Mon 22nd N-S 1st Lars B & Lars G 59% 2nd Jeremy & sally 59%
E-W 1st
Wed 24th N-S 1st Hans & Lars B 57% 2nd
E-W 1st Bob S & Johan 61% 2nd Gunn & Torbiorn 54%
Fri 26th 1st Janne & Jeremy 65% 2nd Jean W & Terry 62%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
QJ10 ♠ A95
♥ AK3 ♥
J542 With Hand B partner opens 1NT and you bid 2♣. Partner
♦ Q83 ♦ AJ6 replies 2♦, what do you bid.
♠ 62 ♠
1092 ♥ AJ With
hand D you are vulnerable and the opponents are not.
♦ AKQJ865 ♦ 9743 Partner opens 3NT
(gambling) and
Bidding Sequence Quiz
G 1♣ 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ What is the 1♠ bid, natural or 4th suit forcing?
Christmas Day Party
The Xmas party and teams-of-4 event was a great success,
many thanks to
1) If we have a Howell movement where a pair moves from one direction to the other at the same table, then please physically move. This avoids mis-boarding and scoring errors.
Annual membership fees are due
soon. It will save time on Monday 2nd Jan if people pay before then.
Gambling 3NT Board
26 from Friday 26th
Dealer: ♠
4 Table
East ♥ AJ West North East South(C)
N-S vul ♦ 9743 - - - 1♦ (1)
♣ Q109532 1♠ (2) 2♠ (3) 5♠ pass
♠ K10987 N ♠ AQJ53
♥ Q643 W E ♥ K875
Table B
AKJ4 ♣ 87 - - - 3♦ (1)
♠ 62
1092 4♠ pass (7) all
♦ AKQJ865
♣ 6 ‘Expert' Table
West North(D) East South(C)
- - - 3NT (1)
And what happened? Six different results : 6♠-1, 5♥-1, 4♠+2,
5♠*=, 3♠+2
and 6♦*-2.
The bottom lines: -
West East You
are West, declarer in 6♠ and North leads the ♣K.
AJ ♣ 5
Dave’s Column
answer Board
16 from Wednesday 24th
Dealer: ♠ QJ4 West North East South
East ♥ J986 - - 1♥ pass
E-W vul ♦ J4 1♠ pass 2♠ pass
♣ KQ109 3♦ pass 4♦ pass
5♣ pass 5♥ pass
AJ ♣ 5
♠ 3
♦ Q95
♣ 876432
What generally happened was that declarer took
his ♣A, ruffed a ♣ in dummy, and cashed his two high trumps. When
South discarded to reveal the trump loser declarer was held to just 11 t
So how should West guard against a possible 3-1
trump break? He should win the ♣A
but does not need to ruff his other ♣
immediately. Instead, West should cash the ♠A and lead a ♥ to dummy’s ♥A. After ruffing a low ♥ he leads a trump to dummy’s ♠K, revealing the bad, but not unexpected, break.
However, thanks to his careful play, West retains control. He cashes dummy’s ♥K discarding a ♦ and ruffs another ♥ to establish
dummy’s 5th ♥. Now the delayed ♣ ruff pays dividends – it places the lead in
dummy for the lead of the last ♥
and a 2nd ♦ discard. Now, whether
North ruffs or not, he only scores his natural trump t
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd input involving the play of the hand.
North South You are
North, declarer in 6♥ and East leads the ♠2. North
♠ AKQ ♠ 65 takes West’s ♠10 with the ♠A, cashes the ♥AK as both defenders
♥ AKQ94 ♥ J1086 follow, cashes the ♠KQ with East following and dummy
♦ 3 ♦ AKQ4 discarding the ♣7 and West discarding the ♣2.
♣ J964 ♣ K107 The ♦AKQ are played,
declarer discarding two ♣’s as both opponents
follow. Declarer plays the ♦4 from table and
West discards the ♣3. How should declarer continue?
Dave’s Column
answer Board
17 from Wednesday 24th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ West North East South
West ♥ AKQ94 - 1♥ pass 2NT (1)
Love all ♦ 3 pass 3♦ (2) pass 4♥ (3)
♣ J964 pass 4NT pass 5♣ (4)
pass 6♥ all pass
107 N ♠
♥ 52 W E ♥ 73 (1) Jacoby 2NT. I
personally prefer to have a
AQ8532 ♣ - 2NT with an opening hand and 4-card
♠ 65 (2) ♦ shortage
J1086 (3) Fast arrival – South’s hand has gone downhill.
♦ AKQ4 (4) 1 keycard playing
♣ K107
The complete deal is above, after the running
commentary given on the previous page the end position is :
♠ - Declarer leads the ♦4 from dummy and West
♥ Q94 discards the ♣3, what should declarer do?
♦ - He
should count the hand!
♣ J9 West has shown exactly 2 ♠’s, 2 ♥’s and 3 ♦’s,
so the rest of his
cards are all ♣’s – six of them.
- N ♠
J98 That leaves East with zero ♣’s and declarer
♥ - W E ♥ - should run the ♦4, discarding a ♣. Whatever
AQ853 ♣ - discards
his remaining ♣ from hand.
♠ -
♦ 4
♣ K10
infamous 4333 type shape again Board 4 from the Xmas
I have just one board from the Xmas teams of four match, and the result for
the winning team or runners-up of the competition depended upon it! – there was
just one VP difference! (although the hero of the hand – Lewis, North at table
B – was from another team!)
Dealer: ♠
QJ10 Table
East ♥ AK3 West North(A) East South(C)
Both vul ♦ Q83 - - pass pass
♣ K832 pass 1NT (1) pass 2♣ (2)
pass 2♦ pass 3NT (3)
♠ K73 N ♠ 8642
all pass
♥ Q98 W E ♥ 1076
QJ3 ♣ A97 West North(B) East South
♠ A95 - - pass pass
J542 pass 1♣ (1) pass 1♥
♦ AJ6 pass 1NT
(4) pass pass
♣ 1054 pass
(5) pass
And what happened? This deal would have been
enough for Alan/Hans’ team to win the competition had either of them known
about how bad the 4333 shape is. 3NT went -2 and 1NT made exactly. The bottom lines: -
4333 is
the WORST POSSIBLE SHAPE. If you bother to read some of the blogs
written by Jean-Francois Fohrer on the club blogsite ( he goes into
lengths to explain how good(!) the shape is in a
NoTrump contract. Even making 1NT was a struggle with these N-S cards!! 4333 is
garbage – deduct a point and ignore the French!
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1904.0 Hans Vikman 1856.5 1849.9 Dave Cutler 1848.4 Janne Roos 1845.6 Lewis Berg 1817.1 Lars Gustafsson 1806.6 Bob Pelletier 1790.3 Ivy Schlageter 1786.1 Derek & Gerard 1761.3 Jeremy Watson |
683.5 Hans Vikman 664.9 663.8 Jeremy Watson 661.8 Dave Cutler 652.2 Lewis Berg 651.0 Lars Gustafsson 648.3 Janne Roos 646.8 Derek & Gerard 645.6 Janne Roos 643.6 Ivy Schlageter |
352.6 Hans Vikman 342.3 Dave Cutler 341.1 Jeremy Watson 341.1 339.7 Lars Gustafsson 335.8 Lewis Berg 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 333.8 Derek & Gerard 327.4 326.2 Bob Pelletier |
Quiz Answers
Hand A: 1♣,
deduct a point for the totally flat 3343 shape with insufficient intermediates
to compensate.
Hand C: 3NT, showing a 7-8 completely solid minor suit
with nothing outside.
Hand D: 5♦. At adverse vulnerability you can afford to go just one down, so 6♦ is probably too high at this vulnerability.
You know partner has 7 (maybe 8) ♦ t
Bidding Sequence Answers
G 1♣ 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ The meaning of 1♠ here is up to partnership understanding. The
sequence came up at the Xmas teams of 4. Alan bid it meaning it as 4th
suit forcing. His partner Hans explained the bid as natural (and forcing). I’m
with Hans here and I play 2♠ as 4th suit forcing, but it’s up to you.