) What did you bid with
this North hand A in this
♠ 7 partner to lead a ♣.
♥ J632 (3) Although East has an absolute maximum he
♣ KJ7 poor ♣’s and also respect for North.
What did you lead in the leading quiz on the
previous page? The ♣K should be totally
obvious to anyone but a beginner unless they have no respect for partner
And what happened? East was (sort of) right to
pass 2NT as that’s the limit on a ♣
lead which he would certainly get from most South’s. This South, however, totally
ignored partner despite holding excellent ♣’s
and led a ♦ so that 2NT made +2 instead of making exactly.
As it turns out N-S got a totally undeserved
top on this board and the two over-t
Trust Partner – part 2 Board 14 from Friday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ Q972 West North East South(C)
East ♥
Q84 - - pass 1NT (1)
Love all ♦ Q9 2♥
Q1097 pass 3NT (4) all
♠ A64 N ♠ 10852 (1) I too would open 1NT in preference to 1♦.
♥ AKJ107
W E ♥ 632 (2) North has to make a decision here. It’s equal
KJ and so North
decided to take the money.
♥ 95 (3) What did you bid with
this South hand C in
♣ K653 Unfortunately this South is the same one as above and
over-ruled partner again.
(4) Desperation!
And what happened? South converted an absolute
top (2♥ doubled goes one down) into a bottom (3NT went
two down).
The bottom lines: -
If you
open 1NT, LHO overcalls and partner doubles than that’s it. Full stop. Partner
is the captain, you have said you hand and can NEVER bid. To bid a new suit at
the 3-level is totally ridiculous.
If you
think that it is reasonable for South to bid at (3), then don’t open 1NT !
Bidding Sequence Answers
E 1NT pass 2♣
F 1NT 2♥
G 1♥ pass 2♣ pass 3♦ is a reverse by
responder, promising longer ♣’s than ♦’s.
2♥ pass 3♦ It is natural and 100% forcing…
H 1♥ pass 2♣ pass …
so given that 3♦ is forcing, 4♦ here is a splinter agreeing
2♥ pass 4♦ ♥’s, presumably with
just 3 ♥’s and a good ♣ suit.