Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 292

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                  15th June 2008

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 9th      1st  Jeremy & Sally               64%       2nd    Sean & Terje                      58%

Wed 11th    1st  Dave & Ivy                    60%       2nd    Kenneth & Phil                   58%

Fri 13th       1st  Ian & Philip                    60%       2nd    Henri & Jan                        57%

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Bidding Quiz                   


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A you open 1 and partner responds 1, what do

you bid?

J83               J6

K972            K852            With Hand B partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 1NT, what

AKQ73        AK982         do you do?

8                  72                                       


Hand C           Hand D           What do you open with Hand C (1st seat, both vulnerable)?


A2                KQ98          

KQJ10984   A9876          With Hand D you open 1 and partner bids 1, what

J3                  3                  do you bid?

42                AKQ







Go for the Moysian fit?                                          Board 21 from Monday 9th  


The Moysian (4-3) fit is not generally something you should aim for, but with shortage in another suit, the 3-trump hand should consider it.  


Dealer:             J83                                             Table A

North               K972                                          West          North(A)    East            South

N-S vul            AKQ73                                     -                 1             pass           1

8                                                pass           2    (1)     pass           pass

dbl   (2)      pass           3             pass    

752                    N             AK9                     pass           3    (3)      pass           4    (4)

AJ85              W    E          Q4                        all pass

6                        S              10952            

K6532                               Q1097                 Alternative Auction

                        Q1064                                       West          North(A)    East            South

1063                                          -                 1              pass           1

J82                                            pass           2    (2)      pass           pass

AJ4                                            pass (5)


Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? Now of course 2 is quite reasonable, but I would bid 2. I give my reasons below.

(2)   And West now has it easy with a balancing double (showing ’s and ’s) that only forces partner to the two level.

(3)   North now (belatedly in my opinion) shows his support. The problem, of course, is that he is now up at the three level.

(4)   And now they are up at the four level!

Alternative  (1)  This is my answer to question A. It may well be a Moysian fit but with a

Auction:            singleton that should play well. The additional advantage is that it forces the opponents to the three level should partner be weak and they want to compete.

(5)   I asked West at table A if he would have doubled 2 for take-out; he said no, and that he only doubled because he hoped to play in ’s at the two level.


And what happened? 4 went just one down for a reasonable score. 3 was bid and made at one table for the E-W top. One North was left to play peacefully in 2+1 for the N-S top and 5 doubled went -1. Deep Finesse says that 2 and 2 make by N-S and 3 makes by E-W

The bottom lines: -

-         With an outside singleton, consider supporting partner’s possible 4-card suit with just three card support.


Don’t let the Opponents in                                     Board 13 from Wednesday 11th  


Dealer:             A2                                              Table A

North               KQJ10984                                 West          North(C)    East            South

both vul            J3                                               -                 1    (1)      2              2

42                                              3              3    (2)      pass           4

pass           pass           5              all pass

Q8763               N             9                          

5                     W    E          A2                       

K75                   S              AQ109864          Table B

J763                                   A98                      West          North(C)    East            South  

                        KJ1054                                     -                 4    (1)      dbl             all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand C in this week’s quiz? I guess that 1 is quite reasonable, but I was North at Table B.

(2)   When partner has bid at the two level, this is surely worth 4.

Table B:     (1)  This was my answer to question C. It’s pretty clear that the hand belongs in ’s and you don’t want to let the opponents in cheaply, especially if they have ’s.


And what happened? 4* lost just the three aces for a top to N-S. Another North played in 4 undoubled and two E-W’s bid to 5 making. 5 should not make of course, but one down is a good save against 4 making.

The bottom lines: -

-         With a good hand and a good solid major, open at the four level if it’s not too strong.

-         If you play Namyats this hand is not good enough for 4 and so you still open 4.


A Missed Opportunity                                         Board 20 from Monday 9th 


Dealer:             AK                                             Table A

West                QJ943                                        West          North         East(B)       South

Both vul            105                                            1             1NT (1)      2   (2)      pass

KQ95                                        pass (3)      2    (4)      dbl   (5)      2    (6)

pass (7)      pass           pass (8)     

Q732                 N             J6                        

A6                  W    E          K852                    Alternative Auction

QJ                      S              AK982                West          North         East(B)       South

AJ843                                 72                        1             1NT (1)      dbl   (2)      2    (9)

                        109854                                      dbl   (10)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  I prefer this 1NT bid to the alternative of 1.

(2)   What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? This 2 bid is wrong – it is non-forcing and weak after RHO has overcalled 1NT.

(3)   West correctly passed, assuming that his partner was weak.

(4)   North inferred from the auction that his partner had some values, so he bid his ’s.

(5)   Penalties

(6)   It’s quite reasonable for South to run to his 5-card suit.

(7)   Now it may appear to be obvious that West should double, but I’m not so sure. Partner has shown a weak hand at (2) and may well just have a poor hand with the red suits.

(8)   East has the values for a penalty double but does not know that partner has ’s

Alternative  (1)  This North again chooses the reasonable 1NT overcall

Auction:      (2)  This is the answer to question B, a penalty double. With 11 points opposite partner’s opening the vulnerable opponents are going for a number.

(9)   South obviously runs to his 5-card suit.

(10)   But now, as opposed to the situation at (7), West knows to double.


And what happened? 2 went three down for just 300 away and a poor score to E-W – it would have been 800 if doubled. E-W scored 600 for 3NT making at two other tables.

The bottom lines: -

-         If partner opens and RHO overcalls 1NT, then any bid by you except double is weak and non-forcing. With 10+ points you are obliged to double to show the balance of power.



Dave’s Column   Here is this week’s Dave input involving the best play for the contract.


North               South             You are North, declarer in 4. East leads the A and K and

AQJ1098      K6              a 3rd to West’s Q which you ruff. Plan the play.

KJ5              A32

93                 AQ542                                

43                J52                                            

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 5 from Wednesday 11th    


Dealer:             AQJ1098                                    West          North         East            South

North               KJ5                                                              2              pass           4

N-S vul            93                                              all pass


East leads the A and continues with the K

543                     N             72                   and a to West’s Q which you ruff. You lead

10764             W    E          Q98                a to the Q and K. West returns the 4.

KJ                      S              10876            Question Time.

Q986                                 AK107           Before you took the finesse, how many

                        K6                                        losers did you have and how many tricks?  

A32                                      Why did you finesse ’s before drawing trumps?

AQ542                                Why did you finesse ’s before ’s?  

J52                                      Which do you play now (on West’s 4)?

What is your general plan?


After ruffing the 3rd round of ’s you had two possible losers, one in ’s and one in ’s. Your trick count was nine – six ’s, two ’s and one .

You finesse the ’s before drawing trumps because you may need the K as a helping entry to establish the ’s in case of a 4-2 break.

You finessed ’s before ’s because ’s is the long suit. Finesses in short suits come last (if at all).

You should play the K when West returns the 4 to preserve the A as a future entry to the suit. Now continue establishing the ’s to get rid of the losing .

After winning the K, play the A and ruff a . If ’s break 3-3, draw trumps and enter dummy with the A and discard the losing on the good ’s.

If ’s break 4-2, enter dummy with the K and ruff another . Now draw trumps and use the A as an entry to the remaining to discard your loser.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6-2, 4=, 4-1 and 2+2.



Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input involving the best play for the contract.


West                East                  You are East, declarer in 6. South leads the J, plan the play.

KQ98           AJ107                                   

A9876          4                

3                   A9874                                 

AKQ            432             

Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 6 from Wednesday 11th


Dealer:             6543                                           West(D)     North         East            South

East                  KQ1052                                     1              pass           1              pass

E-W vul           QJ                                              4    (1)     pass           6              all pass


                                                                        (1)  What did you bid with this West hand D

KQ98                 N             AJ107                  in this weeks quiz? This 4 splinter is

A9876            W    E          4                           spot on, showing a singleton , 4 card

3                         S              A9874                 support and a huge hand with slam interest.

AKQ                                  432               

                        2                                                 South leads the J,

J6                                         (a)  plan the play in 6.

K10652                               (b)  plan the play in 7.

J10987                                 (c)  plan the play in 4.


Blessed with high trumps as well as a singleton on both sides you should consider a crossruff.

In the suits that you will be crossruffing, ’s and ’s, you have a total of ten tricks: the two red aces as well as eight trump tricks made by ruffing.

What that means is that in scenario (a) is that you need TWO, not three tricks from the suit. Therefore you should cash just two tricks before embarking on the crossruff. If a trump had been led you would have to try cashing three tricks.

In 7 (b) you have to try cashing three tricks.

In 4 (c) it’s also best to try cashing three ’s as you have a 66% chance of a 4-3 break and the contract is never in danger.                                    


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4+2, 4+1, 4= and 3+3. When I played the hand I was in 4 and immediately tried to cash three ’s. The third was ruffed but the defender failed to realise that there was an impending cross-ruff and did not lead a trump and so 12 tricks were made.


The bottom lines:-

-         If you are planning a crossruff, cash winners the 3rd suit first.

-         If you are defending and declarer seems to be planning a cross-ruff, then lead a trump when you get in.




Another Play problem         This is a simple hand from Friday.


West                East                  You are West, declarer in 4. North leads the J, plan the play.

Q1087643    A92           

Q                  983            

105               AKJ9         

KQ5            A64

Another Play problem answer            Board 16 from Friday 13th


Dealer:             KJ5                                            West          North         East            South

West                KJ542                                        3              pass           4              all pass

E-W vul           Q3                                             

                        J109                                     North leads the J, plan the play.         


Q1087643          N             A92                You should win in hand with the K and      

Q                    W    E          983                 play a low . When North plays low you should

105                     S              AKJ9             insert the 9. If South wins then you lose only

KQ5                                  A64                one trump trick and if South is void you still

                        -                                           only lose one trump trick.   

A1076                                  This is a safety play and guards against all three

87642                                   trumps with North. The lazy play of winning the

8732                                    A and cashing the A costs a tick on this layout.




Brain teaser - Restricted Choice?


This little gem was mentioned to me by Gene.

You are participating in a quiz show and have progressed to the stage of (maybe) winning a prize. You are facing three doors, A, B and C. Behind one of these doors in the grand prize and behind the other two doors there is nothing.

The quizmaster knows which door hides the prize and he invites you to pick a door. He then always opens another door which he knows is empty. You are then asked to make your final choice, is it 50-50? Should you go for your original option or go for the other door?

Answer next page.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     2. 2 is reasonable of course and is what I expect most will bid. But I prefer to support partner (even with just three cards in his major) if I have outside shortage. The hand is not strong enough for a reverse into 2 of course.

Hand B:    Double. This shows 10+ points and is in principle for penalties. Any bid (such as 2) is wrong as that is weak and non-forcing. After RHO overcalls 1NT the only strong bid is double.

Hand C:    4. That’s probably where you want to play so get it in before the opponents find their fit. The hand is too good for 3 and 1 lets the opponents in cheaply.

Hand D:    4, a splinter agreeing ’s and looking for slam.





Brain teaser - Restricted Choice?


You should go for the other door, this is a 66% chance of being right.

This is an example of restricted choice but one easy way of looking at it is as follows. You had a 1 in 3 chance of picking the correct door to start with. The fact that the quizmaster has opened an empty door has altered nothing (he will always open an empty door). So nothing has changed, there is a 1/3 chance that the original door was correct so there is now a 2/3 chance that the other door is correct.