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Mon 30th 1st Derek & Gerard 62% 2nd
Wed 2nd 1st Derek & Gerard 63 % 2nd Lewis & Terry 61%
Fri 4th 1st Jan & Janne 63% 2nd Lewis & Terje 55%
Bidding Quiz Stand
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ - ♠ KJ95
♥ J1098632 ♥ 9853 With
Hand B everybody is vulnerable. LHO opens 1♦ and
Hand C Hand D With Hand C LHO opens 1♦ and partner overcalls 1♠, what
do you bid?
♠ AQ8 ♠ AK86
♥ AK8642 ♥ A5 With
Hand D you open 1♣ and partner bids 2♥ (very weak,
♣ A10 ♣ AJ105
Hand E Hand F With
Hand E partner opens 1♦ and
what do you bid?
AQ76432 ♠ K10542
♥ A4 ♥ 1073 With
Hand F RHO opens 1♦ and you overcall 1♠. Partner
♣ 3 ♣ Q8
Hand G Hand H With Hand
G RHO opens 1♥, what do you do and what are
your intentions?
♠ K106 ♠ K1032
♥ KQ954 ♥ J32
AKQJ8 ♣ 84
Hand J Hand K With Hand J RHO opens 1♥ and you overcall 1♠. Partner
then bid 1NT, what do you do?
♠ QJ1094 ♠ A
♥ AJ ♥ K10874
♣ 962 ♣
KJ87 RHO passes, what do you do?
Bidding Sequence Quiz
L 1♥ 1NT pass 2♦ You have agreed to play systems on over partner’s 1NT
overcall (and the 1♥ opening only promised 4 cards), so what is the 2♦ bid?
M 1♣ 1♠ pass 2♥ Is 2♥ forcing?
N 1♥ 1♠ pass 1NT How
many points is 1NT?
Let it be Board 20 from Monday 30th
If the opponents bid to a bad spot when it’s very likely that they have a better contract – pass!
Dealer: ♠ 8 Table A
West ♥
KQJ6 West(B) North East South(E)
Both vul ♦ KQJ9832 pass 1♦ 3♣ 4♠ (1)
6 5♣ (2)
♠ KJ95
N ♠ 10 Table
♥ 9853 W E ♥ 1072 West(B) North East South(E)
Q985 ♣ AKJ10742 pass (2) pass (4) pass
♥ A4 Table C
♦ A107 West(B) North East South(E)
And what happened? 4♠ by South went two down for a total bottom. 5♣ doubled went for 800 but scored reasonably
well as the other two tables bid the 6♦
The bottom lines: -
If the opponents are in a poor contract and they
probably have a better spot, then pass!
Can people
who decide to eat during the session please be more careful about keeping
greasy/dirty hands away from the cards. Ask for tissues if a knife and fork are
As some of
you may know, there is a
for comments on the
website. Anybody can post a comment and somebody posted a derogatory comment
about Dave and the club, they also said that it was from Hans Bijvoet. But the e-mail address was wrong and they could
not even spell Hans’ name correctly. Hans confirmed that he has never made a
post so somebody is just trying to stir up trouble. Pathetic eh? The comment is
now deleted.
3) One occasional guest arrived just on time on Wednesday and was partnered with a player of average ability. They scored poorly, he was unhappy, and said he won’t turn up again. My advice is that if you want to get a good partner then turn up early, the good players tend to pair off and if you make a habit of arriving latish you will miss the good players.
1NT opposite partner’s overcall Board 17 from Friday 4th
Dealer: ♠ K765 Table A
North ♥
Q6532 West(K) North East(J) South
Love all ♦ 4 - 1♥ 1♠ pass
AQ5 1NT (1) pass 2NT (2) pass (2)
pass (3) all
♠ A
N ♠ QJ1094
♥ K10874 W E ♥ AJ Table B
KJ87 ♣ 962 - 1♥ 1♠ pass
832 2NT (1) pass 3NT all
♥ 9
♦ J109865
And what happened? Just this one pair missed
the 3NT game and everybody made between 9-11 t
The bottom lines: -
A 1NT response to partner’s 1-level overcall IS NOT
6-9; it is 10-12. This is because partner may have as few as 7 points for his
A 2NT response to partner’s 1-level overcall IS NOT
10-12; it is 13-14. This is because partner may have as few as 7 points for his
This is all explained on the website:
General Bridge Topics > Responding with
No Trumps to partner’s overcall
Too strong for a low-level pre-empt Board 8 from Monday 30th
Dealer: ♠ Q10943 Table A
West ♥
Q7 West(D) North East(A) South
Love all ♦ J5 1♣ (1) pass (2) 2♥ (3) pass
K972 pass (4) 2♠ 3♦ (5) 3♠
♠ AK86
N ♠ -
♥ A5 W E ♥ J1098632 Table B
AJ105 ♣ 4 1♣ (1) pass (2) 1♥ (3) pass
J752 2NT (8) pass 4♥ all
♥ K4
♦ A103
And what happened? 3♠* went just one down for 100 but 4♥ making scored 420. One North
found the good sacrifice of 4♠ over E-W’s 4♥ contract and only went for 300. The other
contract was a somewhat bizarre 2NT by West (I don’t see how East can pass this
with 12 red cards!). The bottom lines: -
Understand Hand Evaluation. Four points concentrated
in 12 red cards is NOT 4 points! The hand is worth a GREAT DEAL more.
Note that this East hand will make 5♥ opposite as little
as ♠xxxx ♥Ax ♦Axx ♣ Axxx
and will make 4♥ opposite most moderate openers.
Not for take-out Board 3 from Monday 30th
When there’s only one suit left, a double is usually penalties.
Dealer: ♠ K1053 West North East South
South ♥
A43 - - - pass
E-W vul ♦ A10 pass 1♣
J963 1NT (3) pass 2♥ (4)
pass pass (6) pass
♠ 87
N ♠ A9
♥ J109
W E ♥ KQ8765
AK85 ♣ Q43
♥ 2
♦ KJ986
And what happened? 2♥* made +1 for 870 and a total top to E-W. 4♠’s makes for 420 to N-S. There were various
spurious results.
The bottom lines: -
Bid a 5-card major in preference to a 5-card minor.
Do not make a silly double if it’s possible that
partner may think it’s for penalties.
With a 6-card suit and 13 points, overcall rather than
Double followed by a new suit shows around 17+ points.
Change of suit over partner’s overcall Board 11 from Monday 30th
Most people play that a simple change of suit opposite an overcall by partner is non-forcing; with a good hand, cue bid the opener’s suit.
Dealer: ♠ 3 Table A
South ♥
Q5 West(F) North East(C) South
Love all ♦ 5432 - - - 1♦
J76542 1♠ pass 2♥ (1) pass
pass (2) pass
♠ K10542 N ♠ AQ8
♥ 1073 W E ♥ AK8642 Table B
Q8 ♣ A10 - - - 1♦
J976 1♠ pass 2♦ (1) pass
♥ J9 2♠ (3) pass 4♠ (4) all pass
♦ AQJ8
And what happened? 2♥ made +4 for a total bottom as everybody else
was in game, either +1, +2 or just making,
The bottom lines: -
A change of suit over an overcall is not forcing.
Any raise of partner’s overcall is weak.
With a good hand opposite an overcall, start off with
a cue bid of opener’s suit.
Standard French? Board 9 from Monday 30th
I am not familiar with French methods, but Jean Charles goes along
Dealer: ♠ AQ76 Table A
North ♥
AQ West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 65 pass 1♣ pass 1♦
107642 pass 1NT (1) pass 3NT
all pass
♠ J53
N ♠ 98
♥ KJ854 W E ♥ 10962 Table B
K8 ♣ QJ3 pass 1♣ pass 1♦
K1042 pass 1♠ (1) pass 4♠
♥ 73 all pass
♦ AK107
And what happened? 4♠ should make +1; 3NT got a bad score for just
The bottom lines: - If you partner
Walsh Board 11 from Wednesday 2nd
Now Lewis is back I play with him on Wednesdays, and we play a system called Walsh in which the 1NT bid in the sequence 1♣ - 1♦ - 1NT may well conceal one or two 4-card majors.
Dealer: ♠ K108 West North East South
South ♥
K74 - - - pass
Love all ♦ QJ62 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
J42 1NT (1) all
♠ Q432
N ♠ J95 (1) This was alerted with
the explanation that
♥ A63
W E ♥ Q95 West may or may not have a 4-card major.
KQ65 ♣ 873 And what happened?
A76 Virtually
everybody was playing in 1NT but
♥ J1082 at this table
West scored +2 for a joint top
♦ 1073 when
the opponents played on ♠’s. Walsh
The bottom lines:
If you play the
Playing Walsh the 1♦ response does not
necessarily deny a 4-card major and so does not need to be alerted; however,
the 1NT bid in the sequence 1♣ - 1♦ - 1NT needs to be
alerted as “could contain a 4-card major”.
If you play either of these schemes and fail to alert
then you may well get an adjusted score if the opponents feel that they were
An Awkward Bid Board 7 from Wednesday 2nd
Dealer: ♠ QJ3 Table A
North ♥
87 West(G) North East South
Both vul ♦ QJ742 - - - 1♥
1097 2♣ (1) pass pass pass (2)
♠ K106
N ♠ 8752 Table B
♥ KQ954 W E ♥ J West(G) North East South
AKQJ8 ♣ 63 1NT (1) pass 2♦ (3) pass
A94 2♥ (3) pass 3♦ (4) pass
♥ A10632 3NT (5) all pass
♦ A9
And what happened? A ♥ was led, won by South and a ♥ returned. I won with the ♥9, cashed the ♣’s and ♥KQ and threw South in with the last ♥ so that I was assured the 9th t
The bottom lines: -
A 1NT overcall promises 15-17 (or 15-18) points and
guarantees a stop in the suit bid. Unlike a 1NT opening, the shape need not be
balanced and a singleton (or void?) is allowed.
Do not make a simple overcall with a good 18 points;
it’s also too good for 1NT – double is best.
I guess you have to agree what a transfer into an
opponent’s suit means?
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the play of the hand.
West East You are East, declarer in 4♠,
leads the ♣Q, plan the play.
♠ K1032 ♠ AJ54
♥ J32 ♥ Q76
84 ♣ AK
Dave’s Column
answer Board
10 from Wednesday 25th
Dealer: ♠ 76 Table A
East ♥ A109 West(H) North East South
Both vul ♦ 764 - - 2NT pass
♣ 97652 3NT (1) all
♠ K1032 ♠ AJ54 Table
♥ J32 ♥ Q76 West(H) North East South
84 ♣ AK 3♣ (1) pass 3♠ pass
♠ Q98 4♠ all
♦ 105 (1) What did you bid with
this West hand H in this
♣ QJ103 week’s
quiz? No less than 4 West’s
have apparently
not yet mastered Stayman.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Two
pairs were in the best contract of 4♠
and both made. Unfortunately they did not share the top but scored an average
when two of the pairs in the inferior 3NT scored an overt
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is this week’s Dave input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are North, declarer in (a)
7♦ or (b) 7NT. West had doubled
♠ K76 ♠ AQ32 a 2♣ Stayman bid during the auction and East leads a small ♣.
♥ KQ75 ♥
A3 Plan the play.
♦ QJ32 ♦ AK64
♣ A3 ♣ K54
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
10 from Wednesday 25th
Dealer: ♠ K76 Pattaya bridge club bidding
North ♥ KQ75 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ QJ32 - 1NT pass 2♣
♣ A3
pass 5♠ pass 5NT
♠ J9 ♠ 10854 pas 6♠ pass 7NT
♥ 10864 ♥ J92 all
QJ10987 ♣ 62 (1)
Apparently asking for aces in their system.
♠ AQ32
A3 In
Eddie Kantar’s book the contract was 7♦ and
♦ AK64 got a ♣ lead. The answer was to play ♦A,Q and
♣ K54 discover
the 4-1 break. You then play for the 13th
♠ - At out table the declarer cashed the top two ♣’s
♥ KQ75 and
three rounds of ♠’s. Three rounds of ♦’s
♦ 2 followed
and this was the 5-card ending.
♣ - The ♦A was led from dummy
and West was squeezed. He had to discard a ♥ as otherwise
♠ - ♠ 10 dummy’s
♣5 was good and declarer then
♥ 10864 ♥ J92 had four ♥ t
Q ♣ - came
first and who came second on the day.
♠ 2 But we’ll be back.
♦ A
♣ 5
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 7NT=
twice, 7NT-1 once, 6NT+1, 6NT=, and 4♥+2.
Play Problem Here’s another
play problem that was randomly dealt.
West East You are East, declarer in 6♥
very sensible opponents,
♠ Q9 ♠ AK10 how do you play the ♥ suit?
♥ KJ7 ♥ A10942
♣ J1082 ♣ K7
problem answer Board
10 from Monday 10th
Dealer: ♠ J432 West North East South
North ♥ Q86 - pass 1♥ pass
E-W vul ♦ 85 2♣ pass 2NT pass
♣ Q953 4♣ (1) pass 4♠ pass
6♥ all pass
♠ Q9 ♠ AK10
♥ KJ7 ♥ A10942 (1) asking for aces.
J1082 ♣ K7 One
pair had this auction to the rather optimistic
♠ 8765 6♥ slam. The question is, how do you play the ♥ suit?
♦ 10743 At the table
declarer led the ♥J and when it was not covered
♣ A64 he
went up with the ♥A and thus went one down.
Was this the correct play of the ♥ suit? I did not think so and so I asked an
experienced player on Wednesday (I could not check it out with the program on
the website as my internet was down), he did exactly the same. It is often a
good idea to lead the jack from table in situations like this in case an
inexperienced North covers with the queen. But in a reasonable standard game
nobody would cover as declarer is known to have 5+ ♥’s and if he did not have the ♥10 he would finesse the Jack.
So it looks like an evens
bet then?
No!. The point is that
if the ♥’s are 3-2 then it is simply a gamble, but if
they are split Qxxx opposite x then you can only pick
up the suit if North has the Qxxx. So the correct
play is to play the ♥K and then run the ♥J.
For those disbelievers who do not believe me,
check it out on the web-site’s suit play program. The program does indeed play
the king and then run the jack.
I have just written a new page on the web with
Suit Split Tables and a 4-1 split is 28%, and it’s 11.3% (you get that number from
the suit split calculator) that North has Qxxx – so well worth playing for.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand B: Pass.
Hand D: Pass, the hand is nowhere good
enough for 2NT.
Hand E: 3♠. This is forcing and quite sufficient. A jump to 4♠ is totally unnecessary and would show a much
better ♠ suit with little liking of ♦’s.
Hand F: Pass. Partner’s change of suit
over your overcall is not forcing and you are minimum.
Hand K: 1NT, this promises 10-12 points
and a ♥ stop.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
L 1♥ 1NT pass 2♦ This is up to partnership understanding. In the real world
it may well be sensible to use it as a transfer to expose a psyche by opener.
In our club, where psyches are not allowed, the best use of the bid is probably
to show a weak hand that wants to play in ♦’s.
M 1♣ 1♠ pass 2♥ A
new suit opposite an overcall is generally played as non-forcing
N 1♥ 1♠ pass 1NT 1NT
over partner’s 1-level overcall is 10-12 points; remember, partner may have
only 7-8 points for his overcall.