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Mon 11th 1st Lewis & Terry 60% 2nd Derek & Gerard 56%
Wed 13th 1st Bob P &
Fri 15th 1st Dave & Terry 61% 2nd Arne & Svein 55%
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
QJ98 ♠ K103
♥ AQJ9 ♥ J52 With Hand
B it’s favourable vulnerability again.
Hand C Hand D With Hand C it’s favourable vulnerability again. You open
1♣ and LHO overcalls a weak 2♠; partner doubles (showing
♠ A1086 ♠ A63 4 ♥'s), what
do you do?
♥ 10 ♥ KQ62
AK76 ♣KJ94 round to you, what
do you do?
Hand E Hand F With Hand E it’s favourable vulnerability, you open 1♦ and
LHO overcalls 1♥, partner passes, what do you do?
♠ AK43 ♠ AQ72
74 ♥ AK6 With Hand F
it’s favourable vulnerability, you open 1♣ and
♦ KQ84 ♦ - LHO overcalls 1♦, partner passes, what do you do?
♣ 1094 ♣ J76542
Hand G Hand H With Hand
G it’s both vulnerable. Partner opens 1♠ and
overcalls a weak 3♣, what do you do?
J ♠ AK953
♥ 94 ♥
AKQ76 With Hand H it’s both vulnerable. You
open 1♠ and LHO
♦ AK753 ♦ Q4 overcalls
a weak 3♣, this is passed to you, what do you do?
♣ KJ1083 ♣ 9
1) Brian Senior, bridge
professional and journalist, has represented both
2) One member suggested that we should change
the start time to
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1821.3 Dave Cutler 1786.5 1779.1 Ivy Schlageter 1764.1 Bob Pelletier |
661.8 Dave Cutler 660.6 657.5 Jeremy Watson 656.9 Hans Vikman 642.0 Lars Gustafsson 641.3 Ivy Schlageter 634.3 Derek & Gerard 626.5 Bob Pelletier 613.5 Terje Lie 611.4 Janne Roos … |
342.3 Dave Cutler 341.9 Hans Vikman 341.1 Jeremy Watson 341.1 336.9 Lars Gustafsson 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 328.5 Derek & Gerard 326.3 320.5 Bob Pelletier 320.2 Terje Lie ... |
A lucrative 1-level penalty – part 1 Board 3 from Monday 11th
Some people believe that doubling for penalties at the 1-level is a waste of time – don’t you believe it.
Dealer: ♠
QJ98 West North(A) East South(E)
South ♥ AQJ9 - - - 1♦
E-W vul ♦ 5 1♥ (1) pass (2) pass
♣ AJ87 pass pass (4) 1♠ (5)
♠ 10 N ♠ 7652
♥ K106532 W E ♥ 8 (1) Looks reasonable, but is the suit quality
K32 ♣ Q65 (2) What did you bid with this North hand A
♠ AK43 in
this week’s quiz? Obviously you can
74 make
game but going for the penalty must
♦ KQ84 be best at this vulnerability.
And what happened? North mis-defended and so
they only got 800 instead of the 1400 on offer, it was still easily good enough
for a clear top. 1♥ doubled would probably have gone for just 500
and a joint top to N-S.
The bottom lines: -
You need a good suit to overcall at adverse
vulnerability – experienced opponents are very likely to go for the penalty.
A lucrative 1-level penalty – part 2 Board 18 from Monday 11th
Dealer: ♠
9865 Table
East ♥ Q1083 West(B) North East(F) South
N-S vul ♦ 96 - - 1♣ 1♦ (1)
♣ K93 1NT (2) pass 2♣ (3) pass
2NT (4) all
♠ K103 N ♠ AQ72
♥ J52 W E ♥ AK6 Table
8 ♣ J76542 - - 1♣ 1♦ (1)
♠ J4 pass (2) pass
974 pass (6) pass
♦ A7432
♣ AQ10
Table B: (1) South got away with it at Table A, but it may
be a good idea to know if your opponents understand negative doubles before you
overcall on suits like this, especially at this vulnerability.
(5) What did you bid with this
East hand F in this week’s quiz? As it happens this East is the most fervent of
advocates of the re-opening double and to him it’s automatic .
(6) Bridge really can be fun.
And what happened? East was the same North as
the previous deal, but he got the defence right this time and collected the
full 1400 on offer for a clear top. One other South played in 2♦ doubled and went for just 1100. 2NT made +3,
3NT made +1 for an average and one West played in 3♦ making +1.
The bottom lines: -
listen to people who suggest that you should not make a re-opening double with a
void – that just means more trumps in partner’s hand (?).
The key to
whether to re-open with a double or not is the quick/defensive t
A lucrative low-level penalty – part 3 Board 2 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠
7 Table
East ♥ KQ87543 West North East(C) South
N-S vul ♦ 1082 - - 1♣ (1) 2♠ (2)
♣ Q3
3NT all pass
♠ QJ N ♠ A1086
♥ AJ96 W E ♥ 10 Table B
84 ♣
AK76 - - 1♣ (1) 2♠ (2)
♠ K95432
♦ A
♣ J10952
Table B: (6) This was my answer to question C. Look at the
vulnerability. You have a good hand with good ♠’s and a mis-fit for
partner – go for the penalty.
And what happened? 2♠* went -4 and 1100 to E-W. At another table it
went only one down for just 200 to E-W. The two other E-W’s bid to 3NT, one
made and one went -2.
The bottom lines: -
doubles are great – you can get huge numbers when partner makes a negative
double and you pass, or when partner makes a penalty pass and you double
The one (1400) that got away – part 4 Board 26 from Friday 15th
Dealer: ♠
J Table
South ♥ 94 West North(G) East South(H)
both vul ♦ AK753 - - - 1♠
♣ KJ1083 3♣ (1) pass (2) pass 4♥ (3)
.pass 4NT (4) pass 5♠
♠ 2 N ♠ Q108764 pass 5NT (5) pass 6♦
♥ 53 W E ♥ J1082 pass 6♥ all pass
AQ7542 ♣ 6 Table B
♠ AK953 West North East South
AKQ76 - - - 1♠
♦ Q4 pass (1) 2♣ pass 3♥ (6)
♣ 9 pass 3NT all
Table B: (1) This West sensibly passed.
(6) A
forcing 3♥ is quite sufficient and leads to the best contract
And what happened? 6♥ went -2 for 200 to E-W. Both other N-S’s bid
to the best contract (assuming West does not make the silly overcall) of 3NT,
making exactly on both occasions.
The bottom lines: -
negative doubles and the ‘automatic’ re-opening double. Had South known about
this tip that I mention in just about every new-sheet he would have got 1700
for 3♣*-6 instead of giving away 200.
Don’t jump
to 4♥ if 3♥
is forcing – you go past 3NT.
These last four articles are very instructive
about having good quality suits to overcall. This is especially important at
adverse vulnerability when experienced opponents are very likely to go for the
penalty even at a low level.
What a silly contract! Board 23 from Monday 11th
Dealer: ♠ KQ87 Table
South ♥ 4 West North East(D) South
both vul ♦ AJ1073 - - - 3♥
♣ 752 pass pass
5♣ pass 5NT (2) pass
♠ 1074 N ♠ A63 pass (3) pass pass
♥ 5 W E ♥ KQ62
AQ10863 ♣ KJ94 West North East(D) South
♠ J95 - - - 3♥
AJ109873 pass pass 3NT (1) all
♦ 954
♣ -
Table B: (1) This is the totally obvious answer to question
D, with pass being the other reasonable option.
And what happened? 5NT went -1 for a near
bottom. When 3♥ was left in it made exactly. The other three
tables bid the sensible 3NT and made exactly or +1.
The bottom lines: -
A take-out
double should be short in the suit bid and playable in the other 3 suits.
Do not
double if a No-Trump overcall describes your hand perfectly.
3NT is
usually easier to make than 5NT.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s
Dave input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are North, declarer in 3NT after East has
overcalled your
♠ A106 ♠ 93 strong 1NT opening with ♠’s. Partner raised to 3NT and East
♥ AKQ ♥
1065 leads the ♠7 and West plays the ♠Q.
♦ 9873 ♦ AKQ42 Do
you win the first t
♣ K85 ♣ 742
Column answer Board 25 from Wednesday 13th
Dealer: ♠ A106 West North East South
North ♥ AKQ - 1NT 2♦ (1) 3NT (2)
E-W vul ♦ 9873
♣ K85 (1) Multi Landy – showing a single suited major.
(2) Obviously the best bid.
♠ Q N ♠ KJ87542
♥ J87432 W E ♥ 9
J106 ♣ AQ93
♠ 93
♦ AKQ42
♣ 742 East
leads the ♠7, plan the play.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? One
South decided to double a 2♠ bid by East and
that made +1 for the E-W top. The other three pairs all arrived in the sensible
3NT contract. Two North’s noted the potential blockage and played as described
to make the contract. The third started with the ♦3 and went -5 for 250 away. Fortunately for him it was not a complete
bottom because of the afore mentioned 2♠*+1
for 870.
AQJ9532 West North East South
♥ - - 1♣ 3♠ 5♣
♦ J986 pass pass pass
♣ 102
You are East, what do you lead?
An Informative Lead Board 13 from
Wednesday 13th
This hand demonstrates Lavinthal signals when ruffing to perfection.
Dealer: ♠
106 West North East South
North ♥ AK2 - 1♣ 3♠ 5♣ (1)
both vul ♦ K10 pass (2) pass pass
♣ AJ9854
(1) A good bid, found at two tables.
♠ K72 N ♠ AQJ9532 (2) West would have bid 4♠, but now has to
♥ Q108763 W E ♥ - pass and hope to defeat the contract.
K ♣ 102 So
why is this in the news-sheet?
♠ 8 What would you lead from this East hand?
J954 A ♦ lead gives declarer the contract - as at
♦ Q543 another
table when North made 5♣ doubled.
And what happened? 5♣-2 was good for E-W but not a top as one pair
were allowed to play in 4♠ making. At another
table 5♣* made (on a ♦ lead) and at the 4th table East was left to play peacefully
in 3♠ making +1. The bottom lines: -
Underleading an ace is not usually a good idea, but if
you have a void and want a ruff it sometimes works. Under these circumstances,
lead a low card if you want to ruff a low ranking suit or a medium/high card
(the ♠9 here was perfect) if you want to ruff a high ranking
Note also that West’s ♥3 asked for a ♦. If West did not
have the ♦A but the ♠K was singleton the
he would have led the ♥10 or ♥8 to ask for a ♠ back to ruff.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand B: Pass, and pass partner’s
re-opening double. Should be about 1400.
Hand D: 3NT, with pass a perhaps feeble
but reasonable alternative. Double is ridiculous.
Hand E: Dbl, automatic.
Hand F: Dbl. With a trump void this is
perhaps not so automatic, but you can be sure that partner wants you to double
and you have good defensive cards, so keep partner happy. 1♠ is very lame in my opinion, but I’m sure there
are many out there who say you cannot double with a void – they are wrong,
especially at this vulnerability – you only need a two t
Hand G: Pass, and pass partner’s
automatic re-opening double.
Hand H: Dbl. If partner has a penalty
hand (very likely) you want to co-operate as you have good quick t