Mon 28th 1st Arne F & Svein 59% 2nd Eddie & Jan = Derek & Gerard 56%
Wed 30th 1st Derek & Gerard 59% 2nd Gene &
Fri 1st 1st Lewis &
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ A865 ♠ KJ103
♥ AJ ♥ AK With Hand B
LHO opens 1♣ (could be short) and
♦ 1074 ♦ 9852 You pass and LHO bids 1♥. This is passed round to you,
Hand C Hand D With Hand
C RHO opens 1♦, what do you do (love all)?
♠ 64 ♠ 64
♥ AQ632 ♥ AQ632 With Hand D it’s
the same question as Hand C.
♦ 65 ♦ Q5
♣ Q972 ♣ 9762
Hand E Hand F With Hand E it’s love all. LHO opens 1♦ and partner overcalls
1♥. RHO bids 1♠, what do you bid?
♠ Q73 ♠ AKQ9
KQ962 ♥ KQ62
♦ 9 ♦ 104 With Hand F it’s the same question
as Hand E.
♣ Q853 ♣ J104
Hand G Hand H With Hand G you open 1♠ and partner bids 1NT, what
do you do?
♠ AK10864 ♠ A653
A76 ♥ K972 With Hand H partner opens 1♦ and you
bid 1♥, partner then
♦ 7 ♦ AK bids 1♠, what do you bid?
♣ A64 ♣ KJ9
Bidding Sequence Quiz
J 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
1♠ pass 3♠ Is 3♠ invitational or
K 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ 4♥ What is 4♥?
L 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ 2♦ What is 2♦?
M 1♥ pass 1♠ pass
3♥ pass 4♣ What is the 4♣ bid?
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1813.9 Dave Cutler 1786.5 1779.1 Ivy Schlageter 1757.6 Bob Pelletier |
661.8 Dave Cutler 660.6 657.5 Jeremy Watson 656.9 Hans Vikman 642.0 Lars Gustafsson 641.3 Ivy Schlageter 634.3 Derek & Gerard 623.7 Bob Pelletier 613.5 Terje Lie 611.0 … |
342.3 Dave Cutler 341.9 Hans Vikman 341.1 338.6 Jeremy Watson 336.9 Lars Gustafsson 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 328.5 Derek & Gerard 326.3 320.2 Terje Lie 319.7 Bob Pelletier ... |
Look for the 4-4 fit Board 10 from Monday 4th
Dealer: ♠ A865 Table A
East ♥ AJ West North(A) East South
both vul ♦ 1074 - - pass 1NT
♣ KJ104 pass 3NT (1) all pass
♠ 104 N ♠ KJ9 Table B
♥ 854 W E ♥ 10973 West North(A) East South
Q96 ♣ 732 pass 2♣ (1) pass 2♦
♠ Q732 pass 3NT all
♦ A9
And what happened? This really is too trivial
for the quiz, but I put it in because TWO North’s failed to bid Stayman and bid
the vastly inferior 3NT. Results were 3NT-1, 3NT=, 4♠+1 (twice) and 4♠+2.
The bottom lines: -
Look for the 4-4 major suit fit – it usually generates
1 extra t
Raising Partner’s overcall Board 24 from Wednesday 6th
When partner overcalls at the one-level, do not jump to game just because you have an opening hand. Partner’s overcall may be just 7-8 points and that’s why the Unassuming Cue Bid was invented – to ask opener if he has anywhere near opening values and stay low if not.
Dealer: ♠ 64
West ♥ AQ632 West North(D) East South(F)
E-W vul ♦ Q5 1♦ 1♥ (1) 1♠ (2) 4♥ (3)
♣ 9762 all
♠ J85 N ♠ 10732
♥ 7 W E ♥ J94
Q53 ♣ AK8
♠ AKQ9
♦ 104
And what happened? Everybody was playing in 3♥ or 4♥
and all went one or two down. No West played in ♦’s but 3♦ should make easily enough.
The bottom lines: -
A 1-level overcall may be as few as 7-8 points.
With a sound raise to 3 or better opposite partner’s 1-level
overcall, use the Unassuming Cue Bid to check if partner has a decent overcall
(say 11+ pts) or not.
A jump to 4♥ after partner has
overcalled 1♥ is a pre-emptive bid!
Asking about a short ♣ Board 18 from Monday 4th
It’s very
clearly written up in the club rules. If you play a short club (could be two
cards) then you either tell the opponents before play commences (preferred) or
else alert/announce the 1♣ opening. It is against the rules for anybody to ask during the
auction ‘do you play a short ♣’. This has the implication that you yourself have a ♣ suit.
Dealer: ♠ KJ103 West North(B) East South
East ♥ AK - - 1♣ pass
N-S vul ♦ 9852 1♦ (1) pass 1♥ pass
♣ Q74 pass (2) 1NT (3) pass 2NT (4)
♠ Q N ♠ A862
♥ 10654 W E ♥ Q972 (1) Just about worth a response, especially as 1♣
98 ♣ A63 (2) 2♥
may keep the opposition out, but may
♠ 9754 prompt partner to bid too high.
J83 (3) What did you bid with this North hand B in
♦ K this week’s quiz? I would either double or
And what happened? 2NT went -3 for a bottom. 2♠ made +1 for the top elsewhere.
The bottom lines: -
Look for the 4-4 major suit fit.
- Don’t ask the opponents if they play a
short ♣, especially if you yourself have a ♣ suit.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s
Dave input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer in 4♠,
leads the ♦A, K,10, plan
♠ 543 ♠ AKQJ10 the play.
♥ 864 ♥
♦ 962 ♦ QJ
♣ AK74 ♣ 62
Column answer Board
11 from Wednesday 6th
Dealer: ♠ 543 West North East South
South ♥ 864 - - - 1♠
Love all ♦ 962 pass 1NT pass 3♥
♣ AK74 pass 3♠ pass 4♠ (1)
all pass
♠ 987 N ♠ 62
♥ J932 W E ♥ Q10 This
is the bidding from the book. When I
98 ♣ QJ1053 a
hog and have already shown my shape.
♠ AKQJ10 Partner, with 3334, could have passed but
AK75 he decided to bid 4♠.
♦ QJ
♣ 62 Anyway,
East leads the ♦A,K and 10, plan the play.
. You have
lost two ♦ t
If the ♥ suit divides 3-3 you will be OK,
but what if ♥’s divide normally – 4-2?
You must assume a 4-2 division
and see if you can do anything about it. With no discards available for the 4th
♥ you
must plan to trump it in dummy.
The problem is, you only have low
trumps in dummy and someone might over-ruff. Look at the ♥ position.
If you plat ♥A,K and a 3rd ♥, West can win and play a 4th
♥ allowing East to over-ruff
dummy. If, on the other hand, you draw two rounds of trumps before conceding a ♥, West can play a 3rd
trump and frustrate you once again.
The answer – when you have to
ruff a 4th card low in dummy – is to first duck a card in the suit,
then draw two rounds of trumps and finally ruff your 4th ♥ in dummy.
Terry’s Comment. This is another typical safety
play which is inapplicable playing pairs. The line works because the hand with
two ♥’s only has two trumps. It is
much more likely that the hand with two ♥’s will have three trumps and
then you go two down – a disaster at pairs scoring.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? One
pair played in 3NT and made when the ♦’s
split 4-4. The four other pairs played in 4♠ and everybody (including me and Lewis at separate tables) played the
correct line at matchpoint pairs scoring and played with the odds – simply
drawing trumps and hoping ♥’s are 3-3, thus
ensuring no more than one down. Everybody was thus -1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Another
Dave problem involving the play of the hand.
West East You are West, declarer in 6♣, and North leads
the ♠A,K,
♠ 5 ♠ 7632 plan
the play.
♥ A93 ♥ KJ2
AKJ96 ♣ Q102
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
26 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ AK84 West North East South
West ♥ 10864 1♣ pass 2NT (1) pass
both vul ♦ 86 3♦ pass 3♥ (2) pass
♣ 743 4♣ pass 4♦ pass
4♥ pass 5♣ pass
♠ 5 N ♠ 7632 6♣ pass
♥ A93 W E ♥ KJ2
AKJ96 ♣ Q102
♠ QJ109 (1) East
decided to ignore the 4 ♠’s because
Q75 all
of his points were outside the suit.
♦ 7543 (2) Apparently
showing strength in ♥’s
♣ 85 and weakness in ♠’s.
After ruffing the 2nd ♠, the only possible loser is a ♥ and that might be avoided my means of a
finesse. But why finesse if a dummy reversal brings home the contract?
Play the ♣A
and a ♣ to the ♣10.
If trumps are 4-1 draw the remaining trumps and eventually fall back on the ♥ finesse.
However, if trumps are 3-2 as here, ruff a ♠ in hand, cross to dummy with the ♦J and ruff dummy’s last ♠ with your last trump. Return to dummy with the
♥K and discard the ♥9 on the ♣Q.
Your hand is now high.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club?
Not surprisingly, nobody was in 6♣.
Four pairs were in 3NT making exactly and one pair stopped in 2NT making +1.
It’s not forcing Board 19 from Friday 4th
One very good tip in bridge bidding is – don’t make an invitational bid with a game (slam even!) going hand.
Dealer: ♠ A653 West North(H) East South
South ♥ K972 - - pass 1♦
E-W vul ♦ AK pass 1♥ pass 1♠
♣ KJ9 pass 3♠ (1) pass pass (2)
♠ 107 N ♠ J42
♥ QJ86 W E ♥ 1053 (1) What did you bid with this North hand H in
5432 ♣ A86 it’s not forcing!
♠ KQ98 (2) With
a minimum, South passed.
♦ J653 So what should North bid at (1)?
If he wants to bid 3♠ forcing
And what happened? 3♠ made +3 easily enough (ruff a ♦) and 6♠
was bid at the other three tables. So an outright bottom? Not at the Pattaya
bridge Club – two declarers managed to go down in 6♠! The bottom lines: -
Don’t make an invitational bid with game forcing
Sequence J: 1♦ - 1♥ - 1♠ - 3♠ is invitational in
both Standard American and Acol.
Upgrade with good shape Board 25 from Friday 4th
Dealer: ♠ 7 West North East South(G)
North ♥ KJ104 - - pass 1♠
E-W vul ♦ K108653 pass 1NT pass 2♠ (1)
♣ Q9 all
♠ Q53 N ♠ J92 (1) What did you bid with this South hand G
♥ Q2 . W E ♥ 9853 in this week’s quiz? 15 points is not
J10752 ♣ K83 A
superb 6-card major headed by the AK,
♠ AK10864 two
aces, and a singleton. If ever a hand
A76 needed upgrading it’s
this one.
♦ 7
And what happened? 2♠ made +2. I think everybody else jumped to 3♠; one North passed it making +1, one North bid
3NT+1 (that would be my choice) and the other pair ended in 4♠=.
The bottom lines: -
Upgrade hands with good 6 card suit and with aces.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand B:
Hand D: 1♥ or pass. This hand is not so good as the ♦Q is not worth as much as the ♣Q
of the previous hand. The majority opinion was to pass but I would not argue
with 1♥.
Hand E: 4♥. This is a pre-emptive bid.
Hand F: 2♦, 3♦ or 2♠;
depending upon your style and agreements about Unassuming Cue bids. The point
is that you should not bid 4♥ because (a) it’s a
weak bid, and (b) partner may have only 8-9 points for his overcall and you
will be too high.
Hand G: 3♠, it’s only 15 points, but with a 6-card suit headed by the AK, two
aces, and a singleton, this hand needs a huge upgrade. 2♠ is chicken. This ♠ suit is virtually self-sufficient and 4♠ may well make opposite a singleton ♠ (it did) or 3NT may be there (it was).
Hand H: 2♣ or 4NT. You cannot bid 3♠
as that’s not forcing; the way to make it forcing is to bid the 4th
suit (so 2♣ here) and then bid 3♠ over partner’s response, whatever it is. The
slow approach is generally fine and often best – as long as every bid is
forcing! However, I cannot see anything wrong with taking control with a RKCB
bid of 4NT – partner has shown no more than a minimum and it’s fine for this
hand to take charge.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
J 1♦ pass 1♥ pass 3♠ is invitational. If
you want to bid a forcing 3♠,
1♠ pass 3♠ bid 2♣ (4th
suit) first and then bid 3♠.
K 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ 4♥ 4♥ is a weak pre-emptive bid.
L 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ 2♦ 2♦ is an Unassuming Cue bid, showing a sound
raise to 3♥ or better.
M 1♥ pass 1♠ pass 4♣ is a cue bid,
agreeing ♥’s as trumps and looking for slam.
3♥ pass 4♣