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Mon 5th N-S 1st Bob S & Lars G 63% 2nd
E-W 1st Hans & Janne 63% 2nd Bob P & Olaf 62%
Wed 7th N-S 1st Torbjorn & Gunn 62% 2nd
E-W 1st Michel & Olaf 58% 2nd Gerard & Derek 58%
Fri 9th N-S
1st Hans &
E-W 1st Bob S & Johan 61% 2nd
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
J2 ♠ KQ43
♥ AQJ10 ♥ KQ1032 With Hand B LHO opens 1♦
and partner overcalls 1♠,
K8 ♣ A1052
♠ QJ874 ♠ K532 With Hand D partner opens 1♠ and
10 ♥
3 choose
to bid 4♠ - presumably showing a good hand like this
♦ J1074 ♦ KJ105 in their system. This goes round to
KQ ♠ 10
♥ AKQ109862 ♥ KJ97654 With Hand F it’s
unfavourable vulnerability. LHO opens 1♠
RKC Blackwood Board 16 from
Monday 5th
A couple of people asked me about this deal, and how to sensibly reach 6♠. It’s a bit advanced, but since two did
ask ...
Dealer: ♠
J10982 Table
West ♥ A86 West North East South(B)
E-W vul ♦ K7 1♦ 1♠ 3♦ (1) 4♣ (2)
♣ KJ7 4♦ 4♠ (3) pass 6♠ (4)
all pass
♠ A65 N ♠ 7
♥ 7 W E ♥ J954 ‘Expert’
Q984 ♣ 63 1♦ 1♠ 3♦ (1) 5♦ (2)
♠ KQ43 pass (5) 5♠ (6) pass 6♠ (7)
♦ -
♣ A1052
And what happened? Two bid the slam, the rest
were in 4♠+2.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
A8 Table
South ♥ 9854 West North East(A) South
both vul ♦ 1096 - - - pass
♣ J753 1NT pass 3NT (1) all
♠ KQ43 N ♠ J2
Table B
♥ 7632 W E ♥ AQJ10
West North East(A) South
AQ6 ♣ K8 1NT pass 1♣ (1) pass
♠ 109765 2♥ (2) pass 4♥ all pass
♦ KQ8
♣ 10942
And what happened? Results were all over the
place, with only two pairs out of seven reaching the totally obvious 4♥. Deep Finesse says that 5♥ makes 11 t
The bottom lines: -
The 4-4
major suit fit usually makes one more t
even with the ♥K
offside and the trumps 4-1.
Dave’s Column Here
is Dave’s first input, a bidding problem.
Dave’s Column
answer Board
25 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ AK9653 West(F) North East South(C)
North ♥ A - 1♠ pass 4♠ (1)
E-W vul ♦ Q9 5♥ (2)
♣ Q874
(1) What did you bid with this
South hand C
K10 ♣ AJ63 (2) What did you bid with this West hand F
♠ QJ874 in this week’s quiz? It’s unfavourable
vulnerability but nether the less 5♥ is surely
♦ J1074 the best bet. It may go for 1100 -1700,
♣ 952 but it may push them up one or it may even
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Only two West’s bid 5♥ and both were doubled and played there. One
took the correct guess in ♣’s (finesse through
the opener) and made for the top. The other decided to play ♣A,K off the top and
went one down for a bottom. The rest of the field were left to play peacefully
in 4♠, with all going one down except one who went
two down.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd input involving the play of the hand.
West East You are East, declarer in 5♥ doubled after the bidding:
765 ♠ 9
♥ J863 ♥ AK1094
West North East South
K6 ♣ A8 3♥ (weak) 4♠ 5♥
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 26 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ AQ1042 West North East South
East ♥ Q52 - - 1♥
Both vul ♦ A 3♥ (1) 4♠ 5♥
♣ 10932 all pass
765 N ♠
9 (1) Pre-emptive
♥ J863 W E ♥ AK1094
K6 ♣ A8 North
cashes the ♦A and then a ♠ which you ruff.
♠ KJ83 You play the ♥A and all follow low.
do you continue and what is your rationale?
♦ KQ8
♣ QJ754
What assumptions should you make about the hand
and the trump suit? Even if you misguess the ♥’s, the contract will fail by three and -500
will still be a good sacrifice against the vulnerable ♠ game. However, if 4♠ is going down, this sacrifice will be too
expensive whatever. Therefore assume that your decision to bid to the 5-level
was sound and play for the ♥’s to be 3-1. If ♥’s are 2-2 then 4♠ has 4 losers (two ♥’s and two ♣’s).
First play a ♦ to start developing the suit while you retain trump control. After
ruffing the ♠ continuation play another ♦ clearing the suit. You can then take a ♠ ruff in dummy if necessary while there are
still two trumps there. Finesse the ♥
and -300 will be a great result.
director call Board
15 from Wednesday 7th
The usual problem. It’s a fact
that the director is called more due to hesitation than for any other reason.
Dealer: ♠
AQ1094 West North East South(D)
South ♥ A94 - - - pass
N-S vul ♦ A7 pass 1♠ 2♥ 4♠ (1)
♣ 642 pass pass 5♦ pass
♠ J87 N ♠ 6
all pass
♥ J8 W E ♥ KQ107652
A10753 ♣ Q 3♥ or 4♥
are far better.
♠ K532 (2) After a very long
3 (3) What did you bid with this South hand D(b) in
♦ KJ105 this week’s quiz? After partner’s long
♣ KJ98 you
need to have a very clear bid in order to
pull the double. Do you think that 5♠ is clear?
And what happened? The director was summoned
and when dummy appeared he said to play the hand out and if E-W were injured
then there may be an adjusted score.
made exactly for an above average score to N-S. 5♥ doubled was the contract at two tables, it
went -4 for a bottom and -3 for a top.
So what should be done, my opinions are: -
South did
not have a clear 5♠ bid and the contract should be returned to 5♥ doubled, with the most advantageous reasonable
outcome for E-W being awarded.
South and East are all decent players. Given that East is above average I
believe that he could have gone just three down for 500 away and a joint top (5♥* went -3 at another table).
Dealer: ♠
J943 Table
West ♥ 4 West North East(E) South
E-W vul ♦ KJ104 pass pass 4♥ (1) pass
♣ 765 pass 4♠ 5♥ (2)
all pass
♠ 108762 N ♠ KQ
♥ - W E ♥ AKQ109862 ‘Expert’ Table
AJ1094 ♣ - pass pass 4♣ (1) pass
♠ 5 4♥ (3) 4♠ pass (4) pass
♦ A98
♣ KQ832
And what happened? Just one North played in 4♠ doubled and went for 500 and a bottom. At every
other table the contract was some number of ♥’s, either 4 or 5, all going down. 5♥* went for 1100 once and 500 the other time.
The bottom lines: -
- Play
Namyats! Now not everybody shares my enthusiasm about Namyats. Two players I
have discussed it with are Brian Senior and
Quiz Answers
Hand A: 2♣,
Stayman – look for a 4-4 ♥ fit. Now this is so
totally obvious that you may wonder why it is in the quiz?
Because no less than 5 out of 7 players elected to ignore the 4-4 ♥ fit and played in an inferior NoTrump
contract. Absolutely amazing!
Hand C: 4♠,
obey the Law, especially with a singleton.
Hand D: (a) Pass. I can see no reason to pull the double if the 4♠ bid showed your hand in the system you are
(b) Pass.
I do not believe that 70% of players would pull the double.
Hand E: 4♣,
Namyats. If you do not play Namyats then there is no sensible opening bid! It’s
far too good for 4♥ and any other opening lets the opposition in
too cheaply.
Hand F: 5♥.
Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead.