Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 328

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                     22nd Feb 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 16th      N-S     1st  Paul Q & Terry Q          62%       2nd    Johan & Michel                59%

                    E-W     1st   Dave H & Per And     60%       2nd    Ken H & Lewis S             59%

Wed 18th      N-S     1st  Tom Hanlon & Sean       62%       2nd    Brian Senior & Paul Q      61%

                    E-W     1st  Borge & Terje Sk           69%       2nd    Jeremy & Sally                 63%

Wed evening teams   1st  Ivy & Terry Q                73%       2nd    Bengt & Eddie                  52%

Fri 20th         N-S     1st  Bengt & Eddie                59%       2nd    Ian W & Johan                 57%

                    E-W     1st  Hans V & Sally              54%       2nd    Alain & Michel                 53%

Ron Klinger web site



Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           (a) What do you open with hand A

(b) Suppose you open 1 and partner bids 1, what now?

A                  AK94          

Q102            AQ932         With Hand B it is favourable vulnerability. You open 1 and

AJ863           A9                LHO doubles. Partner redoubles and RHO bids 1, what do

KQJ4           32                you do?           


Hand C           Hand D           (a) What do you open with hand C

(b) Suppose you open 1 or1 and partner bids 1, what now?

A                  53                                              

Q974            K10              With Hand D it is favourable vulnerability. Partner opens 1

AKJ6            KJ732           and RHO doubles, (a) what do you bid? Suppose you redouble,

QJ87            AQ95            LHO bids 1 and partner doubles then (b) what do you do?




Bidding Sequence Quiz


E      1     pass   1      pass       What is the jump to 5?


F      1      dbl     redbl  1          What is the dbl by opener, penalties or take-out?



The 2008 Club Championship Presentations


On Wednesday 18th we had the 2008 championship presentations. It was a great success, with 12 tables turning up and two bridge internationals (Brian Senior and Tom Hanlon) attending. The Pattaya People sent a reporter to cover the event and there was an excellent buffet afterwards. After the buffet there were 8 people who stayed on for a rather hastily arranged swing teams event.

A number of people took photos and I will put pictures on the web site if anybody sends me any. If you go to pattayapeople.com there is a short video of the presentation, but I guess it’s only up there for one week


Cold for the grand                                                                  Board 24 from Monday 16th    


Dealer:             10974                                         Table A

South               QJ1085                                      West          North         East          South

both vul            9                                                -                 -                 -               pass

                        J92                                             1             pass           1            pass

2NT (1)      pass           4    (2)    pass

AKJ                    N               Q3                     5    (3)      pass           6    (4)    all pass

AK94             W    E            8                       

J76                     S                AK108432        ‘Expert Table’

K107                                   A43                    West          North         East          South

                        8652                                           -                 -                 -               pass

732                                             1             pass           1            pass

Q5                                             2NT (1)      pass           4    (2)    pass

Q865                                         4NT (3)      pass           5   (4)    pass

                                                                              5    (5)      pass           5NT (6)    pass.

7NT (7)      all pass

Table A:     (1)  18-19, fine.

(2)   I quite like this bid, chosen by an opponent at our table. It says he had a good 6+ suit and slam ambitions if partner has decent ’s.

(3)   This is a bit feeble, and you don’t really want to play in 5 at pairs scoring. See ‘Expert’ table for my choice.

‘Expert’      There are many ways to bid these hands, so let’s suppose that our experts start

 Table:        out as at Table A.

(3)   With reasonable ’s (i.e.3 of them) West should ask about keycards. I prefer to play Kickback (especially when a minor suit is ‘trumps’) but we’ll keep it simple and assume that our experts play 4NT as RKCB for ’s.

(4)   3 keycards (playing 3014)

(5)   Do you have the Q? The cheapest bid excluding the trump suit asks for the trump queen.

(6)   Yes, but no other king. Note this response! You should say that you have the trump queen (even when you do not) if you have one more trump than partner can reasonably expect.

(7)   West can count 12 tricks – 2 ’s, 2 ’s, 6 ’s and 2 ’s. The 13th will be there if partner has a 7th or any outside queen. In the very unlikely event that he has none of these then you may get a lead or may have to fall back on the finesse. Real expert pairs doubtless have a way to find out if partner has something extra (the Q or a 7th ).


And what happened? You would think that E-W would get a bad score for just 6+1, but no! One pair bid 7= and three bid 6 (one making only 12 tricks!) and everybody else was in 5 or 3NT all making 13 tricks.

The bottom lines

-         A 7 card suit headed by the AK is huge, it is even huger when partner shows a balanced 18-19 points and you should be looking for the grand if all keycards are present.

-         To ask for the trump queen, bid 5 of the cheapest suit over 5/ (but not the trump suit which is a sign off).

-         If you don’t have the trump queen but have an extra trump, then say that you have the queen.


Exclusion Roman Keycard Blackwood               Board 16 from Monday 16th    


Dealer:             86                                               Table A

South               AQ1097                                     West          North         East          South

both vul            AKQ854                                    -                 -                 -               pass

                        -                                                 pass           1      (1)    pass         1

pass           3              pass         3

AJ104                 N               952                    pass           4NT   (2)    pass         5    (3)

J42                 W    E            3                        pass           6      (4)    all pass

62                       S                J107

AJ92                                    K86543             Table B

                        KQ73                                         West          North         East          South    

K865                                          -                 -                 -               pass

93                                              pass           1      (1)    pass         1

Q107                                         pass           5     (5)    dbl           pass (6)

                                                                              pass           5      (7)    pass         pass

dbl   (8)      all pass


Table A:     (1)  Most would open 1 and then bid ’s twice to show the strength and shape of this hand.

(2)   RKCB for ’s, but I don’t like it for two reasons:

a.   The hand has a void and you have no idea if partner’s response will include the A or not.

b.   The hand has a weak doubleton, a bad holding for Blackwood.

(3)  One keycard.

(4)  A complete gamble. He could easily find partner with the useless A and be missing the AK and the K.

Table B:     (5)  This is Exclusion RKCB, showing a void, agreeing ’s, and asking for keycards outside ’s. It is obviously far better than the 4NT chosen at (2) above but still has drawback (b). A 4 splinter followed by 5 (showing a void) is probably best, but I believe that North chose Exclusion Blackwood to test his partner’s memory of their agreed conventions.

(6)   One keycard playing DOPI.

(7)   Perhaps North should punt 6 here (he is certainly knows much more than the gambler at table A).

(8)   The 5 bid was not alerted (no need to alert above the three level) but West asked and South said that it showed a void and asked for Keycards. I guess that West thought that N-S had had a bidding misunderstanding and with two aces and a partner who had doubled during the auction West decided to double.


And what happened? Just the one pair bid the slam, which beat the score for the doubled overtrick at Table B into 2nd place.

The bottom lines

-         Do not bid Blackwood with a void – you have no idea if partner’s response includes the ace in your void suit.

A 1-level penalty – more than a slam!                Board 25 from Monday 16th    


I just love doubling the opponents for penalties, even at the one level. This time we doubled them at the 1-level and missed a slam! No probblem.


Dealer:             AK94                                         Table A

North               AQ932                                       West          North         East          South

E-W vul           A9                                             -                 1              pass (1)    2

                        32                                              pass           2              pass         3NT

all pass

1072                   N               QJ86                

87654             W    E            J                        Table B

864                    S                Q105                 West          North(B)    East          South(D)

86                                        KJ1074              -                 1              dbl   (1)    redbl  (2)

                        53                                               1    (3)      dbl     (4)    pass         pass   (5)

K10                                            pass          




Table A:     (1)  Pass is probably wise at this vulnerability – dbl and 2 are alternatives but you may run into trouble as at Table B.

Table B:     (1)  This double looks fairly reasonable, with 10 points, good intermediates, 4 ’s and shortage in the suit bid. Pass (probably best) and 2 are alternatives.

(2)   What did you bid with this South hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? Any two-level bid is weak and redouble is very clear – showing the majority of the points and often shortage in partner’s suit.

(3)   Normally a bid here should be a 5-card suit, but West obviously wants to play at the one level in ’s and so this bid is fine.

(4)   What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? Double (penalties) is pretty clear, especially at this vulnerability – a penalty is usually what partner has in mind when he redoubles.

(5)   What did you bid with this South hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? South knows that N-S have values for game – but look at the vulnerability! This is a situation where you trust partner and go for the penalty.


And what happened? One N-S pair bid to 6NT and made 1020, However 1* went -4 (this was under dispute as one player thought it was -5, but he settled for -4 to save time) and the 1100 penalty was more than the slam! Most N-S pairs bid to 3NT with all making with various numbers of overtricks.

The bottom lines

-         Don’t listen to people who say you should not double 1-level contracts for penalties.

-     Of course most doubles at the 1-level are for take-out, but not after a redouble.    

Interfering with their strong 2 opening            Board 28 from Monday 16th    


Dealer:             -                                                 Table A

West                KJ8764                                      West          North         East          South

N-S vul            A9864                                        pass           pass           2           pass

                        J6                                               2              pass           2            pass

4    (1)      all pass

K53                    N               AQJ87642        

1092               W    E            A3                     Table B

1073                  S                Q2                     West          North         East          South

10932                                  A                        pass           pass           2           pass

                        109                                             2              2      (2)    4            5   (3) 

Q5                                              pass           5              5    (1)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  Fast arrival, this totally flat hand is not really interested in slam.

Table B:     (2)  This is a conventional bid (TWERB) that is usually used over a strong 1 and 1 response but is also applicable over 2 and 2. It shows the next suit up (’s) or both of the suits above that (so ’s and ’s here).

(3)   With excellent ’s and the useful Q South bids. 5 here shows a willingness to play in ’s if that is partner’s suit or else to play in a red suit (’s).

(4)   And that pushed West one too high, but note that 5 makes!                            

And what happened? Five East’s were left to play peacefully in 4. One stopped in 3+1 and two were pushed into 5-1.

The bottom lines

-         Don’t be afraid to interfere over their strong 1 or 2 if you have a shapely hand.

-         The TWERB convention is written up on the website:

-         Conventions > Section 2 > TWERB.



Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s input about the play of the hand.


North               South                       West              North         East            South

63                 K7                        -                     1              1              2             

A83              KQ1075               pass               3              pass           3    (1)     

KJ983           A106                    pass               4   (1)      pass           4NT

AQ5             KJ7                      pass               5              pass           6

all pass                                                       (1) = cue bid


West leads the 2 to East’s A and East returns the Q to your K. You cash the K and lead another trump to the A, West discarding.

Review the bidding and play so far and choose your play in the suit. Do you finesse against East or West, or do you expect the Q to drop?


Dave’s Column answer                      Board 1 from Wednesday 18th


Dealer:             63                                               West          North         East            South

North               A83                                            -                 1              1              2

Love all            KJ983                                        pass           3              pass           3  (1)

                        AQ5                                           pass           4   (2)      pass           4NT

pass           5              pass           6

10852                 N             AQJ94                  all pass

4                     W    E          J962              

Q754                  S              2                     (1)  A cue bid, I guess it’s up to you if you  

10962                                843                      cue bid a 2nd round control before a 1st  

                        K7                                              round control (4) but it saves space and

KQ1075                                    this is the bidding from the book.

A106                                    (2)  A cue bid.



Answer: You continue with drawing trumps, finessing East’s J.

Are you ready to play the suit? Should you play low to dummy’s K expecting East to hold the Q because of his overcall? Or should you first cash the A and finesse against West, expecting West to have greater length in ’s?

There is no need to guess. First you should cash three rounds of ’s. When both defenders follow suit you know what to do. East has at least 5 ’s, 4 ’s and 3 ’s. Therefore he can have no more than one . After cashing the A you make the slam, taking the marked finesse against West’s Q.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Four out of 12 bid the slam, two made it and two made +1. The other 8 contracts were the usual spurious ones such as 3NT, 4 and 4*(E).

The bottom lines: -

-         When in search of an elusive queen, don’t commit yourself too early. Look for more information first and get a (partial) count on the hand.





Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input about the play of the hand.


West                East                    You are West, declarer in 6. North leads the 10 and

73                 AKJ2              you win with the A and draw trumps in four rounds  

AKQJ964    2                    (North had 10873). Plan the play.

84                 AQ63            

63                AQ97


Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 2 from Wednesday 18th


Dealer:             1098                                           West          North         East            South

East                  10873                                         -                 -                 1             pass

N-S vul            J95                                              4              pass                   6            all pass



73                       N             AKJ2                    This is the bidding from the book.

AKQJ964      W    E          2                         

84                       S              AQ63            

63                                      AQ97                  






Declarer discarded two ’s and a from dummy as he drew trumps, and South also threw two ’s and a . Declarer then cashed the K and ruffed a . When the Q did not drop declarer tried the finesse. South won and returned the Q which declarer ruffed. Declarer then tried the finesse and when that also lost he was one down.

How should West have played the hand?

Although he has many options he has an easy 100% play for the contract:

He takes the first , draws trumps and then leads a to dummy’s 9 (if North covered with the 10 or J then dummy plays the Q).

When South wins, he must concede the slam, any return gives declarer a free finesse and his 12th trick.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 7NT-2, 7NT-1, 6NT+1, 6NT=(twice), 6=(three times), 6-1(3 times), 4+2 and 4+1.

Open 1NT with a singleton – part 1                    Board 17 from Wednesday 18th 


Opening 1NT with a singleton (ace or king) is allowed. It came up twice this week, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.  


Dealer:             Q9542                                        Table A

North               A85                                            West          North         East          South(A)

Love all            K                                               -                 pass           pass         1    (1)

                        8763                                          1              1              pass         2   (2)

pass           pass   (3)    all pass

K1076                N               J83                   

KJ973            W    E            64                      Table B

104                     S                Q9752               West          North         East          South(A)

A2                                        1095                  -                 pass           pass         1NT (1)

                        A                                                2   (4)      dbl     (5)    2    (6)    dbl   (7) 

Q102                                          2              dbl     (8)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this South hand A in this week’s quiz? 1 seems pretty clear, but then what do you bid when partner responds 1? 1NT, 2 and 2 are all underbids; 2NT and 3 are overbids. There is no good rebid.

(2)  This is the best of the evils, but you may well miss game.

(3)  Some North’s passed here and some bid 3.   

Table B:     (1)  This is the alternative opening for question A – get the balanced nature and strength of the hand off you chest with your opening bid.

(4)   Both majors.

(5)   North had a conventional means (Lebensohl) to show an invitational hand with 5 ’s, but with West showing at least 4 ’s he decided to simply show values.

(6)   Presumably natural.

(7)   Penalties – showing ’s.

(8)   With now an obvious lead (K) North went for the penalty.


And what happened? 2* was -4 and an 800 top for N-S. A few N-S’s were in game, sometimes making and sometimes going down but many were in a partscore.

The bottom lines

-         Opening 1NT with a singleton (A or K) tells you partner your values immediately and in this case facilitated a good penalty.




Open 1NT with a singleton – part 2                    Board 19 from Friday 20th 


But opening 1NT with a singleton (ace or king) does not always work out well:  


Dealer:             Q86                                            Table A

South               AKJ2                                         West(C)     North         East          South

E-W vul           8743                                           -                 -                 -               pass

                        65                                              1    (1)      pass           1            pass

2   (2)      all pass

A                        N               107542             

Q974              W    E            86                      Table B

AKJ6                 S                10                      West(C)     North         East          South

QJ87                                    K10942             -                 -                 -               pass

                        KJ93                                          1NT (1)      pass           2    (3)    pass

1053                                           2              all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? 1 seems OK, but then what do you bid when partner responds 1? 1NT, 2 and 2 are all underbids; 2NT and 3 are overbids. It’s much the same if you open 1. There is no good rebid.

(2)  This is the best of the evils, it implies 5’s and also does not show the strength of the hand.

Table B:     (1)  This is the alternative opening for question C – get the balanced nature and strength of the hand off you chest with your opening bid.

(3)  Unfortunately this is the downside of opening 1NT with a singleton – partner transferring and leaving you there.


And what happened? 2-1 was a disaster, with most pairs playing nicely in a partscore

The bottom lines

-         Opening 1NT with a singleton (A or K) tells you partner your values immediately but in this case facilitated a miserable score in a 5-1 fit.

Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    (a)  1NT. Of course you can open 1 if you prefer.

(b)  I don’t know. I guess that 2 is the lesser of the evils. 1NT is an underbid and 2NT is an overbid as is 3.

Hand B:    dbl, penalties.

Hand C:    (a)  1NT. Of course you can open 1 or 1 if you prefer.

(b)  I don’t know. 1NT is an underbid and 2NT is an overbid. If you opened 1 then a reverse into 2 (or 2) would show the values but imply a 5-card suit. If you opened 1 then 2 or 2 are possible but both of these imply a 5-card suit.

Hand D:    (a)  redouble. Any 2-level bid is weak.

(b)  pass. Partner’s double is penalties and you have no reason to remove it.



Bidding Sequence Answers


E      1      pass   1      pass       5 is Exclusion RKCB agreeing ’s, showing a void and

5                                             asking for keycards outside the suit.

F      1      dbl     redbl  1          Opener’s dbl is penalties, he has good ’s.




 Ron Klinger web site