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Mon 23rd N-S 1st Lewis B &
E-W 1st
Bob Short & Per And.. 67% 2nd
Wed 25th N-S 1st Bengt & Dave C 59% 2nd Alain & Jean-Charles 57%
E-W 1st Dave H & Per And.. 57% 2nd
P &
Fri 27th N-S 1st Bengt & Eddie 60% 2nd Jean & Per-Ake 58%
E-W 1st Janne & Lars B 63% 2nd Svein & Tobjorn S 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you open 1♣ and partner responds with 2♠ (a
Weak jump shift). What do you bid?
AK ♠ A96
♥ K732 ♥ AQJ84 (a) What
do you open with Hand B?
♦ Q53 ♦ A74 (b) Suppose you open 1♥ and partner bids 1♠, what now?
♣ AK107 ♣ 64
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1NT, do you double or pass?
♠ AQ104 ♠
♥ KQ ♥ - With Hand D partner opens 1♥ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
J103 ♣ QJ107
Hand E Hand F With Hand E partner opens 1♥ and you bid 1NT. Partner then
bids 3♣, what do you do?
♠ J42 ♠ 63
105 ♥ J10 (a) What do you open with
Hand F?
♦ AJ1074 ♦ AKQJ (b) Suppose you open 1♣, partner bids 1♠, you reverse with
♣ J107 ♣ AKQJ8 2♦ and partner bids 2♠, what now?
Hand G Hand H With Hands G and H it is favourable vulnerability.
Partner opens 1NT in 4th seat and
♠ 98 ♠ KJ962 What do you bid with either hand?
KJ962 ♥ 98
♦ Q106 ♦ J106532
♣ Q32 ♣ -
Hand J Hand K With Hand J you open
1♥ and partner bids 1NT, what do
you do?
Q ♠ 1076542
♥ AKQJ7 ♥
♦ 963 ♦ 97 With Hand K partner opens 1♣, what do
you do?
♣ AQ64 ♣ Q82
Bidding Sequence Quiz
L 1♥ pass 1♠ pass What is the 3NT bid and why would responder make it
2♠ pass 3NT rather
than 4♠?
M 1♥ pass 1NT pass Is 3♣ invitational, forcing or game forcing?
N 1NT 2♥
P 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
2♦ pass 2♠ pass (a) Is
3♣ forcing here?
3♣/♥ (b) What is 3♥?
Dealer: ♠
J52 Table
North ♥ J76 West(C) North East South
N-S vul ♦ QJ7 - pass pass 1NT
♣ 9852
♠ AQ104 N ♠ 9876
Table B
♥ KQ W E ♥ 5432 West(C) North East South
J103 ♣ K64 pass (1) pass pass
♠ K3
♦ A1086
♣ AQ7
And what happened? 1NT was doubled and left in twice: +1 (380) and +3 (780). 1NT undoubled was the most popular spot, making or making +2. The top score for E-W was actually 2♥ minus one.
The bottom lines
Dealer: ♠
10 Table
West ♥ K97653 West(B) North East South
E-W vul ♦ QJ 1NT (1) 2♥ (2) 3♥ (3) pass
♣ AK85 3NT (4) all
♠ A96 N ♠ KJ84
Table B
♥ AQJ84 W E ♥ -
West(B) North East(D) South
64 ♣
QJ107 2♠ (6) pass 3NT (7) pass
♠ 8652 pass (8) pass
♦ Q5
♣ Q865
And what happened? Four out of
eight pairs played in the top spot of 3NT; making exactly once, +1 twice and +2
once. The bottom lines
In my
opinion its fine to open 1NT with a 5-card major and it’s also fine to open 1NT
with a weak doubleton, but open the major when you have both and it’s a decent
suit. There is a whole paragraph on this in the book “The definitive guide to
No Trump bidding, Stayman and Transfers” which is always at hand to borrow if
you want some light reading (ho, ho).
like 1♥ - 1♠ -
2♠ generally have 4-card support but it is not
guaranteed, so only jump to 4♠ as responder if you have 5 ♠’s.
Dealer: ♠
AK Table
West ♥ K732 West North(A) East South(K)
Love all ♦ Q53 pass 1♣ pass 2♠ (1)
♣ AK107 pass 4♠ (2) all
♠ 8 N ♠ QJ93
Table B
♥ Q865 W E ♥ A104
West North(A) East South(K)
J643 ♣ 95 pass pass (2) pass
♠ 1076542
♦ 97
♣ Q82
And what happened? Two pairs
stopped sensibly in 2♠. Three pairs
overbid to 4♠. There were a couple or 1♣ openers that got passed out, but the resultant
70 or 90 is not as good as playing in 2♠
for 110. Remarkably, a total pass-out is also recorded on the traveler;
presumably North had a couple of aces hidden behind
other cards?
At our table I was East and North raised to 4♠. When it went two down North proudly proclaimed “but I had 19 points”. I said nothing of course, other than to thank them for the game.
The bottom lines
West East You are West declarer in
3NT. North leads the ♥Q and you
KJ95 ♣ A86432
Dave’s Column
answer Board
20 from Wednesday 25th
Dealer: ♠ J974 West North East South
West ♥ QJ1043 2NT pass 3NT all pass
Both vul ♦ Q876
♣ -
KJ95 ♣ A86432
♠ Q108
♦ K102
♣ Q107
Answer: You have to bring in the ♣’s for 6 t
So the answer to the question is the ♣9.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT+2 twice, 3NT= and 3NT-1 four times.
The bottom lines: -
Do not
block your suits!
♠ 63 You hold this South hand F. What do you open and how do you
J10 expect the auction to continue?
♣ AKQJ8 Possibilities
for the opening bid are: -
1♣ may be the winner because it allows for
useful descriptive continuations.
2♣ runs some risk that you
may not get to describe your hand
2NT is right on values but runs the risk that the defenders will lead a major through dummy which may do you in.
So what’s the opening bid to be? - 1♣, 2♣ or 2NT?
2nd Column answer Board 19 from Wednesday 18th
Dealer: ♠ KJ754 West North East South(F)
South ♥ K7 - - - 1♣ (1)
E-W vul ♦ 7652 pass 1♠ pass 2♦ (2)
♣ 104 pass 2♠ (3) pass 3♣ (4)
pass 3NT (5)
952 ♣ 763 1♣ to be followed by a reverse and I agree.
♠ 63 (2) A reverse, forcing
♥ J10 (3) It is correct to show a 5-card suit here.
(4) But this is where the book and I (Terry) disagree (I know – who am I to argue with Mike Lawrence?). What did you bid with this South hand F(b) in this week’s quiz? Mike Lawrence says to bid 3♣ and then partner will bid 3NT. I say maybe, but are you sure that partner will bid 3NT and are you sure that partner will take 3♣ as forcing? I much prefer 3♥, 4th suit, game forcing and asking partner to bid 3NT with a ♥ stop. To my simple mind this is far clearer than a nebulous 3♣. You have already shown a good hand with 5 ♣’s and 4 ♦’s and I cannot see that 3♣ is right here even if you have agreed that it is forcing – I would expect a 6-card ♣ suit and a desire not(!) to play in 3NT (as 4th suit was not invoked).
(5) Mike Lawrence thinks that this is clear – it’s no so clear to me and one player passed. A reverse is a one round force and I do not see that this 3♣ bid is forcing if 2♠ is just a minimal response. Even if playing Lebensohl over a reverse there needs to be agreement if 2♠ shows extras (so that 3♣ is then forcing). It all gets a bit complicated when playing Lebensohl over a reverse (2♥ at (3) would be Lebensohl, not 4th suit forcing) so that 2♠ is indeed game forcing, but how many partnerships have discussed that?
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6♣=, 4♣-1, 3NT+1
twice, 3NT-1 (declared by South) and a couple of partscore, one being 3♣ when North
presumably did indeed pass at (5).
I guess that world champions have
agreements as to what is forcing, but we are not all world champions and I like
to make life easy for my partner. 3♥
at (4) is very clear, 3♣ is not.
The final word -
Dealer: ♠
Q Table
West ♥ AKQJ7 West North(J) East South(E)
Love all ♦ 963 pass 1♥ pass 1NT
♣ AQ64 pass 3♣ (1) pass pass (2)
♠ K9865 N ♠ A1073
♥ 862 W E ♥ 943 Table B
53 ♣
K982 pass 1♥ pass 1NT
♠ J42 pass 3♣ (1) pass 3♦ (2)
105 pass 3♥ (3) pass 4♥ (4)
♦ AJ1074 all pass
♣ J107
And what happened? Just two pairs got to the top spot of 4♥ making. 3NT was bid twice and went down -1 and -2 and even 2NT went -2. There were the usual collection of spurious contracts.
The bottom lines
It is
interesting to compare this deal with the previous one. Here South ‘knew’ that
partner was not interested in 3NT because he failed to bid 4th suit
forcing – and I believe that the same applies to the previous deal.
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
Current standings |
619.5 Janne Roos 607.6 Hans Vikman 600.9 593.6 584.0 Bob Short 580.0 Johan Bratsberg |
323.0 Janne Roos 321.3 Hans Vikman 316.7 312.0 Bob Short 308.0 305.0 Derek & Gerard 304.0 Lars Broman 303.9 Per-Ake Roskvist 300.5 Jeremy Watson 299.9 Johan Bratsberg |
Dealer: ♠
10753 Table
East ♥ AQ4 West North East South(H)
E-W vul ♦ A8 - - pass pass
♣ AQ98 pass 1NT 2♥ (1)
pass pass (3) pass
♠ AQ8 N ♠ 4
♥ 1052 W E ♥ KJ763
Table B
J1074 ♣ K6532 - - pass pass
♠ KJ962 pass 1NT 2♥ (1) 2♠ (2)
98 pass 3♠ (4) pass 4♠ (5)
♦ J106532 all pass
♣ -
And what happened? Three pairs got to the top spot of 4♠ making. 2♥* by East made exactly for the E-W top.
The bottom lines
‘stolen bid’ philosophy should only be applied to ♣’s (and then not always – it depends
what 2♣ means). To play it for higher bids is simply
nonsense as you miss the penalty double (quite useful when partner is known to
have a strong balanced hand!) and Lebensohl more than copes with all
possibilities. The ONLY sensible treatment for intermediate+ players is to
generally play Lebensohl, which is explained on the website.
I lay out
a fairly comprehensive scheme for when your 1NT opening gets interfered with on
a new page on the website: Conventions > Section 3 > When your 1NT opening gets doubled or overcalled.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: Pass. This hand is nowhere
near worth bidding game. If it had a couple more ♠’s you could make a try using Ogust and the
modified replies for weak jump shifts.
Hand C: Pass. It’s a borderline double
but the fact that you have no good lead swings it for me.
Hand E: 3♦. You cannot pass – partner’s bid is game forcing.
Hand G:
Hand J: 3♣. This hand is worth the game-forcing jump
after a 1NT response.
Bidding Sequence Answers
L 1♥ pass 1♠ pass 3NT
is bid when responder has 4 trumps and decent
2♠ pass 3NT cards in
the unbid suits – just in case opener has only 3 ♠’s.
M 1♥ pass 1NT pass 3♣ is game forcing.
N 1NT 2♥
P 1♣ pass 1♠ pass
2♦ pass 2♠ pass (a) 3♣ is only forcing if
you have agreed it (e.g. play Lebensohl)
3♣/♥ (b) 3♥ is 4th suit forcing, primarily
looking for 3NT.