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Mon 23rd 1st Bob & Robbie = Dave & Ivy 59%
Wed 25th 1st Janne & PerAke 65 % 2nd
Dave & Terry = Bob &
Fri 27th 1st Janne & Jan 63% 2nd Oli &
Bidding Quiz Stand
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ A542 ♠ K86 With Hand B what do you bid if:
♥ A43 ♥ 1075 (a)
partner opens 1NT?
Hand C Hand D With Hand
C partner opens 1♣ and
you bid?
♥ A10 ♥ AKQJ9732
J83 ♣ 5 jumps to 2♠ (game forcing), what do you bid?
Hand E Hand F Hand G With Hand E partner opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♠ 7 ♠ AQ97 ♠ KJ1072 With Hand F you
open 1♣ and LHO overcalls 1♠.
♥ A852 ♥ K754 ♥
5 What do you do if: (a)
partner bids 2♦?
9 ♣ Q64 ♣
With Hand G you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♥, what do you
Bidding Sequence Quiz
H 1♣ 1♠ 2♦ Is
2♦ forcing?
J 1♣ 1♠ 3♥ What
is 3♥?
K 1♠ 2♣ 3♦ What
is 3♦?
L 1♣ pass 1♥ pass 2♠ is natural and
strong, 3♦ is 4th suit and 3NT shows a ♦ stop.
2♠ pass 3♦ pass (a) What does 4♣ mean?
3NT pass 4/5♣ (b) What does 5♣ mean??
M 1♣ pass 1♥ pass The jump to 2♠ is strong, but is it passable, forcing for
2♠ round, or game forcing?
Hand Evaluation Board 13 from Monday 20th
Dealer: ♠ QJ73 Table A
North ♥
KJ2 West(A) North East(B) South
both vul ♦ K65 1NT (1) pass 3NT (2) all pass
Table B
♠ A542
N ♠ K86 West(A) North East(B) South
♥ A43 W E ♥ 1075 1♦ pass 1NT (3) all pass
AK ♣ J52
♥ Q986
♦ J10
And what happened? 1NT made +1 for a joint top.
At two other tables 2NT and 3NT both went one down.
The bottom lines: -
Understand Hand Evaluation. This West hand IS NOT
worth 15 points. This deal demonstrates why perfectly. East has a fairly
reasonable raise to 3NT, suits split reasonably well and the ♦K is onside – yet
3NT stands no chance! Put the ♦K with South and even 2NT goes down. Why, with a
combined 25 points and no bad splits, is 3NT not making? It is not unlucky - the main reason is that the West hand is not worth a 1NT opener; ♣AK
doubleton is a waste of 7 ‘points’ – points belong in long suits. The other
reason also concerns hand evaluation; this East hand, because of the 3343
shape, is only worth 9 points, but it does have a ten and so the raise to 3NT
is not as bad as the opening 1NT bid.
Don’t bid Blackwood with a weak suit Board 11 from Wednesday 22nd
Nobody likes to have A,K cashed against their slam and so it is unwise to bid Blackwood if you have a wide open suit in which partner has promised nothing.
Dealer: ♠ KJ73 Table A
South ♥
1054 West North East(D) South
Love all ♦ 7542 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
96 2♠ (1) pass 4NT (2) pass
5♥ pass pass (3) pass
♠ A984
N ♠ Q6
♥ - W E ♥ AKQJ9732 “Expert” Table
AKQ32 ♣ 5 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
1052 2♠ (1) pass 3♦ (2) pass
♥ 86 3NT (4) pass 5♣ (5) pass
♦ A106 5♠ pass 6♥ all pass
Table: East
to find out more about partner’s hand – and in particular if he has a ♦ stop.
(4) I have a ♦ stop – showing a
stop in the 4th suit (by bidding NoTrumps) is always the first
(5) This is Gerber – a jump in ♣’s after partner’s
NoTrump bid. 4♣ would be natural looking for a ♣ slam. The big
advantage here over bidding 4NT at (2) at Table A is that not only does East
know that partner has the ♦ ace or king, but this Gerber bid asks for aces
and the unimportant ♠K will not be included.
And what happened? At the other two tables they
did not even make a try and played in 4♥.
Everybody made 12 t
The bottom lines: -
- Don’t jump straight into Blackwood if there
is a better bid.
- Don’t use RKCB if the ‘trump’ suit king is
of no use to you.
- Don’t use Blackwood with a weak suit in
which partner has shown nothing.
- It is usually unwise/unsound
to bid Blackwood/Gerber unless you are prepared to bid slam with one
keycard/ace missing.
- Gerber is always a jump in ♣’s after partner has
bid NoTrumps.
40% slams are against the odds Board 21 from Wednesday 22nd
A slam missing an ace and also QJ10x in the trump suit should be
avoided if you have the bidding expertise in your repertoire.
Dealer: ♠ J984 Table A
North ♥
Q10 West(E) North East South
N-S vul ♦ J4 - pass 1♥ pass
Q10862 4♣ (1) pass 4♥ (2) pass
6♥ (3) all
♠ 7
N ♠ KQ
♥ A852
W E ♥ K9763 “Expert” Table
9 ♣ A4 - pass 1♥ pass
A106532 2NT (1) pass 4♥ (4) pass
♥ J4 4NT (5) pass 5♥ (6) pass
♦ - pass (7) pass
Table: sets
♥’s as trumps and asks opener to describe his hand.
(4) This jump to 4♥ shows a total
(5) West is still interested in slam of course,
and he needs to know about keycards and also if partner has the ♥Q (or six ♥’s). RKCB does this
(6) two keycards, but not
the ♥Q and only 5 ♥’s
(7) Knowing that slam is against the odds, West
sensibly stops at the 5-level.
And what happened? 4♥+2 once and 6♥= twice. The miserable slam luckily rolled home when the trumps split
2-2 and East fortunately had the ♥K.
The bottom lines: -
- Don’t jump straight into an ace ask if
there is a better bid.
- With a trump suit, one needs to play RKCB
and include the trump king in the initial response.
- Primitive, crude... as I don’t wish to be
sued for libel, I shall not say any more about West’s
bidding at table A; and anyway, I don’t have enough room on this page.
- A 2-2 split is 40%.
A new suit after intervention Board 22 from Monday 20th
A couple of people got this fairly basic bidding situation very wrong on Monday:
Dealer: ♠ 84 Table A
East ♥
QJ932 West(C) North East(F) South
E-W vul ♦ 95 - - 1♣ 1♠
10752 3♦ (1) pass pass (2) pass
♥ A10
W E ♥ K754 West(C) North East(F) South
J83 ♣ Q64 2♦ (1) pass pass (3) pass
♥ 86
♦ A42
And what happened? 3♦ made +1, 2♦ made +3 but the other two tables bid to 3NT making +1 and +2. The bottom lines: -
If partner opens and
The meaning of the jump (as at Table A) has to be
agreed. West at table A actually came over to me during the game and asked. I
said that 2♦ was natural and forcing, so that 3♦ is then either a
splinter or a weak bid, according to partnership agreement. He then went back
and said to his partner ‘Terry says either weak or strong – according to
partnership agreement’. I am used to being mis-quoted, but to get it wrong in
the ten seconds walking from one table to the next really is a bit extreme.
Anyway, in my opinion it’s probably best to play it as
a splinter over a major suit opening and as a weak natural jump shift over a
minor suit opening.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the play of the hand.
West East You are East, declarer in 6♠ (or 6NT). South
leads the ♦Q,
♠ 43 ♠ AKQJ10 plan
the play.
♥ AKQ65 ♥ 32
742 ♣ AJ6
Dave’s Column
answer Board
18 from Wednesday 25th
Dealer: ♠ 86 West North East South
East ♥ J987 - - 2♣ pass
N-S vul ♦ 532 2♥ pass 2♠ pass
♣ Q1083 3♥ pass 3NT pass
5NT (1) pass 6♠ all pass
♠ 43 N ♠ AKQJ10
♥ AKQ65
W E ♥ 32 (1) Pick a slam.
♠ 9752
♦ QJ104
♣ K95
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Two
pairs were in the better contract of 6NT but both missed the ♥ duck and went one down. The top score was a
cautious 2♠+3
Terry’s Comment. 6♥
is the best contract (assuming a ♦
lead) as you can then try the ♥’s from the top as
you have an entry to the 5th ♥
if they split 4-2 (it is a trump).
Dave’s 2nd
Column Board
17 from Wednesday 25th
This is a hand that Dave played against Bridge Baron. He put it in to see if anyone would emulate the BB’s conservative bidding
Dealer: ♠ KJ1072 Bridge Baron Bidding
North ♥
5 West North(G) East South
Love all ♦ A92 - 1♠ pass 2♥
AQ63 pass 2NT (1) pass 3NT (2)
♠ Q83
N ♠ 953 Table
♥ J86
W E ♥ Q1073 West North(G) East South
98 ♣ 105 pass 3♣ (1) pass 4NT (3)
pass 5♠ (4) pass 7♣ (5)
♥ AK942 all pass
♦ Q
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club?
Everybody found the ♣ fit; 6♣+1 once and 7♣= twice. When Dave played the hand in partnership with Bridge Baron the
bidding was as table A.
Hand B: (a) 2NT. Knock off a point for the flat 4333 type shape and it’s not
quite worth 3NT.
(b) 1NT. Knock
off a point for the flat 4333 type shape and it’s nowhere near a 2NT invite. Supporting
♦’s is a poor choice even if partner promises 4 ♦’s.
Hand D: 3♦, 4th suit forcing. Leaping straight into Blackwood is rarely
a good idea and Blackwood is also a bad idea with a weak suit (♦’s) in which partner has promised nothing.
Also, a RKCB 4NT bid here would include the ‘useless’ ♠K in the answer and so gets you nowhere unless
partner has all four missing keycards. It’s best to take things slowly with a
big hand in a game-forcing auction and 3♦
(4th suit forcing) is clearly best, especially as the response will
tell you if partner has a ♦ control. 3♥ (still game forcing) is a less good
alternative but better than 4NT.
Hand E: 2NT. The Jacoby 2NT setting ♥’s as trumps and asking partner to define his
hand further. If you do not play Jacoby 2NT or similar there is no satisfactory
way to look for slam as you need to set ♥’s
as trumps and no ♥ bid is forcing. That just leaves the very
crude 4NT bid (which at least asks for keycards in ♥’s) but you have no idea if partner has a
shapely 11 count or a good 19 points. Jacoby 2NT followed by RKCB solves
Hand F: (a) 2NT, with these ♠’s that’s fairly
obvious as long as you realize that partner’s 2♦ bid is 100% forcing.
(b) Pass.
With no agreement to the contrary I think it’s best to play a new-suit jump by
partner as weak when you have opened a minor. The other possibility is that
it’s a splinter, but that seems unlikely with this hand and also if you play a
short club. As 2♦ is forcing it would be silly to play 3♦ as natural and strong.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
H 1♣ 1♠ 2♦ 2♦ is natural and
J 1♣ 1♠ 3♥ I would play this as a weak
jump shift after a minor suit opening.
K 1♠ 2♣ 3♦ I would play this as a
splinter after a major suit opening.
L 1♣ pass 1♥ pass (a) 4♣ is natural and looking for a ♣ slam.
2♠ pass 3♦ pass (b) 5♣ is Gerber. Gerber
is always a JUMP in ♣’s (4♣ or 5♣)
3NT pass 4/5♣ when partner’s last bid was NoTrumps.
M 1♣ pass 1♥ pass This jump to 2♠ is called a ‘high’ reverse and is absolutely
2♠ forcing to game.