Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 305

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              14th Sept 2008

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 8th        1st  Bob P & Tomas           63%       2nd    Dave & Lewis = Jeremy & Sally     58%

Wed 10th     1st   Lewis & Terry              59%       2nd    Hans & Sally                                  57%

Fri 12th         1st  Lewis & Paul Q            59%       2nd    Jan & Janne                                    58%


Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A LHO opens a Multi 2 and RHO bids 2

(showing a willingness to compete to 3 or more if partner

A10              AJ82             has a weak hand). What do you bid?

A875            AK42        

J4                  J86               With Hand B RHO opens 1 and you double. Partner responds

AQ754         J8                 1, what do you do?


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C partner opens 1 and RHO doubles, what

do you bid?

8                   QJ

K52              642               With Hand D RHO opens a Multi 2 and LHO bids 2

KQ1065       AQ73           (showing values in ’s). Partner doubles and RHO passes.

KJ97            K1082         What do you do?  – think about it, it’s a tricky one.    


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E you open 1, LHO bids 1 and partner bids 1.

What do you bid?

J10               K64                                     

AJ108          7653             With Hand F LHO opens 1 and partner doubles.

A8                Q52              (a)  What do you bid?    

AK762         KQ10          (b)  Suppose you choose 1 and partner raises to 2, what now?




Bidding Sequence Quiz


G     1   1    1NT   2             

        2                                        Is 2 competitive or forcing?

H     1   dbl   1                        Is 1 forcing?

J      1    dbl   2                       Is 2 forcing?

K     1   1    1                       How many points does 1 promise? Without the overcall it’s generally 6+, does the overcall affect things?


The Infamous Multi                                             Board 11 from Monday 8th


The Multi often causes confusion for one side or the other, here both defenders got it wrong.


Dealer:             842                                             West(D)     North         East(A)    South

South               KJ109                                        -                 -                 -               2    (1)

Love all            10652                                        pass           2    (2)      dbl   (3)    pass (4)

                        J6                                               3    (5)     all pass              

QJ                      N             A10                     

642                 W    E          A875              (1)  The Multi 2

AQ73                 S              J4                   (2)  Showing a willingness to play in 3 or more

K1082                               AQ754                 if partner has a weak hand

                        K97653                                (3)  What did you bid with this East hand A in this

Q3                                              week’s quiz? East does not know exactly

K98                                            what’s going on, but North has shown at least

93                                              three decent ’s and South probably has a weak hand. With a stopper in both majors I would bid 2NT with 3 an alternative.

(4)   Confirming a weak hand.

(5)   What did you bid with this West hand D in this week’s quiz? This West just decided to bid his best suit, but with 12 points opposite a double at the two level you have to make an effort and 3 (asking for a stop) is my choice.


And what happened? 3 went -2 for the N-S top, two E-W’s played in partscores and just one East played in 3NT making for the E-W top.

The bottom lines: -

-         Even if you don’t play the Multi you need to understand it as you will need to defend against it quite a bit at our club.

-         Don’t make a take-out double if one of the unbid suits is Jx.

-         It is unclear whether dbl at (3) is for the minors as LHO probably has ’s and RHO has shown values in ’s. If not for the minors then it’s very unclear what it is, probably just values. This particular sequence (2 - 2) makes it difficult for the defence.

-         If you have a NoTrump overcall, don’t double.

-         If you have 12 points and partner doubles then you have to make an effort (cue bid or jump).



Don’t ask about a short                                    Board 23 from Wednesday 10th  


If you play a short (can be two cards) then you should either pre-alert by telling the opponents that you play it, or else alert when partner opens 1. Provided that the opponents have done one of the above then YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ASK IF 1 WAS SHORT DURING THE AUCTION. This passes unauthorised information to partner that you probably have good clubs! This happened twice on Monday.


Dealer:             K98                                            Table A

West                Q97                                            West          North         East          South

Love all            KQ                                            1   (1)      pass           1NT         pass

                        K9765                                       pass           2   (2)      pass         2    (3)

pass           pass           2NT (4)    all pass  

Q753                  N             1062                    

A1086            W    E          K53                     Table B

A9                      S              643                      West          North         East          South

Q103                                 AJ42                    1   (1)      pass           1NT         pass

                        AJ4                                            pass           2   (2)      dbl   (5)    pass (6)

J42                                            pass           pass




Table A:     (1)  Could be short, the opposition had previously been told.

(2)   At this point North asked ‘Could the 1 opening be short?’ and upon receiving an affirmative reply he bid 2. This, in my opinion, is unethical and it is also against the club rules.

(3)   There was no problem as South bid 2 anyway.

(4)   A strange bid that turned out OK (N-S can make 9 tricks in ’s)

Table B:     (1)  This E-W pair had also pre-alerted that they play a short club.

(2)   But this North also felt compelled to ask about the 1 opening before bidding 2.

(5)   This East had had enough of the nonsense and doubled.

(6)   South should bid 2.


And what happened? 2NT went -1 for about average, 2* went -2 for a bottom to North.

The bottom lines: -

-         Do NOT ask about a 1 opening if it was alerted or if you have previously been told that the opponents play a short . This conveys unauthorized  information (that you probably have something decent in ’s) to partner and you may get penalized.



Dave’s Column   Here is this week’s Dave input involving the play of the hand.


North               South               You are South, declarer in 4. West leads the A and K,

QJ5              AK109         plan the play.   

864               3                                          

J109              A43                                     

K987           AQJ103                              

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 3 from Wednesday 10th


Dealer:             QJ5                                            West          North         East            South

South               864                                             -                 -                 -                 1

E-W vul           J109                                            1              2   (1)      3    (2)      3

                        K987                                         pass           4    (3)      all pass


8643                   N             72                   (1)  This is tricky – North has values and

AK1092         W    E          QJ75                   has to bid, but partner may have only

Q8                      S              K7652                 2 or 3 ’s. So 1NT is a reasonable

52                                      64                       alternative despite the lack of a stop.

                        AK109                                 (2)  Weak

3                                           (3)  Three card support – with 4 ’s North

A43                                           would probably negative double at (2).



Anyway, West leads the A and K, plan the play  If it were South’s lead initially he could easily take the first ten tricks because he would be able to draw 4 rounds of trumps before running the ’s.

However, with the continued plays (the best defence against a 4- trump fit is the forcing game) South must be careful.

If South ruffs in the long hand thus reducing himself to three trumps and the opposing trumps divide 4-2 (normal) the terminal complications set in.

In order to avoid ruffing in the long hand, South should discard ’s on 2nd and 3rd round of ’s. If the opponents persist with a 4th round of ’s then the force can be avoided by ruffing in dummy. Whatever the opponents do at trick 4 declarer can win, draw 4 rounds of trumps and claim 10 tricks.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT+1 twice, 5= and 2+2. Quite how two pairs managed not to lead ’s against 3NT is a mystery. The pair that stopped in 2 was after the auction 1  1  1NT  2  2  pass  pass(!). The 2 bid (sequence G) is a forcing reverse and passing it was appalling; declarer played along the lines given to make 10 tricks in ’s but 4 would have got a poor score anyway because of the two silly 3NT contracts both making +1.




Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s second input involving the play of the hand.


West                East                  You are West, declarer in 3 after partner opened 1 in 4th

QJ1098        A76              seat. North leads the A,K and a low which South ruffs.

QJ108          K95              South returns the Q which you win in dummy (North having

J52                Q107           encouraged). How do you play the ’s?

8                  A532

Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 12 from Wednesday 10th  


Dealer:             543                                             West          North         East            South

east                  76                                               -                 -                 1             pass

N-S vul            AK943                                       1              2              pass           3

                        K76                                           3              pass           3              all pass


QJ1098              N             A76                Opening lead the A.

QJ108            W    E          K95                South signals with the 8 (HELD) and North

J52                     S              Q107              continues with K, South playing the 6.

8                                        A532              North continues with the 3 which South trumps.

                        K2                                        At trick 4 South shifts to the Q which North

A432                                    encourages. Plan the play.




You have lost three tricks and you must lose a . The problem revolves around ’s and, of course, the normal play is to finesse. However, there are extenuating circumstances here.

Both North and South have passed originally (not true at the Pattaya bridge Club, but in the book South was dealer and the bidding started with three passes) and North has shown a 5 card suit headed by the AK. Furthermore, if South’s return of the Q and North’s encouraging signal are to be believed, North has the K along with the AK, he simply cannot also have the K if he was a passed hand.

You might lead a from hand in order to lead the Q, but when North plays low, play rise with the A – or simply play the A.

And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Unfortunately this problem was voided because the dealer was not the same as in the book and there were not three initial passes to the East hand. At our table North actually overcalled and so declarer certainly should finesse.

Anyway, results were 3=, 3-1, 2= and 2=.

The 3= is instructive. North led the A and South played the 8. But N-S were playing low to encourage and so North switched to a . Declarer won and finessed a to South’s K and South returned the 6 but North did not give him a ruff. Who is to blame?


Playing Inverted Attitude Signals.


Many experienced pairs play inverted attitude signals (low to encourage), but if you do so then when holding a doubleton and want a ruff you MUST encourage with a low card when partner leads the suit. More than one experienced player at the club has failed to understand this in the past. In the scenario above South was showing three ’s when he played the 8 followed by the 6 when playing inverted attitude.

Do not confuse (inverted) attitude with giving count.


The Jordan 2NT                                                   Board 1 from Wednesday 10th 


Players past the beginner’s stage should know what to do when partner’s 1-level opening is doubled. With 10+ points you usually redouble, but this often implies no fit for partner. So with a sound raise to 3 (or more) of partner’s suit, bid 2NT.


Dealer:             A52                                            West          North         East          South(C)

North               -                                                 -                 1             dbl           2NT (1)

Love all            842                                             3    (2)      5   (3)      dbl   (4)    all pass


(1)  What did you bid with this South hand C

QJ1096              N             K743                    in this week’s quiz? 1 is possible but it

Q9764            W    E          AJ1083                lets the opponents in too cheaply and

97                      S              AJ3                      conceals the support. Redouble then?

4                                        6                          It’s 12 points but I don’t like it as you

                        8                                                 cannot penalize either major. Any bid

K52                                            would be pre-emptive and the Jordan 2NT,

KQ1065                                     showing a sound raise to 3 or better, is

KJ97                                          easily the best bid.

(2)   With this shape, it’s worth a bid. I would bid 3

(3)   Due to South’s great bid, North can confidently bid 5and make it difficult for East.

(4)   Unwise with just one trump.


And what happened? 5* made +1 for a near top (6*= by Sally of course, was the top), 5-2 and 5*-2.

The bottom lines: -

-     You need trumps for a penalty double.

-         You must have agreements about what you do when RHO doubles your partner’s opening.

-         I play that redouble (10+) generally shows a mis fit for partner and is looking for a penalty. With 10+ and a fit for partner I use the Jordan 2NT. Raises of partner’s suit to any level are pre-emptive. A new suit at the 1-level is forcing; a new suit at the 2-level is weakish.

-         This is all written up on the website > General Bridge Topics > When RHO doubles.



Inverted Jordan 2NT for the Minors

In the example above South used the standard Jordan bid of 2NT. But when partner has opened a minor suit and you have 10+ with support then NoTrumps is quite likely to be the final strain and it’s usually better if opener is declarer. So playing Inverted Jordan for the Minors, the meanings of 2NT and 3 of the minor are interchanged: 2NT is a pre-emptive raise of the minor and 3 of the minor is a constructive raise.

Paul Quodomine mentioned this to me and it appears to be very sensible, but I do have one reservation. Jordan 2NT is forcing and defined as a limit raise (to three) or better. There would appear to be a problem if responder has more than a raise to three – he then has to redouble and follow up with a forcing bid, such as a cue bid and support later if the opponents bid. But the limit raise is much more frequent than the ‘or more’ and so this problem is not that common.


Understanding take-out doubles                         Board 20 from Wednesday 10th 



Dealer:             Q10                                            West(F)     North         East(B)     South

West                1098                                           -                 1   (1)      dbl   (2)    pass (3)

Both vul            A109                                         1    (4)      pass           2    (5)    pass

                        A9743                                        3    (6)      pass           4    (7)    all pass


K64                    N             AJ82                    

7653               W    E          AK42            

Q52                    S              J86                      

KQ10                                J8                        






(1)   This North was presumably dazzled by all of those 10’s and 9’s when he decided to open.

(2)   Obviously a very reasonable double.

(3)   1 is an alternative

(4)   What did you bid with this West hand F(a) in this week’s quiz? This is quite close, with 9+ points you should normally make a jump response to partner’s double but this hand is totally flat (knock off a point) and the ’s are miserable so 1is very reasonable. 2 is a very slight overbid in my opinion and 1NT is a reasonable alternative.           

(5)   What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? This is not at all close and pass is very clear. This is a fairly flat 14 points and you usually need 11 opposite to make game and partner has said that he is 0-8.

(6)   What did you bid with this West hand F(b) in this week’s quiz? Being totally maximum for the initial 1 response, I would bid 4 (or maybe 3NT) here. 3 shows about 7-8 points.

(7)   Very unwise. Bidding a hand three times that I would only bid once.


And what happened? 4 went -1 for a fully deserved zero. Everybody else stopped in 2 or 3.

The bottom lines: -

-         Understand the responses and follow up bids to partner’s double.

-         It’s all on the website: -

      Basic Bidding > #133 Responding to partner’s take-out double.

Basic Bidding > #134 Bidding again having doubled.


Bid what your hand’s worth                                 Board 28 from Friday 12th  


Dealer:             AK82                                         Table A

West                974                                             West(E)     North         East          South

N-S vul            QJ10765                                    1             1              1            pass

                        -                                                 2    (1)      pass           2NT         pass

4    (2)      pass           pass (3)    pass    

J10                     N             Q65                     

AJ108            W    E          KQ32                  Table B

A8                      S              K43                     West(E)     North         East          South

AK762                               J84                       1             1              1            pass

                        9743                                          3    (1)      pass           4            all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand E in this week’s quiz? I simply cannot understand this cue bid.

(2)   This now shows a huge hand. A direct jump to 4 at (1) would show about 19 points and is a bit of an overbid, so this jump to game now presumably shows considerably more.

(3)   Fortunately for West, East has a totally flat hand. Give him a couple of more points or a bit of shape and he should be off slamming.

Table B:     (1)  Every other West bid the obvious 3 in answer to question E.


And what happened? Everybody bid to 4 and made the obvious 10 tricks.

The bottom lines: -

-         I understand that West at Table A bid as he did because he thought that partner’s “free bid” of 1 showed extra values. It does not, it’s exactly the same as if there was no overcall except that partner will not respond with 4-5 points.


The Club Championships

Here are the latest standings in the club competitions:



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5













1831.8 Dave Cutler

1809.2 Sally Watson

1782.5 Ivy Schlageter

1779.3 Bob Pelletier

1714.7 Jan v Koss


661.8 Dave Cutler

661.1 Sally Watson

661.1 Jeremy Watson

658.3 Hans Vikman

642.7 Ivy Schlageter

642.0 Lars Gustafsson

634.3 Derek & Gerard

628.7 Lewis Berg

628.6 Bob Pelletier

619.6 Tomas Wikman



342.3 Dave Cutler

341.9 Hans Vikman

341.1 Jeremy Watson

341.1 Sally Watson

336.9 Lars Gustafsson

335.3 Ivy Schlageter

328.5 Derek & Gerard

327.4 Tomas Wikman

325.2 Lewis Berg 

320.5 Bob Pelletier


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:     2NT. LHO most likely has a weak hand and you have a stopper in both majors. 3 is a rather feeble alternative. Dbl is a poor bid as partner may well bid 3.

Hand B:    Pass. Partner is 0-8 and there is no game.

Hand C:    2NT – The Jordan 2NT showing a sound raise to the three level or more of partner’s suit. Now there are obviously a lot of alternatives here, so let’s look at them:

(a) redouble – I don’t like this as I cannot penalize either major.

(b) 1 - I don’t like this as it’s too easy for the opps to find their major suit fit(s).

(c) 2/3 - This cannot be right as any raise is pre-emptive.

Hand D:    3, asking partner to bid 3NT with a stop. This must be asking as RHO is now marked with a weak hand (otherwise he would have bid at his 2nd turn). 3/ simply is not good enough with 12 points opposite partner’s double.

Hand E:    3, invitational. 4 is a bit of an overbid and anything else is way over the top.

Hand F:     (a)  1, but it’s very close. With 9+ points you should jump to 2 but the hand is totally flat with a miserable suit. 1NT is also reasonable.

(b)  4. You were totally maximum for your first response and partner’s raise promises around 16 points.



Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers



G     1   1    1NT   2              2 is a forcing reverse.


H     1   dbl   1                        After a double, a new suit at the one level is forcing.

J      1    dbl   2                       After a double, a new suit at the two level is non-forcing.

K     1   1    1                        1 is 6+, just as if there were no overcall.