Mon 29th 1st Janne
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ A74 ♠
♥ J74 ♥ KQ3
What do you open with Hand B?
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1840.8 Hans Vikman 1836.6 Dave Cutler 1819.9 1795.9 Bob Pelletier 1782.5 Ivy Schlageter 1718.5 Jan v Koss |
670.0 Hans Vikman 661.8 Dave Cutler 661.1 661.1 Jeremy Watson 642.7 Ivy Schlageter 642.0 Lars Gustafsson 636.1 Bob Pelletier 635.3 Lewis Berg 634.3 Derek & Gerard 631.2 Janne Roos … |
347.2 Hans Vikman 342.3 Dave Cutler 341.1 Jeremy Watson 341.1 336.9 Lars Gustafsson 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 328.5 Derek & Gerard 327.7 Lewis Berg 327.4 326.2 Bob Pelletier ... |
That 4333 shape again Board
11 from Friday 22nd
Dealer: ♠
K8 Table
South ♥ 109652 West(A) North East(B) South
Love all ♦ K65 - - - pass
♣ 742 pass pass 1NT (1) pass
3NT (2) all pass
♠ A74 N ♠ 1062
♥ J74 W E ♥ KQ3 Table
KJ98 ♣ A63 - - - pass
♠ QJ953 pass pass 1♦ (1) pass
1NT all
♦ J43
♣ Q105
Table B: (1) This East got question B right by opening 1♦ (and intending to
rebid 1NT, 12-14, over a 1♥/♠ response).
And what happened? 3NT was bid twice and went
two down on both occasions. Others in 1NT or 2NT got plus scores.
The bottom lines: -
- Deduct
a point for the totally flat 4333 type shape, this applies
equally to opener and responder.
North South You are South, declarer in 3NT.
♠ AQ95 ♠ KJ West leads the ♦3 and East plays the ♦4, what is your plan?
♥ J8 ♥
♦ J865 ♦ AK92
♣ 973 ♣ AQ8
Column answer Board
11 from Wednesday 1st
Dealer: ♠ AQ95 West North East South
South ♥ J8 - - - 2NT
Love all ♦ J865 pass 3♣ pass 3♥
♣ 973 pass 3NT all pass
♠ 743 N ♠ 10862
♥ 973 W E ♥ KQ106
KJ10 ♣ 6542
♠ KJ
♦ AK92
♣ AQ8
Count your t
If you could somehow take 4 ♠ t
Consider the ♦ position. West has apparently led from Q10xx and you thus have three
sure t
By doing just that you will
have created a later entry with the ♦J. After you win the first ♦ high, cash the ♠KJ, the 2nd high ♦
and lead a low ♦ towards the ♦J. West wins the ♦Q but you have the
later ♦ entry and thus 9 t
West East You are West, declarer in
♠ AQ10 ♠
K8 North
leads the ♠2, plan the play.
♥ J105 ♥ AKQ9
♣ AQ62 ♣ 1054
2nd Column answer Board 12 from Wednesday
Dealer: ♠ J732 West North East South
West ♥832 1♣ pass 1♥ pass
N-S vul ♦ AK2 1NT pass 3NT all
♣ K87
You start off with 8 sure t
♠ AQ10 N ♠ K8 possibilities
for a 9th t
♥ J105 W E ♥ AKQ9 (a) the ♣
finesse and/or the ♣J dropping in two
♣ AQ62 ♣ 1054 (b) a long ♦.
♠ 9654 The
opening lead tells you that the ♠’s
are 4-4.
764 This means that you can let
the opponents have the lead three
♦ Q54 times (in ♦’s) and lose no more than one ♠ t
♣ J93 Obviously it’s safer to work with ♦’s than ♣’s.
If you finesse the ♣ and it loses you
will need the ♣J dropping doubleton. It’s far better to play
safe in ♦’s.
Raise partner? Board
13 from Friday 3rd
Dealer: ♠
Q10953 West North East South
North ♥ AQ652 - pass (1) pass pass
Both vul ♦ Q2 1♣ (2) 2♣ (3) 3♣ pass (4)
♣ 5 3NT (5) all
♠ A6 N ♠ K874 (1) It depends on your style, but this hand
♥ 98 W E ♥1043 conforms with the rule of 20 and with
QJ1084 ♣ AK93 open
♠ J2 (2) Playing
a weak NT. This hand is too
♥ KJ7 strong
for 1NT (12-14). If playing
♦ J9863 strong NT I would open 1NT.
♣ 762 (3) Michaels, promising both majors.
(4) South does not know that partner is so
strong and he may well only have 4 ♥’s, so he cannot sensibly
support with 3♥.
(5) A bit of a gamble, but partner has about 11
points somewhere.
And what happened? North led a ♠ and 3NT made for a joint top. Every other E-W
pair played in some number of ♣’s. The bottom lines: -
- Obey
the rule of 20. I agree that the ♦Q
is not worth two points, but two 5-card majors and that ♠109 in a 5-card suit are more than enough
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 2NT. It’s not good enough for
3NT because of the totally flat shape.