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Mon 16th N-S 1st
E-W 1st Dave H & Per And… 60% 2nd Ken H & Lewis S 59%
Wed 18th N-S 1st
E-W 1st Borge &
Wed evening teams 1st Ivy & Terry Q 73% 2nd Bengt & Eddie 52%
Fri 20th N-S 1st Bengt & Eddie 59% 2nd Ian W & Johan 57%
E-W 1st Hans V &
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B (a) What do you open with hand A
(b) Suppose you open 1♦ and partner bids 1♠, what now?
♠ A ♠ AK94
♥ Q102 ♥ AQ932 With Hand B it is favourable vulnerability. You open 1♥ and
♦ AJ863 ♦ A9 LHO doubles. Partner redoubles and
♣ KQJ4 ♣ 32 you do?
Hand C Hand D (a) What do you open with hand C
(b) Suppose you open 1♣ or1♦ and partner bids 1♠, what now?
♠ A ♠ 53
♥ Q974 ♥ K10 With Hand D it is
favourable vulnerability. Partner opens 1♥
♦ AKJ6 ♦ KJ732 and
QJ87 ♣AQ95 LHO bids 1♠ and partner doubles
then (b) what do you do?
Bidding Sequence Quiz
E 1♦ pass 1♥ pass What is the jump to 5♣?
F 1♥
Dealer: ♠
10974 Table
South ♥ QJ1085 West North East South
both vul ♦ 9 - - - pass
♣ J92 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
2NT (1) pass 4♦ (2) pass
♠ AKJ N ♠ Q3
5♦ (3) pass 6♦ (4) all pass
♥ AK94 W E ♥ 8
K107 ♣ A43 West North East South
♠ 8652 - - - pass
732 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
♦ Q5 2NT (1) pass 4♦ (2) pass
♣ Q865 4NT (3) pass 5♣ (4) pass
5♥ (5) pass 5NT (6) pass.
7NT (7) all pass
And what happened? You would think
that E-W would get a bad score for just 6♦+1,
but no! One pair bid 7♦= and three bid 6♦ (one making only 12 t
The bottom lines
A 7 card
suit headed by the AK is huge, it is even huger when partner shows a balanced 18-19 points and you should be looking for the grand
if all keycards are present.
To ask for
the trump queen, bid 5 of the cheapest suit over 5♣/♦
(but not the trump suit which is a sign off).
If you
don’t have the trump queen but have an extra trump, then say that you have the
Dealer: ♠
86 Table
South ♥ AQ1097 West North East South
both vul ♦ AKQ854 - - - pass
♣ - pass 1♥ (1) pass 1♠
pass 3♦ pass 3♥
♠ AJ104 N ♠ 952
pass 4NT (2) pass 5♦ (3)
♥ J42 W E ♥ 3 pass 6♥ (4) all pass
AJ92 ♣ K86543 Table
♠ KQ73 West North East South
K865 - - - pass
♦ 93 pass 1♦ (1) pass 1♥
♣ Q107 pass 5♣ (5)
pass 5♥ (7) pass pass
And what happened? Just the one
pair bid the slam, which beat the score for the doubled overt
The bottom lines
Do not bid
Blackwood with a void – you have no idea if partner’s response includes the ace
in your void suit.
A 1-level penalty – more than a slam! Board 25 from Monday 16th
I just love doubling the opponents for
penalties, even at the one level. This time we doubled them at the 1-level and
missed a slam! No probblem.
Dealer: ♠
AK94 Table
North ♥ AQ932 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ A9 - 1♥ pass (1) 2♦
♣ 32 pass 2♠ pass 3NT
all pass
♠ 1072 N ♠ QJ86
♥ 87654 W E ♥ J
Table B
86 ♣
KJ1074 - 1♥
♠ 53 1♠ (3)
K10 pass
♦ KJ732
And what happened? One N-S pair bid
to 6NT and made 1020, However 1♠*
went -4 (this was under dispute as one player thought it was -5, but he settled
for -4 to save time) and the 1100 penalty was more than the slam! Most N-S
pairs bid to 3NT with all making with various numbers of overt
The bottom lines
listen to people who say you should not double 1-level contracts for penalties.
- Of
course most doubles at the 1-level are for take-out, but not after a redouble.
Interfering with their strong 2♣ opening Board 28 from Monday 16th
Dealer: ♠
- Table
West ♥ KJ8764 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ A9864 pass pass 2♣ pass
♣ J6 2♦ pass 2♠ pass
4♠ (1) all
♠ K53 N ♠ AQJ87642
♥ 1092 W E ♥ A3
Table B
10932 ♣ A pass pass 2♣ pass
♠ 109 2♦ 2♠ (2) 4♠ 5♣ (3)
Q5 pass 5♦ 5♠ (1) all pass
♦ KJ5
♣ KQ8754
And what happened? Five East’s were left to play peacefully in 4♠. One stopped in 3♠+1 and two were pushed into 5♠-1.
The bottom lines
Don’t be
afraid to interfere over their strong 1♣
or 2♣ if you have a shapely hand.
convention is written up on the website:
North South West North East South
♠ 63 ♠ K7 - 1♦ 1♠ 2♥
♥ A83 ♥
KQ1075 pass 3♥ pass 3♠ (1)
♦ KJ983 ♦ A106 pass 4♣ (1) pass 4NT
♣ AQ5 ♣ KJ7 pass 5♥ pass 6♥
all pass (1)
= cue bid
leads the ♠2 to East’s ♠A and East returns the ♠Q to your ♠K. You cash the ♥K
and lead another trump to the ♥A, West discarding.
the bidding and play so far and choose your play in the ♦ suit. Do you finesse against East or West,
or do you expect the ♦Q to
Dave’s Column answer Board 1
from Wednesday 18th
Dealer: ♠ 63 West North East South
North ♥ A83 - 1♦ 1♠ 2♥
Love all ♦ KJ983 pass 3♥ pass 3♠ (1)
♣ AQ5 pass 4♣ (2) pass 4NT
pass 5♥ pass 6♥
10962 ♣ 843 cue bid a 2nd round control
before a 1st
♠ K7 round control (4♦)
but it saves space and
KQ1075 this is the bidding from the book.
♦ A106 (2) A cue bid.
♣ KJ7
Answer: You continue with drawing trumps, finessing East’s ♥J.
Are you ready to play the ♦ suit? Should you play low to dummy’s ♦K expecting East to hold the ♦Q because of his overcall? Or should you first cash the ♦A and finesse against West, expecting West to have greater length in ♦’s?
There is no need to guess. First you should cash three rounds of ♣’s. When both defenders follow suit you know what to do. East has at least 5 ♠’s, 4 ♥’s and 3 ♣’s. Therefore he can have no more than one ♦. After cashing the ♦A you make the slam, taking the marked finesse against West’s ♦Q.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Four out of 12 bid the slam, two made it and
two made +1. The other 8 contracts were the usual spurious ones such as 3NT, 4♥ and 4♠*(E).
The bottom lines: -
When in
search of an elusive queen, don’t commit yourself too early. Look for more
information first and get a (partial) count on the hand.
63 ♣ AQ97
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
2 from Wednesday 18th
Dealer: ♠ 1098 West North East South
East ♥ 10873 - - 1♣ pass
N-S vul ♦ J95 4♥ pass
6♥ all pass
♣ 843
63 ♣ AQ97
♠ Q654
♦ K1072
♣ KJ102
Declarer discarded two ♦’s and a ♣ from dummy as he drew trumps, and South also threw two ♦’s and a ♣. Declarer then cashed the ♠K and ruffed a ♠. When the ♠Q did not drop declarer tried the ♦ finesse. South won and returned the ♠Q which declarer ruffed. Declarer then tried the ♣ finesse and when that also lost he was one down.
How should West have played the hand?
Although he has many options he has an easy 100% play for the contract:
He takes the first ♠, draws trumps and then leads a ♣ to dummy’s ♣9 (if North covered with the ♣10 or ♣J then dummy plays the ♣Q).
When South wins, he must concede the slam, any return gives declarer
a free finesse and his 12th t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 7NT-2, 7NT-1, 6NT+1, 6NT=(twice), 6♥=(three times), 6♥-1(3 times), 4♥+2 and 4♥+1.
Open 1NT with a singleton – part 1 Board 17 from Wednesday 18th
Opening 1NT with a singleton (ace or king) is allowed. It came up
twice this week, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
Dealer: ♠
Q9542 Table
North ♥ A85 West North East South(A)
Love all ♦ K - pass pass 1♦ (1)
8763 1♥ 1♠ pass 2♣ (2)
pass pass (3) all
♠ K1076 N ♠ J83
♥ KJ973 W E ♥ 64 Table
A2 ♣
1095 - pass pass 1NT (1)
♠ A 2♣ (4)
Q102 2♥
♦ AJ863
♣ KQJ4
And what happened? 2♥* was -4 and an 800 top for N-S. A few N-S’s were in game, sometimes making and sometimes going down but many were in a partscore.
The bottom lines
1NT with a singleton (A or K) tells you partner your values immediately and in
this case facilitated a good penalty.
Open 1NT with a singleton – part 2 Board 19 from Friday 20th
But opening 1NT with a singleton (ace or king) does not always work
out well:
Dealer: ♠
Q86 Table
South ♥ AKJ2 West(C) North East South
E-W vul ♦ 8743 - - - pass
65 1♦ (1) pass 1♠ pass
2♣ (2) all
♠ A N ♠ 107542
♥ Q974 W E ♥ 86
Table B
QJ87 ♣ K10942 - - - pass
♠ KJ93 1NT (1) pass 2♥ (3) pass
1053 2♠ all
♦ Q952
♣ A3
And what happened? 2♠-1 was a disaster, with most pairs playing nicely in a ♣ partscore
The bottom lines
1NT with a singleton (A or K) tells you partner your values immediately but in
this case facilitated a miserable score in a 5-1 fit.
Quiz Answers
Hand A: (a) 1NT.
Of course you can open 1♦ if you prefer.
(b) I
don’t know. I guess that 2♣ is the lesser of
the evils. 1NT is an underbid and 2NT is an overbid as is 3♣.
Hand C: (a) 1NT. Of course you can open 1♣
or 1♦ if you prefer.
(b) I
don’t know. 1NT is an underbid and 2NT is an overbid. If you opened 1♣ then a reverse into 2♦ (or 2♥)
would show the values but imply a 5-card ♣
suit. If you opened 1♦ then 2♣ or 2♥
are possible but both of these imply a 5-card ♦ suit.
Bidding Sequence Answers
E 1♦ pass 1♥ pass 5♣ is Exclusion RKCB agreeing
♥’s, showing a ♣ void and
5♣ asking for keycards outside the ♣ suit.
F 1♥