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Mon 28th 1st Lewis &
Wed 30th 1st Eddie & Janne 66% 2nd George & Peter 56%
Fri 1st 1st Lewis &
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ 63 ♠ 53
♥ AJ9 ♥ 84 With
Hand B partner opens 1♠ and
Hand C Hand D What do
you open with Hand C?
♠ AQ3 ♠ AKQ3
♥ A64 ♥ Q843 With Hand D you open 1♦
and LHO doubles. Partner bids 3♣,
♣ AJ76 ♣ J
Hand E Hand F What do
you open with hand E?
♠ AQ62 ♠ -
♥ AKJ963 ♥ 9875 With
Hand F you open 1♣, LHO bids 1♠, partner passes and
♣ J ♣ AK874 doubles. What is partner’s double and
what do you bid?
Hand G Hand H With Hand
G partner opens 1♣ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
bids 3♣,
what do you bid?
♠ AQJ653 ♠
♥ A94 ♥ K432
♣ K3 ♣ AQJ
Bidding Sequence Quiz
J 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
3♣ pass 3♠ Is 3♠ weak, invitational or forcing?
K 1♣ 1♠ pass 2♠
pass pass
L 1♦
M 1♦
I would like to use this otherwise
blank space to clarify some of the club rules. They are all up on the web under
‘local rules. Just a few of the most important: This is a friendly club and
some rules of bridge are relaxed (looking at the last t
for Partner’s Minor Board 12 from Monday 28th
If partner opens 1♣/♦ and you have a strong hand with no suit other than partner’s then you have a problem in traditional methods – you have no forcing raise.
Dealer: ♠ K985 Table A
West ♥ K7 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ J762 1♣ pass 1♥ (1) pass
♣ 1094 1♠ pass 3♣ (2) pass
5♣ (3) all
♠ AQ72 N ♠ 63
♥ 1053 W E ♥ AJ9 ‘Expert’ Table
QJ53 ♣ AK762 1♣ pass 2♣ (1) pass
♠ J104 2♦ (4) pass 2♥ (4) pass
Q8642 2NT (5) pass 3NT all
♦ K1098
And what happened? 5♣ went one down. 3NT made exactly once and +1 twice.
The bottom lines: -
Sometimes you have to lie, but do not lie in a major
Play inverted minors.
If you do not play inverted minors and have a suitable
hand, then bid the other minor if NoTrumps is not a decent bid.
Do not play in 5 of a minor if 3NT is a remotely
sensible contract.
A negative double Board 12 from Monday 28th
Partner opens and
Dealer: ♠ Q106 Table A
West ♥ KQ763 West North East(B) South
E-W vul ♦ J87 1♠ 2♥ pass (1) 3♥
♣ J8 3♠ (2) pass pass (3) pass
♠ AKJ874 N ♠ 53 ‘Expert’ Table
♥ A W E ♥ 84 West North East(B) South
54 ♣ AQ10732 4♦ (4) pass 4♠ (5) all pass
♠ 92
♦ 954
And what happened? Two pairs bid to 3♠ making +2. One pair bid 4♠ +1. The last pair bid to 6♠-1 when East made the very poor overbid of 3♣ at (1).
The bottom lines: -
Do not respond at the two level
without a very good 10+ points, especially with scant support for partner’s
A response at the three level
after interference must be game forcing (good 12+).
When RHO overcalls leaving you no room to make your
natural bid, make a negative double with 6+ points and insufficient values to
bid at the two/three level (so about 6-10).
If there is an unbid major, then a negative double
promises the other major.
If both majors have been bid then a negative double simply
promises values.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s
Dave input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer in 6♠,
leads the ♣ 10,
♠ A7 ♠ KQJ1098 plan the play.
♥ K432 ♥
♦ 9876 ♦ K10
♣ AQJ ♣ K3
Column answer Board
27 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ A7 West North(H) East South
South ♥ K432 - - - 1♠
Love all ♦ 9876 pass 2NT (1) pass 4♣ (2)
♣ AQJ pass 4♠ (3) pass 6♠ (4)
all pass
♠ 543 N ♠ 62
♥ Q8 W E ♥ 10976 This is
the bidding from the book.
109876 ♣ 542
♠ KQJ1098
♦ K10
♣ K3
(1) What
did you bid with this North hand H in this week’s quiz? This is the bidding
Dave’s book and 2NT is apparently natural and
not Jacoby 2NT. But it’s a lousy bid (sorry Eddie K). A natural 2NT over 1♠ is passable and denies 4 ♥’s when playing Standard American. This hand
should bid 2♦ although I would not argue with 2♣ as that’s where the values are.
(2) Gerber,
asking for aces
(3) Two
(4) 4NT
would be a sign-off, 5♣ asking for kings.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6♠-1, 6♠-2, 4♠+2,
3NT+3, and 3NT+2.
2nd Column Another Dave problem involving the play of the hand.
West East You are East, declarer
in 4♥, and South leads the ♠Q
♠ K6543 ♠ 2 which
holds. At t
♥ 5 ♥ AKQJ1098 What do you do?
AKJ ♣ 2
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
26 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ A987 West North East South
West ♥ 432 pass pass 4♥ all pass
both vul ♦ K7
♣ 10974
♠ K6543 N ♠ 2
♥ 5 W E ♥ AKQJ1098
AKJ ♣ 2
♠ QJ10
♦ AQ6
♣ Q8653
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥+1. 3NT+1, 4♥= twice and 4♥-1.
The bottom lines: -
- It looks like 4♥ making, so passing Dave’s test, gets a bad score at our club!
That 4333 shape again Board 18 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ K8 West North East(C) South
East ♥ KJ8 - - 1NT (1) pass
N-S vul ♦ A864 pass
♣ KQ43 2♥ (4)
♠ J65 N ♠ AQ3 (1) What did you open
with this East hand C
♥ Q953 W E ♥ A64 in this week’s quiz? Knock off a point for
952 ♣ AJ76 1NT
opener – open 1♣ and rebid 1NT.
♠ 109742 (2) A possibly dubious double in this position.
1072 (3) 2♠ is the alternative, especially as the
♦ KQ10 opponents are non-vul. But with 4 tens I
And what happened? 2♥ doubled went two down for 300 and a top to
The bottom lines: -
Deduct a point for the totally flat 4333 type shape
Not playing Benjamin any more? Board 12 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ J8 West North East(E) South
West ♥ Q754 - - 2♣ (1) pass
N-S vul ♦ Q4 2♦ (2) pass 2♥ (3) pass
♣ KQ962 pass (4) pass
♠ 1053 N ♠ AQ62 (1) What did you open with this East hand E
♥ 82 W E ♥ AKJ963 in
this week’s quiz? This hand
has about
103 ♣ J is required. This E-W play Benjamin but
♠ 109742
East did not want to open a
game forcing
1072 2♦ as then partner would be declarer.
♦ KQ10 (2) Automatic
relay in their style.
When West passed the 2♥ bid East exclaimed that he would never play
Benjamin twos again - he was looking for slam in either major.
And what happened? 2♥ made exactly! So a lucky top
for E-W? No, it was only average; other scores were 4♥=, 3♥=,
3♥-1 and 4♥-1.
The bottom lines: -
Playing t
Check out the article “the
problem with playing t
pattayabridge.com > General
Bridge Topics > Playing t
It’s penalties Board 23 from Friday 1st
Dealer: ♠ AKJ8 West North East South(F)
South ♥ A103 - - - 1♣
both vul ♦ 10864 1♠ pass (1) 2♠ (2) pass
♣ 106 pass
♠ Q9765 N ♠ 10432
♥ - W E ♥ KQJ642 (1) With these great ♠’s
North decided to go for
QJ952 ♣ 3 (2) Looks right to me.
♠ -
(3) This is penalties
9875 (4) What did you bid with this South hand F
♦ AK95 in this week’s quiz? Partner has made a
And what happened? 2♠* was -4 and so 1100. N-S bid to game at the
other two tables
The bottom lines: -
Sequence K
is penalties – partner was prepared to defend at the one level doubled and will
be delighted to defend at the two level.
You often
get them one level higher when you play negative doubles.
Both sides bid 3NT! Board 2 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ J1098642 Table A
East ♥ 1092 West North East(D) South
N-S vul ♦ Q87 - - 1♦
♣ - 3♣ (1) pass 3NT (2)
4♣ (3) pass pass
♠ 5 N ♠ AKQ3 all pass
♥ J5 W E ♥ Q843
Q10876543 ♣ J West North East(D) South
♠ 7 - - 1♦
AK76 3♣ (1) pass pass (2) 3NT (4)
♦ K1064 4♣ (5) pass pass pass (6)
And what happened? 4♣ doubled went -1 for a bottom, 4♣ undoubled went -1 for
a near bottom and there were the usual spurious results.
The bottom lines: -
A jump response when partner
has opened and
Don’t bid again having pre-empted - especially if
partner has not had a chance to double!
Stay Low on a mis-fit Board 4 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ AK9743 Table A
West ♥ QJ9765 West North East South
both vul ♦ 4 1♦ 1♠ (1) 2♠ (2) 3♣
♣ - 3♦ (3) 3♥
pass (4) pass
♠ 52 N ♠ QJ106 pass (5) pass
♥ - W E ♥ AK108432
A53 ♣ J6 West North East South
♠ 8 1♦ 4♦ (1) 6♥ (6) pass
- pass
♦ Q987 pass (7)
And what happened? 6♥* went for 1700 and 4♣* went two down for a near top. Other results
were 7♦*-4, 5♦*-1,
and 4♠* (by North)-3. Strange board, 5 different
contracts and every one doubled.
The bottom lines: -
Don’t bid your hand 3 times, two West’s kept on
bidding their ♦’s and went down.
It’s forcing Board 4 from Friday 1st
Dealer: ♠ K82 West North East(G) South
West ♥ Q10765 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
both vul ♦ K32 3♣ pass 3♥ (1) pass
♣ 65 3NT pass 4♣ (2) pass
5♣ all pass
♠ 9 N ♠ AQJ653
♥ K3 W E ♥ A94 (1) What did you bid with this East hand G in
AQJ10974 ♣ K3 of hand is why 3♠ is forcing. I guess East
♠ 1074
not realize this and so made up a 3♥
J82 (2) Clearly East should
pass – if 3NT is possibly
♦ AJ1054 a
viable contract, then play there. 4♠ would
And what happened? 5♣ went -1, presumably West
decided not to take the ♠ finesse. Anyway, 5♣ making would still have been a bottom as
others were in 3NT+1 and 4♠=.
The bottom lines: -
Sequence J
is forcing – showing a decent ♠ suit and looking
for the best spot.
It is
rarely correct to pull partner’s 3NT into a minor suit contract.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand B:
Hand D: pass, partner’s 3♣ is a weak pre-emptive bid.
Hand E: 2♣, or 2♦ if you play Benjamin. This hand has about 10
playing t
Hand F: pass, partner’s double is
penalties - he was prepared to defend 1♠
doubled and is now delighted that it’s up at the two level. It is not for
take-out, if partner had any sort of hand where he wants you to bid at the
three level then he would not have passed initially.
Hand G: 3♠, forcing.
Hand H: 2♦, or 2♣. You cannot bid 2♥ as that promises 5 ♥’s. You cannot bid 2NT as that denies a 4-card ♥ suit. So you have to bid a minor. I would bid
the 4-card ♦ suit but certainly not argue if you chose 2♣, where the values are.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
J 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
3♣ pass 3♠ 3♠ is 100% forcing
K 1♣ 1♠ pass 2♠
pass pass
L 1♦
M 1♦
With reference to
sequences L & M, when
1) A new suit by you at the 1-level is forcing, as if the double had not
A new suit by you at the two level is weakish and non-forcing.
A jump in a new suit is
1NT retains it’s
normal 6-10 meaning.
With a strong hand, double (9+,
generally short in partner’s suit and often looking for a penalty) or bid 2NT
to show a sound raise to three or better of partner’s suit (Jordan/Truscott