Mon 20th 1st Hans V & Alan 59% 2nd Gerry & Dave 58%
Wed 22nd N-S 1st Lewis
E-W 1st Michael S & Peter 62% 2ndIan & Keneth 52%
Fri 24th N-S 1st Hans &
E-W 1st Bob S & Gerard 56% 2nd Lewis &
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
♠ 975 ♠ 532
♥ AKJ ♥ AQ2 With Hand B RHO opens 1♠.
You double and partner bids 2♦,
♠ A54 ♠ K10
1032 ♥ Q10985 With Hand D you open 1♥ and LHO overcalls 2♦. This is
♠ A ♠
♥ 10832 ♥ AK What do you open with Hand F?
Hand G Hand H With Hand G partner
opens 1♠ and
you bid?
♠ 965 ♠ 8
♥ K107 ♥ AQ86
AQ94 ♣ K5 and
Bidding Sequence Quiz
J 1♣ 1♠
K 1♠
L 1♠
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1870.8 Hans Vikman 1839.8 Dave Cutler 1831.9 1797.4 Bob Pelletier 1794.2 Janne Roos 1782.5 Ivy Schlageter 1727.5 Jan v Koss |
672.7 Hans Vikman 663.6 661.8 Dave Cutler 661.1 Jeremy Watson 647.2 Lewis Berg 643.4 Lars Gustafsson 642.7 Ivy Schlageter 636.4 Janne Roos 636.1 Bob Pelletier 634.3 Derek & Gerard |
347.2 Hans Vikman 342.3 Dave Cutler 341.1 Jeremy Watson 341.1 336.9 Lars Gustafsson 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 334.0 Lewis Berg 328.5 Derek & Gerard 327.4 326.2 Bob Pelletier |
That 4333 shape
again – part 1 Board 26 from Monday 20th
Dealer: ♠
J3 Table
North ♥ AK986 West North East South(C)
both vul ♦ Q64 - - pass 1♣ (1)
♣ Q43 pass 1♥ pass 1NT
pass 3NT (2) all pass
♠ KQ106 N ♠ 9872
♥ Q W E ♥ J754 Table B
852 ♣ J97 - - pass 1NT (1)
♠ A54 pass 2♦ pass 2♥
1032 pass 3NT pass 4♥ (3)
♦ A108
♣ AK106
Table B: (1) This South chose 1NT.
(3) With
this flat hand and all of the points outside ♥’s, it’s a close
call whether to pass or bid 4♥.
And what happened? Three chose 4♥, three chose 3NT. 4♥ made a t
The bottom lines: -
- Deduct for 4333, but add on
for tens and good intermediates.
That 4333 shape
again – part 2 Board 10 from Friday 24th
Dealer: ♠
Q7 Table
East ♥ 10853 West(B) North East South
both vul ♦ 875 - - pass 1♠
♣ J965
2♠ (1) pass 3♦ (2) pass
♠ 532 N ♠ 1096 5♦ (3) all pass
♥ AQ2 W E ♥ 964
AKQ2 ♣ 1087 West(B) North East South
♠ AKJ84 - - pass 1♠
♦ J32 pass (1) pass
♣ 43
Table B: (1) This West thought a little more deeply here;
And what happened? 2♦ made +1 for the E-W top. Two E-W’s managed to
stop in 1NT (seems impossible to me). One West stopped in 4♦(-1) and every other West zoomed off to game going down by various
numbers. The
bottom lines: -
24 points
will not make game opposite zero if you have no shape. This 3334 is terrible.
Open with three
quick t
Some players believe in
opening any hand with three quick t
Dealer: ♠
Q76542 West(E) North East South
South ♥ QJ965 - - - pass
E-W vul ♦ Q10 1♣ (1) 2♣ (2) pass 2♥
♣ - pass pass 3♥ (3) pass
3NT all pass
♠ A N ♠ J103
♥ 10832 W E ♥ K (1) Did you open with
this West hand E in
AK42 ♣ 109763 with
the rule of 20 and I would pass. If
♠ K98 the
singleton was a small card and the ace
A74 in a red suit then 1♣ would be reasonable.
♦ 963 (2) Michaels, showing both majors.
And what happened? North led the ♥Q and accurate defence
set the contract by two t
The bottom lines: -
Open with three quick t
Dealer: ♠ A64 Table A
East ♥ AK West North(F) East South
Both vul ♦ 532 pass 1♣ (1) pass 1♦ (2)
♣ J9532 pass 1NT pass 3NT (3)
♠ QJ109 N ♠ K8752 Table B
♥ J652 W E ♥ 10973 West North(F) East South
K7 ♣108 pass 2♣ pass 5♣ (4)
♠ 3 pass 6NT (5) all pass
♦ AQJ87
♣ AQ63
Table B: (1) This North correctly chose to pass with Hand F.
This South is relatively inexperienced and just bid
what he thought he could make (he was right!). An alternative is a 3♠ splinter - 2♠ is natural and
forcing, so 3♠ is a splinter agreeing partner’s last suit.
With nothing to spare for his initial 2♣ response, pass
seems very clear.
And what happened? 6NT-1, 3NT-2, 3NT-1, 5♦*= and various spurious results. Nobody played
in ♣’s, 5♣
is cold and 6♣ only needs one minor suit king onside, so it’s
75% but goes down here.
The bottom lines: -
The automatic
re-opening double Board 26 from Monday 20th
Dealer: ♠
J86432 Table
North ♥ 64 West(A) North East(D) South
both vul ♦ 6 - - 1♥ 2♦ (1)
♣ J1096 pass (2) pass
pass (4) pass (5)
♠ 975 N ♠ K10
♥ AKJ W E ♥ Q10985
Table B
87 ♣
AQ43 - - 1♥ pass (1)
♠ AQ 2♦ pass 2NT pass
732 4♥ all
♦ K8532
♣ K52
Table B: (1) South sensibly passed.
And what happened? 2♦* went -5 for 1400. Every other E-W played in 4♥; -2 once, -1 three times and = once.
The bottom lines: -
Do not
overcall at the two-level, vulnerable, with a suit as bad as Kxxxx
the penalty pass and automatic re-opening double when playing negative doubles.
automatic re-opening double (and when not to double) are explained on the
Dealer: ♠ 54 West North East South
East ♥ Q962 - - pass pass
Both vul ♦ 63 1♦ pass 1♠ pass
♣ Q9852 2♠ pass 4♠ all
♠ J1076 N You
are North and partner leads the ♥A. How do you plan the
♥ J83 W E defence?
Before turning the page, with which card would you
A Let’s say that partner continues with the ♥K and a 3rd ♥ to your ♥Q,
all following. How should you proceed?
Dave’s Column
answer Board
10 from Wednesday 15th
Dealer: ♠ 54 West North East South
East ♥ Q962 - - pass pass
Both vul ♦ 63 1♦ pass 1♠ pass
♣ Q9852 2♠ pass 4♠ all
♠ J1076 N ♠ AK982 South
leads the ♥A. How do you plan the defence
♥ J83 W E ♥ 1075 as North? Before reading on, with which card
A ♣ K104 Let’s
say that partner continues with the ♥K
♠ Q3 a 3rd ♥ to your ♥Q,
all following.
AK4 How should you proceed?
♦ 9542
♣ J763
Bad manners Board
20 from Friday 24th
A player walked away from the
table after the bidding and before the play on Friday because he thought that
his partner had mad a bad bid. This is disgraceful behavior - the director was
obliged to play the hand for him. The problem would appear to be that this
particular player cannot get a decent partner – no wonder with an attitude
problem like that! Anything similar again then he will get suspended, so no
further problems.
Dealer: ♠
J43 West(G) North East South(H)
West ♥ J54 pass pass 1♠ (1)
Both vul ♦ 976 2♣ (2) pass 2♠ (3)
♣ J632 pass pass (5) pass
♠ 965 N ♠ AKQ1072 (1) Looks more like a vulnerable 2♠ opener to me.
♥ K107 W E ♥ 932 (2) What did you bid with
this West hand G in
♦ Q54 S ♦ 8 this week’s quiz? This 2♣ bid is totally wrong.
♠ 8 The sensible bids are redouble or
AQ86 (3) Pass is reasonable – but then I expect my
♦ AKJ1032 partners to know what they are doing.
♣ K5 (4) What did you bid with this South hand H in
And what happened? South left the table in
disgust after the bidding – absolutely disgraceful behavior. I expect him to
apologize to me and everybody else at the table if/when he has the gall to show
up at the club again. Of course North should not have passed – but the problem
was initiated by South’s poor bid at (4).
The bottom lines: -
It is interesting to note that this South is the same player (then
North) who pulled his partner’s 5♣ contract that makes into a hopeless 6NT -
see “Open
with three quick t
Fourth Suit Forcing
Fourth suit forcing needs alerting. I mention this because it came up a couple of times this week:
1. First of all there was the sequence 1♣ - 1♦ - 1♥ - 1♠.
This was by an established pair, the 1♠ bid was not alerted and it turned out to be a non-existent ♠ suit. Established pairs need to have this basic sequence understood.
Various pairs play it differently, my recommendation is the most common:
1♣ - 1♦ - 1♥ - 1♠ is natural and forcing, just as if it had gone 1♣ - 1♠.
1♣ - 1♦ - 1♥ - 2♠ is 4th suit forcing, and I like to play it as game forcing.
Regular pairs may play it however they wish, but a 4th suit forcing bid needs alerting.
2. Playing two-over-one: The sequence 1♠ - 2♥ - 3♣ - 3♦
In my opinion this 3♦ bid is 4th suit forcing; 4th suit forcing also applies even if the sequence is already game forcing. It is not necessarily natural and asks partner to describe his hand further - in particular if he has a ♦ stop. It needs alerting.
4th suit forcing
only applies after 3 natural bids: for example
2♣ - 2♥ - 2♠ - 3♦
2♣ is artificial and strong, 2♥ was a natural positive and 2♠ natural. 3♦ here is natural as it is just the third real suit bid. It is not 4th suit forcing.
I will not be so lenient in future if established pairs fail to
alert 4th suit forcing and I get a complaint from the opponents.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Pass, and pass partner’s
subsequent double.
Hand C: 1NT. It’s true that it’s 4333
(bad) but the three tens are more than adequate compensation.
Hand G: Either redouble (9+) or
Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers
J 1♣ 1♠
3♦ If you play that a negative double promises the two unbid
suits then the bid shows a good hand with ♦ support. If you play that a negative double simply promises the unbid major (as I do) then 3♦ is a splinter agreeing ♥’s (2♦ would be a natural forcing reverse).
K 1♠
L 1♠