Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 316

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              30th Nov 2008

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 24th      N-S     1st  Tomas & Guttorm          61%       2nd    Kathleen & Ivy                 58%

                    E-W     1st   Alan & Arnt                   63%       2nd    Agne & Britta                   54%

Wed 26th      N-S     1st  Hans & Jean W              60%       2nd    Bob P & Nick                  58%

                    E-W     1st   Royd & Lars G              62%       2nd    Arnt & Terje                    60%

Fri 28th         N-S     1st  Hans & Sally                  =            Bengt M & Ole                        57%

                    E-W     1st  Asmuno & Knut             66%       2nd    Derek & Gerard               62%


Ron Klinger web site

Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A it is unfavourable vulnerability. RHO opens 1,

what do you do?

52                 KJ5432                               

QJ985          AQ10           With Hand B it’s love all. You open 1 and LHO overcalls 2,

105               QJ4              this is passed to you, what do you do?

A954            8                 


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C RHO opens 1, what do you bid?


KJ985          AQJ9            With Hand D it’s love all. Partner opens 1 and RHO doubles

Q6                Q42              (a)  What do you bid?

Q10              82                 (b)  Suppose you redouble and this is passed round to RHO

KJ43            10652                who bids 1, what do you do now?


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E it’s love all. Partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls

2, what do you bid?

A8                KJ10987

J92               6                              

A72              K10752        With Hand F it’s favourable vulnerability, what do you        

KQ652        K                 open as dealer?            


Bidding Sequence Quiz


G     1     dbl   redbl    pass       What is the 1NT bid?

pass   1    1NT                        


The Club Championships

Here are the latest standings in the club competitions.



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5













1877.8 Hans Vikman

1843.9 Dave Cutler

1841.8 Sally Watson

1836.8 Lewis Berg

1825.1 Janne Roos

1809.9 Lars Gustafsson

1803.9 Bob Pelletier

1783.3 Ivy Schlageter

1727.5 Jan v Koss


672.7 Hans Vikman

663.6 Sally Watson

661.8 Dave Cutler

661.1 Jeremy Watson

653.4 Lewis Berg

651.0 Lars Gustafsson

642.9 Janne Roos

642.7 Ivy Schlageter

640.6 Derek & Gerard

639.0 Tomas Wikman



347.2 Hans Vikman

342.3 Dave Cutler

341.1 Jeremy Watson

341.1 Sally Watson

339.7 Lars Gustafsson

335.8 Lewis Berg 

335.3 Ivy Schlageter

329.9 Derek & Gerard

327.4 Tomas Wikman

326.2 Bob Pelletier



A nice hand for Muiderberg                                Board 21 from Friday 28th 


E-W were a first time partnership, but they just had time to agree to play Multi 2 and that a 2/ opening showed a weak hand with 5 cards in the major and a 4-5 card minor. It came up on the first set of boards of the session!


Dealer:             QJ10963                                    West          North         East          South

North               K9                                              -                 pass (1)      2    (2)    pass

N-S vul            763                                            4    (3)      all pass


                                                                        (1)  With great intermediates in the suit, 

A84                    N             5                          2 is a reasonable option despite the adverse

1073               W    E          QJ852                 vulnerability; but an outside singleton would

A10                    S              K95                     make it a better opening.

AJ653                                Q984             (2)  Muiderberg, weak with 5 ’s and a minor.

                        K72                                      (3)  With 3-card support and aces in all of the

A64                                           other suits this is worth a shot at for game. 2NT

QJ842                                       (asking for the 2nd suit and strength) may be

K2                                             better but the pair had not discussed this. 3 is

an invitational raise but this was not agreed.


And what happened? 4 made +1 for a good score to E-W. It’s only a combined 21 points and the game was missed at most tables.

The bottom lines: -

-         If you play the Multi 2, then Muiderberg is probably the best choice for the 2/ openings. But you have to be cautious – because the major is only 5-cards you are quite likely to get doubled for penalties. If vulnerable it’s best to be 5-5, I would not open this East hand if vulnerable against decent opposition.

-         Muiderberg is described  on the website:

      Conventions > Section 1 > Muiderberg.

Double 3NT for a lead?             Board 6 from Monday 24th 


Dealer:             A973                                          Table A

East                  K73                                            West(A)     North         East          South

E-W vul           76                                              -                 -                 pass         1

                        KQ76                                        1    (1)      dbl (2)        pass         2

pass           3NT           all pass

52                       N             QJ1086               

QJ985            W    E          A10                     Table B

105                     S              9832                    West(A)     North         East          South

A954                                  102                      -                 -                 pass         1

                        K4                                             pass    (1)    1    (2)      pass         1NT

642                                            pass           2NT           pass         3NT

AKQJ4                                      pass           pass           dbl   (3)    all pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? In my opinion this is fine for a 1-level overcall even at this vulnerability, it has reasonable shape, good intermediates in the 5-card suit, with all of the points in the long suits. A decent 7-8 points is good enough for a 1-level overcall.

                  (2)  Negative, showing 4 ’s.

Table B:     (1)  This West decided not to overcall, no problem - it’s a matter of style.

(3)  Now this is the interesting bid. N-S have bid 3NT in an uncontested auction with presumably no extra values, and East has a good suit sitting over dummy. Double here demands that partner leads dummy’s first bid suit.


And what happened? East was a bit unlucky here. The natural lead should set the contract by one trick. But with a lead declarer has two stops and so time to set up the ’s and the doubled contract at Table B made for 550 and a top.

The bottom lines: -

-         If the opponents freely bid to 3NT in an uncontested auction, then a double by the opponent not on lead asks that partner leads dummy’s first bid suit.

-         A decent 7-8 points is good enough for an overcall in some people’s (and my) style.

-         Had West overcalled 1 at Table B then East, holding A10, would be quite happy with the expected lead.

-         Incidentally, declarer at Table B was later proud of the fact that he ducked the trick one, in fact this was an error as ’s is the danger suit and a switch would have set the contract by two tricks!

Penalties Galore!                                                 Board 12 from Monday 24th 


Dealer:             KJ985                                        Table A

West                Q6                                              West          North         East          South

N-S vul            Q10                                            2   (1)      pass           2            pass

                        KJ43                                          2NT           pass           3            pass

4    (2)      pass           4NT (3)    pass

2                         N             A10643                5   (4)      pass           6            all pass

AJ4                W    E          K2                      

A843                  S              KJ765                  Table B

A10865                              9                          West          North(C)    East          South

                        Q7                                              1             dbl   (5)      1    (6)   1    (7)

1098753                                    3    (8)     3    (9)      dbl           4    (10)

92                                              dbl             all pass


Table D                                                                  Table C

West          North(C)    East        South                   West          North(C)    East          South

1             1    (5)      2          2    (12)           1             1    (5)      2           pass

3             3    (13)    dbl         all pass                 3              3    (11)    dbl           all pass


Table A:           We start off with what should be the top score – it’s a Precision Club auction to the excellent 6 slam.

                  (1)  11-15 and 5+ ’s playing Precision.

(2)  A nice bid; resisting the temptation to bid 3NT and inviting a slam.

(3)  RKCB

(4)  3 (or 0) keycards.

Table B:     (5)  What did you bid with this North hand C in this week’s quiz? I understand that this North doubled ‘to show an opening hand’. This losing philosophy went out of fashion 50 years ago and most North’s found the obvious 1 overcall.

(6)   East has the values for a redouble, but with weak ’s he chose to bid 1. This bid at the one-level after a double is forcing.

(7)   With 6 ’s I guess a free bid is OK here.

(8)   Showing a good hand with support.

(9)   This is simply ludicrous – it shows a great hand with great ’s.

(10)   South decided to correct to his 6-carder, but they are going for a number whatever because of North’s silly double and crazy 3 bid.

Table C:     (5)  Finally somebody gets the answer to question C right…

(11)  … but then goes completely wrong by rebidding a ropey 5-card suit, vulnerable, at the three level!

Table D:     (5)  Again somebody gets the answer to question C right…

(12)  … but is unfortunately partnered by somebody who thinks that Qx is support.

(13) … and I see no reason for North to bid further. Obey THE LAW – I cannot see a 6th in the North hand.


And what happened? Four out of nine N-S’s gave away penalties of 1100+, so N-S at Table A got just an average for their great bidding.

The bottom lines: -

-         There’s lots of things to say about N-S bidding at tables B®D: Look at the vulnerability, don’t double with a 5-card major, don’t bid your hand twice, obey the Law etc. etc…

No Penalties Galore!                                           Board 17 from Monday 24th 


This time every East offered a generous penalty to N-S, but nobody accepted it!


Dealer:             KJ5432                                      Table A

North               AQ10                                         West          North         East          South(E)

Love all            QJ4                                            -                1              2           dbl   (1)

                        8                                                pass           2              pass         4

all pass

97                       N             Q106                   

76543             W    E          K8                       Table B

10963                 S              K85                     West          North(B)    East          South(E)

104                                    AJ973                  -                 1              2           pass (1)

                        A8                                              pass           2    (2)      pass         3NT

J92                                            all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand E in this week’s quiz? Double was a popular choice, but it is totally wrong if you play Negative Double (as a number of the doublers say they do).

Table B:     (1)  This is the correct answer to question E when playing Negative Doubles. You should pass and then pass partner’s ‘automatic’ re-opening double.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? There are a few experts around who advocate re-bidding a 6-card major, but the majority (and I) say that they are wrong. To me, double is automatic here as partner probably has a penalty hand. If vulnerable against not then 2 may be acceptable.


And what happened? NOBODY managed to get the 500 (a top) on offer for 2*-3. Everybody played in 3NT or 4 scoring anything between 420 and 460.

The bottom lines: -

-         If you play negative doubles then remember the ‘penalty’ pass and ‘automatic’ re-opening double.

-         There are a few (very few) situations when you should not make the re-opening double (this North hand is not one of them). The are described on the website:

      Conventions > Section 1 >  Negative Doubles

Does a 3 opening promise 7 ’s?                      Board 18 from Wednesday 24th 


Last week we had a Dave article in which he quoted a hand where it was acceptable to open just 2 when holding a 7-card suit (poor suit, poor shape and vulnerable). This week we have an example of the complete opposite (good suit, good shape, favourable vulnerability).


Dealer:             AQ32                                         Table A

East                  J105                                           West          North         East(F)     South

N-S                 J                                                 -                 -                 1    (1)    dbl

                        A9843                                        2              3     (2)    3    (3)    pass (4)

pass           dbl             all pass

654                     N             KJ10987            

AQ743           W    E          6                          Table B

43                       S              K10752               West          North         East(F)     South

J105                                   K                         -                 -                 3    (1)    dbl

                        -                                                 pass           3NT           all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this East hand F in this week’s quiz? It has two great suits and is 21 (but the K is miserable) for the rule of 20 and so 1 is quite acceptable. 2 is an alternative but it’s too strong for my style at this vulnerability.

(2)  3NT is an alternative.

(3)  This is now a competitive auction and the simple version of The LAW applies, so with an extra trump East correctly competes to the nine-trick level.

Table B:     (1)  This was my bid at the table in answer to question F. This suit is very robust and with a singleton I prefer 3 to 2 or 1 - make it difficult for the opponent’s to find a fit which they probably have (but not in this case!). A 3 opening does not always guarantee exactly 7 trumps, it may be a good 6 or a poor 8.


And what happened? At table B East led a and North won with the Q. He played the A dropping the singleton K and ran the J. Things were looking good for North; East has shown up with three kings (K, K and presumably the K) and so probably does not have an entry. West won the third round of ’s and led a . North had no reason to believe that there was anything devious afoot and so rose with the A and thus went down when West turned up with an unexpected 3rd after winning a. Unlucky! At IMPs North can afford to duck the 2nd round of ’s but at pairs it is surely correct to assume that East has 7 ’s and go for the overtrick. If ’s were indeed 7-2 as indicated by the bidding then North would have lost just the J and the A,Q and makes 10 tricks comfortably with tricks to spare.

At most other tables East opened 1 or 2 and played in 3 or 4, usually doubled, and all going down.

The bottom lines: -

-         A 3-level pre-empt is usually 7 cards, but not always.

-         Upgrade a hand for good intermediates (in long suits) and for good shape.

Redouble is out for blood                                    Board 24 from Wednesday 24th 


When partner opens and RHO doubles, then redouble generally shows no fit for partner and is usually looking for a penalty. West at Table B on this deal got it wrong on two counts.


Dealer:             K104                                          Table A

West                863                                             West          North         East          South

Love all            1063                                           pass           pass           1            pass (1)

                        QJ87                                          1              pass           2            dbl   (2)

3    (3)      all pass

AQJ9                  N             8632                   

Q42                W    E          AK7                    Table B

82                       S              KQ754               West(D)     North         East          South

10652                                9                          pass           pass           1            dbl   (1)

                        75                                               redbl  (4)    pass           pass         1

J1095                                        1NT   (5)    all pass




Table A:     (1)  This is South’s best bid, with a doubleton and a flattish hand pass is clear.

(2)  Now double is very reasonable – it shows the rounded suits.

(3)  This is reasonable, with 7 of the 9 points in the suit.

Table B:     (1)  This is not my style and pass is very clear to me. However, this South is a fully paid-up member of the ‘double to show an opening hand’ brigade and it just happened to work with this West.

(4)   What did you bid with this West hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? Redouble here usually implies a mis-fit  with 9+ points and a desire to penalize the opponents. With nearly all of the points in the suit I think that 1 is clear. Do you really want to double ’s or ’s for penalties?

(5)   What did you bid with this West hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? This bid just shows the futility of the previous bid. Qxx is a miserable ‘stop’ and the suit is lost forever. I would never be in this spot (I would have bid 1 last go) but having redoubled then a 1NT bid is now total nonsense – the bid ‘does not exist’. You either have to accept that you got it wrong last go and bid 1, or else go through with the original concept and make a (forcing) pass.


And what happened? 1NT by West went -1 for the only + score in the N-S column (so a total, total bottom to E-W).  Virtually everybody else played in a contract by E-W scoring anything from 470 or 420 to 110. The bottom lines: -

-         A redouble shows the balance of power and is generally looking for a penalty.

-         Sequence G. i.e. 1 dbl redbl pass pass 1 1NT simply has no sensible meaning.


Dave’s Column                   Here is Dave’s input involving the bidding.


North               South                       You are South, you open 2 and end up as declarer

103               AKQJ96               in 6. Are you happy with this contract or would you 

J876             K2                        rather be in something else (if so, what)?

AJ8               3                                          

Q1085         AKJ9                

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 19 from Wednesday 26th  


Dealer:             103                                             West          North         East            South

South               J876                                           -                 -                 -                 2   (1)

E-W vul           AJ8                                            pass           2    (2)      dbl             2    (3)

                        Q1085                                       pass           2NT           pass           3    (4)

pass           4    (5)      pass           4NT

742                     N             85                        pass           5              pass           6

AQ3             W      E          10954                  all pass

974                     S              KQ10652      

7432                                  6                    (1)  Strong, artificial, forcing

                        AKQJ96                               (2)  waiting

K2                                       (3)  game forcing

3                                          (4)  spot the alternative bid!

AKJ9                                   (5)  cue bid


The best contract is not 6, it is 6 by South. N-S have eight ’s and eight ’s but because the ’s are more evenly divided there is usually and extra trick playing in that suit.

On this hand the extra trick comes from ruffing a in the South hand, followed by drawing trumps and running the ’s.

Getting to 6 on this deal is difficult, but not impossible. If South bids 3 at (3) instead of 3, North will raise and off you go. Note that if North does not like ’s then South can always revert to ’s.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? All but two played in 4, with one pair in 5. All made 11 tricks but the top score was for the pair who bid 3NT making +2. Nobody mentioned the ’s.



Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input involving the play of the hand.


West                East                      You are East, declarer in 4 after North had opened 1NT.

A654            K72                  South leads a , plan the play.

J932             KQ10654  

A                  93              

KJ43            105                       

Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 21 from Wednesday 26th 


Dealer:             J93                                             West            North       East            South

North               A8                                              -                   1NT         2    (1)      pass

N-S vul            KJ864                                         4                all pass


(1)  playing natural methods

A654                  N             K72               

J932               W    E          KQ10654      

A                        S              93                  

KJ43                                  105               



Q10752                                                  South leads a , plan the play.



Declarer won the A and played a trump. North won and played a . Declarer won and pulled the last trump. Declarer then led the 10 to North’s Q. North subsequently won the next and cashed a for one down. What did declarer do wrong?

The answer is that declarer must start with ’s at trick two, leading low from dummy. He then has time to set up a for a discard before the defenders can win a trick.

And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4=, 4-1 three times, 2+2 twice, 3= and 3 by North =.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    1. I guess this is fairly close vulnerable (pass being the alternative), but the suit is decent and I see no reason not to bid it.

Hand B:    Double, ‘automatic’.

Hand C:    1, totally obvious I know, but one player did give 1700 away when he doubled and subsequently bid 3.

Hand D:    (a)  1, you could redouble as you have 9+ points and shortage in partner’s suit, but the problem is that you can only really penalize one suit. Of course redouble will work out well if the opponents bid spades (you double) but the odds are that they will bid ’s…

(b)  … and here we see the problem with the previous redouble. Do you really want to double 1 for penalties? Do you want to pass and have partner maybe double 1 for penalties? I guess that the sensible bid is to accept that you made a hash of it last go and bid 1? 1NT is terrible – you may (did!) miss a 4-4 fit.

Hand E:    pass, and pass partner’s re-opening double.

Hand F:     1 or 3. This hand, with a great suit and a 2nd suit, really is too strong for 2 at this vulnerability (2 could be a lot, lot weaker). Since the ’s are so robust I prefer 3. I prefer this to 1 as it’s a distributional hand and the opponent’s may have ’s.


Bidding Sequence Answers


G     1      dbl   redbl    pass       This 1NT bid has no sensible meaning and is inconsistent

pass   1    1NT                   with the previous double which is generally looking for penalties.


 Ron Klinger web site