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Mon 18th 1st Jeremy &
Wed 20th 1st Lewis & Terry 64% 2nd Alan & Brian 63%
Fri 22nd 1st Bengt & Pedro 58% 2nd George & Terry 57%
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ J107 ♠
932 ♥ Q1092
♦ 732 ♦ 8 With Hand B partner opens
1NT, what do you do?
♣ A832 ♣ 1073
Hand C Hand D With Hand C you open 1NT and partner bids 2♣, what do
you bid?
♠ AQ ♠ K962
AJ863 ♥ Q6 With Hand D RHO opens 2♥ and this is passed round to partner
♣ A42 ♣ J10
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 2♥ pass pass 2NT
pass 3♣ What is 3♣?
F 1NT pass 2♣ pass
3♥ What is 3♥? Is it sound and sensible?
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1821.3 Dave Cutler 1796.0 1779.1 Ivy Schlageter 1766.2 Bob Pelletier 1707.4 Jan v Koss |
661.8 Dave Cutler 661.1 661.1 Jeremy Watson 656.9 Hans Vikman 642.0 Lars Gustafsson 641.3 Ivy Schlageter 634.3 Derek & Gerard 626.5 Bob Pelletier 615.7 Janne Roos 613.5 Terje Lie … |
342.3 Dave Cutler 341.9 Hans Vikman 341.1 Jeremy Watson 341.1 336.9 Lars Gustafsson 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 328.5 Derek & Gerard 326.3 320.5 Bob Pelletier 320.2 Terje Lie ... |
Open 1NT with a singleton? South hand 25 from Friday 22nd
♠ Q864 Two people opened this hand 1NT on Friday, this is against the club rules.
♥ KJ93 They both got bad scores and so no adjustments were
♦ A If
you feel that we should allow this, then let Dave or me know and if
♣ AQ107 there are enough people wanting to change the rule, we can have a vote.
It’s Stayman Board
25 from Friday 22nd
Dealer: ♠
843 Table
North ♥ AJ10854 West North East(D) South(A)
E-W vul ♦ K - 2♥ pass pass (1)
♣ Q76 2NT (2) pass 3♣ (3) pass
pass (4) pass
♠ AQ5 N ♠ K962
♥ K7 W E ♥ Q6 Table B
K954 ♣ J10 - 2♥ pass pass (1)
♠ J107 2NT (2) pass 3NT (3) all pass
♦ 732
♣ A832
Table B: (1) This South also failed to raise
– with disastrous consequences.
(3) Presumably this East had a
sound reason for not bidding Stayman?
And what happened? 3♣ went -1 for a clear bottom to E-W at Table A.
At Table B North led the ♥J which was won with
dummy’s ♥Q. Declarer took the losing ♦ finesse but North had no idea that the ♥’s were now good - because partner failed to
support at (1). A ♣ switch would have worked but the unfortunate ♠ switch meant that declarer made his contract
for the E-W top.
The bottom lines: -
raise partner’s pre-empt with three card support.
partner overcalls in No-trumps, then systems (Stayman and transfers) are generally
on unless you specifically agree otherwise.
Stayman Super-Accepts Board 13 from Friday 22nd
Everybody missed an easy 4♥+1 with these N-S cards. It seems that Stayman super-accepts are not well known?
Dealer: ♠
KJ974 Table
North ♥ Q1092 West North(B) East South(C)
both vul ♦ 8 - pass pass 1NT (1)
♣ 1073 pass 2♣ (2) pass 2♥ (3)
pass pass (4) pass
♠ 853 N ♠ 1062
♥ 7 W E ♥ K54 ‘Expert’
KQJ5 ♣ 986 - pass pass 1NT (1)
♠ AQ pass 2♣ (2) pass 3♥ (3)
AJ863 pass 4♥ (5) all pass
♦ Q93
♣ A42
‘Expert’ (1) Again
the clear 1NT opening.
Table: (3) Out
experts know all about Stayman Super-accepts of course. This 3♥ bid is totally
sound even playing Garbage Stayman – you are guaranteed a ♥ fit or else partner
has invitational + values and you want to be in a game contract.
(5) South has shown a maximum with
5 ♥’s and North has an
easy raise to game.
And what happened? Everybody was in 2♥ or 3♥
and everybody made 11 t
The bottom lines: -
bidding books say that when playing Garbage Stayman (2♣ bidder promises no points) then only the
responses 2♦, 2♥
or 2♠ are allowed. This is
superficial however, and super-accepts are logical and conform with the
Law of Total T
- See
the website: conventions > Section 2 > Stayman Super Accepts.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s
Dave input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer in 4♥, West leads the ♣Q, plan the play.
♠ 864 ♠ Q93
♥ J5 ♥
♦ QJ65 ♦ A
♣ A832 ♣ K74
Column answer Board 7 from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠ 864 West North East South
South ♥ J5 - - - 1♥
both vul ♦ QJ65 pass 1NT pass 4♥
♣ A832 all pass
♠ KJ10 N ♠ A752
♥ 732 W E ♥ 64
QJ109 ♣ 65
♠ Q93
♦ A
♣ K74 West leads the ♣Q,
plan the play.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥= three times, 4♥-1 and 2♥+1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second input involving the play of the hand.
West East You are West, declarer in
4♠, North leads the ♦Q, plan the play.
♠ KJ87 ♠
♥ AQ10 ♥ K983
A986 ♣ 542
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
8 from Wednesday 20th
Dealer: ♠ 32 West North East South
West ♥ J42 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
Love all ♦ QJ106 1♠ pass 3♠ pass
♣ KJ73 4♠ all pass
♠ KJ87 N ♠ A1096
♥ AQ10 W E ♥ K983
A986 ♣ 542
♠ Q54
♦ K8754
♣ Q10 North leads the ♦Q,
plan the play.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♠+2, 4♠+1
twice, 4♠= and 4♠-1.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand B: 2♣, (Garbage) Stayman.
Hand D: 3♣, Stayman – look for a 4-4 ♠
fit. If there is none then bid 3NT or pass 3♦ if you are in a pessimistic mood.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
E 2♥ pass pass 2NT
pass 3♣ 3♣ is Stayman, obviously.
F 1NT pass 2♣ pass You would have to agree this, but I play that 3♥ here shows
3♥ a good 16-17 with a 5-card ♥ suit. And yes, it is sound.