Mon 15th 1st Jeremy &
Wed 17th 1st Lewis & Terry 65% 2nd Ole & Sigurd = Dave & Mike 56%
Fri 19th 1st Bob S & Hans V 71% 2nd Lewis &
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ QJ9843 ♠
♥ KJ9 ♥ J982 With Hand
B you open 1♣ and partner bids 1♠. You bid 1NT
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 1♣
and you bid 1♠, partner bids
what do you bid?
Q874 ♠ AK1052
♥ Q ♥ 85
AQ986 ♣ 94 what do you bid?
Hand E Hand F With Hand E you open 1♣ in 4th seat and partner bids 2NT,
what do you do?
AJ4 ♠ Q865432
♥ J32 ♥ - With
Hand F it’s love all, LHO opens 1♥ and
♣ 10875 ♣
4 (b) What do you do?
Hand G Hand H What do you open with Hand G?
- ♠
♥ AQJ104 ♥ A63 What do you open with Hand H?
♦ - ♦ K6
♣ KQJ98653 ♣ AJ1097
Hand J Hand K With Hands J and K LHO opens 1♦ and this is passed round to
you, what do you
KJ1097 ♠
♥ J5 ♥ J76
♦ J1052 ♦ J10
♣ Q4 ♣ QJ
Bidding Sequence Quiz
L 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
1NT pass 2♥ Is
2♥ weak or invitational?
M 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
2♣ pass 3♥ Is
3♥ invitational or forcing?
N 1♣ pass 1♥ 2♦
pass pass 2♠ Is 2♠ forcing?
P 1♣ 1♦ pass 2NT How many points is 2NT?
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1836.6 Dave Cutler 1815.6 1782.6 Bob Pelletier 1782.5 Ivy Schlageter 1714.7 Jan v Koss |
667.3 Hans Vikman 661.8 Dave Cutler 661.1 661.1 Jeremy Watson 642.7 Ivy Schlageter 642.0 Lars Gustafsson 634.3 Derek & Gerard 634.4 Lewis Berg 628.6 Bob Pelletier 621.7 Janne Roos … |
347.2 Hans Vikman 342.3 Dave Cutler 341.1 Jeremy Watson 341.1 336.9 Lars Gustafsson 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 328.5 Derek & Gerard 327.7 Lewis Berg 327.4 320.5 Bob Pelletier ... |
Too High – part 1 Board 22 from Monday 15th
A couple of pairs got carried away with their 6-5 fit and ended up too high on this deal.
Dealer: ♠
6 Table
East ♥ A106 West(A) North East(D) South
E-W vul ♦ K932 - - 1♠ pass
♣ KQ1075 4♣ (1) pass 4♦ (2) pass
5♣ pass 5♠ all
♠ QJ9843 N ♠ AK1052
♥ KJ9 W E ♥ 85 Table B
AJ ♣
94 - - 1♠ pass
♠ 7 2♣ (1) pass 2♦ (3) pass
Q7432 4♠ (4) all pass
♦ Q104
♣ 8632
Table B: (1) This West also realized that he had a problem.
He eventually decided to bid 2♣ which is quite reasonable, 2♥ (where the values
are) is probably better. It’s not usually a good idea to lie in a major (2♥ here promises 5 ♥’s) but there’s no
problem on this occasion as the hand will always be played in ♠’s.
This time
bidding ♦’s is fine as it’s a weakish bid.
decided to settle for game. 2♥ (4th
suit forcing) is probably better – find out if partner has a ♥ honour and then show
slam interest if he does.
And what happened? 5♠ was bid twice, -1 and -2. 4♠ was bid three times and made just the once. The bottom lines: -
there is no perfect bid, in this situation the only sensible solution is to
play Jacoby 2NT and/or the Swiss convention.
Too High – part 2 Board 24 from Monday 15th
One E-W pair went way overboard on this deal
Dealer: ♠
J102 Table
West ♥ K63 West North East(C) South
Love all ♦ KJ5 1♣ (1) pass 1♠ pass
♣ KJ102 2♠ pass 4NT (2) pass
5♣ (3) pass 5NT (4) pass
♠ AK95 N ♠ Q874 6♣ (5)
♥ AJ5 W E ♥ Q
743 ♣ AQ986 West North East(C) South
♠ 63 1♣ (1) pass 1♠ pass
1098742 2♠ pass 4♠ (2) all pass
♦ 6432
♣ 5
Table B: (1) This West also decided to open.
But this
East sensibly decided to bid the obvious 4♠.
And what happened? 6♠-1, 4♠+1
twice and 4♠=. Note that even with both minor suit kings
onside the slam still went down
The bottom lines: -
16 points opposite
a minimal opener is not usually enough for slam.
There is
no point in asking for kings unless you have a grand slam in mind.
Too High – part 3 Board 7 from Monday 15th
Every single pair went (one or two) over the top on this deal.
Dealer: ♠
J74 Table
South ♥ J982 West North(B) East South
Both vul ♦ QJ - - - pass
♣ AKQ8 pass 1♣ pass 1♠
pass 1NT pass 2♥
♠ 8 N ♠ AK65 pass 3♥ (1) pass 4♥ (2)
♥ A7 W E ♥ 105 all pass
1097652 ♣ J43 Table B
♠ Q10932 West North(B) East South
- - - pass
♦ 965 pass 1♣ pass 1♠
♣ - pass 1NT pass 2♥
pass 3♥ (1) pass pass (3)
Table B: (1) It seems that everybody found this raise.
I was one
of the ones who did not trust partner and I passed.
And what happened? 4♥*-3, 4♥-2,
4♥-1, 3♥-2
and 3♥=
The bottom lines: -
Sequence L
is weak, opener should only raise with a maximum, 4
(preferably 5) ♥’s and POINTS IN THE MAJOR SUITS.
Note that
North’s glorious ♣AKQ were 9 totally wasted points, which should
have been pretty much predicted after South’s 2nd bid.
Not Too High Board 3 from Friday 19th
It seems that it’s not just me who evaluates hands according to shape and intermediates as well as points. I didn’t play on Friday but luckily Hans Vikman was North on this deal and was the only one to appreciate that Hand H was worth more than a 1NT opener.
Dealer: ♠
KQ4 Table
South ♥ A63 West North(H) East South
E-W vul ♦ K6 - - - pass
♣ AJ1097 pass 1NT (1) all
♠ AJ1063 N ♠ 97 Table B
♥ J98 W E ♥ KQ4 West North(H) East South
3 ♣
Q8654 pass 1♣ (1) pass 1♥ (2)
♠ 852 pass 2NT (3) pass 3NT (4)
10752 all
♦ A983
Table B: (1) This is the ‘proper’ answer to question H and
is what I would most certainly open had I been playing – but Hans Vikman waved the flag for me when he opened 1♣ at the table. Now I
know that many of you point count addicts will say ‘a balanced 17 count so open
1NT’. That statement is true, but is inapplicable to this hand. ♣AJ1097 is NOT 5
points – it’s more like 7! This hand is well worth a 1♣ opener followed by
a 2NT rebid.
It’s up to
your partnership understanding if you respond 1♦ or 1♥ with this type of hand.
which is what this hand is worth.
And South has an easy raise to game.
And what happened? Hans was the only player not
to open 1NT, he made 3NT despite the adverse ♣ split for a well deserved top. Everybody else
played in 1NT making various numbers of overt
The bottom lines: -
AJ1097 is not
5 points.
Add on for
intermediates and good 5-card suits.
Note the
importance of the ♣ intermediates on this deal. If North did not
have the ♣109 then 3NT would not have made (and Hans
would not have opened 1♣).
I don’t
know if Hans reads the news-sheets, but he obviously has the same philosophy as
me about hand evaluation and this undoubtedly aided his 71% winning score.
So how much is AJ1097 really worth? Board 3 from Friday 19th
On the previous page I made the statement that AJ1097 was not 5 points but more like 7. Is this just me being melodramatic or a fact?
Let’s consider the actual deal. Partner had ♣Kx which is
undoubtedly 3 points. The ♣ suit easily netted 4 t
So my statement that the holding was worth about 7 points was 1.3 light on this occasion.
The bottom line: Upgrade a good 5-card suit with honours and intermediates.
Distributional Hands – part 1 Board 11 from Wednesday 15th
As we have just proved, bridge bidding is much more about distribution than points, as these next two deals from Wednesday also illustrate.
Dealer: ♠
K107 Table
South ♥ 10872 West North East(F) South
Love all ♦ 73 - - - 1♥
♣ AQ98 pass 2♥ 2♠ (1) 4♥
pass pass pass (2)
♠ 9 N ♠ Q865432
♥ QJ3 W E ♥ -
J10653 ♣ 4 West North East(F) South
♠ AJ - - - 1♥
AK9654 pass 2♥ 2♠ (1) 4♥
♦ 106 pass pass 5♦ (2)
♣ K72
Table B: (2) This is my bid – the hand has great playing
strength so show your suits.
(3) Whether
you choose to double or not depends upon how much respect you have for your
And what happened? 5♦* made easily to take the E-W top and would
have got a near top even if it had gone one or two down. Two South’s were left
to play peacefully in 4♥ making. One got
pushed up to 5♥ and made that for the N-S top. One East bid 4♠-1.
The bottom lines: -
If you
have 12 cards in two suits, then bid both of the suits.
Distributional hands – part 2 Board 25 from Wednesday 17th
There was a different result at every table on this board
Dealer: ♠
- Table
North ♥ AQJ104 West North(G) East South
E-W vul ♦ - - 2♦ (1) pass 2♥ (2)
♣ KQJ98653 2♠ (3) 3♣ (4) 3♠ pass
4♠ 5♣ (5) 5♠
♠ KQJ987 N ♠ A1042 pass 6♣ (6) all pass
♥ 3 W E ♥ 982
A ♣
1042 West North(G) East South
♠ 763 - 1♣ (1) pass 1♥ (7)
K765 1♠ (8) 6♥ (9) pass pass
♦ J9752 pass (10)
♣ 7
Table B: (1) I much prefer this 1♣ opening in answer
to question G. 2♣ (or 2♦ Benjamin) is not
always best with two suiters – even if 11 playing t
This pair play a
short ♣ and this particular South (me) will hardly
ever pass 1♣ if he has ♣ shortage. We also play Walsh and so with a weak hand South
bids the major directly rather than bidding the ♦ suit. It worked very well here!
West, with
his huge hand, again wants to keep the bidding low.
But North
does not! Don’t mess about with a distributional hand when you don’t have the ♠ suit.
It’s not
clear that West should bid 6♠.
And what happened? 6♥ made exactly but was pipped
when 6♣ got doubled at another table. 6♣ making scored an average. 6♠ making was the E-W top and one North had to sacrifice in 7♣-1.
The bottom lines: -
With two
suiters it’s often best not to open with a game forcing two bid – you may not
have enough room to show both of your suits.
If you have around 6-7 points, LHO opens and this is passed to you in 4th seat, then you have to decide whether to balance or pass.
Balancing with the ♠ suit – part 1 Board 21 from Monday 15th
Dealer: ♠
North ♥ J5 West North(J) East South
N-S vul ♦ J1052 - pass 1♦ pass
♣ Q4 pass (1) pass (2)
♠ Q82 N ♠ 3 (1) 1NT (or 2♦)
is obvious.
♥ A107 W E ♥ KQ86 (2) What did you bid with
this North hand J in
♠ A754 that you have reasonable ♦’s but partner is
♥ 9432 likely to have
♦ -
♣ K10965 And
what happened? 1♦ made +1, N-S can make
Balancing with the ♠ suit – part 2 Board 14 from Friday 19th
Dealer: ♠
J98764 West North(K) East South
East ♥ J76 - - 1♦ pass
Love all ♦ J10 pass pass (1)
♣ QJ
(1) What
did you bid with this North hand K in
♠ Q N ♠ 1062 this week’s quiz? There’s
not so many points
♥ 984 W E ♥ AQ52 this
time but I still think it’s best to balance
1098764 ♣ A3
♠ AK5
♦ 7632 And what happened? 1♦ made exactly, N-S
can make 3♠.
♣ K52 .
The bottom
lines (for both boards): -
- Holding the ♠ suit I think it’s generally best to bid in the balancing seat unless you have length & strength in the suit opened and no other good suit.
You only need about 7+ points
to balance.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are North, declarer in 4♥ after opening 1♥ in 4th
♠ 32 ♠ AQ106 East leads the ♣10 which West wins with the ♣A and
♥ AKQ987 ♥
10432 switches to a low ♦.
Which ♦ do you play or is it just
♦ KJ ♦ 432 a guess?
♣ 532 ♣ KQ
Dave’s Column
answer Board 326 from Wednesday 17th
Dealer: ♠ 32 West North East South
East ♥ AKQ987 - - pass pass
Both vul ♦ KJ pass 1♥ pass 3♥
♣ 532 pass 4♥ all pass
♠ K74 N ♠ J985 It’s
not a guess.
♥ 65 W E ♥ J Forget about the ♦’s for a moment and look
AJ64 ♣ 10987 could
lose a ♠ and two ♦’s
if everything goes
♠ AQ106 wrong. In fact if the ♦AQ are with East. you
10432 won’t
make the hand if the ♠K is also wrong
♦ 432 but there’s nothing you can do in that
♣ KQ
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s second input involving the play of the hand.
West East You are West, declarer in 3NT
after partner opened 1♣ in 4th
♠ K102 ♠ AJ4 seat. North leads the ♦10, you win with the ♦K in dummy
♥ K96 ♥ J32 with
South playing a discouraging ♦2. At t
QJ92 ♣ 10875 with the ♣K, North playing
South returns a 2nd ♦ which you win in dummy and play a 3rd
♣ to South’s ♣A, North discarding the ♥7. South continues with a 3rd ♦, all following and leaving North with the
remaining ♦.
You lead a 4th round of ♣’s ending in Dummy and North discards a lower ♥ and South a low ♠. How do you continue?
2nd Column answer Board 27 from Wednesday 17th
Dealer: ♠ Q98 West North East(E) South
South ♥ Q752 - - - pass
Love all ♦ 10987 pass pass 1♣ pass
♣ 43 2NT (1) pass 3NT (2) all
♠ K102 N ♠ AJ4 This is the bidding from the book and also
♥ K96 W E ♥ J32 by our opponents at our
♣ QJ92 ♣ 10875 (1) Very borderline with this 3334 shape.
♠ 7653 (2) What
did you bid with this East hand E
♥ A108 in
this week’s quiz? Partner has
passed and
♦ 432 surely has just 11 and this hand is only
♣ AK6 worth 13 because of the 3334
With no points in the only ‘long’ suit and
8 points concentrated in a 3-card suit, I
would pass.
♠ Q98 in dummy.
♥ Q5 You have 2 ♣ t
♦ 9 t
- guess ♠’s correctly you
have only 8 t
Therefore you must find the ♥A in the South
♠ K102 N ♠ AJ4 hand to make
the contract.
♥ K96 W E ♥ J32 Lead a ♥ to the ♥K,
and assuming it holds,
♦ - S ♦ - play North
for the ♠Q. Why?
- ♣ - Because
South has already turned up with the
♠ 765 ♣AK and the ♥A. If he also had
the ♠Q he
A108 would have opened the bidding.
♦ If North turns up with the ♥A there was no way
♣ to make the hand.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand B: Pass. Partner’s bid is weak,
asking you to pass or correct. You know that there is a 4-4 (or 5-4) ♥ fit but partner is not inviting and with just
two points in partner’s suits a raise to 3♥
(as I believe everybody did) is absolutely terrible. The ♣AKQ may be totally worthless (they were). Move
those points into the major suits and a raise would be reasonable.
Hand D: 4♠. 4♦ would be a cue bid looking for slam but with
this minimum hand I would attempt to sign off.
Hand F: (a) 2♠. The hand is unsuitable for something like
Michaels. With a 7-card major, bid it! I don’t like a 3♠ pre-empt as I hope to get my ♦’s in later.
(b) 5♦. This is surely better than repeating the ♠’s. I would never dream of passing. They say
6-5 come alive, so you can leap about with 7-5.
Hand G: 1♣.
This hand has 11 playing t
Hand H: 1♣.
This hand has 17 HCP’s and is balanced, but it’s far
too good for 1NT – that
♣ AJ1097 is worth far
more than 5 points (more like 7). So open 1♣ and rebid 2NT.
Hand K: 1♠,
partner has values and you have the ♠
suit. Perhaps not so clear but clear to me.
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
L 1♣ pass 1♠ pass 2♥ is weak, opener
should only raise with an
1NT pass 2♥ exceptional hand in
support of ♥’s (and ♠’s).
M 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
2♣ pass 3♥ 3♥ is invitational.
N 1♣ pass 1♥ 2♦
pass pass 2♠ 2♠ is a forcing
P 1♣ 1♦ pass 2NT 2NT
is around 13-14, depending upon how light partner’s overcalls generally are.