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Mon 26th N-S 1st Gerry & Hans Bij 57% 2nd Hans V & Janne 57%
E-W 1st Derek & Gerard 55% 2nd Elizabeth & Marlene 54%
Wed 28th N-S 1st Flurio & Pezzini 61% 2nd Hans V & Lars B 54%
E-W 1st Jens & Vali 64% 2nd Bob P &
Fri 30th N-S 1st Janne & Lars B 66% 2nd Flurio & Pezzini 62%
E-W 1st Bob S & Johan 59% 2nd
V &
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
QJ108 ♠ A
♥ Q85 ♥ A10 With
Hand B LHO opens 4♠ and this is passed to you,
KQJ9 ♣ AQ7542
Bidding Sequence Quiz
C 4♠ pass pass
D 4♠ pass pass 4NT What is 4NT?
A RKCB mix-up Board 26 from Monday 26th
Two pairs messed up their (
Dealer: ♠
64 Table
West ♥ J9632 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ QJ65 1♠ pass 2♣ (1) pass
♣ 106 3♣ pass 3♦ (2) pass
3NT pass 4NT (3) pass
♠ AK932 N ♠ QJ108
5♥ (4) pass 6♠ (5)
♥ K7 W E ♥ Q85 all
8542 ♣ KQJ9 Table B
♠ 75 West North East(A) South
A104 1♠ pass 2NT (1) pass
♦ 109873 4♠ (6) pass pass (7) all pass
♣ A73
And what happened? Everybody was in 4♠+1 except for the two in 6♠ who both went down.
The bottom lines: -
In my
opinion it really is essential for a pair well past the beginner’s stage to
have a forcing raise of partner’s 1♥/♠ opening available. Jacoby 2NT is the obvious
choice but there are other options.
If you do not have this
simple tool in your bidding armory then you will get into mix-ups like at Table
A when responder has a good hand in support of partner’s major – how can he
show good support and later bid RKCB with ♠’s as trumps (as necessary here as the ♠K is an important
card) if the auction starts 1♠ - 2♣?
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
594.1 Hans Vikman |
319.5 Janne Roos 317.3 Hans Vikman 301.8 Bob Short 297.7 295.4 Johan Bratsberg 293.5 Lewis Berg 293.5 288.7 Bob Pelletier 282.9 Gene Moats 282.9 |
West East You are East, declarer in
5♥ after both opponents have bid ♣’s
♠ J642 ♠
A109 and pushed you up to the five level. South leads a ♣ and you
♥ A976 ♥ K10832 ruff
in dummy. You lead the ♥A, North plays low
and South
- ♣
A2 that
North has ♥Jx
and South none, or that North has the other
small ♥
and South now the bare ♥J?
8 ever 9 never or restricted choice? Board
13 from Monday 26th
We all know that playing for the drop with
4 cards including the queen missing is slightly with the odds; but what when
missing the QJ and one of them appearing on the first round?
Dealer: ♠
North ♥ J54 West North East South
both vul ♦ QJ53 - pass pass (1) 1♠
♣ J9654 2♦ pass 2♥ 3♣
4♥ 5♣ pass pass
♠ J642 N ♠ A109
5♥ all pass
♥ A976 W E ♥ K10832
- ♣
A2 (1) With two working
tens, a 1♥ opening is
♠ Q8753 reasonable.
♦ A
♣ KQ10873
So, onto the play. The ♣ lead is ruffed in
dummy and you lead the ♥A to the ♥4, ♥2 and the ♥Q from South. Do you
now play for an original 2-2 ♥ split or do you finesse?
If you ignore the inferences from the bidding
you should finesse. This is a classic case of restricted choice (which is a
rather complex mathematical topic which is beyond the scope of these news
And what happened? Only this E-W pair played in
♥’s; at every other table the contract was
either 4♣ or 5♣
(doubled or undoubled) by N-S. 5♥ by East made for a complete top when declarer
took the correct view in ♥’s.
The bottom lines: -
when there are just 4 cards out including the queen, then the odds are to play
for the drop. But when you are missing the queen and the jack and one of these
appears on the first round, then Restricted Choice applies and you should
finesse. This is all explained in detail on the website:
General bridge topics >
8 ever 9 never vs Restricted Choice
Coping with their 4♠ opening Board
28 from Monday 30th
Dealer: ♠
4 Table
West ♥ K8762 West North East South(B)
N-S vul ♦ AQ1032 4♠ pass pass 5♣ (1)
♣ 106 all
♠ KQJ1097532 N ♠ 86
Table B
♥ 93 W E ♥ QJ54 West North East South(B)
K ♣
J983 5♠ (1) pass pass
♠ A all pass
♦ K865
♣ AQ7542
And what happened? Unfortunately for West at
table B; 5♠*, which is a good save, scored a complete
bottom as no N-S in the room found a making game! Results were 5♠*-3, 4♠-2,
5♣-1 three times and 5♣*-2. Nobody found the ♦ fit.
The bottom lines: -
You have
to agree what bids mean over a 4♠
opening. Some play double as penalties and others as a three-suit take out
(which partner can of course convert to penalties if he wishes). This then
leaves 4NT available as a two-suit (any two suits) take out.
Using this treatment, South
should bid 4NT and North, with great support for either red suit can bid 6♦ (pass or correct to
6♥ if partner has ♣’s and ♥’s). Chickens could bid a simple 5♦ which would have earned a top on the day.
West East You are East, declarer in
4♥. You get the ♦2 lead upon
10987 ♣ A63
Dave’s Column
answer Board
6 from Wednesday 28th
Dealer: ♠ KJ1032 West North East South
East ♥ 2 - - - 1♥
E-W vul ♦ K7653 pass 3♥ pass 4♥
♣ QJ all
10987 ♣ A63
♠ 987
♦ Q1082
♣ K542
South led the ♦2 to the ♦K and at the table East won with the ♦A. He cashed the trump ace, led a low trump to dummy’s ♥9 and played a low ♣ from dummy. East won North’s ♣J with the ♣A and played another ♣, losing to North’s ♣Q. North then led a ♦ to South’s ♦Q and South had an easy shift to the ♠9. The finesse lost and the game was defeated; East losing 1 ♦, 2 ♣’s and 1 ♠.
Would East have made the game had he refused to win the ♣J? Close, but not close enough. North would have led a ♦ to South for a ♠ switch before the ♣’s were established, leading to the same one down.
To make the game, East must refuse to win North’s ♦K at t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♥+2
twice, 4♥= twice, 5♥-1,
5♥-2, 2♥+1
and 3♥+1 and 4♠
by North *-3. Note that 4♠ by N-S is a good
save and that it pushed the opponents into 5♥ going down on two occasions.
Hand A: 2NT, the Jacoby 2NT (or some Scandinavian
variant if you wish). If you start with 2♣
you will probably get in a mess as you may want to later investigate slam and
need to have ♠’s agreed in order to use RKCB.
Bidding Sequence Answers
C 4♠ pass pass
D 4♠ pass pass 4NT
The 4♠
opening leaves you short of room and you have to agree what double and 4NT
1) One treatment that I read is that double is
penalties and 4NT a 3-suited take-out.
2) However, I’m not so keen on this and prefer
double as a 3-suited take-out which is reasonably happy to be passed for
penalties; and 4NT as a two-suited take-out.